3,490 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Chatting menggunakan Jquery pada sistem mobile

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    Aplikasi chatting berbasis web pada system mobile saat ini dituntut untuk semakin cepat dan data yang dikirim semakin kecil, dengan teknologi ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) suatu aplikasi chatting dapat bekerja semakin cepat. Aplikasi ajax pada web menimbulkan kerumitan tersendiri pada pemrogramanya. Teknologi Jquery membuat kerumitan tersebut menjadi semakin sederhana. Kata kunci : chatting, web, ajax, jquery

    Results on principal component filter banks: colored noise suppression and existence issues

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    We have made explicit the precise connection between the optimization of orthonormal filter banks (FBs) and the principal component property: the principal component filter bank (PCFB) is optimal whenever the minimization objective is a concave function of the subband variances of the FB. This explains PCFB optimality for compression, progressive transmission, and various hitherto unnoticed white-noise, suppression applications such as subband Wiener filtering. The present work examines the nature of the FB optimization problems for such schemes when PCFBs do not exist. Using the geometry of the optimization search spaces, we explain exactly why these problems are usually analytically intractable. We show the relation between compaction filter design (i.e., variance maximization) and optimum FBs. A sequential maximization of subband variances produces a PCFB if one exists, but is otherwise suboptimal for several concave objectives. We then study PCFB optimality for colored noise suppression. Unlike the case when the noise is white, here the minimization objective is a function of both the signal and the noise subband variances. We show that for the transform coder class, if a common signal and noise PCFB (KLT) exists, it is, optimal for a large class of concave objectives. Common PCFBs for general FB classes have a considerably more restricted optimality, as we show using the class of unconstrained orthonormal FBs. For this class, we also show how to find an optimum FB when the signal and noise spectra are both piecewise constant with all discontinuities at rational multiples of π

    Filterbank optimization with convex objectives and the optimality of principal component forms

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    This paper proposes a general framework for the optimization of orthonormal filterbanks (FBs) for given input statistics. This includes as special cases, many previous results on FB optimization for compression. It also solves problems that have not been considered thus far. FB optimization for coding gain maximization (for compression applications) has been well studied before. The optimum FB has been known to satisfy the principal component property, i.e., it minimizes the mean-square error caused by reconstruction after dropping the P weakest (lowest variance) subbands for any P. We point out a much stronger connection between this property and the optimality of the FB. The main result is that a principal component FB (PCFB) is optimum whenever the minimization objective is a concave function of the subband variances produced by the FB. This result has its grounding in majorization and convex function theory and, in particular, explains the optimality of PCFBs for compression. We use the result to show various other optimality properties of PCFBs, especially for noise-suppression applications. Suppose the FB input is a signal corrupted by additive white noise, the desired output is the pure signal, and the subbands of the FB are processed to minimize the output noise. If each subband processor is a zeroth-order Wiener filter for its input, we can show that the expected mean square value of the output noise is a concave function of the subband signal variances. Hence, a PCFB is optimum in the sense of minimizing this mean square error. The above-mentioned concavity of the error and, hence, PCFB optimality, continues to hold even with certain other subband processors such as subband hard thresholds and constant multipliers, although these are not of serious practical interest. We prove that certain extensions of this PCFB optimality result to cases where the input noise is colored, and the FB optimization is over a larger class that includes biorthogonal FBs. We also show that PCFBs do not exist for the classes of DFT and cosine-modulated FBs

    On Assessment of the Supreme Court Decisions in Tackling Substance Misuse in Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyse the Indonesian Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung) decisions to the defendants of substance misuse. The data were based on the Supreme Court decisions for substance misuse cases from 2001-2009, uploaded in putusan.mahkamahagung.or.id. The database consists of 191 cases involving 218 defendants. Logistic regression and Tobin’s logistic regression (Tobit) were used in this study to estimate the probability and the intensity of various disposals. This is inline with Becker (1968) argument that the optimal deterrence effect of a disposal arose from the probability of conviction and the intensity of punishment. The types of punishment sentenced to defendants of substance misuse cases are vary, ranging from imprisonment, fines, community service, probation and even a capital punishment. The results from logistic regression analyses showed the social costs of substance misuse was used by the Supreme Court judges to consider the value of fines sentenced to offenders. the social cost that is inflicted by the defendant was only weighed in giving fines to the defendant. On the other hand, the results from Tobit regressions showed that the Supreme Court judges did not taken into consideration the social cost of substance misuse in determining the intensity of punishment sentenced to defendants. The explicit social cost caused by the defendants of the narcotics/psychotropics case was Rp 23.7 billion (about US2.37million),howeverthefineschargedbytheSupremeCourtwasonlyRp5.5billion(aboutUS 2.37 million), however the fines charged by the Supreme Court was only Rp 5.5 billion (about US 550,000). Further investigation showed that the defendants who were sentenced to pay fines by the District Courts has 51.7% more probability to be sentenced with imprisonment by the Supreme Court. On the other hand, results from Tobit regressions showed that the longer the imprisonment sentenced by the District Court, the more fines were sentenced to the defendants by the Supreme Court.Narcotics, Psychotropic, Social Cost of Crime, Financial Punishment, Deterrence Effect

    Taking the Next Step - Implementing a Currency Transaction Development Levy

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    As we approach the half-way point for the achievement of many of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) the spotlight is shining ever more intently on the urgent need for new sources of revenue to pay for them. With the first international development duty launched, in the form of the ‘pilot’ solidarity levy on air travel, the momentum needs to continue to the implementation in quick succession of a second such initiative to provide another long term predictable source of additional finance. Innovation is required not just in financing but also in delivery. UNITAID’s mission is to transform a situation of high cost drugs for the treatment of the few to low cost drugs for the care of the many. In so doing its potential value is exponentially greater than a simple addition of extra revenue. The choice of how and where the next new stream of finance is spent also needs to be to be similarly strategic. The Core Group1 Governments rightly pride themselves on an international development policy that has, as one of its pillars, the tackling of global inequality which has risen rapidly in the latest phase of globalisation. For example President Chirac opened the Paris conference held in February 2006 in Paris stating that ‘despite the continuous increase in global wealth, a third of humankind still lives on less than a euro a day’, and that ‘…globalisation, far from bridging the (poverty) gap, is widening it even further’. In this report, we offer some suggestions for tackling global inequality through concrete proposals for both raising substantial new revenue equitably and spending it in ways that strategically target the ‘weak spots’ in the international development effort. The financial services industry has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of globalisation. Annual turnover in the global market for currencies, has, for instance, expanded from about 4trillionin1973to4 trillion in 1973 to 40 trillion in the mid 1980s to more than 450trillionnowamorethan100foldincrease.2Profitsatfinancialservicesfirmsarealsoatarecordhighwiththetoptwomostprofitablebanks,CitibankandHSBC,postingmorethan450 trillion now – a more than 100 fold increase.2 Profits at financial services firms are also at a record high with the top two most profitable banks, Citibank and HSBC, posting more than 40 billion of profits between them in 2005 alone. At the same time as industries such as airlines and financial services have benefited from globalisation, populations in many of the poorest countries, especially those in sub- Saharan Africa, have been left behind – or worse, harmed. Average life expectancy in these countries is in fact down from 50 years in 1990 to 45 years now, just over half the almost 80-year life expectancy in countries such as Norway. The health, education and productivity problems caused by a lack of access to basics such as clean drinking water and sanitation facilities, the added decimation wrought by global pandemics such as HIV/AIDS on the ability of the populations and systems in poor countries to cope, and the increased vulnerability linked to climate change, all threaten to undermine and, in fact, roll back the slow progress that has been made to date towards meeting the MDGs. In Section 2 we demonstrate in some detail how, by introducing a very small levy of less than a hundredth of one per cent on currency transactions, many countries can unilaterally generate substantial resources for development from those who can most afford to pay. Such a levy is simple and inexpensive to apply in this age of electronic transfers. Whilst this proposal is specific to the currency market, it can be generalised to apply to other financial markets many of which already pay some form of a levy. The possible uses for this revenue that we propose in Section 4 have been shaped by the need to lever maximum results from the resources generated. The three potential areas for immediate financing that we have identified would generate positive additional outcomes towards the achievement of several seemingly unrelated development goals. First, provision of clean water and sanitation, as it is a foundation stone that underlies the ability to make meaningful progress with the vast majority of the MDGs. Second, providing human resources for health, because without sufficient trained health workers, medicines and infrastructure are simply not enough on their own to contain the raging pandemics of HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. Third, providing a long term predictable source of funds to an expanded UN Central Emergency Response Fund, to create a more robust response to the growing threat of natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies.currency tax; tobin tax; MDG; Financial markets; Financial Transaction Taxes

    Why Greece never got a fair chance

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    Following Greece’s failure to make a scheduled debt repayment to the IMF on 30 June the country now stands on the brink of exiting the euro. Sony Kapoor writes that while the Greek government could be accused of naivety in the manner it has conducted negotiations, the root cause of the crisis has been the unwillingness of Greece’s creditors to rectify previous mistakes by providing further debt relief to the country. He argues that unless creditors alter their approach over the next few days, the consequences could be severe for both Greece and the Eurozone


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    Abstrak. Perubahan Kurikulum KTSP menjadi kurikulum 2013 harus dibarengi dengan usaha peningkatan sarana dan prasarana penunjang seperti perangkat pembelajaran. Pengadaan perangkat pembelajaran yang berkarakteristikan kurikulum 2013 merupakan suatu tuntutan kurikulum yang harus segera dipenuhi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran saintifik Project Based Learning pada pekerjaan dasar elektromekanik di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dikemas dengan mengadopsi pembelajaran saintifik dan langkah pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode penelitian pengembangan yang dikemukakan oleh Brog & Gall yang disesuaikan dengan konteks penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuisioner, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk perangkat pembelajaran yang berkarakteristikan kurikulum 2013 dengan berkategorikan sangat layak. Dari hasil penelitian didapat bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 banyak menuai respon yang positif dari berbagai pihak. Abstract. Changes in the curriculum KTSP into the curriculum in 2013 should be coupled with efforts to improve the facilities and infrastructure such as learning devices. Procurement of learning devices that characterizes the curriculum 2013 is a curriculum requirement that must be met. The research aims to develop the learning device scientific with Project Based Learning models of electromechanical work at Vocational High School. The development of a learning device is packed with adopting scientific learning and project-based learning steps. The method used in this research is the research and development methods proposed by Brog and Gall are adapted to the context of the research. Techniques of data collection using questionnaires, observations and study documentation. This research resulted in a product learning devices that characterizes curriculum 2013 with very worthy category. From the results obtained that the development of the learning devices curriculum 2013 reaped many positive responses from various parties


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    Perkembangan Era Industri sedang mengalami perubahan, dari konsep productout menuju konsep market-in. Pada Market-in atau produksi customer- oriented, para konsumen cenderung memilih produk berdasarkan keinginan mereke semata. Dalam hal ini image konsumen sangatlah penting sebagai faktor penentu dalam pengembangan desain produk. Desain menentukan nilai jual dari suatu produk. Obyek dari penelitian ini adalah Gitar Elektrik mode alami dan para penguji Kansei tersebut adalah Mahasiswa dan Pelajar atau ABG sebagai target utama dari produk tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan pengaruh Kansei word dari metode Kansei Engineering ini atau membandingkan actual dengan hasil analisa conjoint sehingga didapatkan spesifikasi produk yang disukai konsumen dalam hal ini adalah responden. Dari 35 penguji, peneliti mendapatkan 6 kansei word untuk kepala gitar dan leher gitar, serta 8 Kansei Word untuk badan gitar. Tingkat nilai kepentingan responden memilih item kategori yang melekat pada sampel pada masing – masing kansei word dapat dilihat pada nilai utility estimate dari hasil analisa conjioint, yang merupakan kunci dari pemilihan item sebagai komponen – komponen desain untuk nanti dimasukan kedalam persamaan regresi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan desain dalam bentuk persamaan regresi yang dikonstruksi oleh nilai pengujian dari image konsumen dan desain komponen gitar elektrik yang disukai konsumen (responden)