2,464 research outputs found

    On the relationship between the modifications to the Raychaudhuri equation and the canonical Hamiltonian structures

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    The problem of obtaining canonical Hamiltonian structures from the equations of motion, without any knowledge of the action, is studied in the context of the spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models. Modifications to Raychaudhuri equation are implemented independently as quadratic and cubic terms of energy density without introducing additional degrees of freedom. Depending on their sign, modifications make gravity repulsive above a curvature scale for matter satisfying strong energy condition, or more attractive than in the classical theory. Canonical structure of the modified theories is determined demanding that the total Hamiltonian be a linear combination of gravity and matter Hamiltonians. In the quadratic repulsive case, the modified canonical phase space of gravity is a polymerized phase space with canonical momentum as inverse trigonometric function of Hubble rate; the canonical Hamiltonian can be identified with the effective Hamiltonian in loop quantum cosmology. The repulsive cubic modification results in a `generalized polymerized' canonical phase space. Both of the repulsive modifications are found to yield singularity avoidance. In contrast, the quadratic and cubic attractive modifications result in a canonical phase space in which canonical momentum is non-trigonometric and singularities persist. Our results hint on connections between repulsive/attractive nature of modifications to gravity arising from gravitational sector and polymerized/non-polymerized gravitational phase space.Comment: 22 pages with two new plots. Discussion on uniqueness added, and possible links with existing models expanded. Periodicity for 'generalized polymerized' theory and its comparison with standard polymerization discussed. References added. To appear in CQ

    An Optimised and Efficient Routing Protocol Application for IoV: A Review

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    Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a wireless network without a centralised administrator, where each node acts as a router forwarding data packets to other nodes. The study compares the performance of three routing protocols (AODV, OLSR, and DSDV) using the NS2 simulator under various mobility models. The proposed work introduces a modified protocol, MAODV, which combines the features of AODV protocols to optimise energy consumption, minimise transmissions, and find an optimum path for data transmission. The proposed method is compared with the standard AODV protocol. It shows better average throughput and packet delivery ratio results in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) scenario

    A study of spatial and temporal distribution of land utilization pattern in Mopka village using RS & GIS

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    Remote Sensing and GIS is a very good modality for retrospection and the strategy for better exploitation of sustainable land use system. The present study was conducted in the Bilaspur district for analyzing the spatial distribution of Land Use Change. During last decades the increasing population of Bilaspur city, affect the land use pattern of Mopka Village. The anthropogenic activities were affecting the agricultural land along with barren land. For the development of civic amenities the land of the above village was used. The main objective of the present study is to analyses the land use/land cover distribution in Mopka village, Bilaspur district in between last 12 years and to identify the main forces behind the changes. The objectives of present studies are, to create a land use land cover maps of Mopka village using satellite imagery. To analysis the temporal changes of village area in between the year 2000 and 2012, the primary, secondary and satellite data were used. The results of the present study show that the decadeial changes due to population growth and increasing demand of infrastructure were destroying the natural resources, natural habitat and soil structure of area.Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 5 (1): 1-9, June, 201


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    Objective: Structural characterization of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)2A receptor in homo sapiens using in silico method.Methods: In silico approach has particularly providing a realistic representation needed to understand the fundamental molecular structure of a serotonin receptor. The structure has been generated using Swiss model, Modeller 9.14, Phyre2, and Geno three-dimensional, which was visualized using PyMol, and validated by Procheck and ERRAT analysis along with the values of different secondary structures mapping to diverse sections of the Ramachandran plot.Results: We compared all different models. Further structural analysis suggested that the structure of 5-HT2A is a monomer with 18 alpha helices, seven beta sheets, and one disulfide bridge. There is no signal peptide region in the protein sequence. The structure contains mostly polar and aromatic amino acid as suggested by using hydropathy plot. However, in both partitioning systems bilayer to water and water to bilayer, there are some hydropathy predicted segments, which are also transmembrane segments. Finally, the pore features, including diameter profile, size, and shape, were determined by porewalker, and the shape of the pore was found to be UDSD.Conclusion: This study suggested that 5-HT2A receptor interaction with its natural ligand serotonin and other inhibitor compounds would further additional information about G protein-coupled receptors. The 5-HT2A receptor could be an important target for therapeutics development

    Toxicological approach of Parthenium Hysterophorus (linn.) On sperm dynamics and male fertility of rattus norvegicus

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    Parthenium hysterophorus Linn., an exotic plant has now dominated most of the herbaceous flora of many countries. It is a weed of national significance belongs to family Asteraceae. The compound Parthenin extracted from parthenium hysterophorus was orally administrated to Rattus norvegicus at 60.0 mg/kg b.wt. for acute and 2.o mg/kg b.wt. for sub-chronic (30 days) treatment to study its impact on testicular fertility parameters to different groups of animals. Results from the present study have elucidated that sperm parameters (Fertility index, sperm count, sperm motility and sperm abnormality) showed a marked decrease in their functioning, and toxic effects on male reproductive functions. The observed testicular changes are suggestive of testes dysfunction and additional mode of action of Parthenium leaf extract

    Traditional, nutraceutical and pharmacological approaches of Tamarindus indica (Imli)

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    Plants have provided a source of inspiration of novel drug compounds, as plant derived medicines have made large contributions to human health and well-being. An estimate of 75-90% of rural population of the world still relies on herbs for their healthcare. Ayurveda, supposed to be the oldest medical system in the world, provides potential leads to find active and therapeutically useful compounds from plants. Epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated that consumption of plant- derived foods rich in bioactive phytochemicals have a protective effect against different aliments related to human health.  Tamarindus indica is having numerous reported activities like antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antivenom, antimicrobial, antihelmintic and molluscicidal properties. In spite of these medicinal values this plant is also consumed by rural people as vegetable. It also use as flavoring agent to impart flavor to various dishes and beverage. The present comprehensive review is therefore an effort to give detailed information about botanical description, phytochemical, traditional, nutraceutical and pharmacological approaches of Tamarindus indica. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.334488


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    Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin die or stop functioning. Vitiligo affects people of all skin types, but it may be more noticeable in people with darker skin. The condition is not life-threatening or contagious. It can be stressful or make you feel bad about yourself. Some dermatological outpatient records show the incidence of vitiligo to be 3% to 4% in India although an incidence as high as 8.8% has also been reported. In the Indian states of Gujarat and Rajasthan, the prevalence of vitiligo is very high being described by some as of epidemic proportions. Sthana of Brajaka pitta is Twak and should be maintained in proper state, imbalance to this may lead to skin diseases. Shvitra is caused by various dietetic and behavioural factors which aggravate the Tridoshas, especially the Kapha dosha vitiating the Raktha, Mamsa and Meda Dhatu. Here present case a 16 year old boy, who came to our OPD with c/o white patches around the B/L eyes, forearms, elbow and middle malleolus since 1 year. “Dhatryadi Kwatha”-50ml., “Mahakhadiradi Ghrita” 10ml. and “Gunjaphaladi Lepa” (for external application) were given for 3 months. &nbsp

    Knowledge and practice regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls of rural field practice area of RIMS, Raipur (C. G.), India

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    Background: Adolescent age group among girls have been recognized as a special period which signifies the transition from girlhood to womanhood. Menstruation is generally considered as unclean in the Indian society. Most of the adolescent girls had incomplete and inaccurate information about the menstrual physiology and hygiene as reported by many Indian studies. Very few authors have included the detailed aspects of the menstrual practices among adolescent girls.Methods: The current Community based cross sectional study was conducted by department of obstetrics and Gynaecology in connection with department of community medicine, Raipur Institute of Medical Science, Raipur (C.G), India. Among the adolescent school going girls in the field practice area of the Rural Health Unit and Training Centre during study period of 6 month from July 2017 to December 2017. 263 girls from the above mentioned schools, of the 8th and 9th standards, were selected for the study.Results: Majority of the school going adolescent girls belongs to 13 and 14 year of age. 50.95% , 21.67% and 12.93% girls reported that they had their menarche at the age of 13 year, 12 year and 14 year respectively. Majority of the girls were using cloth (49.81%) and only 17.87% were using sanitary napkins. Cleaning of external genitalia was not satisfactory in 32.70% of the girls. Only 58.17% girls used both soap and water for cleaning the genitalia. Pain in abdomen (59.70%) was found to be the most frequent complaint during menstruation.Conclusions: Knowledge on menstruation is sub-optimal and the practices are unacceptable for proper hygiene among study subjects. Menstrual hygiene is an important issue needs to be ensured