1,130 research outputs found

    Assessing water reservoirs management and development in Northern Vietnam

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    Abstract. In many developing countries water is a key renewable resource to complement carbon-emitting energy production and support food security in the face of demand pressure from fast-growing industrial production and urbanization. To cope with undergoing changes, water resources development and management have to be reconsidered by enlarging their scope across sectors and adopting effective tools to analyze current and projected infrastructure potential and operation strategies. In this paper we use multi-objective deterministic and stochastic optimization to assess the current reservoir operation and planned capacity expansion in the Red River Basin (Northern Vietnam), and to evaluate the potential improvement by the adoption of a more sophisticated information system. To reach this goal we analyze the historical operation of the major controllable infrastructure in the basin, the HoaBinh reservoir on the Da River, explore re-operation options corresponding to different tradeoffs among the three main objectives (hydropower production, flood control and water supply), using multi-objective optimization techniques, namely Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm. Finally, we assess the structural system potential and the need for capacity expansion by application of Deterministic Dynamic Programming. Results show that the current operation can only be relatively improved by advanced optimization techniques, while investment should be put into enlarging the system storage capacity and exploiting additional information to inform the operation

    Potential of remote sensing and open street data for flood mapping in poorly gauged areas: a case study in Gonaives, Haiti

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    The Hispaniola Island, in the Caribbean tropical zone, is prone to extreme flood events. Floods are caused by tropical springs and hurricanes and may lead to human losses, economical damages, and spreading of waterborne diseases. Flood studies based upon hydrological and hydraulic modelling are hampered by almost complete lack of hydro-meteorological data. Thenceforth, and given the cost and complexity in the organization of field measurement campaigns, the need for exploitation of remote sensing data, and open source data bases. We present here a feasibility study to explore the potential of (i) high-resolution of digital elevation models (DEMs) from remote imagery and (ii) remotely sensed precipitation data, to feed hydrological flow routing and hydraulic flood modelling, applied to the case study of river La Quinte closed to Gonaives (585Ā km2), Haiti. We studied one recent flood episode, namely hurricane Ike in 2008, when flood maps from remote sensing were available for validation. The atmospheric input given by hourly rainfall was taken from downscaled Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) daily estimates, and subsequently fed to a semi-distributed DEM-based hydrological model, providing an hourly flood hydrograph. Then, flood modelling using Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC-RAS 1D, one-dimensional model for unsteady open channel flow) was carried out under different scenarios of available digital elevation models. The DEMs were generated using optical remote sensing satellite WorldView-1 and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), combined with information from an open source database (OpenStreetMap). Observed flood extent and land use have been extracted using SystĆØme Pour lā€™Observation de la Terre-4 (SPOT-4) imagery. The hydraulic model was tuned for floodplain friction against the observed flooded area. We compared different scenarios of flood simulation and the predictive power given by model tuning. Our study provides acceptable results in depicting flooded areas, especially considering the tremendous lack of ground data, and shows the potential of hydrological modelling approach fed by remote sensing information in Haiti, and in similarly data-scarce areas. Our approach may be useful to provide depiction of flooded areas for the purpose of (i) flood design for urban planning under a frequency-driven approach and (ii) forecasting of flooded areas for warning procedures, pending availability of weather forecast with proper lead time

    Custo de um surto da DoenƧa de Aujeszky em uma granja de suƭnos.

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    Acid pH activation of the PmrA/PmrB two-component regulatory system of Salmonella enterica

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    Acid pH often triggers changes in gene expression. However, little is known about the identity of the gene products that sense fluctuations in extracytoplasmic pH. The Gram-negative pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium experiences a number of acidic environments both inside and outside animal hosts. Growth in mild acid (pH 5.8) promotes transcription of genes activated by the response regulator PmrA, but the signalling pathway(s) that mediates this response has thus far remained unexplored. Here we report that this activation requires both PmrA's cognate sensor kinase PmrB, which had been previously shown to respond to Fe(3+) and Al(3+), and PmrA's post-translational activator PmrD. Substitution of a conserved histidine or of either one of four conserved glutamic acid residues in the periplasmic domain of PmrB severely decreased or abolished the mild acid-promoted transcription of PmrA-activated genes. The PmrA/PmrB system controls lipopolysaccharide modifications mediating resistance to the antibiotic polymyxin B. Wild-type Salmonella grown at pH 5.8 were > 100 000-fold more resistant to polymyxin B than organisms grown at pH 7.7. Our results suggest that protonation of the PmrB periplasmic histidine and/or of the glutamic acid residues activate the PmrA protein, and that mild acid promotes cellular changes resulting in polymyxin B resistance


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    Lā€™obiettivo del progetto ĆØ la soluzione del problema Verbano tramite la scelta di una nuova regolazione e di oppurtuni interventi strutturali. Tale soluzione deve tendere a minimizzare i danni causati da eventi alluvionali tanto a monte quanto a valle, i danni indotti dalla mancata fornitura idrica agli utenti irrigui ed idroelettrici di valle e quelli subiti dalla navigazione e dal turismo quando si deprimono eccessivamente i livelli lacuali, senza trascurare, nel contempo, il mantenimento di un deflusso minimo nel Ticino, a valle dello sbarramento del Panperduto. In tale ricerca si dovranno ovviamente tener conto dei vincoli posti dalla capacitĆ  di smaltimento delle portate allā€™incile del lago e dalla necessitĆ  di mantenere attiva la sua naturale funzione di laminazione in occasione di eventi alluvionali che interessino anche il Po

    Theory of NMR chemical shift in an electronic state with arbitrary degeneracy

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    We present a theory of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shielding tensors for electronic states with arbitrary degeneracy. The shieldings are here expressed in terms of generalized Zeeman (g(k)g^{(k)}) and hyperfine (A(k)A^{(k)}) tensors, of all ranks kk allowed by the size of degeneracy. Contrary to recent proposals [T. O. Pennanen and J. Vaara, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 133002 (2008)], our theory is valid in the strong spin-orbit coupling limit. Ab initio calculations for the 4-fold degenerate Ī“8\Gamma_8 ground state of lanthanide-doped fluorite crystals CaF2_2:Ln (Ln = Pr2+^{2+}, Nd3+^{3+}, Sm3+^{3+}, and Dy3+^{3+}) show that previously neglected contributions can account for more than 50% of the paramagnetic shift.Comment: Supporting information included; 5 pages; new figure adde

    Electrical conditioning of adipose-derived stem cells in a multi-chamber culture platform

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    In tissue engineering, several factors play key roles in providing adequate stimuli for cells differentiation, in particular biochemical and physical stimuli, which try to mimic the physiological microenvironments. Since electrical stimuli are important in the developing heart, we have developed an easy-to-use, cost-effective cell culture platform, able to provide controlled electrical stimulation aimed at investigating the influence of the electric field in the stem cell differentiation process. This bioreactor consists of an electrical stimulator and 12 independent, petri-like culture chambers and a 3-D computational model was used to characterize the distribution and the intensity of the electric field generated in the cell culture volume. We explored the effects of monophasic and biphasic square wave pulse stimulation on a mouse adipose-derived stem cell line (m17.ASC) comparing cell viability, proliferation, protein, and gene expression. Both monophasic (8V, 2ms, 1Hz) and biphasic (+4V, 1ms and -4V, 1ms; 1Hz) stimulation were compatible with cell survival and proliferation. Biphasic stimulation induced the expression of Connexin 43, which was found to localize also at the cell membrane, which is its recognized functional mediating intercellular electrical coupling. Electrically stimulated cells showed an induced transcriptional profile more closely related to that of neonatal cadiomyocytes, particularly for biphasic stimulation. The developed platform thus allowed to set-up precise conditions to drive adult stem cells toward a myocardial phenotype solely by physical stimuli, in the absence of exogenously added expensive bioactive molecules, and can thus represent a valuable tool for translational applications for heart tissue engineering and regeneration
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