3,896 research outputs found

    Giant Goos-H\"anchen shift in Scattering: the role of interfering Localized Plasmon modes

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    The longitudinal and the transverse beam shifts, namely, the Goos-H\"anchen (GH) and the Spin-Hall (SH) shifts are usually observed at planar interfaces. It has recently been shown that the transverse SH shift may also arise due to scattering of plane waves. Here, we show that analogous in-plane (longitudinal) shift also exist in scattering of plane waves from micro/nano systems. We study both the GH and the SH shifts in plasmonic metal nanoparticles/ nanostructures and dielectric micro-particles employing a unified framework that utilizes the transverse components of the Poynting vector of the scattered wave. The results demonstrate that interference of neighboring resonance modes in plasmonic nanostructures (e.g., electric dipolar and quadrupolar modes in metal spheres) leads to giant enhancement of GH shift in scattering from such systems. We also unravel interesting correlations between these shifts with the polarimetry parameters, diattenuation and retardance.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Shrimp farming in Monsoon Season Problems and their mitigation

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    In this process, several lacunae in the technology of farming that result mostly in disease incidence have been causing concern. It is now felt that there is a perceived need to develop an improved appropriate technology for shrimp farming to poise India to emerge as a long-term sustainable source of shrimp in contrast to the present boom-bust cycle commonly associated with this sector

    Effective and Efficient Algorithms for Concise Range Queries

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    With the advance of wireless communication technology, it is quite common for people to view maps or get related services from the handheld devices, such as mobile phones and PDAs. Range queries, as one of the most commonly used tools, are often posed by the users to retrieve needful information from a spatial database. However, due to the limits of communication bandwidth and hardware power of handheld devices, displaying all the results of a range query on a handheld device is neither communication efficient nor informative to the users. This is simply because that there are often too many results returned from a range query. In view of this problem, we present a novel idea that a concise representation of a specified size for the range query results, while incurring minimal information loss, shall be computed and returned to the user. Such a concise range query not only reduces communication costs, but also offers better usability to the users, providing an opportunity for interactive exploration. The usefulness of the concise range queries is confirmed by comparing it with other possible alternatives, such as sampling and clustering. Unfortunately, we prove that finding the optimal representation with minimum information loss is an NP-hard problem. Therefore, we propose several effective and nontrivial algorithms to find a good approximate result. Extensive experiments on real-world data have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques

    Video Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Pada Materi Kalor Untuk Siswa Kelas VII

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran Fisika dalam bentuk video pada materi Kalor yang memenuhi kriteria baik dan memaparkan karakteristik media pembelajaran Fisika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R & D) dengan tahapan; (a) analisis potensi dan masalah, (b) pengumpulan data (c) pembuatan desain, (d) pembuatan produk, (e) validasi produk, (e) revisi produk, (f) uji coba produk, (h) uji coba pemakaian. Uji coba produk pada siswa kelas VII SMP N 1 Jaten yang meliputi uji kelompok kecil dan uji kelompok besar. Jenis data yang diperoleh bersifat kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data melalui angket dan wawancara. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisis masalah deproleh bahwa siswa menginginkan produk dalam bentuk film atau video yang memiliki visualisasi tulisan dan gambar nyata, memiliki narasi, penuh warna, menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, dengan atau tanpa musik pengiring (dapat menyesuaikan pengguna), dapat digunakan pada VCD player (keping VCD) dan dapat juga digunakan pada computer atau laptop (keping VCD atau file). Produk terdiri dari lima video yang berbeda sesuai dengan indikator tujuan pembelajaran. Produk tersusun dari pembuka (intro), langkah-langkah pembelajaran, permasalahan, waktu untuk siswa melakukan diskusi dan menampilkan hasil diskusi, kesimpulan dari permasalahan, dan penutup. Produk video pertama (pengertian kalor) dilakukan revisi materi dan media sebanyak satu kali. Produk video kedua (peran kalor), video ketiga (sistem perpindahan kalor), dan video keempat (identifikasi zat) tidak dilakukan revisi media dan materi. Produk video kelima (permasalahan tentang perpindahan kaor) dilakukan revisi materi satu kali dan tidak revisi media. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa produk video pembelajaran berbasis masalah yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria baik dari aspek materi dan media. Hasil skor penilaian ahli materi 99,5 dan skor penilaian ahli media 96,89. Penilaian media berkriteria baik juga berdasarkan penilaian 3 guru dari setiap sekolah yang berbeda. Guru pertama memberikan persentase 84,8%, guru kedua 70,56%, dan guru ketiga dengan 74,4%. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap siswa dengan dua tahapan, rincian rata-rata uji kelompok kecil 82,23% dan uji kelompok besar 77,96%. Dengan demikian secara kualitatif produk video yang dikembangkan memiliki kriteria baik

    Responsible fisheries and sustainable aquaculture - A pledge for 21st century

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    The beginning of the new millennium century the next millennium looks not only to secure enough food for the existing population but also to provide a guarantee to sustained food availability for future generation. Though scientific aquaculture has substituted the traditional practices in a big way, it cannot be fully relied upon to meet the demands of future generation. This is due to the fact that continued over fishing, heavy intensification of farms in localized areas, degradation of aquatic environment etc will put insurmountable strain on the fishery sector which is capable enough for a sustainable food supply

    Piloting a Model of Educative and Attractive Physical Activities Based on Dolanan Anak

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    This study was aimed at applying Majeda based on Dolanan Anak as a means of optimizingkindergarteners\u27 growth and development. This study was conducted in small- and large-scaletryouts. The study employed the research and development approach. The small-scale piloting wasconducted at TK/SD Model Sleman and TK PKK Temanggal, Sleman while the large-scale tryoutwas conducted at TKN Pembina Wonosari, TK ABA Kauman Yogyakarta, TKN Pembina Galur,TKN 1 Sleman, and TK ABA Karangmojo XVII. The results show that the model format needs tobe revised into new Majeda that consist of six components. The guideline needs to be revised intofour sections. Based on the results of the piloting, it can be concluded that Majeda based on DolananAnak is appropriate for further operational testin

    Importance of Dietary Carotenoid Pigment (Astaxanthin) in aquaculture

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    India is bestowed with rich aquatic resources, both marine and freshwater. These provide an increasing scope for stepping up fish production. So much so, Indian seafood industry achieved a remarkable place in the world seafood trade (Rs.6300 crores, MPEDA, 2001)

    Pengaruh Manajemen Laba Riil terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Pendekatan Arus Kas Operasi

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    Pengaruh Manajemen Laba Riil Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Pendekatan Arus Kas Operasi. Manajemen laba merupakan tindakan yang tidak mudah untuk menghindari karena dampak dari penggunaan basis akrual dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan. Dalam penelitian ini, manajemen laba nyata dengan pendekatan arus kas operasi proxy pada kinerja Perusahaan dengan menggunakan indikator Return on Asset (ROA) dan Tobin Q. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan manufaktur yang menggunakan kriteria pemilihan sampel. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan metode analisis statistik. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji t dan uji F, dengan tingkat signifikansi (├О┬▒) dari 5 persen khususnya. Hasil analisis regresi untuk penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan manajemen laba nyata untuk efek arus kas operasi pada indikator kinerja Perusahaan Return on Asset (ROA) dan tidak berpengaruh pada indikator kinerja Perusahaan Tobins Q. Kata Kunci: Manajemen laba riil, ROA, Tobin s Q. Abstrak: Influence of Real Profit Management on Company Performance with Operating Cash Flow Approach. Earnings management is an act that is not easy to avoid because of the impact of the use of the accrual basis in preparing the financial statements. In this study, real earnings management with operating cash flow approach proxies on firm performance using indicators Return on Assets (ROA) and Tobins Q. Sample used in this study is a manufacturing company using sample selection criteria. Methods this study uses descriptive analysis and statistical analysis methods. Hypothesis testing is performed using the t test and F test, with a significance level (├О┬▒) of 5 persen. The results of the regression analysis for this study indicate that real earnings management approach to operating cash flow effect on the companys performance indicators Return on Assets (ROA) and no effect on companys performance indicators Tobins Q. Kata Kunci: Real earnings management, ROA, Tobin s Q
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