46 research outputs found

    Modelling the Effect of Temperature on Respiration Rate of Fresh Cut Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Fruits.

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    A respiration rate (RR) model based on Peleg’s equation was developed for predicting RRs of fresh cut papaya. Respiration data for fresh cut papaya at 3/4 maturity were generated at temperatures 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C using a closed system. RRs was found to be significantly influenced by storage temperature and increased from 0.021 to 0.289 mL[O2]/kg·h and 0.063 to 0.393 mL[CO2]/kg·h as a function of O2 and CO2 gas concentrations, respectively. Peleg’s constant K 1 and K 2 were obtained from linear regression analysis using GraphPad Prism 5.0 software and regression coefficients have good fit with values close to unity. The model was verified to assess the capability of its predictability of the RRs over the temperatures. There was good agreement with the experimentally estimated RRs. Information derived from the model can contribute in the design of successful modified atmospheric systems for storage of fresh cut papaya

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Simulasi Denyut Nadi Pergelangan Tangan pada Vital Sign Simulator sebagai Media Pembelajaran Keterampilan Medik Mahasiswa Kedokteran

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    Salah satu kompetensi yang harus dikuasai oleh mahasiswa kedokteran/calon dokter adalah keterampilan klinik. Komponen keterampilan klinik ini meliputi pemeriksaan fisik berupa tanda vital (vital sign) dari seorang pasien. Diperlukan pelatihan keterampilan pemeriksaan tanda vital khususnya denyut nadi untuk meningkatkan kompetensi calon dokter tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu dikembangkan simulator denyut nadi pada pergelangan tangan/artery radialis berbasis simulasi pasien berupa jaket/kaos menset yang dilengkapi “sistem pintar”. Dengan demikian mahasiswa kedokteran dapat berlatih pengukuran tanda vital dengan tetap memperhatikan etika komunikasi dan profesionalisme. Pada penelitian ini rancang bangun sistem simulasi denyut nadi dengan menggunakan mikrokontroller ATMega16 dan aktuator berupa katup solenoid serta pompa udara. Data yang ditampilkan di LCD berupa pencacah denyut nadi, set point jumlah denyut nadi, dan timer.Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan rancang bangun alat simulasi denyut nadi pada pergelangan tangan/artery radialis dengan rentang 0-180 denyut/menit dan memiliki tingkat akurasi sebesar 99,98% dari metode Palpasi dan 99,95% dari metode penggunaan sensor piezoelectric

    Sucrose in the concentrated solution or the supercooled “state” : a review of caramelisation reactions and physical behaviour

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    Sucrose is probably one of the most studied molecules by food scientists, since it plays an important role as an ingredient or preserving agent in many formulations and technological processes. When sucrose is present in a product with a concentration near or greater than the saturation point—i.e. in the supercooled state—it possesses high potentialities for the food industry in areas as different as pastry industry, dairy and frozen desserts or films and coatings production. This paper presents a review on critical issues and research on highly concentrated sucrose solutions—mainly, on sucrose thermal degradation and relaxation behaviour in such solutions. The reviewed works allow identifying several issues with great potential for contributing to significant advances in Food Science and Technology.Authors are grateful for the valuable discussions with Teresa S. Brandao and Rosiane Lopes da Cunha during this research. Author M. A. C. Quintas acknowledges the financial support of her research by FCT grant SFRH/BPD/41715/2007

    Does the size of subsamples taken from multispecies trawl catches affect estimates of catch composition and abundance?

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    Although subsampling is a common method for describing the composition of large and diverse trawl catches, the accuracy of these techniques is often unknown. We determined the sampling errors generated from estimating the percentage of the total number of species recorded in catches, as well as the abundance of each species, at each increase in the proportion of the sorted catch. We completely partitioned twenty prawn trawl catches from tropical northern Australia into subsamples of about 10 kg each. All subsamples were then sorted, and species numbers recorded. Catch weights ranged from 71 to 445 kg, and the number of fish species in trawls ranged from 60 to 138, and invertebrate species from 18 to 63. Almost 70% of the species recorded in catches were "rare" in subsamples (less than one individual per 10 kg subsample or less than one in every 389 individuals). A matrix was used to show the increase in the total number of species that were recorded in each catch as the percentage of the sorted catch increased. Simulation modelling showed that sorting small subsamples (about 10% of catch weights) identified about 50% of the total number of species caught in a trawl. Larger subsamples (50% of catch weight on average) identified about 80% of the total species caught in a trawl. The accuracy of estimating the abundance of each species also increased with increasing subsample size. For the "rare" species, sampling error was around 80% after sorting 10% of catch weight and was just less than 50% after 40% of catch weight had been sorted. For the "abundant" species (five or more individuals per 10 kg subsample or five or more in every 389 individuals), sampling error was around 25% after sorting 10% of catch weight, but was reduced to around 10% after 40% of catch weight had been sorted

    Moisture absorption characteristics of food thickeners used for the management of swallowing dysfunctions

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    Six commercial food thickeners, based on starch, and guar and xanthan gums, were investigated for their moisture absorption properties. The thickeners were exposed to 100% relative humidity as well as soaked in water for selected time periods. The gum-based thickeners dissolved in water to yield 100% water solubility index. The water absorption index of the starch-based thickeners ranged from 14.7 to 18.0 g/g dry solids of thickener. The starch-based thickeners sorbed less moisture than the gum-based ones, with the xanthan gum-based thickeners having the highest sorptive ability on mass basis. The Peleg model was the most suitable (r(2)=0.966-0.997) of the sorption models investigated to describe the sorption data. The diffusion rate constant of the thickeners ranged from 8.7 to 13.5 day%(-1), while the equilibrium moisture content was between 35.7 and 46.8%. The sorptive ability explained viscosity development in some of the thickeners, but was unsuitable in fully describing comparisons of the solutions viscosities of starch-based and xanthan gum-based thickeners