3,283 research outputs found

    Enhanced Raman and photoluminescence response in monolayer MoS2_2 due to laser healing of defects

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    Bound quasiparticles, negatively charged trions and neutral excitons, are associated with the direct optical transitions at the K-points of the Brillouin zone for monolayer MoS2_2. The change in the carrier concentration, surrounding dielectric constant and defect concentration can modulate the photoluminescence and Raman spectra. Here we show that exposing the monolayer MoS2_2 in air to a modest laser intensity for a brief period of time enhances simultaneously the photoluminescence (PL) intensity associated with both trions and excitons, together with \sim 3 to 5 times increase of the Raman intensity of first and second order modes. The simultaneous increase of PL from trions and excitons cannot be understood based only on known-scenario of depletion of electron concentration in MoS2_2 by adsorption of O2_2 and H2_2O molecules. This is explained by laser induced healing of defect states resulting in reduction of non-radiative Auger processes. This laser healing is corroborated by an observed increase of intensity of both the first order and second order 2LA(M) Raman modes by a factor of \sim 3 to 5. The A1g_{1g} mode hardens by \sim 1.4 cm1^{-1} whereas the E2g1^1_{2g} mode softens by \sim 1 cm1^{-1}. The second order 2LA(M) Raman mode at \sim 440 cm1^{-1} shows an increase in wavenumber by \sim 8 cm1^{-1} with laser exposure. These changes are a combined effect of change in electron concentrations and oxygen-induced lattice displacements.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 201

    Structure of Carbon Nanotube-dendrimer composite

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    Using all atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations we report the microscopic picture of the nanotube-dendrimer complex for PAMAM dendrimer of generation 2 to 4 and carbon nanotube of chirality (6,5). We find compact wrapping conformations of dendrimer onto the nanotube surface for all the three generations of PAMAM dendrimer. The degree of wrapping is more for non-protonated dendrimer compared to the protonated dendrimer. For comparison we also study the interaction of another dendrimer, poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM), with nanotube and show that PAMAM dendrimer interacts strongly as compared to PETIM dendrimer as is evident from the distance of closest approach as well as the number of close contacts between the nanotube and dendrimer. We also calculate the binding energy between the nanotube and the dendrimer using MM/PBSA methods and attribute the strong binding to the charge transfer between them. Dendrimer wrapping on CNT will make it soluble and can act as an efficient dispersing agent for nanotube

    Pneumothorax and Pneumomediastinum in a Sputum Positive Tuberculosis Patient: The Continuous Diaphragm Sign

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    Secondary pneumothorax is a very common medical emergency. At times it is associated with pneumomediastinum, which could be fatal at times if not identified. We present a case of a 11 years old sputum positive child who presented with both these conditions and was diagnosed on chest x ray

    Symmetry-dependent phonon renormalization in monolayer MoS2 transistor

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    Strong electron-phonon interaction which limits electronic mobility of semiconductors can also have significant effects on phonon frequencies. The latter is the key to the use of Raman spectroscopy for nondestructive characterization of doping in graphene-based devices. Using in-situ Raman scattering from single layer MoS2_2 electrochemically top-gated field effect transistor (FET), we show softening and broadening of A1g_{1g} phonon with electron doping whereas the other Raman active E2g1_{2g}^{1} mode remains essentially inert. Confirming these results with first-principles density functional theory based calculations, we use group theoretical arguments to explain why A1g_{1g} mode specifically exhibits a strong sensitivity to electron doping. Our work opens up the use of Raman spectroscopy in probing the level of doping in single layer MoS2_2-based FETs, which have a high on-off ratio and are of enormous technological significance.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Sharp Raman Anomalies and Broken Adiabaticity at a Pressure Induced Transition from Band to Topological Insulator in Sb2Se3

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    The nontrivial electronic topology of a topological insulator is thus far known to display signatures in a robust metallic state at the surface. Here, we establish vibrational anomalies in Raman spectra of the bulk that signify changes in electronic topology: an E2 g phonon softens unusually and its linewidth exhibits an asymmetric peak at the pressure induced electronic topological transition (ETT) in Sb2Se3 crystal. Our first-principles calculations confirm the electronic transition from band to topological insulating state with reversal of parity of electronic bands passing through a metallic state at the ETT, but do not capture the phonon anomalies which involve breakdown of adiabatic approximation due to strongly coupled dynamics of phonons and electrons. Treating this within a four-band model of topological insulators, we elucidate how nonadiabatic renormalization of phonons constitutes readily measurable bulk signatures of an ETT, which will facilitate efforts to develop topological insulators by modifying a band insulator

    Ageusia associated to treatment with amitriptyline and terbinafine

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    Ageusia is a rare condition characterized by loss of taste functions of the tongue.A large number of conditions may be responsible for causing ageusia. Adverseeffects of drug therapy are the most common cause for the loss of taste. Ageusiacan have a significant effect on the quality of life of patients and can lead to lossof appetite, weight, and may require discontinuation of drug administration inalready compromised patients. We present two cases of ageusia one associated withamitriptyline in a patient with endogenous depression and the other with terbinafinein patient with tinea unguium

    Raman anomalies as signatures of pressure induced electronic topological and structural transitions in black phosphorus: Experiments and Theory

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    We report high pressure Raman experiments of Black phosphorus up to 24 GPa. The line widths of first order Raman modes Ag1^1_g, B2g_{2g} and Ag2^2_g of the orthorhombic phase show a minimum at 1.1 GPa. Our first-principles density functional analysis reveals that this is associated with the anomalies in electron-phonon coupling at the semiconductor to topological insulator transition through inversion of valence and conduction bands marking a change from trivial to nontrivial electronic topology. The frequencies of B2g_{2g} and Ag2^2_g modes become anomalous in the rhombohedral phase at 7.4 GPa, and new modes appearing in the rhombohedral phase show anomalous softening with pressure. This is shown to originate from unusual structural evolution of black phosphorous with pressure, based on first-principles theoretical analysis.Comment: 13pages, 12figure

    Phonon Anomalies, Orbital-Ordering and Electronic Raman Scattering in iron-pnictide Ca(Fe0.97Co0.03)2As2: Temperature-dependent Raman Study

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    We report inelastic light scattering studies on Ca(Fe0.97Co0.03)2As2 in a wide spectral range of 120-5200 cm-1 from 5K to 300K, covering the tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition as well as magnetic transition at Tsm ~ 160K. The mode frequencies of two first-order Raman modes B1g and Eg, both involving displacement of Fe atoms, show sharp increase below Tsm. Concomitantly, the linewidths of all the first-order Raman modes show anomalous broadening below Tsm, attributed to strong spin-phonon coupling. The high frequency modes observed between 400-1200 cm-1 are attributed to the electronic Raman scattering involving the crystal field levels of d-orbitals of Fe2+. The splitting between xz and yz d-orbital levels is shown to be ~ 25 meV which increases as temperature decreases below Tsm. A broad Raman band observed at ~ 3200 cm-1 is assigned to two-magnon excitation of the itinerant Fe 3d antiferromagnet.Comment: Accepted for Publication in JPC