Craniometric and Gnathometric Characteristics of Anomalies Angle Class II in Deciduous Dentition


Kod 30 ispitanika klase II. U i 30 klase 11.12 provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem da se utvrdi u kojoj mjeri anomalije klase II. utječu na pojedine kraniometrijske i gnatometrijske dimenzije, te da li postoje signifikantne razlike između podgrupa. Svakom ispitaniku su standardnim mjernim priborom izmjerene kraniometrijske dimenzije, a gnatometrijska analiza provedena je na sadrenim odljevima otisnutih zubnih lukova. Statistička obrada načinjena je na IBM PC-AT računalu, uz programsku podršku SPSS/PC. Provedeno istraživanje pokazuje da u ispitanika s anomalijom klase II. čeljusni i kraniofacijalni rast počinje već u mliječnoj denticiji na specifičan način. Razlike između podgrupa klase II. manifestirale su se u području slijedećih parametara: sve transverzalne kraniometrijske dimenzije veće su kod Kl 11.12, statistički značajno za dimenziju Eu-Eu; visina maksilarnog dijela lica značajno je veća kod Kl 11.12; horizontalna incizalna stepenica značajno je veća kod Kl II. II; iako su sve transverzalne dimenzije zubnih lukova značajno veće kod Kl 11.12, razlike nisu statistički značajne; kod Kl II. fl duži je gornji zubni luk, a kod Kl 11.12 donji.The study was performed in 30 subjects with class II/l and 30 subjects with class II/2 anomalies. The aim of the study was to assess the extent to which class II anomalies influenced individual craniometric and gnathometric dimensions as well as to determine whether there were any significant differences between the two subgroups. Craniometric dimensions were measured in each subject by means of standard measuring devices, while gnathometric analysis was carried out on plaster casts of their dental arches. Statistical processing was performed on an IBM PC-AT computer, with a SPSS/PC program support. The study results indicated the maxillomandibular and craniofacial growth to follow a specific pattern as early as in the deciduous dentition in subjects with class II anomalies.Differences between class II subgroups manifested in the range of the following parameters: all transversal craniometric dimensions were greater in class II/2 , which was statistically significant in case of Eu-Eu dimension; height of the maxillary part o f the face was significantly greater in class II/2 ; horizontal incisal step was significantly greater in class II/l; although all transversal dimensions of dental arches were considerably greater in class II/2 , the differences were not statistically significant; the upper and lower dental arches were longer in class II/l and W 2 , respectively

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