60 research outputs found

    Intersex occurrence in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) male fry chronically exposed to ethynylestradiol.

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    This study aimed to investigate the male-to-female morphological and physiological transdifferentiation process in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to exogenous estrogens. The first objective was to elucidate whether trout develop intersex gonads under exposure to low levels of estrogen. To this end, the gonads of an all-male population of fry exposed chronically (from 60 to 136 days post fertilization--dpf) to several doses (from environmentally relevant 0.01 ”g/L to supra-environmental levels: 0.1, 1 and 10 ”g/L) of the potent synthetic estrogen ethynylestradiol (EE2) were examined histologically. The morphological evaluations were underpinned by the analysis of gonad steroid (testosterone, estradiol and 11-ketotestosterone) levels and of brain and gonad gene expression, including estrogen-responsive genes and genes involved in sex differentiation in (gonads: cyp19a1a, ER isoforms, vtg, dmrt1, sox9a2; sdY; cyp11b; brain: cyp19a1b, ER isoforms). Intersex gonads were observed from the first concentration used (0.01 ”g EE2/L) and sexual inversion could be detected from 0.1 ”g EE2/L. This was accompanied by a linear decrease in 11-KT levels, whereas no effect on E2 and T levels was observed. Q-PCR results from the gonads showed downregulation of testicular markers (dmrt1, sox9a2; sdY; cyp11b) with increasing EE2 exposure concentrations, and upregulation of the female vtg gene. No evidence was found for a direct involvement of aromatase in the sex conversion process. The results from this study provide evidence that gonads of male trout respond to estrogen exposure by intersex formation and, with increasing concentration, by morphological and physiological conversion to phenotypic ovaries. However, supra-environmental estrogen concentrations are needed to induce these changes

    Adaptation of a bioinformatics microarray analysis workflow for a toxicogenomic study in rainbow trout

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    Sex steroids play a key role in triggering sex differentiation in fish, the use of exogenous hormone treatment leading to partial or complete sex reversal. This phenomenon has attracted attention since the discovery that even low environmental doses of exogenous steroids can adversely affect gonad morphology (ovotestis development) and induce reproductive failure. Modern genomic-based technologies have enhanced opportunities to find out mechanisms of actions (MOA) and identify biomarkers related to the toxic action of a compound. However, high throughput data interpretation relies on statistical analysis, species genomic resources, and bioinformatics tools. The goals of this study are to improve the knowledge of feminisation in fish, by the analysis of molecular responses in the gonads of rainbow trout fry after chronic exposure to several doses (0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 ÎŒg/L) of ethynylestradiol (EE2) and to offer target genes as potential biomarkers of ovotestis development. We successfully adapted a bioinformatics microarray analysis workflow elaborated on human data to a toxicogenomic study using rainbow trout, a fish species lacking accurate functional annotation and genomic resources. The workflow allowed to obtain lists of genes supposed to be enriched in true positive differentially expressed genes (DEGs), which were subjected to over-representation analysis methods (ORA). Several pathways and ontologies, mostly related to cell division and metabolism, sexual reproduction and steroid production, were found significantly enriched in our analyses. Moreover, two sets of potential ovotestis biomarkers were selected using several criteria. The first group displayed specific potential biomarkers belonging to pathways/ontologies highlighted in the experiment. Among them, the early ovarian differentiation gene foxl2a was overexpressed. The second group, which was highly sensitive but not specific, included the DEGs presenting the highest fold change and lowest p-value of the statistical workflow output. The methodology can be generalized to other (non-model) species and various types of microarray platforms

    Meta-analysis of microarray data of rainbow trout fry gonad differentiation modulated by ethynylestradiol

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    Sex differentiation in fish is a highly labile process easily reversed by the use of exogenous hormonal treatment and has led to environmental concerns since low doses of estrogenic molecules can adversely impact fish reproduction. The goal of this study was to identify pathways altered by treatment with ethynylestradiol (EE2) in developing fish and to find new target genes to be tested further for their possible role in male-to-female sex transdifferentiation. To this end, we have successfully adapted a previously developed bioinformatics workflow to a meta-analysis of two datasets studying sex reversal following exposure to EE2 in juvenile rainbow trout. The meta-analysis consisted of retrieving the intersection of the top gene lists generated for both datasets, performed at different levels of stringency. The intersecting gene lists, enriched in true positive differentially expressed genes (DEGs), were subjected to over-representation analysis (ORA) which allowed identifying several statistically significant enriched pathways altered by EE2 treatment and several new candidate pathways, such as progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation and PPAR signalling. Moreover, several relevant key genes potentially implicated in the early transdifferentiation process were selected. Altogether, the results show that EE2 has a great effect on gene expression in juvenile rainbow trout. The feminization process seems to result from the altered transcription of genes implicated in normal female gonad differentiation, resulting in expression similar to that observed in normal females (i.e. the repression of key testicular markers cyp17a1, cyp11b, tbx1), as well as from other genes (including transcription factors) that respond specifically to the EE2 treatment. The results also showed that the bioinformatics workflow can be applied to different types of microarray platforms and could be generalized to (eco)toxicogenomics studies for environmental risk assessment purposes

    gViz, a novel tool for the visualization of co-expression networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The quantity of microarray data available on the Internet has grown dramatically over the past years and now represents millions of Euros worth of underused information. One way to use this data is through co-expression analysis. To avoid a certain amount of bias, such data must often be analyzed at the genome scale, for example by network representation. The identification of co-expression networks is an important means to unravel gene to gene interactions and the underlying functional relationship between them. However, it is very difficult to explore and analyze a network of such dimensions. Several programs (Cytoscape, yEd) have already been developed for network analysis; however, to our knowledge, there are no available GraphML compatible programs.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We designed and developed gViz, a GraphML network visualization and exploration tool. gViz is built on clustering coefficient-based algorithms and is a novel tool to visualize and manipulate networks of co-expression interactions among a selection of probesets (each representing a single gene or transcript), based on a set of microarray co-expression data stored as an adjacency matrix.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We present here gViz, a software tool designed to visualize and explore large GraphML networks, combining network theory, biological annotation data, microarray data analysis and advanced graphical features.</p

    PathEx: a novel multi factors based datasets selector web tool

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microarray experiments have become very popular in life science research. However, if such experiments are only considered independently, the possibilities for analysis and interpretation of many life science phenomena are reduced. The accumulation of publicly available data provides biomedical researchers with a valuable opportunity to either discover new phenomena or improve the interpretation and validation of other phenomena that partially understood or well known. This can only be achieved by intelligently exploiting this rich mine of information.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>Considering that technologies like microarrays remain prohibitively expensive for researchers with limited means to order their own experimental chips, it would be beneficial to re-use previously published microarray data. For certain researchers interested in finding gene groups (requiring many replicates), there is a great need for tools to help them to select appropriate datasets for analysis. These tools may be effective, if and only if, they are able to re-use previously deposited experiments or to create new experiments not initially envisioned by the depositors. However, the generation of new experiments requires that all published microarray data be completely annotated, which is not currently the case. Thus, we propose the PathEx approach.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This paper presents PathEx, a human-focused web solution built around a two-component system: one database component, enriched with relevant biological information (expression array, omics data, literature) from different sources, and another component comprising sophisticated web interfaces that allow users to perform complex dataset building queries on the contents integrated into the PathEx database.</p

    Functional Analysis: Evaluation of Response Intensities - Tailoring ANOVA for Lists of Expression Subsets

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    Background: Microarray data is frequently used to characterize the expression profile of a whole genome and to compare the characteristics of that genome under several conditions. Geneset analysis methods have been described previously to analyze the expression values of several genes related by known biological criteria (metabolic pathway, pathology signature, co-regulation by a common factor, etc.) at the same time and the cost of these methods allows for the use of more values to help discover the underlying biological mechanisms. Results: As several methods assume different null hypotheses, we propose to reformulate the main question that biologists seek to answer. To determine which genesets are associated with expression values that differ between two experiments, we focused on three ad hoc criteria: expression levels, the direction of individual gene expression changes (up or down regulation), and correlations between genes. We introduce the FAERI methodology, tailored from a two-way ANOVA to examine these criteria. The significance of the results was evaluated according to the self-contained null hypothesis, using label sampling or by inferring the null distribution from normally distributed random data. Evaluations performed on simulated data revealed that FAERI outperforms currently available methods for each type of set tested. We then applied the FAERI method to analyze three real-world datasets on hypoxia response. FAERI was able to detect more genesets than other methodologies, and the genesets selected were coherent with current knowledge of cellular response to hypoxia. Moreover, the genesets selected by FAERI were confirmed when the analysis was repeated on two additional related datasets. Conclusions: The expression values of genesets are associated with several biological effects. The underlying mathematical structure of the genesets allows for analysis of data from several genes at the same time. Focusing on expression levels, the direction of the expression changes, and correlations, we showed that two-step data reduction allowed us to significantly improve the performance of geneset analysis using a modified two-way ANOVA procedure, and to detect genesets that current methods fail to detect

    New insights on the male-to-female transdifferentiation processes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry gonads following exposure to ethynylestradiol at the morphological and transcriptional level by in vivo and in silico approaches

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    Gonads are unique among all organs given their bipotential nature: they can develop either into an ovary or a testis from a single germ cells primordium. In mammals, the way by which cells choose between either fate is genetically controlled by the expression of a main male gene SRY (situated on the Y chromosome) that leads irrefutably to testis development. Sex differentiation is the physical achievement of events leading to the development of functional gonads. These steps allow the expression of the genetic sex into the appropriate phenotypic sex. Sex steroids are involved in all aspects of the regulation of reproductive processes in vertebrates, estrogens acting as feminizing factors and inversely androgens acting as masculinizing factors. The release of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in the aquatic environment disrupts gonads development in numerous fish species. For example, xenoestrogens (molecules that mimics the natural female hormone estradiol), even at very low doses (ng to ÎŒg/L range), induced the production of a female protein (vitellogenin) by male fish and gonads morphological disruptions such as intersex induction (e.g. ovotestis: oocyte development into the testis), which can adversely impact species reproductive success. The mechanisms underlying this issue are still largely unknown. The aim of this study was to gain insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in the male-to-female transdifferentiation processes induced by exogenous estrogenic treatment in fish. To this end, we have chronically exposed an all-male rainbow trout fry population to several concentrations (0, 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 ÎŒg/L) of ethynylestradiol (EE2, the most potent xenoestrogen in vivo) and investigated the alterations induced by this treatment at the morphological level by an extensive histological analysis of the gonads and at the transcriptomic level through the use of microarray. This modern genomic-based technology has enhanced opportunities to find out mechanisms of actions (MOA) and identify biomarkers related to the toxic action of a compound. However, high throughput data interpretation relies sorely on statistical analysis, genomic resource of the model species used, and bioinformatics tools. To obtain differentially expressed genes (DEGs), we have successfully adapted a bioinformatics workflow (including a re-analysis and a meta-analysis with another dataset) previously implemented for human microarray platforms, to our model fish species. The histological investigations revealed the occurrence of intersex features in rainbow trout juvenile gonads exposed to EE2, which appear more complex than those usually observed in other fish species. Three types of ovotestis were observed from the lowest concentration used, and complete sex reversal occurred at higher doses. Gene expression investigations allowed highlighting several pathways/GO Terms associated with the EE2 exposure. It represents mostly pathways involved in Cell division e.g. Cell cycle, DNA replication, and the Lipid metabolism, along with newly associated pathways such as Oocyte meiosis. A similar pattern is highlighted by the GO terms enrichment, with however more significance for terms related to Sexual reproduction (e.g. ‘Female gonad development’, ‘Gametogenesis’), ‘Cell proliferation’ and ‘Sex steroids biosynthesis’. The filtering steps of our workflow, anchored to the morphological investigations, allowed selecting several specific (e.g. Foxl2, spon2, cdkn1b) and/or sensitive (Theg, thrap3, dnaaf2) potential biomarkers of the intersex phenotype observed. Among them, Foxl2 (forkhead box protein L2), is known as an early ovarian differentiation marker. The meta-analysis of our study with a dataset investigating gene expression patterns following EE2 exposure (one high dose, 20 mg/kg of food) in a time-series encompassing earlier developmental stages gives insights into the pathways/GO Terms potentially involved in the response of EE2, by performing the intersection between the lists of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) at early stages and low concentrations. The results encompassed most of the pathways highlighted in the first experiment (e.g. Cell cycle, DNA replication), confirming their implication in the response of EE2. Two interesting pathways emerged, the PPAR signalling and the Progesterone-mediated pathways, and further studies are needed to assess their implication in the appearance of intersexuality. The application of the workflow allowed us to select 20 potential key genes implicated in the process of rainbow trout transdifferentiation. Among them, the expression of 10 genes was found to respond similarly to genes naturally expressed in developing females (e.g. genes encoding enzymes implicated in the production of androgens: cyp17a1, cyp11b and hsd17b6), and the other half show patterns of expression specific to the treatment (e.g. VTG, the gene encoding the vitellogenin, a well-known marker of xenoestrogenic exposure). We show that our workflow can be generalised to other species and different types of microarray platforms, even if the species is not yet completely sequenced. Overall, the results obtained are very promising in the field of environmental risk assessment related to EE2 exposure and the approach allowed generating new insights on the mechanistic basis of the testis feminization induced by EE2. Further studies are needed to confirm the numerous hypotheses generated by our work.Les gonades sont des organes bipotentiels qui se diffĂ©rencient en ovaire ou en testicule Ă  partir d’un mĂȘme primordium de cellules germinales. La destinĂ©e de l’organe est dĂ©terminĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©tiquement, notamment chez les mammifĂšres par l’expression du gĂšne SRY (situĂ© sur le chromosome Y) qui mĂšne au dĂ©veloppement du testicule. La diffĂ©renciation du sexe comprend toutes les Ă©tapes menant au dĂ©veloppement fonctionnel des gonades. Les hormones sexuelles jouent un rĂŽle prĂ©dominant dans la rĂ©gulation de ces processus, les estrogĂšnes agissant comme facteurs fĂ©minisant, et les androgĂšnes comme facteurs masculinisant. Il existe chez les poissons une diversitĂ© des mĂ©canismes de dĂ©termination du sexe, ainsi qu’une labilitĂ© des processus de diffĂ©renciation, qui peuvent ĂȘtre sensibles Ă  des facteurs environnementaux externes. La prĂ©sence accrue de perturbateurs endocriniens dans l’environnement aquatique conduit Ă  des perturbations du dĂ©veloppement des gonades chez de nombreuses espĂšces de poissons. Par exemple, les xĂ©noestrogĂšnes (molĂ©cules mimant l’effet de l’hormone femelle estradiol), mĂȘme Ă  de trĂšs faibles doses (de l’ordre du ng au ÎŒg/L), conduisent Ă  la production d’une protĂ©ine femelle, la vitellogĂ©nine, par les poissons mĂąles, ou encore Ă  des perturbations de la morphologie des gonades en induisant de l’intersexe (ou ovotestis : dĂ©veloppement d’ovocytes au sein du testicule), pouvant ĂȘtre dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre Ă  la survie de l’espĂšce. Les mĂ©canismes par lesquels ces molĂ©cules agissent restent largement inconnus. Le principal objectif de notre travail est de mettre en Ă©vidence les voies mĂ©taboliques impliquĂ©es dans la transdiffĂ©renciation mĂąleKfemelle des gonades de poissons soumis Ă  de faibles concentrations en ethynylestradiol (EE2 – un xĂ©noestrogĂšne puissant). Dans ce but, nous avons soumis de façon chronique des truitesKarcKenKciel mĂąles juvĂ©niles Ă  une large gamme de concentrations en EE2 (de 0.01 Ă  10 ÎŒg/L) afin de caractĂ©riser l’apparition d’ovotestis dans les gonades, ainsi que de mesurer leur transcriptome par la technique des microarrays. Cette technique repose sur l’utilisation d’outils statistiques et bioinformatiques puissants. Les rĂ©sultats de cette approche dĂ©pendent Ă©galement des connaissances gĂ©nomiques disponibles pour l’espĂšce modĂšle utilisĂ©e. Nous avons adaptĂ© avec succĂšs une mĂ©thodologie prĂ©cĂ©demment mise au point sur le gĂ©nome humain Ă  notre modĂšle poisson. Notre Ă©tude a mis en Ă©vidence une altĂ©ration de la morphologie des gonades dĂšs la plus faible dose utilisĂ©e, avec l’apparition de 3 types d’ovotestis, ainsi qu’une rĂ©version complĂšte des gonades en femelle aux plus fortes doses. Notre approche microarray nous a permis de ressortir plusieurs pathways et ontologies (GO terms) potentiellement impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©ponse des gonades Ă  l’EE2. Le profil gĂ©nĂ©ral des pathways implique la Division cellulaire, avec notamment le Cycle cellulaire et la RĂ©plication de l’ADN qui apparaissent significativement enrichis et ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© corrĂ©lĂ©s Ă  des rĂ©ponses d’organismes Ă  une exposition Ă  des composĂ©s oestrogĂ©niques. De façon originale, la MĂ©iose ovocytaire apparaĂźt dans nos rĂ©sultats. Un pattern similaire est observĂ© dans l’enrichissement en GO terms, avec cependant l’émergence de termes reliĂ©s Ă  la Reproduction sexuelle (par exemple le DĂ©veloppement des gonades femelle et la GamĂ©togenĂšse), la ProlifĂ©ration cellulaire et la SynthĂšse des stĂ©roides sexuels. Plusieurs Ă©tapes de filtration des rĂ©sultats, ainsi que l’intĂ©gration des observations morphologiques nous ont permis de sĂ©lectionner plusieurs biomarqueurs potentiels, spĂ©cifiques (par exemple Foxl2,* spon2,* cdkn1b) et/ou sensibles (Theg,* thrap3,*dnaaf2) du phĂ©notype d’intersexe. Parmi ceuxKci, Foxl2 est un marqueur de la diffĂ©renciation ovarienne prĂ©coce. Une mĂ©taKanalyse de notre Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e avec un autre jeu de donnĂ©e investiguant l’expression gĂ©nique de truites arcKenKciel juvĂ©niles exposĂ©es Ă  de l’EE2 (une seule dose Ă©levĂ©e : 20mg/kg de nourriture) Ă  diffĂ©rent temps d’exposition, au dĂ©part de stades de dĂ©veloppement trĂšs prĂ©coces (Jour 0 = 55 jours postKfertilisation). L’intersection des gĂšnes diffĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ©s (DEGs) aux stades prĂ©coces et aux faibles doses nous a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence plusieurs pathways et GO terms potentiellement impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©ponse prĂ©coce Ă  EE2. De façon intĂ©ressante, les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont trĂšs similaires aux prĂ©cĂ©dents, la majoritĂ© des pathways significatifs Ă©tant impliquĂ©s dans la Division cellulaire (dont le Cycle cellulaire et la RĂ©plication de l’ADN). Cela renforce leur rĂŽle dans la rĂ©ponse Ă  EE2. De plus, deux pathways originaux Ă©mergent de cette analyse, le ‘PPAR signalling’ ainsi que le ‘Progesterone mediated’ pathways. Des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires doivent ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©es pour Ă©valuer leur implication dans la transdiffĂ©renciation des gonades. De plus, l’application de notre mĂ©thodologie nous a permis de nous focaliser sur 20 gĂšnes potentiellement impliquĂ©s dans les mĂ©canismes prĂ©coces de transdiffĂ©renciation maleKfemelle. Nous avons pu mettre en Ă©vidence que dix d’entre eux prĂ©sentent des profils d’expression similaires Ă  ceux observĂ©s chez des femelles contrĂŽles (par exemple plusieurs gĂšnes codant pour des enzymes impliquĂ©es dans la production d’androgĂšnes : cyp17a1,* cyp11b* et* hsd17b6). La seconde moitiĂ© des gĂšnes prĂ©sentent des profils d’expression spĂ©cifique au traitement (par exemple VTG, le gĂšne codant pour la vitellogĂ©nine). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont trĂšs prometteurs dans l’évaluation des risques environnementaux liĂ©s Ă  l’exposition aux xĂ©noestrogĂšnes, ainsi que pour la mise en Ă©vidence de nouvelles hypothĂšses sur les bases mĂ©canistiques de la fĂ©minisation des testicules soumis Ă  l’EE2. Notre mĂ©thodologie s’avĂšre applicable Ă  diffĂ©rents types de plateformes microarray ainsi qu’à diffĂ©rentes espĂšces, mĂȘme non entiĂšrement sĂ©quencĂ©es. Des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires sont nĂ©cessaires pour confirmer les nombreuses hypothĂšses gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es dans le cadre de ce travail.(DOCSC03) -- FUNDP, 201
