8 research outputs found

    Dentometrijske karakteristike ispitanika s primarnom kompresijom

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    A comparative study of dentometric characteristics of incisors in the upper and lower jaws was performed in on attempt to determine the role of the size of the mentioned teeth in the process of primary crowding. The study included 200 examinees (140 females and 60 males) with primary crowding and 100 eugnathic subjects (48 females and 52 males) as a control group. The sample was selected according to the following criteria: anterior crowding, completed exchange of teeth, neutral intermaxillary relationship (Angle class I), lack of other malocclusion. The age was limited to 14 years in order to avoid the possible influence of tertiary crowding. The study was carried out by means of a sliding-caliper with 1 mm precision on plaster casts of the upper and lower jaws, and the mesiodistal diameters of all the four permanent incisors in the upper and lower jaws were measured. After statistical analysis and interpretation of the results, the following was concluded: Arithmetical means of the sums of the upper incisors were considerably higher in boys, while the difference between the mean values of the sums of the lower incisors was insignificant. The subjects with crowding had significantly bigger upper but not lower incisors. One of the important factors for the occurrence of crowding were bigger incisors, especially the upper central ones, and in girls also the lower incisors. The size of the incisors should by no means be taken as the only cause o f crowding, as demonstrated by the analysis of the widths and heights o f the upper dental arch. Significantly smaller widths of dental arches in the premolar and molar regions, along with an increase in the anterior upper height were registered in the subjects with crowding. The analysis of correlations revealed only a slight association between the size o f incisors, especially the upper ones, and the widths and anterior heights of the upper dental arch, possibly indicating a very low correlation or the lack o f correlation among the factors inducing crowding, i.e. increase in the size of incisors, and a narrower and longer upper dental arch.Provedeno je usporedno istraživanje dentometrijskih odlika sjekutiča u gornjoj i donjoj čeljusti s ciljem utvrđivanja uloge veličine navedenih zubi u procesu nastajanja primarne kompresije. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 200 ispitanika (140 ženskih i 60 muÅ”kih) s primarnom kompresijom i 100 eugnatih ispitanika (48 ženskih i 52 muÅ”ka) koji su poslužili kao kontrolna skupina. Odabir je učinjen prema slijedećim mjerilima: zbijeni postav sjekutiča, zavrÅ”ena mijena zubi, neutralni međučeljusni odnos (Kl I), odsutnost neke druge ortodontske anomalije. Dob je ograničena na 14 godina, kako bi se izbjegao mogući utjecaj tercijarne kompresije. Istraživanje je provedeno pomičnom kliznom mjerkom s točnoŔću od 0,5 mm na sadrenim odljevima gornjih i donjih čeljusti, a izmjereni su meziodistalni promjeri svih gornjih i donjih trajnih sjekutića. Nakon provedene statističke obrade i analize rezultata, može se zaključiti slijedeće: Aritmetičke sredine suma gornjih inciziva značajno su veće u dječaka, dok razlika između spolova za prosječne vrijednosti suma donjih inciziva nije značajna. Jedan od važnih čimbenika za nastajanje Ā»crowdingaĀ« je povećana zubna masa sjekutića, prvenstveno gornjih srednjih, a u djevojčica i donjih inciziva. Veličina inciziva nikako se ne može uzeti kao jedini razlog za nastanak kompresije, Å”to potvrđuje i analiza Å”irina i dužina gornjega zubnoga niza. U ispitanika s Ā»crowdingomĀ« zabilježene su značajno manje Å”irine zubnih nizova u regiji premolara i molara te povećanje prednje gornje dužine. Analiza korelacija ukazuje tek na laganu povezanost ili nepovezanost veličine inciziva sa Å”irinama i prednjom dužinom gornjega zubnog niza. To bi moglo ukazivati na vrlo malu povezanost, odnosno nepovezanost čimbenika koji dovode do Ā»crowdingaĀ«, a to su veći incizivi te uži i duži gornji zubni niz

    Dentometrijske karakteristike ispitanika s primarnom kompresijom

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    A comparative study of dentometric characteristics of incisors in the upper and lower jaws was performed in on attempt to determine the role of the size of the mentioned teeth in the process of primary crowding. The study included 200 examinees (140 females and 60 males) with primary crowding and 100 eugnathic subjects (48 females and 52 males) as a control group. The sample was selected according to the following criteria: anterior crowding, completed exchange of teeth, neutral intermaxillary relationship (Angle class I), lack of other malocclusion. The age was limited to 14 years in order to avoid the possible influence of tertiary crowding. The study was carried out by means of a sliding-caliper with 1 mm precision on plaster casts of the upper and lower jaws, and the mesiodistal diameters of all the four permanent incisors in the upper and lower jaws were measured. After statistical analysis and interpretation of the results, the following was concluded: Arithmetical means of the sums of the upper incisors were considerably higher in boys, while the difference between the mean values of the sums of the lower incisors was insignificant. The subjects with crowding had significantly bigger upper but not lower incisors. One of the important factors for the occurrence of crowding were bigger incisors, especially the upper central ones, and in girls also the lower incisors. The size of the incisors should by no means be taken as the only cause o f crowding, as demonstrated by the analysis of the widths and heights o f the upper dental arch. Significantly smaller widths of dental arches in the premolar and molar regions, along with an increase in the anterior upper height were registered in the subjects with crowding. The analysis of correlations revealed only a slight association between the size o f incisors, especially the upper ones, and the widths and anterior heights of the upper dental arch, possibly indicating a very low correlation or the lack o f correlation among the factors inducing crowding, i.e. increase in the size of incisors, and a narrower and longer upper dental arch.Provedeno je usporedno istraživanje dentometrijskih odlika sjekutiča u gornjoj i donjoj čeljusti s ciljem utvrđivanja uloge veličine navedenih zubi u procesu nastajanja primarne kompresije. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 200 ispitanika (140 ženskih i 60 muÅ”kih) s primarnom kompresijom i 100 eugnatih ispitanika (48 ženskih i 52 muÅ”ka) koji su poslužili kao kontrolna skupina. Odabir je učinjen prema slijedećim mjerilima: zbijeni postav sjekutiča, zavrÅ”ena mijena zubi, neutralni međučeljusni odnos (Kl I), odsutnost neke druge ortodontske anomalije. Dob je ograničena na 14 godina, kako bi se izbjegao mogući utjecaj tercijarne kompresije. Istraživanje je provedeno pomičnom kliznom mjerkom s točnoŔću od 0,5 mm na sadrenim odljevima gornjih i donjih čeljusti, a izmjereni su meziodistalni promjeri svih gornjih i donjih trajnih sjekutića. Nakon provedene statističke obrade i analize rezultata, može se zaključiti slijedeće: Aritmetičke sredine suma gornjih inciziva značajno su veće u dječaka, dok razlika između spolova za prosječne vrijednosti suma donjih inciziva nije značajna. Jedan od važnih čimbenika za nastajanje Ā»crowdingaĀ« je povećana zubna masa sjekutića, prvenstveno gornjih srednjih, a u djevojčica i donjih inciziva. Veličina inciziva nikako se ne može uzeti kao jedini razlog za nastanak kompresije, Å”to potvrđuje i analiza Å”irina i dužina gornjega zubnoga niza. U ispitanika s Ā»crowdingomĀ« zabilježene su značajno manje Å”irine zubnih nizova u regiji premolara i molara te povećanje prednje gornje dužine. Analiza korelacija ukazuje tek na laganu povezanost ili nepovezanost veličine inciziva sa Å”irinama i prednjom dužinom gornjega zubnog niza. To bi moglo ukazivati na vrlo malu povezanost, odnosno nepovezanost čimbenika koji dovode do Ā»crowdingaĀ«, a to su veći incizivi te uži i duži gornji zubni niz


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    Kvantitativna analiza kinezioloÅ”ke elektromiografske aktivnosti (EK-a) sakrospinalnih miÅ”ića tijekom pokreta laterofleks ije primijenjena je na 21 zdravom ispitaniku i 74 bolesnika s kroničnom križoboljom, s ciljem da se analiziraju kinematički parametri i miÅ”ićna aktivnost. Svi ispitivani kinematički pokazatelji (trajanje, brzina i amplituda pokreta) su kod bolesnika s križoboljom značaj no loÅ”ijih vrijednosti u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike. Bolesnici s križoboljom imaju pri pokretu laterofleksije u desno značajno manju brzinu i duže trajanje pokreta, dok amplituda pokreta nije značajno promijenjena. Pri pokretu laterofleksije u lijevo imaju značajno manju brzinu i amplitudu pokreta, a trajanje pokreta nije promijenjeno. Iz toga proizlazi da je brzina pokreta u desno snižena uz održanu amplitudu (dakle produženo je trajanje pokreta), a u lijevo zbog smanjene amplitude pokreta, a trajanje pokreta je isto kao i kod zdravih ispitanika. EMG aktivnost sakrospinalnih miÅ”ića je u svim fazama pokreta veća kod bolesnika s križoboljom nego kod zdravih ispitanika. Aktivnost lijevog miÅ”ića u svim fazama pokreta veća je od aktivnosti desnog miÅ”ića, osim pri pokretu iz maksimalnog lateralnog otklona u lijevo u vertikalni položaj. NajviÅ”a aktivnost, i kod zdravih ispitčlnika i kod bolesnika s križoboljom, registrirana je za agonistički sakrospinalni miÅ”ić kod gibanja iz maksimalnog otklona u vertikalan položaj. Tijekom pokreta laterofleksije u desno EMG aktivnost je značajno niža obostrano nego pri pokretu laterofleksije u lijevo i kod zdravih i kod bolesnika. Prikazana metoda kinezioloÅ”ke analize pokreta laterofleksije može imati praktički značaj u funkcionalnoj dijagnostici kralježnice .i praćenju učinka terapije.Quantitative analysis of kinesiologic electromyiographic activities (EK) of sacrospinal muscles during lateroflexion movements was applied in 21 healthy subjects and 74 patients with chronic low back pain, to analyzing kinematic parameters and muscular activity. All the examined kinematic indicators (duration, speed and movements amplitude) were Ā·in patients with low back pain of ā€¢signifi cantly worse values than in healthy ones. The low back patients have during ā€¢lateroflexion movement to the right significantly lower speed and longer duration of movement, while amplitude remains unchanged. During lateroflexion to the left speed and amplitude are significantly lower, and duration remains unchanged. So, speed of movement to the right was decreased with maintained amplitude (duration of movement was prolonged), and to the left was lowered because of decreased amplitude with m~:intained duration. ,EMG activity of sacrospinal muscles was higher in all the phases of movements in patients with low back pain, than in healthy ones. The activity of left muscle, \u27in all the phases of the movements, was higher than the activity of the right one, except the movement from maximally lateral decline to the left in vertical posture. The greatest activity, both in healthy subjects and in patients with low back pain too, was registered for agonistic sacrospjnal muscle at movement from maximaf decline into vertical posture. During lateroflexion movement to the right, EMG activity was significantly lower bi!aterally, than at lateroflexion movement to the left, both in healthy subjects and in patients. The very method of kinesiologic analysis of lateroflexion movements, can be very practical for functional diagnostics of spine and for the follow-up of therapy effect

    Craniometric and Gnathometric Characteristics of Anomalies Angle Class II in Deciduous Dentition

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    Kod 30 ispitanika klase II. U i 30 klase 11.12 provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem da se utvrdi u kojoj mjeri anomalije klase II. utječu na pojedine kraniometrijske i gnatometrijske dimenzije, te da li postoje signifikantne razlike između podgrupa. Svakom ispitaniku su standardnim mjernim priborom izmjerene kraniometrijske dimenzije, a gnatometrijska analiza provedena je na sadrenim odljevima otisnutih zubnih lukova. Statistička obrada načinjena je na IBM PC-AT računalu, uz programsku podrÅ”ku SPSS/PC. Provedeno istraživanje pokazuje da u ispitanika s anomalijom klase II. čeljusni i kraniofacijalni rast počinje već u mliječnoj denticiji na specifičan način. Razlike između podgrupa klase II. manifestirale su se u području slijedećih parametara: sve transverzalne kraniometrijske dimenzije veće su kod Kl 11.12, statistički značajno za dimenziju Eu-Eu; visina maksilarnog dijela lica značajno je veća kod Kl 11.12; horizontalna incizalna stepenica značajno je veća kod Kl II. II; iako su sve transverzalne dimenzije zubnih lukova značajno veće kod Kl 11.12, razlike nisu statistički značajne; kod Kl II. fl duži je gornji zubni luk, a kod Kl 11.12 donji.The study was performed in 30 subjects with class II/l and 30 subjects with class II/2 anomalies. The aim of the study was to assess the extent to which class II anomalies influenced individual craniometric and gnathometric dimensions as well as to determine whether there were any significant differences between the two subgroups. Craniometric dimensions were measured in each subject by means of standard measuring devices, while gnathometric analysis was carried out on plaster casts of their dental arches. Statistical processing was performed on an IBM PC-AT computer, with a SPSS/PC program support. The study results indicated the maxillomandibular and craniofacial growth to follow a specific pattern as early as in the deciduous dentition in subjects with class II anomalies.Differences between class II subgroups manifested in the range of the following parameters: all transversal craniometric dimensions were greater in class II/2 , which was statistically significant in case of Eu-Eu dimension; height of the maxillary part o f the face was significantly greater in class II/2 ; horizontal incisal step was significantly greater in class II/l; although all transversal dimensions of dental arches were considerably greater in class II/2 , the differences were not statistically significant; the upper and lower dental arches were longer in class II/l and W 2 , respectively

    Nuspojave uzimanja lijekova na sluznici usne Ŕupljine

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    Every medication may lead to adverse effects, even when used in standard doses and mode of application. In the oral cavity, adverse effects may affect every part of oral mucosa and are the result of medications taken either locally or systemically. Oral adverse reactions to drugs are not typical and therefore sometimes not easy to recognize. On diagnosing adverse side effects in the oral cavity, experienced clinician will usually diagnose the condition on the basis of detailed medical history and clinical finding. However, the only objective evidence for the offending drug is ā€˜re-challengeā€™, i.e. exposure to the drug after its discontinuation. It carries a huge risk of anaphylactic reaction; therefore it has to be performed in a controlled hospital setting. Therapy is based on immediate exclusion of the offending drug and, if lesions are present in the oral cavity, topical or systemic corticosteroid therapy is prescribed. This article gives a review of patients with oral adverse drug reactions referred to the Department of Oral Medicine in Zagreb.Svaki lijek može imati neželjene nuspojave, čak i kada se koristi u terapijskim dozama i prema propisanom režimu. Neželjene nuspojave u usnoj Å”upljini mogu se pojaviti na bilo kojem dijelu oralne sluznice i mogu biti posljedica primjene lijeka lokalnim ili sustavnim putem. Nuspojave lijekova u usnoj Å”upljini nisu specifične i ponekad ih je teÅ”ko prepoznati. Prilikom dijagnosticiranja nuspojava lijekova u usnoj Å”upljini iskusni liječnik obično će dijagnosticirati stanje na temelju detaljne povijesti bolesti i kliničkog nalaza. Međutim, jedini objektivni dokaz koji bi upućivao na uzročni lijek je tzv. re-challenge, odnosno ponovna izloženost lijeku nakon prestanka njegove primjene. S obzirom na to da takav način testiranja nosi veliku opasnost od razvoja anafilaktične reakcije treba ga provesti u kontroliranim bolničkim uvjetima. Liječenje se temelji na trenutnom prekidu uzimanja uzročnog lijeka, a ako su prisutne lezije u usnoj Å”upljini ordinira se lokalna i/ili sustavna terapija kortikosteroidima. Ovaj pregledni članak je nastao na temelju prikaza bolesnika koji su upućeni na Zavod za oralnu medicinu u Zagrebu


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    Tema ovog rada je uvođenje usluge prepaid plaćanja parkinga u Međunarodnoj zračnoj luci Zagreb (MZLZ), s ciljem povećanja zadovoljstva korisnika, protočnosti vozila te digitalizacije sustava naplate parkiranja. UzevÅ”i u obzir sve okolnosti i tehnoloÅ”ke mogućnosti danaÅ”njice, ponuđeno rjeÅ”enje prati svjetske trendove i globalni razvoj zračnih luka. Sa stajaliÅ”ta Međunarodne zračne luke Zagreb projekt ovog obujma i ovakvog koncepta je i viÅ”e nego poželjan. Zračne luke jednako kao i sve druge djelatnosti nastoje povećati svoju učinkovitost i operativnu profitabilnost usklađujući ih s tržiÅ”nim trendovima. Ne-aeronautički segmenti poslovanja, od kojih je parking jedan od značajnijih ili najzačajniji segment, zauzimaju sve važnije mjesto u povećanju prihoda po putniku. Stoga je u tom segmentu potrebno redovno održavanje i obnavljanje usluge. MZLZ stalnim aktivnostima nastoji poboljÅ”ati kvalitetu svojih usluga na zadovoljstvo korisnika. Praćenjem zadovoljstva korisnika uslugama kroz CRM sustav, kao i provođenjem istraživanja zadovoljstva putnika Airport Service Quality (ASQ), koje provodi svjetsko udruženje zračnih luka, Airport Council International ā€“ World (ACI), prikupljaju se podaci, te temeljem dobivenih rezultata poduzimaju se aktivnosti u svrhu poboljÅ”anja postojećih i razvoja novih usluga. Otvorenjem novog putničkog terminala, zračna luka je modernizirana, unaprijeđena je njena tehnoloÅ”ka opremljenost te povećan kapacitet. Uzimajući u obzir trend povećanja broja putnika kao i njihovo zadovoljstvo, te značajan udio prihoda usluge parkiranja u ne-aeronautičkim djelatnostima MZLZ-a, ovim projektom putnicima i korisnicima parkinga MZLZ-a, cilj je pružiti bolju i moderniju uslugu naplate, ubrzati proces iste, te povećati fluidnost vozila, a posljedično se očekuje veći prihod i bolji rezultati u segmentu parkiranja. Ovim radom se u potpunosti donosi prijedlog modernizacije usluge naplate parkiranja u MZLZ-u, s kompletnim tehničkim rjeÅ”enjem, financijskim obuhvatom, predviđanjima i proračunom povrata. Ovim radom je projekt spreman za isporuku, a predviđa i moguće nadogradnje u budućnosti čime se pokrivaju svjetski trendovi i zadovoljava potreba tržiÅ”ta.The subject of this graduate thesis is the initiation of prepaid parking service at the Zagreb International Airport (MZLZ), with a goal of increasing customer satisfaction, better flow of vehicle and digitalization of the car parking service. Considering the possibilities of technology, the solution is in line with global trends and developments of the worldā€™s airports. From the standpoint of the Zagreb International Airport the project is more than desirable. Airports are aiming to increase their efficiency and operational profitability by aligning them with market trends. Non-aeronautical business segments, where parking is one of the most significant or most valued segment, are holding down an important place in increasing revenue per passenger. Therefore, in this segment regular maintenance and renewal of the service are required. MZLZ constantly works on improving the quality of its services in order to increase customer satisfaction. Monitoring of Customer Satisfaction Services through the CRM System as well as the Airport Service Quality Certification (ASQ) is carried out by the International Airport Association International (ACI) with collecting data. Based on the obtained results activities are undertaken in order to improve existing services, also to develop some new. With the opening of the new passenger terminal, the airport has been modernized, its technological equipment has been improved and capacities have been increased. Considering the trend of increasing the number of passengers, as well as their satisfaction and a significant share of the revenue from parking services in non-aeronautical activities of MZLZ, this project for travelers and users of MZLZ car park aims to provide a better and more modern service, also increase the flow of vehicle. Consequently, higher revenue and better results are expected in the parking segment. This graduate thesis presents the proposal for modernization the car parking service at the MZLZ, with a complete technical solution, financial coverage, forecasts, and returns calculations. With this thesis, the project is ready for implementation and anticipates possible upgrades in the future, in line with world trends and meeting market needs


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    Tema ovog rada je uvođenje usluge prepaid plaćanja parkinga u Međunarodnoj zračnoj luci Zagreb (MZLZ), s ciljem povećanja zadovoljstva korisnika, protočnosti vozila te digitalizacije sustava naplate parkiranja. UzevÅ”i u obzir sve okolnosti i tehnoloÅ”ke mogućnosti danaÅ”njice, ponuđeno rjeÅ”enje prati svjetske trendove i globalni razvoj zračnih luka. Sa stajaliÅ”ta Međunarodne zračne luke Zagreb projekt ovog obujma i ovakvog koncepta je i viÅ”e nego poželjan. Zračne luke jednako kao i sve druge djelatnosti nastoje povećati svoju učinkovitost i operativnu profitabilnost usklađujući ih s tržiÅ”nim trendovima. Ne-aeronautički segmenti poslovanja, od kojih je parking jedan od značajnijih ili najzačajniji segment, zauzimaju sve važnije mjesto u povećanju prihoda po putniku. Stoga je u tom segmentu potrebno redovno održavanje i obnavljanje usluge. MZLZ stalnim aktivnostima nastoji poboljÅ”ati kvalitetu svojih usluga na zadovoljstvo korisnika. Praćenjem zadovoljstva korisnika uslugama kroz CRM sustav, kao i provođenjem istraživanja zadovoljstva putnika Airport Service Quality (ASQ), koje provodi svjetsko udruženje zračnih luka, Airport Council International ā€“ World (ACI), prikupljaju se podaci, te temeljem dobivenih rezultata poduzimaju se aktivnosti u svrhu poboljÅ”anja postojećih i razvoja novih usluga. Otvorenjem novog putničkog terminala, zračna luka je modernizirana, unaprijeđena je njena tehnoloÅ”ka opremljenost te povećan kapacitet. Uzimajući u obzir trend povećanja broja putnika kao i njihovo zadovoljstvo, te značajan udio prihoda usluge parkiranja u ne-aeronautičkim djelatnostima MZLZ-a, ovim projektom putnicima i korisnicima parkinga MZLZ-a, cilj je pružiti bolju i moderniju uslugu naplate, ubrzati proces iste, te povećati fluidnost vozila, a posljedično se očekuje veći prihod i bolji rezultati u segmentu parkiranja. Ovim radom se u potpunosti donosi prijedlog modernizacije usluge naplate parkiranja u MZLZ-u, s kompletnim tehničkim rjeÅ”enjem, financijskim obuhvatom, predviđanjima i proračunom povrata. Ovim radom je projekt spreman za isporuku, a predviđa i moguće nadogradnje u budućnosti čime se pokrivaju svjetski trendovi i zadovoljava potreba tržiÅ”ta.The subject of this graduate thesis is the initiation of prepaid parking service at the Zagreb International Airport (MZLZ), with a goal of increasing customer satisfaction, better flow of vehicle and digitalization of the car parking service. Considering the possibilities of technology, the solution is in line with global trends and developments of the worldā€™s airports. From the standpoint of the Zagreb International Airport the project is more than desirable. Airports are aiming to increase their efficiency and operational profitability by aligning them with market trends. Non-aeronautical business segments, where parking is one of the most significant or most valued segment, are holding down an important place in increasing revenue per passenger. Therefore, in this segment regular maintenance and renewal of the service are required. MZLZ constantly works on improving the quality of its services in order to increase customer satisfaction. Monitoring of Customer Satisfaction Services through the CRM System as well as the Airport Service Quality Certification (ASQ) is carried out by the International Airport Association International (ACI) with collecting data. Based on the obtained results activities are undertaken in order to improve existing services, also to develop some new. With the opening of the new passenger terminal, the airport has been modernized, its technological equipment has been improved and capacities have been increased. Considering the trend of increasing the number of passengers, as well as their satisfaction and a significant share of the revenue from parking services in non-aeronautical activities of MZLZ, this project for travelers and users of MZLZ car park aims to provide a better and more modern service, also increase the flow of vehicle. Consequently, higher revenue and better results are expected in the parking segment. This graduate thesis presents the proposal for modernization the car parking service at the MZLZ, with a complete technical solution, financial coverage, forecasts, and returns calculations. With this thesis, the project is ready for implementation and anticipates possible upgrades in the future, in line with world trends and meeting market needs