1,104 research outputs found

    Salivary Glands

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    Saliva is a fluid secreted by the salivary glands that keeps the oral cavity moist and also coats the teeth along with mucosa. The salivary gland possesses tubuloacinar units, and these are merocrine. The functional unit of the salivary glands is the terminal secretory piece called acini with a roughly spherical or tubular shape. It also consists of branched ducts for the passage of the saliva and also plays an important role in the production and modification of saliva. Each type of duct is lined by different types of epithelia, on the basis of its location. Myoepithelial cells are contractile cells with respect to intercalated and secretory endpieces. Parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands are the major salivary glands. The minor salivary glands are labial and buccal gland, glossopalatine gland, and palatine and lingual glands. Saliva plays an important role in mastication, speech, protection, deglutition, digestion, excretion, tissue repair, etc. Secretion stimulated in response to sympathetic stimulation will differ in protein and electrolyte from that due to parasympathetic stimulation. The concentration of saliva depends only on the rate of flow and not on the nature of stimulus. Saliva guides the clinician toward the optimal mode of treatment and guides the patient toward ultimate prognosis

    Bioactive and pharmacological characterization of Chenopodium quinoa, Sorghum bicolor and Linum usitassimum: A review

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    Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and flaxseed (Linum usitassimum L.) are grains and seeds popularly known for their nutritional values. This  review aimed to discuss the nutritional profile of these grains and seeds, their bioactive compounds and how those compounds help to prevent chronic diseases. These crops were selected for this study as they are all free of gluten; they are a rich source of protein, and they all have a low glycemic index (GI) i.e. they do not spike the blood sugar level, which makes them a good choice for people with diabetes and celiac disease. During the study, it was found that some or all of the bioactive compounds like phenolic acids, flavonoids, saponins, phytosterols, tocopherol, tannins, betalains, stillbenoids, polycosanols, alpha-linoleic acid, and lignans have anti- cancerous, anti- diabetic, anti-hypertensive and cardiovasculareffects on the body.  Quinoa posses’ bioactive compounds like quercetin, kaempferol, Betacyanins, betalains and tocopherol, that have biological functions such as anti-hypertensive, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-cancerous, anti-diabetic, anti-allergic, anti-thrombosis, and anti-atherosclerosis effects on the body. Sorghum contains trans-resveratrol, caffeic acid, gallic acid, campesterol, stigmasterol and gallotannins, which helps prevent lung, breast and prostate cancer, prevents type-2-diabetes, and has neuroprotective effect. Flaxseed bioactives like Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), lignans and cyanogenic glycosides have Immunomodulatory, anti-fibrosis, anti-mutagenic and anti-obesity effects. Since the world is moving towards a healthy lifestyle, grains and seeds are a good source of nutritious foods


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    ABSTRACTOral route is the most convenient route of drug administration in many diseases and till today it is the first way investigated in the development ofnew dosage forms. The major problem in oral drug formulations is low and erratic bioavailability, which mainly results from poor aqueous solubility,thereby pretense problems in their formulation. More than 40% of potential drug products suffer from poor water solubility. For the therapeuticdelivery of lipophilic active moieties (biopharmaceutical classification system Class II drugs), lipid-based formulations are inviting increasingattention. Currently, a number of technologies are available to deal with the poor solubility, dissolution rate, and bioavailability of insoluble drugs.One of the promising techniques is self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems (SMEDDS). SMEDDS have gained exposure for their ability to increasesolubility and bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs. SMEDDS, which are isotropic mixtures of oils, surfactants, solvents, and co-solvents/surfactantscan be used for the design of formulations to improve the oral absorption of highly lipophilic drug compounds. Conventional SMEDDS are mostlyprepared in a liquid form, which can have some disadvantages. SMEDDS can be orally administered in soft or hard gelatin capsules and form finerelatively stable oil-in-water emulsions. Solid-SMEDDS are prepared by solidification of liquid/semisolid self-micron emulsifying ingredients intopowders, have gained popularity. This article gives a complete overview of SMEDDS, but special attention has been paid to formulation, design,evaluation, and little emphasis on application of SMEDDS.Keywords: Self-microemulsifying drug delivery system, Surfactant, Oil, Co-surfactant, Bioavailability, Lipophilic, Biopharmaceutical classificationsystem Class II drugs


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    With the growth of Internet, websites have become a dynamic tool in the market for every business to both acquire and service their customers. Online presence through websites has given them a global and wider reach. Good design and well management are the two key aspects of the effective website to catch the attention of visitors. Nowadays, the analysis and behavior of website visitors can be used to convert them into customers and serve them in a better way. This can be carried out on the weblogs which are generated as a result of user’s access to a website. This paper aims to study the log files of an astrological website. An astrological website has not gained much attention in the internet community as people prefer going to the astrologers in person to resolve their problems. The log files of an astrology website were taken, preprocessed and analyzed using Analyze Key Influencers technique a feature of Microsoft SQL Server Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft Office 2007. The information obtained can be used to enhance the effectiveness of the website

    Diabetes mellitus treatment using herbal drugs

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    Diabetes mellitus is becoming a common metabolic disorder which has serious threat to public health in the world. There are chemicals and biochemical agent that helps in controlling diabetes but there is no permanent remedy available which helps to get recovered completely from this disorder. By conducting large number of research work, numerous traditional medicines have been found for diabetes. Substances and extracts isolated from different natural resources especially plants have always been a rich arsenal for controlling and treating diabetes problem and complication arising due to it. So this review helps the reader to understand the importance of various types of herbal and polyherbal formulations present traditionally which can be used to treat diabetes mellitus.

    Adverse donor reaction during and after plateletpheresis in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Plateletpheresis is the process of collecting platelets, a component of blood involved in blood clotting. The term specifically refers to the method of collecting the platelets, which is performed by a device used in blood donation that separate the platelets and return other portion of blood to the donor. Platelet transfusion can be a life-saving procedure in preventing and treating serious complications from bleeding and haemorrhage in patients having disorders manifesting as thrombocytopenia like in dengue patients, ITP, aplastic anemia, and patients undergoing chemotherapy for leukaemia. In this study, our goal was to retrospectively analyse the adverse reactions occurred during and immediately after plateletpheresis donations.Methods: From January 2015 to October 2016, a total of 66 plateletpheresis procedures were performed in department of transfusion medicine, GMC Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India which is a tertiary care hospital.Results: Total 66 procedures were performed during our study period from which, four (6.06%) adverse events were recorded. Out of these four, two (50%) donors suffered from tingling sensation, one (25%) suffered from nausea and vomiting and One (25%) from haematoma formation.Conclusions: In Conclusion, the result of our 22-month study survey document that apheresis procedures performed on cell separators are safe procedures with the low incidence of adverse reactions

    Jigsaw puzzle to teach anatomy to first year MBBS students

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    Background: Anatomy provides a platform of knowledge indispensable to all the branches of medicine. Students have to learn many new concepts and tongue-twisting terminologies, making this subject difficult to comprehend. It has been seen that a range of innovative, proactive, simple, hands-on approach strategies can achieve maximum student engagement and help them learn. Aim is to take students from the traditional view of anatomy as a subject that require surface learning (rote learning, memorization) to one that can lead to deep learning through understanding. Keeping all this in mind a study was planned to develop an innovative method of teaching anatomy to 1st year MBBS students.Methods: The diagrams of sagittal and horizontal sections of the brain were selected, marked and cut into jigsaw pieces. Students were given an incomplete jigsaw puzzle and a set of questions. The answer to these questions helped them complete the puzzle. Perception of students who consented to participate in the study was noted.Results: Out of 98 students who participated in the study 61.2% wanted to participate in similar activities in future in anatomy and 57.1% felt that it helped them in understanding the topic. For 52.1% it was a useful self-learning tool and for another 48.9% students solving the puzzle was a challenging experience.Conclusions: Jigsaw puzzle is an efficient way for students to become engaged in their learning. It maximizes interaction and establishes an atmosphere of co-operation and respect for other students and improves learning

    Para vaginal dermoid cyst: a rare occurrence

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    Dermoid cyst (cystic teratoma) showing well differentiated derivatives of all three germs cell layers, is a benign germ cell tumour. Ovaries remain the commonest site. Paravaginal dermoid cyst is a rare occurrence. Pre-operative diagnosis is usually difficult in majority of cases. They constitute less than 4% of all extragonadal teratomas. A 28-year old, P2L2 female presented with paravaginal cyst, 10×10cms, non-tender, soft swelling, cystic in consistency occupying posterior and left part of rectovaginal septum. Trans vaginal excision of cyst under regional anaesthesia done. Cyst was ruptured while excision showing putty material with tuft of hairs. A retrospective diagnosis of mature teratoma/paravaginal dermoid cyst was made on histopathological examination. Paravaginal dermoid cyst, a benign cystic teratoma is a very rare occurrence. Transvaginal excision of dermoid cyst under anaesthesia remains treatment of choice. Retrospective diagnosis on histopathological examination remains confirmatory as it may be missed on sonography if teeth are not present in dermoid cyst


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    Objective: The Purpose of this work was to design mucoadhesive tablets of prochlorperazine maleate to release the drug in buccal cavity for an extended period of time in order to avoid the first-pass metabolism.Methods: Six formulations were prepared using different polymer like Xanthan gum, Locust bean gum, Carbopol 974P NF, HPMC K100MCR, Polyox-WSR301 and Gantrez AN139 as a mucoadhesive and controlled release agents. The formulations were tested for content uniformity, thickness, weight variation, friability, in vitro drug release, in-vitro bio-adhesion, swelling index and residence time.Results: Drug excipient compatibility studies performed using DSC. The DSC studies revealed endothermic peak at 200o–205oC for Prochlorperazine maleate. Similarly endothermic peaks were obtained for separate excipient when heated in the range of 50-300 °C indicating their melting points. There was no separate peak observed when the drug was mixed with the different polymers like Xanthan gum, locust bean gum, Carbopol 974 P, HPMC K100 MCR, Gantrez AN139 and Polyox-WSR301 in ratio (1:1) indicating that no interaction took place between drug and polymers used in the study. Dissolution studies of the tablets of the optimized batch (BDS-6) containing Carbopol 974P (CP) and HPMC K100 MCR showed extended release 90.65% up to 24 hr. The bioadhesive force of optimized formulation is 12.18±.011 gm and the maximum swelling index was observed in 3.87±.0057 h.Conclusion: From the study it can be concluded that formulation BDS-6 containing Carbopol and HPMC K100 MCR give a promising result for sustained release action of PrM. Â
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