109 research outputs found


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    This work focuses on commutative algebra, its combinatorial and computational aspects, and its interactions with statistics. The main objects of interest are projective varieties in Pn, algebraic properties of their coordinate rings, and the combinatorial invariants, such as Hilbert series and Gröbner fans, of their defining ideals. Specifically, the ideals in this work are all toric ideals, and they come in three flavors: they are defining ideals of a family of classical varieties called rational normal scrolls, cut ideals that can be associated to a graph, and phylogenetic ideals arising in a new and increasingly popular area of algebraic statistics

    The Role of Ethics in Corporate Governance in Building and Construction Industry

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    This role of ethics in corporate governance in the Building and Construction Industry (BCI) has recently attracted considerable attention and consequently research on international and national level. The aim of the paper is firstly to point to the role of ethics in corporate governance in both large and small organisations in the BCI in Australia. Secondly, the paper suggests in what direction governance should further develop in order that the Australian BCI can remain globally competitive

    Spinal cord ischemia revealed by a Brown-Sequard syndrome and caused by a calcified thoracic disc extrusion with spontaneous regression: a case report and review of the literature

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    Background: Thoracic disc herniation is relatively uncommon, accounting for less than 1% of all spinal herniations. Although most often asymptomatic, they may represent a rare cause of spinal cord ischemia. Case report: We report the case of a healthy 43-year-old North African male who presented with a Brown-Sequard syndrome revealing a spinal cord ischemia caused by a thoracic disc extrusion. The initial MRI revealed a calcified disc extrusion at the level of T5-T6 without significant spinal cord compression or signal abnormality. A pattern consistent with a medullary ischemia only appeared 48 h later. The patient was treated conservatively with Aspirin and Heparin, which were discontinued later because of a negative cardiovascular work-up. The calcified disc extrusion, which was later recognized as the cause of the ischemia, decreased spontaneously over time and the patient recovered within a few months. Conclusions: Our case highlights the challenge in diagnosing and managing this uncommon condition. We propose a literature review showing the different therapeutic strategies and their corresponding clinical outcomes

    The Role of Effective Leadership in Doing More With Less in Public Universities

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    Public universities in most developed countries are facing increasing pressure to "do more with less". Many have invariably come to terms with reality by repeatedly restructuring and downsizing to stay lean and survive. Effective leadership to see through drastic organizational changes is a must, whilst resistance to change is also one thing management needs to face squarely in the course of change. This paper offers some provocative thoughts to university management in gaining synergistic effect by the dual priming of Transformational Leadership and an Employee-Centred Resistance to Change Perspective to afford the "doing more with less"

    Fitotoksični efekti hlorpirifosa na ponike ječma i krastavca

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    Under Directive 2008/105 / EC, chlorpyrifos is one of the priority water pollutants. Its presence is mainly detected by chemical methods, although bioindicators are gaining in importance. The effect of chlorpyrifos (0.05-10 µg L-1) was evaluated on germination energy -GE and germination -G, length, fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots of barley and cucumber seedlings. In the bioassay, chlorpyrifos applied at MAC rate (0.1 µg L-1) caused a significant inhibition of GE and G of barley and at 0.5 µg L-1 of cucumber seeds, compared to control. At 50 % MAC (0.05 1 µg L-1), length, fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots of both tested plants were significantly inhibited, while in treatments with 0.5 µg L-1 and higher rates, there was no formation of hypocotyl and epicotyl of barley, i.e. hypocotyl of cucumber seedlings.Prema Direktivi 2008/105/EC, hlorpirifos je jedan od prioritetnih polutanata voda. Njegovo prisustvo se uglavnom detektuje hemijskim analizama, iako su sve značajnije i metode koje uključuju bioindikatore. U radu je procenjen uticaj hlorpirifosa (0,05-10 µg L-1) na energiju klijanja -EK, klijavost -K, dužinu, svežu i suvu masu korena i izdanka ječma i krastavca, kao potencijalnih indikatora. Hlorpirifos je izazvao značajnu inhibiciju EK i K semena ječma u MDK količini (0,1 µg L-1), a kod semena krastavca u količini 0,5 µg L-1, u odnosu na kontrolu. U količni 50% manje od MDK (0,05 µg L-1), dužina, sveža i suva masa i korena i nadzemnog dela obe test biljke su bili značajno smanjeni, dok u tretmanima sa preko 0,5 µg L-1 hlopririfosa, formiranje hipokotila i epikotila kod ječma, odnosno hipokotila kod krastavca, je izostalo

    Implementacija direktive EU 495/2015 u praćenju kvaliteta vode Dunava

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    The Directive of the EU 495/2015 concerning the list of pesticides, the monitoring of which is necessary in the estimation of ecological water quality, includes neonicotinoids, as well. By the LC-MS/MS analysis of the samples from the Danube the residues of thiamethoxam, acetamiprid and imidacloprid were detected. The detection of insecticides from the neonicotinoid group points at the necessity of the implementation of the Directive in the water quality monitoring.Direktiva EU 495/2015 na listu pesticida čije praćnje je neophodno u proceni ekološkog kvalitata voda, uključuje i neonikotinoide. LC-MS/MS analizom uzoraka Dunava, detektovani su ostaci tiametoksama, acetamiprida i imidakloprida. Detektovanjem insekticida iz grupe neonikotinoida, ukazuje se na potrebu implementacije ove direktive pri praćenju kvaliteta vode

    LC-MS/MS određivanje ostataka pesticida u višnjama

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    The MRM for the determination of acetamiprid, dimethoate, carbendazim, pyraclostrobin, propiconazole and tebuconazole in sour cherries was done by LC-MS/MS. Propiconazole was detected in two samples above the MRL while all the other pesticide derections were belowe the established values.LC-MS/MS je korišćen u MRM određivanja ostataka acetamiprida, dimetoata, karbendazima, piraklostrobina, propikonazola i tebukonazola u uzorcima višanja. Propikonazol je detektovan u dva uzorka iznad MDK, dok su sve ostale detekcije bile ispod propisanih vrednosti

    Ostaci pesticida u uzorcima povrća iz organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje

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    The detections of pesticides in organic and conventional productions were compared with the MRLs. Six vegetable samples from organic production, 4 from conventional production and one from the conversion period were analysed. The white potato sample from the organic production contained imidacloprid, propiconazole and piperonyl butoxide residues. Imidacloprid was found to be above the MRL. In the carrot sample from conventional production the azoxystrobin, boscalid, pyraclostrobin and difenoconazole were detected in the regulated limits, while the mandipropamid concentration were above the MRL.Poređene su detekcije pesticida sa propisanim MDK organskih i konvencionalnih proizvoda. Analizirano je šest uzoraka povrća iz organske, četiri iz konvencionalne proizvodnje i jedan iz perioda konverzije. Uzorak belog krompira iz organske proizvodnje sadržavao je ostatke imidakloprida, propikonazola i piperonil butoksid. Imidakloprid je bio iznad propisanih MDK. U uzoraku mrkve iz konvencionalne proizvodnje detektovani su azoksistrobin, boskalid, piraklostrobin i difenokonazol u propisanim granicama, dok je koncentracija mandipropamida bila iznad MDK

    Uticaj letnjeg i zimskog perioda ishrane na telesnu razvijenost krava simentalske rase

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    The paper analyzed linear type traits and influence of summer and winter nutrition on body development of Simmental cattle. Test cows (paternal a half-sisters) were located in identical breedingconditions on the eastern slopes of Mount Kopaonik.Considering that expression of the genetic potential depends on the environment in which the organisms exist, the differences between summer and winter period feeding of Simmental cattle were not statistically significant (Tukey's test, p> 0.05) for the investigated properties of linear type traits and body development.U radu su analizirane linearne ocene tipa i uticaj letnjeg i zimskog perioda ishrane na telesnu razvijenost krava simentalske rase. Ispitivane krave (polusestre po ocu) nalazile su se u identičnim uslovima gajenja na istočnim padinama planine Kopaonik. S obzirom da ispoljavanje genetskog potencijala zavisi i od uslova sredine u kojoj egzistiraju organizmi, razlike između letnjeg i zimskog perioda ishrane krava simentalske rase su statistički nesignifikantne (Tukey test,p> 0.05) za ispitivana svojstva linearne ocene tipa i telesne razvijenosti