1,742 research outputs found

    Experiments and numerical results on nonlinear vibrations of an impacting hertzian contact. Part 2: random excitation

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    Non linear dynamic behaviour of a normally excited preloaded Hertzian contact (including possible contact losses) is investigated using an experimental test rig. It consists on a double sphere plane contact loaded by the weight of a rigid moving mass. Contact vibrations are generated by a external Gaussian white noise and exhibit vibroimpact responses when the input level is sufficiently high. Spectral contents and statistics of the stationary transmitted normal force are analysed. A single-degree-of-freedom non linear oscillator including loss of contact and Hertzian non linearities is built for modelling the experimental system. Theoretical responses are obtained by using the stationary Fokker-Planck equation and also Monte Carlo simulations. When contact loss occurrence is very occasional, numerical results shown a very good agreement with experimental ones. When vibroimpacts occur, results remain in reasonable agreement with experimental ones, that justify the modelling and the numerical methods described in this paper. The contact loss non linearity appears to be rather strong compared to the Hertzian non linearity. It actually induces a large broadening of the spectral contents of the response. This result is of great importance in noise generation for a lot of systems such as mechanisms using contacts to transform motions and forces (gears, ball-bearings, cam systems, to name a few). It is also of great importance for tribologists preoccupied to prevent surface dammage

    Repeats as global DNA methylation marker in bovine preimplantation embryos

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    DNA methylation undergoes dynamic changes and is a crucial part of the epigenetic regulation during mammalian early development. To determine the DNA methylation levels in bovine embryos, we applied a bisulfite sequencing based method aimed at repetitive sequences including three retrotransposons (L1_BT, BovB, and ERV1-1-I_BT) and Satellite I. A more accurate estimate of the global DNA methylation level compared to previous methods using only one repeat sequence, like Alu, could be made by calculation of the weighted arithmetic mean of multiple repetitive sequences, considering the copy number of each repetitive sequence. Satellite I and L1_BT showed significant methylation reduction at the blastocyst stage, while BovB and ERV1-1-I_BT showed no difference. The mean methylation level of the repetitive sequences during preimplantation development was the lowest at the blastocyst stage. No methylation difference was found between embryos cultured in 5% and 20% O-2. Because mutations of CpGs negatively influence the calculation accuracy, we checked the mutation rate of the sequenced CpG sites. Satellite I and L1_BT showed a relatively low mutation rate (1.92 and 3.72% respectively) while that of ERV1-1-I_BT and BovB was higher (11.95 and 24% respectively). Therefore we suggest using a combination of repeats with low mutation rate, taking into account the proportion of each sequence, as a relatively quick marker for the global DNA methylation status of preimplantation stages and possibly also for other cell types

    Influence of sperm-oocyte coincubation period on porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF) efficiency

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    A major obstacle for successful in vitro production of porcine embryos is the polyspermic fertilization. One possibility to reduce polyspermic penetration is decreasing the number of spermatozoa added to the fertilization medium. Unfortunately, the lower rate of polyspermy is accompanied by a reduced penetration rate. A short gamete coincubation period of 10 min has been described to obtain fertilization rates similar to 6 h of coincubation and may improve IVF efficiency (number of monospermic fertilized oocytes/total number inseminated) depending on sperm-oocyte ratio (Gil, 2007, Theriogenology, 67(3), 620–626). Here we demonstrate that the optimal coincubation period in our IVF conditions is between 10 min and 6 h. In vitro matured oocytes (n = 600) were inseminated with frozen-thawed epididymal semen with 600 spermatozoa per oocyte and coincubated for 2, 4 and 6 h. At 2 and 4 h post insemination (hpi), oocytes were vortexed and transferred to fertilization medium without spermatozoa. At 6 hpi, presumed zygotes of all groups were washed three times in culture medium and cultured. At 22 hpi, zygotes were fixed overnight and stained with Hoechst 33,342 for the assessment of fertilization and polyspermy. The IVF efficiency was higher for the 4 h group (40 ± 5%) than the 2 and 6 h group (19 ± 8% and 17 ± 5%). Between 4 and 6 h of gamete coincubation, the increase in the number of polyspermic oocytes was relatively higher than the increase in penetration rate (+39% vs. +15%), resulting in a decline in efficiency. (This study was supported by Research Foundation-Flanders)

    Eesti ja Soome usulise olukorra võrdlus

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    A Comparison of the Religious Situation in Estonia and Finland Estonia and Finland are very similar in terms of their religious profile. The belief in the most important religious teachings is very similar in both countries. The religious practice is also similar. The biggest difference between these two countries is that institutional Christianity is much weaker in Estonia. Based on different studies, in Estonia 21-41% belong to a church. Christians in Estonia are much more diverse than in Finland. The largest churches in Estonia are the Orthodox Church and the Lutheran Church. By contrast, about three-quarters of the Finish population belong to a church and 73% of the population belongs to the largest church, the Lutheran Church

    Eestis elavate eesti ja vene keelt kõnelevate inimeste religioosne võrdlus

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    Eesti ühiskond on kahekultuuriline ja kaks suurimat rahvust siinses ühiskonnas on eestlased ja venelased. Artikkel otsib rahvaloenduse ning küsitluse „Elust, usust ja usuelust“ tulemusi analüüsides vastust küsimusele, milline on Eestis elavate eesti keelt kõnelevate inimeste religioossus võrreldes vene keelt kõnelevate inimeste religioossusega. Artiklis leitakse, et eesti ja vene keelt kõnelevad inimesed erinevad tugevalt institutsionaalsesse kirikusse kuulumise alusel. Siin mängib suurt rolli õigeusu kirik kui venekeelse rahvuse kultuuriline sidustaja. Muus on aga kahe rahvusgrupi suhtumine nii kristluse õpetustesse, kristluse praktiseerimisse kui ka uude vaimsusesse küllaltki sarnane. Ei saa öelda, et eesti keelt kõnelevad inimesed oleksid mittereligioossed ja vene keelt kõnelevad inimesed religioossed. Mõlemal rahvusgrupil on oma religioossus ühes oma rõhuasetustega

    Features of reproduction and assisted reproduction in the white (Ceratotherium simum) and black (Diceros bicornis) rhinoceros

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    Despite the worldwide increase of rhinoceros calf numbers, the growth of the population of white and black rhinoceros is slowing down mainly due to anthropogenic causes, such as poaching and habitat loss. Assisted reproduction is one of the methods of preserving the valuable genomes of these animals from being lost, and assists in breeding them in captivity to maintain the specie(s) numbers and provide an option for possible reintroduction into the wild. Since wild rhinoceros are difficult to handle and examine clinically, most of the current information available on their reproductive characteristics has been gained from captive rhinoceros populations. Nevertheless, very little is known about rhinoceros reproduction. Since the rhinoceros belongs to the odd-toed ungulates (Perissodactyls) group, like the horse and the tapir, the horse has been proposed as a suitable model to study reproduction and artificial reproductive techniques in the rhinoceros. In this review, the current knowledge of the reproduction of the rhinoceros is summarized

    The essence of fertilization: oocyte meets sperm

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    The problem of reduced fertility in high yielding dairy cattle is a very complicated one, and the relationship between various measures of fertility and level of milk production remains controversial. In this brief review the essence of the problem is considered: what is the oocyte's and the sperm's contribution, and what is the importance of the resulting embryo in the declining fertility of the Holstein Friesian cow

    pH-dependent effects of procaine on equine gamete activation

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    Procaine directly triggers pH-dependent cytokinesis in equine oocytes and induces hypermotility in stallion spermatozoa, an important event during capacitation. However, procaine-induced hyperactivated motility is abolished when sperm is washed to remove the procaine prior to sperm-oocyte co-incubation. To understand how procaine exerts its effects, the external Ca2+ and Na+ and weak base activity dependency of procaine-induced hyperactivation in stallion spermatozoa was assessed using computer-assisted sperm analysis. Percoll-washed stallion spermatozoa exposed to Ca2+-depleted (+2 mM EGTA) procaine-supplemented capacitating medium (CM) still demonstrated hyperactivated motility, whereas CM without NaCl or Na+ did not. Both procaine and NH4Cl, another weak base, were shown to trigger a cytoplasmic pH increase (BCECF-acetoxymethyl (AM)), which is primarily induced by a pH rise in acidic cell organelles (Lysosensor green dnd-189), accompanied by hypermotility in stallion sperm. As for procaine, 25 mM NH4Cl also induced oocyte cytokinesis. Interestingly, hyperactivated motility was reliably induced by 2.5-10 mM procaine, whereas a significant cytoplasmic cAMP increase and tail-associated protein tyrosine phosphorylation were only observed at 10 mM. Moreover, 25 mM NH4Cl did not support the latter capacitation characteristics. Additionally, cAMP levels were more than 10x higher in boar than stallion sperm incubated under similar capacitating conditions. Finally, stallion sperm preincubated with 10 mM procaine did not fertilize equine oocytes. In conclusion, 10 mM procaine causes a cytoplasmic and acidic sperm cell organelle pH rise that simultaneously induces hyperactivated motility, increased levels of cAMP and tail-associated protein tyrosine phosphorylation in stallion spermatozoa. However, procaine-induced hypermotility is independent of the cAMP/protein tyrosine phosphorylation pathway

    Loan maturity aggregation in interbank lending networks obscures mesoscale structure and economic functions

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    Since the 2007-2009 financial crisis, substantial academic effort has been dedicated to improving our understanding of interbank lending networks (ILNs). Because of data limitations or by choice, the literature largely lacks multiple loan maturities. We employ a complete interbank loan contract dataset to investigate whether maturity details are informative of the network structure. Applying the layered stochastic block model of Peixoto (2015) and other tools from network science on a time series of bilateral loans with multiple maturity layers in the Russian ILN, we find that collapsing all such layers consistently obscures mesoscale structure. The optimal maturity granularity lies between completely collapsing and completely separating the maturity layers and depends on the development phase of the interbank market, with a more developed market requiring more layers for optimal description. Closer inspection of the inferred maturity bins associated with the optimal maturity granularity reveals specific economic functions, from liquidity intermediation to financing. Collapsing a network with multiple underlying maturity layers or extracting one such layer, common in economic research, is therefore not only an incomplete representation of the ILN's mesoscale structure, but also conceals existing economic functions. This holds important insights and opportunities for theoretical and empirical studies on interbank market functioning, contagion, stability, and on the desirable level of regulatory data disclosure