62 research outputs found

    Avances recientes en el estudio de las necesidades formativas en el ámbito organizacional

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    Quartes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 1998-1999)La realización de un cuidadoso análisis de necesidades es de suma importancia y debería realizarse antes del desarrollo de cualquier programa de formación en la empresa (McGehee y Thayer, 1961; Wexley y Latham, 1981; Goldstein, 1986, 1991, 1993; Tannenbaum y Yukl, 1992; Bee y Bee, 1994; Ford y Kraiger, 1995; Taylor y otros, 1998). Sin embargo, son pocas las empresas que realizan un análisis de necesidades formativas desde planteamientos sistemáticos y rigurosos (Saari y otros, 1988; Taylor y otros, 1998). Además, los planteamientos tradicionales sobre necesidades formativas han conducido los análisis desde una concepción de necesidad como déficit. Ahora bien, los continuos cambios tecnológicos, socioeconómicos y políticos están exigiendo que en un futuro se amplíe el concepto de necesidad formativa, para que la formación que surja del análisis de necesidades formativas no sólo permita corregir deficiencias formativas actuales del trabajador, sino que también permita afrontar más adecuadamente los cambios futuros que pueden darse en el puesto de trabajo. En este marco, se plantea este trabajo cuyo objetivo es ofrecer una perspectiva general de la literatura sobre análisis de necesidades formativas, tanto desde el enfoque clásico centrado en el déficit, como desde un enfoque más innovador donde hay una ausencia de déficit en el presente

    How are perceived the current women and men? A study about gender stereotypes and sexism among university students

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    11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference ProceedingsThe massive incorporation of women into the educational system and the labour market in the last decades could lead us misleadingly to see the reality in a very optimistic way. The reality is that women, despite their excellent qualifications comparable to that of men, are still in a discriminatory situation in comparison to men. Growing literature analyses the underlying processes to shed light to this problem, and the explanations that has received the most attention from researchers are the existence of gender stereotypes and sexist attitudes in our society. People associate communal qualities (e.g., nice, compassionate) with women, while agentic qualities (e.g., assertive, competitive) are more linked to men, which precisely are considered as requirements for success in labour world. The aim of this study is to analyse whether there are differences in how men and women are perceived (i.e., which are their characteristic traits) and to explore the possible effect of sexism on these perceptions. The sample is composed of 200 Spanish university students (n = 110 men and n = 90 women). The results show that there are significant differences in how women and men in general are perceived in terms of their characteristic traits nowadays. In the majority of the attributes, women in general are perceived in a feminine way, while men are viewed in a masculine way, in accordance to gender stereotypes. In addition, there are some statistical differences in these perceptions in function of the degree of sexist attitudes among the participants. In particular, those students who scored lower in sexism attribute some typical masculine traits to women. On the contrary, those students who scored higher in sexism attribute typical feminine traits to women. In the case of perceptions about men, the students who scored lower in sexism attribute one typical feminine trait to men, while those students who scored higher in sexism attribute typical masculine traits to men. It is interesting to highlight that perceptions about women are less favourably than the perceptions about men. Those findings suggest the important weight of gender stereotypes and the prejudice against women in our society. The implications of the results for education, university teaching-learning process, future research guidelines, and limitations of the study are also discussed

    Factores que dificultan el acceso de las mujeres a puestos de responsabilidad: una revisión teórica

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    El objetivo general de este trabajo es revisar e integrar la investigación actual acerca de los diferentes factores de carácter externo e interno, que pueden obstaculizar el acceso de las mujeres a puestos de responsabilidad. De entre las barreras externas destacan los estereotipos de género, la segregación del mercado de trabajo, la discriminación laboral, el acoso sexual y psicológico en el trabajo, las menores oportunidades de desarrollo de carrera en la organización, la ausencia de una política laboral consolidada que favorezca la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar y la dificultad para compartir las responsabilidades domésticas y del cuidado de los/as hijos/as. Si bien estos condicionantes externos impiden a muchas mujeres con capacidad personal y profesional alcanzar posiciones en los entornos directivos, no se pueden obviar las variables personales, como la baja autoeficacia y la menor formación en materias tradicionalmente masculinas, pues también pueden convertirse en obstáculos significativos.The general aim of this paper is to review and integrate present research about the different external and internal factors that could hinder the access of women to management positions. Among the external barriers stand out gender stereotypes, labour market segregation, women labour discrimination, sexual harassment, mobbing at work, lower career development opportunities at organization, absence of an integrated labour policy that facilitates the compatibility of work and family areas, and the difficulty to share household and childcare responsibilities. Despite those external determining factors stop many personal and professionally qualified women achieving positions in managerial settings, personal variables can not be ignored, such as low self-efficacy and training in traditionally male issues, since also could change into significant obstacles

    Las competencias a debate: su papel en el proceso de convergencia europea en educación superior

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    La construcción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) tiene entre sus objetivos fundamentales la creación de una red universitaria homogénea, comparable y flexible, acompañada de un sistema compatible de créditos igual para todos los países europeos. La consecución de estos objetivos tiene en las competencias su piedra angular. Sin embargo, cuando analizamos con más detalle el constructo de competencia y sus implicaciones, resulta paradójico comprobar que quedan cuestiones pendientes de resolver, especialmente en cuanto a su conceptualización y su poder de aplicación real a la formación de los estudiantes universitarios. El objetivo de este artículo es debatir acerca del papel de las competencias en el proceso de convergencia en materia de educación superior y sus implicaciones para los colectivos involucrados, prestando atención a las nuevas iniciativas en torno a la enseñanza de la Psicología

    El papel de las competencias en el mercado laboral actual

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    Sisenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2000-2001

    The effect of overeducation on job content innovation and career-enhancing strategies amoung young Spanish employees

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    The increase of education in younger people and the relative scarcity of qualified jobs available for them make the overeducation of young workers a social issue. We explored the relationships between overeducation and extra-role behaviors (job content innovation and career-enhancing strategies) as well as the direct and moderating role of personal initiative and intrinsic work values in these relationships. We collected data from a sample of 638 young Spanish employees. As expected, there were negative relationships between overeducation and content innovation and career-enhancing strategies. Personal initiative and intrinsic work values related positively to extra-role behaviors. Moreover, high levels of intrinsic work values and personal initiative emerged as moderating factors that buffered the negative effect of overeducation on extra-role behavior

    Game base learning in Psychology education: improving undergraduates competence for team working

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    10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2018)Gamification has been identified, as an interesting tool, to make educational processes more efficient. It supposes the application of gameful thinking, and game mechanics, in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems or carrying out tasks. There is solid and growing empirical evidence that supports how games can favour effective learning in a variety of subjects. Some findings showed, that the mean scores of university students in classrooms using the game were significantly higher than those in classes that did not, supporting the idea that knowledge acquisition and content understanding can be learning from games. Moreover, it has been found that simulation games build more confidence for on-the-job application of learned knowledge, than classroom instruction does. Throughout their university training, Psychology undergraduates must acquire various knowledges and competences that are necessary to exercise their future professional activity in an effective and efficient way. Among them is the competence to work in teams, as well as to manage teams and groups so that they work properly. An important part of key knowledges to develop such competences are worked and developed in the classroom of Groups Psychology, at the end of the third course of Psychology Degree. In this context this paper deals, on one hand, with the development of a proposal of a game-based learning experience amongst Psychology undergraduates and on the other hand, with testing its effects on such undergraduates´ own competence perceptions for teamworking. We developed a simulation game called “the group to the rescue” that implies for the undergraduates to be confronted as a group to a new and a potential stressing situation that needs a fast and effective solution. In order to identify that solution, it is necessary to use some of the learnings and knowledges related to the physical and social environment of the groups that will be easier acquired and interiorized through this game. Moreover, this simulation game will have a positive impact in terms of building more confidence in one´s own competence perception for teamwork. Our results, in a sample composed by the 31 Psychology Undergraduates that participated in the game, showed that after it, undergraduates have a higher perception of their competence for working effectively in teams. These findings are useful in order to foster the development of team working competence

    The Relationship Between Gender Traits and Ambivalent Sexism

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    Conference Proceedings of 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2018)Gender is still a relevant variable in many settings if our interest lies in examining the overwhelming unbalanced percentage of women and men occupying positions of high status and power. One of the factors contributing to this gender inequality––to the advantage of men and disadvantage of women–– is the existence of what is called ambivalent sexism. This construct includes both hostile and benevolent sexism, which are positively related to each other, thus indicating the ambivalent attitudes that people may have toward women. Hostile sexism is an adversarial view of gender relations and as such explicitly expresses antipathy. It reflects attitudes of male superiority and dominance over women. By contrast, on the surface benevolent sexism seems to convey a positive attitude toward women, but in fact it implies positive attitudes towards traditional women by idealizing women who enact traditional roles. The internalization of these hostile and benevolent attitudes could be a consequence of gender identity (femininity/expressive and masculinity/instrumental). In this context, the aim of this study is twofold: first, to explore how undergraduate students perceive themselves in terms of gender traits (i.e., instrumental and expressive attributes), and second, to examine the relationship between self-ratings of gender traits and ambivalently sexist attitudes toward women. The participants were 120 undergraduate students (n = 32 men and n = 88 women). They rated themselves on instrumental and expressive traits based on the Bem Sex Role Inventory (Bem, 1974) and also on ambivalently sexist attitudes, drawing from the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (Glick & Fiske, 1996). As expected, the results showed that women self-described in a more expressive way, while men’s self-ratings were more instrumental. In addition, participants presented a low degree of sexist attitudes and both sub-scales correlated positively. Some expressive attributes such as warmth or childlike correlated positively with benevolent sexism, while only one instrumental trait (egoism) positively correlated with hostile sexism. These findings reveal the role of gender traits in the configuration of attitudes toward women. The implications of the results for education and the university teaching-learning process are discussed and some future research lines are also suggested