13 research outputs found

    Analisis Stakeholders Pengembangan Usaha Perhutanan Sosial (Kasus: LMDH Sasaka Patengan KPH Bandung Selatan)

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    Program Perhutanan Sosial (lahir dari nawacita Presiden RI periode tahun 2015 2015-2019 untuk memberikan akses pengelolaan hutan kepada masyarakat seluas 12,7 juta hektar. Dua arahan Presiden 30 September 2020 untuk pemberdayaan ekonomi melalui PS, yaitu: akses PS dan pengembangan usaha PS. Kajian ini bersifat eksploratif dengan tujuan menganalisis pengaruh dan kepentingan serta peran stakeholders dalam pengembangan usaha PS. Konsep teori yang digunakan adalah analisis stakholders pengaruh, kepentingan, dan peran yang dikembangkan oleh Reed dan Tim tahun 2009. Hasil kajian menunjukkan stakholders yang mempengaruhi pengembangan usaha PS 8 pelaku; Key Player penentu keberlanjutan pengembangan usaha PS, yaitu: KLHK, KPH Bandung Selatan, dan Kemenko Marves; Contect Setter penentu keberhasilan, yaitu: Dinas Provinsi Jawa Barat dan Dinas Kabupaten Bandung; dan Subject mendukung keberhasilan, yaitu: Swasta/ Pengusaha, NGO/LSM, Perguruan Tinggi, dan Kementerian terkait. Kajian ini juga menghasilkan peran masing masing-masing stakeholders dalam pengembangan usaha PS

    Marketing of non-timber forest products as products from the Protected Forest Management Unit Batutegi, Lampung, Indonesia

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    Batutegi PFMU has much potential for NTFPs, which have been developed in coffee, palm sugar, and honey. The marketing of NTFPs needs attention because what often happens is inefficient marketing, so it doesn’t provide additional income for the community. This study aimed to identify marketing channels, functions, and efficiency based on marketing margins, farmers’ share, and profit-to-cost ratio. There are three marketing channels for coffee, two for palm sugar, and three for honey. The marketing functions performed by farmers, collectors, wholesalers, exporters, KUPS, cooperatives, and resellers are exchange, physical, and facilitation functions. Channel 1 palm sugar is an efficient marketing channel with a marketing margin of IDR 13,724.19 per kilogram, a farmer’s share of 100%, a profit ratio of 15.03, and marketing channel 1 honey with a marketing margin of IDR 224,112.70 per kilogram (Trigona honey), and IDR 124,494.35 per kilogram (Cerana and Dorsata honey), a farmer’s share of 100%, and profit ratio of 10.21 (Trigona honey) and 6.47 (Cerana and Dorsata honey).Abstrak: KPHL Batutegi memiliki banyak potensi HHBK dan yang banyak dikembangkan yaitu kopi, gula aren dan madu. Pemasaran HHBK perlu mendapat perhatian karena yang banyak terjadi adalah pemasaran yang tidak efisien sehingga tidak memberikan tambahan pendapatan bagi masyarakat. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi saluran pemasaran, fungsi pemasaran dan efisiensi pemasaran berdasarkan margin pemasaran, farmer’s share dan ratio keuntungan terhadap biaya. Terdapat 3 saluran pemasaran kopi, 2 saluran pemasaran gula aren dan 2 saluran pemasaran madu. Fungsi pemasaran yang dilakukan petani, pedagang pengumpul, pedagang besar, eksportir, KUPS, Koperasi dan pengecer yaitu fungsi pertukaran, fungsi fisik dan fungsi fasilitasi. Saluran pemasaran yang efisien yaitu saluran pemasaran 1 kopi dengan margin pemasaran sebesar Rp. 18.294,78 per kilogram , farmer’s share sebesar 70,11% dan ratio keuntungan sebesar 2,46; saluran pemasaran 1 gula aren dengan margin pemasaran sebesar Rp.13.724,19 per kilogram, farmer’s share sebesar 100 % dan ratio keuntungan sebesar 15,03 serta saluran pemasaran 1 madu dengan margin pemasaran sebesar Rp. 224.112,70 per kilogram (madu Trigona) dan Rp. 124.494,35 per kilogram (madu Cerana dan Dorsata), farmers’s share sebesar 100 % dan ratio keuntungan sebesar 10,21 (madu Trigona) dan 6,47 (madu Cerana dan Dorsata)

    Entrepreneurship Capital and Performance of Social Forestry Entrepreneurship Group

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    Usaha kehutanan masyarakat dalam konteks pengelolaan hutan oleh masyarakat yang terus berkembang penting untuk dijelaskan sebagai usaha sosial yang dapat meningkatkan sumber penghidupan dan manfaat lingkungan. Penelitian ini mengadaptasi konsep modal kelompok Flora untuk menjelaskan tingkat modal wirausaha dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja Kelompok Usaha Perhutanan Sosial (KUPS) melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data Focus Group Discusion, wawancara, oberservasi dan studi pustaka. Analisis data yang digunakan dengan metode skoring, pengkategorian dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan tingkat modal wirausaha pada KUPS pada kategori rendah hingga sangat tinggi, berbanding lurus secara simultan mempengaruhi kinerja. Modal alam, keuangan dan politik memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja sosial ekonomi dan lingkungan, modal politik berperan dalam meningkatkan modal sosial, fisik, dan manusia. KUPS berbasis komoditi sumberdaya hutan sebagai sumber penghidupan perlu mendapatkan perhatian diantaranya peningkatan modal manusia berupa keterampilan secara intensif dapat melalui proses pendampingan oleh petugas dan kemudahan untuk mengakses sumber dana.It is important to explain community forestry entrepreneurship in the context of community forest management, which continues to develop as social entrepreneurship that can increase sources of livelihood and environmental benefits. This study adapted the concept of community capital to explain the level of entrepreneurial capital and its influence on the performance of the Social Forestry Entrepreneurial Group (SFEG) through a quantitative approach by collecting data from Focus Group Discussions (FGD), interviews, observations, and literature studies. Data analysis was used with scoring, categorizing, and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study reveal the level of entrepreneurial capital in SFEG in the low to very high category is directly proportional to the simultaneous effect on performance. Natural capital, finance capital, and political capital significantly influence socioeconomic and environmental performance; political capital increases social capital, physical capital, and human capital. SFEG based on forest resource commodities as a source of livelihood needs to get attention, including increasing human capital in the form of intensive skills through a mentoring process by officers and easy access to funding sources throughgovernment policies.&nbsp

    Desain Kelembagaan Usaha Hutan Rakyat untuk Mewujudkan Kelestarian Hutan dan Kelestarian Usaha dalam Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan Masyarakat Pedesaan

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    People forests in Java, have been around since 1950s, and it has been sustaining naturally following the market without any intervention. Nowadays, it keeps developing, with the increase in market demand and wood processing industry. People forest system consists of four sub-systems, those are: production, processing, marketing, and institutional sub-systems, which are simultaneously and dynamically interrelated in a system. The institutional sub-system requires collaborative arrangement that involves many parties. The objectives of the study were: 1) to identify knowledge, actors/networks, and interest/dynamic of people forest, 2) to analyze policy space of people forest management, and 3) to make a design of a people forest institution. The results showed that 1) The knowledge in people forest business came from families, neighbors, and government programs, 2) Actors of people forest agribusiness consisted of primary and secondary actors, 3) Cooperative relationship among actors of people forest business was mainly in the interest of gaining profit for each party,and 4) Institutional designs aimed at solving problems in policy space of people forest management

    Analysis of Stakeholders’ Interest and Influence in Non-Timber Forest Products Marketing: A Case Study in the Forest Management Unit Batutegi, Lampung

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    Stakeholders are involved in the management of the Forest Management Unit (FMU) Batutegi, including the marketing of non-timber forest products (NTFP). The performance of NTFP marketing in the FMU Batutegi currently has not provided optimal benefits, especially for forest farmers. Stakeholders have divergent interests and influence in NTFP marketing. The research aimed to analyze the interests and influence of each stakeholder and the relationship between stakeholders in the marketing of NTFP. Data collection was carried out through observation and interviews. Interviews were conducted with informants and stakeholders. The scoring method was used in this study. Data and information were analyzed qualitatively. The study results showed that the marketing of NTFP in the FMU Batutegi involves 15 stakeholders. There are 11 parties with moderately high interest and 8 parties with moderately high influence. FMU Batutegi is the most responsible party or central actor in NTFP marketing because it has relationships with important stakeholders, has the most relationships, and can control the flow of information in the network. The method’s usefulness for understanding stakeholders’ position in NTFP marketing. The study result is expected to be utilized by policymakers to facilitate cooperation between stakeholders to achieve optimal NTFP marketing performance. Keywords: FMU Batutegi, marketing, non-timber forest products, stakeholder

    Desain Kelembagaan Usaha Hutan Rakyat untuk Mewujudkan Kelestarian Hutan dan Kelestarian Usaha dalam Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan Masyarakat Pedesaan

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    People forests in Java, have been around since 1950s, and it has been sustaining naturally following the market without any intervention. Nowadays, it keeps developing, with the increase in market demand and wood processing industry. People forest system consists of four sub-systems, those are: production, processing, marketing, and institutional sub-systems, which are simultaneously and dynamically interrelated in a system. The institutional sub-system requires collaborative arrangement that involves many parties. The objectives of the study were: 1) to identify knowledge, actors/networks, and interest/dynamic of people forest, 2) to analyze policy space of people forest management, and 3) to make a design of a people forest institution. The results showed that 1) The knowledge in people forest business came from families, neighbors, and government programs, 2) Actors of people forest agribusiness consisted of primary and secondary actors, 3) Cooperative relationship among actors of people forest business was mainly in the interest of gaining profit for each party,and 4) Institutional designs aimed at solving problems in policy space of people forest management

    Marketing of non-timber forest products as products from the Protected Forest Management Unit Batutegi, Lampung, Indonesia

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    Batutegi PFMU has much potential for NTFPs, which have been developed in coffee, palm sugar, and honey. The marketing of NTFPs needs attention because what often happens is inefficient marketing, so it doesn’t provide additional income for the community. This study aimed to identify marketing channels, functions, and efficiency based on marketing margins, farmers’ share, and profit-to-cost ratio. There are three marketing channels for coffee, two for palm sugar, and three for honey. The marketing functions performed by farmers, collectors, wholesalers, exporters, KUPS, cooperatives, and resellers are exchange, physical, and facilitation functions. Channel 1 palm sugar is an efficient marketing channel with a marketing margin of IDR 13,724.19 per kilogram, a farmer’s share of 100%, a profit ratio of 15.03, and marketing channel 1 honey with a marketing margin of IDR 224,112.70 per kilogram (Trigona honey), and IDR 124,494.35 per kilogram (Cerana and Dorsata honey), a farmer’s share of 100%, and profit ratio of 10.21 (Trigona honey) and 6.47 (Cerana and Dorsata honey)

    PEMASARAN HASIL USAHA PERHUTANAN SOSIAL (Studi Kasus Hutan Kemasyarakatan Solok Radjo, Nagari Aie Dingin, Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat)

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    The formation of social forestry business groups that are evolving within the social forestry program is expected to enhance the business capacity for the well-being of farmers. This research aims to understand the management of social forestry in HKm Solok Radjo and formulate appropriate business development in HKm Solok Radjo. The method used is descriptive statistical analysis with 55 members of HKm Solok Radjo and 16 marketing institutions as respondents. The management of HKm Solok Radjo is carried out on forest products collected from the forest and cultivated plants on the HKm cultivation land. Agroforestry planting patterns are only found in coffee plants combined with Leucaena. The management carried out by farmers includes land preparation, seed procurement, planting, maintenance, harvesting, and marketing. Efficient marketing channels are characterized by shorter marketing chains, lower marketing margins, a higher farmer's share, and an evenly distributed profit-to-cost ratio. Therefore, farmers need to sell their agricultural products directly to consumers and process their products to add value. &nbsp

    Penguatan Ketahanan Pangan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Pengembangan Produk Lokal dan Pemanfaatan Pekarangan

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    Mura Village is one of the villages located in Brang Ene District, West Sumbawa Regency. This village has 3 hamlets, namely Buin Banyu hamlet, Mura hamlet, and Tegaran hamlet. Most of the people of Mura Village work as farmers, with the greatest potential, namely rice and corn cereals. There are several fundamental problems faced by Mura Village, including limited Human Resources (HR) as indicated by the low productivity of land in the village. Poor household waste management is evidenced by the large amount of organic waste that is wasted every day. The lack of stretching of the creative economy sector is evidenced by the small number of MSMEs in the village so that the people in the village tend to be more consumptive. Before going into the field, KKN-T students are first provided with knowledge of regional potential and community empowerment materials so that program implementation can run well. The existence of directives from the government regarding health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic made community empowerment programs a little different from usual. Several community empowerment programs include utilizing yards for food security and developing local commodities for food security. The results obtained during the Community Service Program had a very positive impact on the people of Mura. Students are also able to teach residents how to cultivate in buckets (Aquaponics) and about 70% of the village community applies this cultivation method, in the same program there is also distribution of seeds to the dasa wisma gardens and the culmination of a competition to use the house yard and dasa wisma garden which followed by the dasa model homestead group in the village. Furthermore, the students held a workshop on the processing of local commodities in the form of cassava which is processed into mocaf flour which has high added value, the results of the workshop were directly applied by the village government through PKK women to make Mura village a center for making mocaf flour. Keywords: mura village, yard, home industry, mocaf flou

    Pelatihan Desain Kemasan Produk dan Media Pemasaran Online UMKM di Kelurahan Kukusan, Kota Depok

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    The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is a problem that is being faced by more than 200countries around the world. Depok City is one of the cities in Indonesia that has been the worstaffected by COVID-19. The impact of this pandemic is not only on the health and social sectorsbut also in the economic sector of the community, especially for owners of Micro, Small andMedium Enterprises (MSMEs). Thematic-Based Service Learning Program (SLPT) IPB helpedMSMEs in Kukusan Village, Depok City, which were affected by the pandemic, to increase salesof MSME products by holding training on product packaging design and online marketing.Training on the theme of "Appropriate Use of Packaging", "Packaging Design", and "OnlineMarketing Strategy" was held with an online approach through the Whatsapp Group applicationand an offline approach with interviews and direct practice with selected MSMEs. Overall,Kukusan MSMEs already has good product quality, it just requires stronger branding to increasesales. With this training, MSME players can increase the attractiveness of their packaging andexpand product marketing. The training that has been carried out has provided benefits to MSMEsin Kukusan Village. Keywords: MSMEs, training, design, packaging, marketin