259 research outputs found

    Učinci investicijskih projekata na samofinanciranje mjesnih Crkava u Africi: primjer u biskupijama Burkine Faso

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    Dioceses need financial, material and human resources to organize worship, provide an honest livelihood for mission workers and fulfil their duty of charity and solidarity. This can’t be achieved with our hands always outstretched to the outside world. With a view to self-financing, several dioceses in Burkina Faso have launched investment projects. This article looks at the impact of investment projects on diocesan self-financing. To this end, we conducted surveys of 60 investment projects. Analysis of the results shows a positive effect. However, a number of shortcomings were noted, making this effect rather weak. To make it more significant, it is important for dioceses to invest in strategic areas, to improve the quality of their investments, to go further in their budgeting practices and to practice forward-looking management of the personnel assigned to investment project management. They also need to set up appropriate instruments such as a Strategic Investment Fund, a Catholic Investment Network and a Diocesan Office for Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation of Investment Projects.Biskupijama su potrebna različita sredstva (financijska, materijalna, ljudski resusrsi): za organizaciju bogoslužja, za egzistenciju misijskih djelatnika, kao i da ispune kršćansku dužnost milosrđa i solidarnosti. To se ne može postići samo moleći milostinu i pomoć. S ciljem samofinanciranja nekoliko je biskupija u Burkini Faso pokrenulo investicijske projekte. U radu pokušavamo kratko prikazati kako investicijski projekti utječu na samofinanciranje biskupijâ. U tu smo svrhu proveli istraživanje šezdeset investicijskih projekata. Analiza rezultata pokazuje pozitivan učinak. Međutim, primijećen je niz nedostataka, zbog kojih je učinak prilično slab. Da bio značajniji, važno je da biskupije ulažu u strateška područja, da poboljšaju kvalitetu ulaganja i da pokušaju na duže staze organizirati i samo osoblje koje je zaduženo za upravljanje investicijskim projektima. Također trebaju uspostaviti odgovarajuće instrumente poput Fonda za strateška ulaganja, Katoličke investicijske mreže i Biskupijskog ureda za analizu, praćenje i ocjenu investicijskih projekata

    Design of a smart home system using bluetooth protocol

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    Abstract: Home automation is an intelligent, functional as a unit system that facilitates home processes without unnecessarily complicating the user’s life. Devices can be connected, which in turn connect and talk through a centralized control unit, which are accessible via mobile phones. These devices include lights, appliances, security systems, alarms and many other sensors and devices. This paper presents the design and implementation of a Bluetooth based smart home automation system which uses a Peripheral interface controller (PIC) microcontroller (16F1937) as the main processer and the appliances are connected to the peripheral ports of the microcontroller via relays. The circuit in the project was designed in Diptrace software. The PCB layout design was completed. The fully functional smart home prototype was built and demonstrated to functional


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    Currently, to estimate the parameters of the Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) and their evolution with time many of the international software are used. This work is dedicated to the evaluation, analysis and comparison the safety characteristics of the fuel Assembly which used in reactor types VVER-1000 obtained in the present work and by other authors [1] using different software packages. The result of calculation for the characteristic safety nuclear fuel at many stages of the Nuclear Power Planet (NPP) was also calculated in this work

    Shale Investment Dashboard in Ohio Q3 and Q4 2017

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    This report presents findings from an investigation into shale-related investment in Ohio. The investment estimates are cumulative from July through December of 2017. Prior investments have previously been reported and are available from Cleveland State University. Subsequent reports will estimate additional investment since the date of this report

    Shale Investment Dashboard in Ohio Q1 and Q2 2018

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    This report presents findings from an investigation into shale-related investment in Ohio. The investment estimates are cumulative from January through June of 2018. Prior investments have previously been reported and are available from Cleveland State University. Subsequent reports will estimate additional investment since the date of this report

    Proteostasis Regulators in Cystic Fibrosis: Current Development and Future Perspectives

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    In cystic fibrosis (CF), the deletion of phenylalanine 508 (F508del) in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) leads to misfolding and premature degradation of the mutant protein. These defects can be targeted with pharmacological agents named potentiators and correctors. During the past years, several efforts have been devoted to develop and approve new effective molecules. However, their clinical use remains limited, as they fail to fully restore F508del-CFTR biological function. Indeed, the search for CFTR correctors with different and additive mechanisms has recently increased. Among them, drugs that modulate the CFTR proteostasis environment are particularly attractive to enhance therapy effectiveness further. This Perspective focuses on reviewing the recent progress in discovering CFTR proteostasis regulators, mainly describing the design, chemical structure, and structure-activity relationships. The opportunities, challenges, and future directions in this emerging and promising field of research are discussed, as well

    Capturing views of men, women and youth on agricultural biodiversity resources consumed in Barotseland, Zambia

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    This paper presents data and findings from focus group discussions in study communities selected by the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) in the Western Province of Zambia. The discussions focused on cultivated crops and vegetables collected from open fields and consumed as food. Participatory tools for agricultural biodiversity (agrobiodiversity) assessment were used to capture community perspectives on plant species and varietal diversity; factors influencing the availability and use of plants for food; unique, common and rare crop species cultivated in a community, identified through a four-cell analysis methodology; and core problems, root causes, effects and necessary actions to tackle them, using problem tree or situation analysis methods

    Insulin Growth Factor-I in Protein-Energy Malnutrition during Rehabilitation in Two Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres in Burkina Faso

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    Objective. To investigate the relationship between IGF-I and the nutritional status of West-African children hospitalised for nutritional rehabilitation. Patients and methods. A cohort study was performed in two centres for nutritional rehabilitation and education (CREN) in Burkina Faso. Children were followed and the anthropometric data as well as the capillary blood samples were taken on the 7th and on the 14th days after their admission. IGF-I levels were determined from dried blood spots on filter paper on IGF-I RIA, after separation of the IGF-I from its binding proteins, using Sep-Pak chromatography. Results. A total of 59 children was included in the cohort. The IGF-I mean geometric values (SD) were 6.3 (1.4) μg/L on admission, 8.6 (1.8) μg/L at day 7 and 13.6 (2.0) μg/L at day 14. The differences between these values were statistically significant (P < .001). There is a significant correlation between the changes of IGF-I with the change of weight for height Z-score (P = .01). Conclusion. These results suggest that IGF-I can be considered as a potential marker to follow the nutritional status of children admitted in hospital for protein and energy malnutrition

    An exploratory analysis of the regionalization policy for the recruitment of health workers in Burkina Faso

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    BACKGROUND: Health personnel retention in remote areas is a key health systems issue wordwide. To deal with this issue, since 2002 the government of Burkina Faso has implemented a staff retention policy, the regionalized health personnel recruitment policy, aimed at front-line workers such as nurses, midwives, and birth attendants. This study aimed to describe the policy’s development, formulation, and implementation process for the regionalization of health worker recruitment in Burkina Faso. METHODS: We conducted a qualitative study. The unit of analysis is a single case study with several levels of analysis. This study was conducted in three remote areas in Burkina Faso for the implementation portion, and at the central level for the development portion. Indepth interviews were conducted with Ministry of Health officials in charge of human resources, regional directors, regional human resource managers, district chief medical officers, and health workers at primary health centres. In total, 46 indepth interviews were conducted (February 3 - March 16, 2011). RESULTS: Development The idea for this policy emerged after finding a highly uneven distribution of health personnel across urban and rural areas, the availability of a large number of health officers in the labour market, and the opportunity given to the Ministry of Health by the government to recruit personnel through a specific budget allocation. Formulation The formulation consisted of a call for job applications from the Ministry of Health, which indicates the number of available posts by region. The respondents interviewed unanimously acknowledged the lack of documents governing the status of this new personnel category. Implementation During the initial years of implementation (2002-2003), this policy was limited to recruiting health workers for the regions with no possibility of transfer. The possibility of job-for-job exchange was then approved for a certain time, then cancelled. Starting in 2005, a departure condition was added. Now, regionalized health workers can leave the regions after undergoing a competitive selection process. CONCLUSION: The policy was characterized by the absence of written directives and by targeting only one category of personnel. Moreover, there was no associated incentive—financial or otherwise—which poses the question of long-term viability


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    Après une morsure suspecte par un chien errant, la brièveté de la période d’incubation peut être préjudiciable aux victimes. Nous rapportons deux cas de rage furieuse à porte d’entrée céphalique dont la brièveté de la période d’incubation n’a pas permis de conduire à terme la prophylaxie antirabique. Le premier est un enfant de sept ans mordu à l’oreille gauche par un chien errant et le second est un adolescent de 14 ans mordu à la pommette droite. Le premier avait une blessure de catégorie II et le second avait une blessure de catégorie III. Tous avaient commencé la vaccination antirabique après la morsure suspecte mais la brièveté de la période d’incubation n’avait permis de terminer la série vaccinale avant que la maladie ne se déclare. Il nous semble utile d’associer la sérothérapie antirabique à la vaccination, en cas de morsure céphalique de catégorie II ou III. Les agents de santé devraient être conséquemment formés pour une prise en charge efficiente des cas de morsure par un chien errant