5 research outputs found


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    The title of the research paper was “Listening to English Songs as a Means of Improving Students’ Ability in Pronunciation”. This study was conducted on the September 1st 2021 until September 8th 2021. The objectives of the study were to find out whether or not the English songs were effective for teaching pronunciation and to find out the students responses toward the used of English songs. The method that was used in this research was pre-experimental design. There was only one group to be researched. The sample was the second grade students of MA Quwatul Iman that consist of 20 students. The instruments were test and questionnaire. The research findings were the value of t- that was higher than the t- table (10.45 > 2.086) so that the Null Hypotheses (Ho) is rejected and the Alternative Hypotheses (Ha) is accepted, stating that there was significant difference in the result of students score before and after the treatment using English songs. This means that the use of English songs in teaching pronunciation to the second grade students of MA Quwatul Iman is effective. Then the writer found out that students liked being taught pronunciation by using English songs. It was shown by the result of the questionnaires that was 75% of the students answered being taught studying by using English songs was interesting. And 90% of the students answered that they like this method. It can be concluded that the students’ response toward the use of English song in teaching pronunciation was good and positiv


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    This study delves into the burgeoning field of green marketing and its pivotal role in shaping environmental awareness and influencing consumer preferences. Positioned within the realm of marketing management, this research sets the groundwork for developing hypotheses about the dynamics between green marketing and various dependent variables, aiming to guide future empirical investigations. Employing a qualitative descriptive approach, this research synthesizes insights from an extensive review of academic literature, utilizing resources such as Crossref, Google Scholar, and other esteemed academic platforms. The findings underscore two primary impacts of green marketing: (1) a significant influence on consumer environmental consciousness, and (2) a notable effect on consumer preferences. Beyond these key areas, the study identifies additional factors interplaying with green marketing. These include competitive advantage, environmental sustainability, brand image, Eco Labelling, and Eco Branding. These insights contribute to a more nuanced understanding of green marketing's multifaceted influence and highlight potential avenues for further research in the field.artikel ilmiah pengaruh Green Marketing terhadap: kesadaran lingkungan dan preferensi konsumen merupakan karya ilmiah yang bertujuan untuk membangun hipotesis penelitian terhadap pengaruh variabel-variabel yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian selanjutnya. Artikel ilmiah ini termasuk didalam bagian manajemen pemasaran. Metode penulisan karya ilmiah ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersumber pada aplikasi Crossref dan Google Scholar dan media akademik lainnya. Hasil dari karya ilmiah ini adalah : 1) Green Marketing berpengaruh terhadap kesadaran konsumen, 2) Green Marketing berpengaruh terhadap preferensi konsumen. Selain 2 variabel endogen yang dipengaruhi oleh variabel eksogen Green marketing, masih ada beberapa faktor lain, diantaranya variabel keunggulan bersaing, keberlanjutan lingkungan, brand image, Eco Labbelling dan Eco Brand

    Intervensi Bagi Orang Tua dalam Mencegah Kekerasan Seksual Anak di Indonesia: Scoping Review

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    Kasus kekerasan seksual anak (KSA) di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahunnya. Orangtua berperan penting dalam pendidikan pencegahan KSA. Tujuan penelitian untuk memetakan intervensi bagi orang tua dalam mencegah KSA. Desain penelitian scoping review. Pencarian artikel menggunakan database terkomputerisasi, yaitu: CINAHL EBSCO, PubMed, Pyschoinfo, Google Scholar, Jurnal Unpad, dan pencarian secara manual dengan menggunakan kunci berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Hasil artikel awal didapatkan berjumlah 15.507, kemudian dilakukan penyaringan berdasarkan kriteria inklusi serta dilakukan penilainan artikel sehingga menghasilkan 18 artikel yang memenuhi syarat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ditemukan ada 6 bentuk intervensi pencegahan KSA yang dapat dilakukan orang tua, yaitu pemberian pendidikan kesehatan seksual pada orangtua, pemberian pendidikan bagi orang tua tentang pencegahan KSA, program pendidikan keluarga, pola asuh orang tua yang baik, optimalisasi peran orang tua, dan hubungan tingkat pendidikan dengan pengetahuan orang tua. Dengan demikian ada beberapa pencegahan KSA yang dapat dilakukan orang tua untuk melindungi anaknya dari KSA

    Social innovation in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The INSIST Cahier 4 will review COVID-19 related dynamics from the lens of social innovation, as addressed above, and assess various aspects of life and experiences faced by different countries around the globe. These dynamics will be summarised along several sub-questions to answer our general question: To what extent has the COVID-19 pandemic affected aspects of human life on at various scales? What happened to existing inequalities? And to what extent and how have socially innovative responses been triggered by multiple parties (governments, private parties, communities)? Specifically, the purpose of INSIST Cahier 4 is to produce an initial compilation of knowledge and analysis of COVID-19 related social innovations around the globe. This collective knowledge will enrich public discourse about dealing with the ongoing pandemic, which involves multiple agents--governments, communities, business, local, regional, national and international actors. In each of these themes, the existence of the Coronavirus in our future lives forced socially innovative initiatives, expanding our resources, thinking out of the box to find new ways and instruments to adjust this situation into a better future. Based on this compilation of knowledge, a number of recommendations are formulated in terms of a manifesto. This study is written from various perspectives and covers quite diverse sectors, with varied writing styles: academic pieces, artistic interpretations, and graphical representations linking to existing material. Contributors are 32 young academics, researchers and students, participating from the beginning of March until the end of May 2020 in the intensive programme “International Module in Spatial Development Planning (IMSDP)” in Leuven (Belgium), supported by VLIR-UOS. They all have respective fields of study, and come from almost all continents: Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin-America. Therefore, the analysis presented varies and provides a kaleidoscopic understanding of the COVID-19's impacts and socially innovative responses from different perspectives. The writing and discussing process ran intensively for six weeks, exclusively through online meetings and collaboration, and was followed by 3 weeks of post-processing. All contributors were actively involved from the beginning in a bottom-linked writing process. They generally used data sourced from digital media, both in the form of news and various reports available, as well as primary data through observations/interviews/questionnaires. The framework that unites the diversity of writing is the pandemic implications through the lens of social innovation. Hopefully, these writings will give colour to the analysis presented

    Social Innovation in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The INSIST Cahier 4 will review COVID-19 related dynamics from the lens of social innovation, as addressed above, and assess various aspects of life and experiences faced by different countries around the globe. These dynamics will be summarised along several sub-questions to answer our general question: To what extent has the COVID-19 pandemic affected aspects of human life on at various scales? What happened to existing inequalities? And to what extent and how have socially innovative responses been triggered by multiple parties (governments, private parties, communities)? Specifically, the purpose of INSIST Cahier 4 is to produce an initial compilation of knowledge and analysis of COVID-19 related social innovations around the globe. This collective knowledge will enrich public discourse about dealing with the ongoing pandemic, which involves multiple agents--governments, communities, business, local, regional, national and international actors. From collective brainstorming the following themes for this INSIST Cahier 4 emerged: the environmental effects; food & supply systems; urban politics; housing; social solidarity; public space & transportation; body & soul; urban-rural exodus; and populist lens against post truth reality.status: Published onlin