1,545 research outputs found

    Ethnobotanical and Ethnomedicinal Studies of Salher and Mulher Forest from District Nashik (Maharashtra)

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    Herbs are an integral part of variety of cultures in India and have been used over centuries. The aim of this study is to document the Ethnobotanical plants from Salher and Mulher and its adjoining areas and to collect information regarding various uses of plants. The area is near to famous Dang forest of Gujarat. It is a representative area from Western Ghats of Maharashtra. The forest area comprises a rich biosphere ranging from thick evergreen forest to heavily eroded barren hills. The survey was conducted during the period July 2017 to October 2018. Information was gathered from native tribes of this region namely Bhil, Kokana and Mahadeo koli. These tribes use herbal medicine as a primary mode of health care. A total 33 species belonging to 31 genera and 28 families have been documented in this study. The medicinal plants used by Bhil and Kokana are listed with botanical name, family, local name and their ethnomedical uses. It was observed that the documented ethnomedicinal plants were mostly used to cure skin diseases, stomach disorders, jaundice, poison bites, impotency etc. The tribal people use different modes of administration of drugs like kadhas (decoction), bhasmas (ash), paste, poultice, powder, infusion etc. The knowledge about these practices has been handed over from one generation to other but it now faces the danger of getting lost with passing years. So, it is necessary to identify and document these species for their conservation and sustainable utilization. These studies will also provide new material for workers in the field of Phytochemistry and Pharmacology. Key words:  Ethnobotanical, Herbal drug, Salher and Mulhe

    Regulation of Pseudomonas putida genes involved in the metabolism of acidic amino acids

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    Pseudomonas putida KT2440 has the ability to utilize a wide range of amino acids as carbon and nitrogen sources. Rapid growth of this organism is supported by the acidic amino acids (Asp and Glu) and their amides (Asn and Gln) when supplied as sole source of carbon and nitrogen, or in combination with other carbon and nitrogen sources such as glucose and NH4+. A proteomics study based on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that during growth of P. putida KT2440 in Glu containing medium a set of at least 9 major proteins were up-regulated in a coordinate fashion, whereas 4 other proteins were specifically induced during growth in NH4+/Glucose. Most of the identified proteins have some role in the uptake and utilization of amino acids. Based on their assigned functions genetic organization, we propose that they form a regulon involved in the metabolism of amino acids. By transposon mutagenesis it was found that the expression of that regulon depends on a functional gltB gene which encodes the major subunit of glutamate synthase (GOGAT). Finally, a novel two-component system (aau) was identified which seems to be involved in the utilization of acidic amino acids. Disruption mutants defective in the response regulator (AauR) and the sensor kinase component (AauS), respectively, were constructed and the resulting phenotype analyzed. Growth of both mutants was severely impaired in glutamate and glutamine-containing media. By contrast, both strains grew at normal rates when succinate was supplied in addition to amino acids. This finding indicate that the aau system is related to, but not identical with the dct two-component system which is involved in the utilization of succinate by rhizobia

    Heavy Flavour production as probe of Gluon Sivers Function

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    Heavy flavour production like J/ψJ/\psi and DD- meson production in scattering of electrons/unpolarized protons off polarized proton target offer promising probes to investigate gluon Sivers function. In this talk, I will summarize our recent work on trasverse single spin asymmetry in J/ψJ/\psi -production and DD - meson production in ppp p^\uparrow scattering using a generalized parton model approach. We compare predictions obtained using different models of gluon Sivers function within this approach and then, taking into account the transverse momentum dependent evolution of the unpolarized parton distribution functions and gluon Sivers function, we study the effect of evolution on asymmetry.Comment: Proceedings of Light Cone 2016, September 5-8, 2016, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portuga

    Comparative study of maternal and perinatal outcome in pregnancies with and without umbilical cord around foetal neck

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    Background: Umbilical cord around neck of the foetus is called the nuchal cord. The aims and objectives are to find out the incidence of nuchal cord around foetal neck at delivery, and to compare and evaluate intrapartum and postpartum maternal and foetal outcome in those with or without nuchal cord at delivery.Methods: It is a prospective cross-sectional study conducted at tertiary care hospital for period of 12 months. Of 1380 patients, 934 patients were enrolled in present study after meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria of which 150 patients were included in study group who delivered with nuchal cord and 784 patients in control group who delivered without nuchal cord.Results: Present study showed 18.84% incidence of nuchal cord at delivery. Duration of labour was 6.51hrs in study group and 6.15hrs in control group and the difference was statistically significant. Rest of the intrapartum and postpartum events were statistically not significant. Mean length of cord was more in patients delivered with loop of cord around foetal neck as compared to another group and it is statistically significant.Conclusions: Nuchal cord is a common finding at the time of delivery. However, it is per-se not an indication of LSCS and it only increases the operative morbidity

    Bit Error Rate Analysis in Multicast Multiple Input Multiple Output Systems

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    At the present time whole information and communication technology industry contributes to the global carbon emission. With the aim of reducing the carbon footprint and the operating cost of wireless networks, overall energy reduction is required in the region of two to three orders of magnitude. Meanwhile, significant increase of the network spectrum efficiency is needed to cope with the exponentially increasing traffic loads. Due to this factors spatial modulation (SM) has recently established itself as promising transmission concept which belongs to single-radio frequency large scale multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless system. Spatial modulation MIMO takes advantage of whole antenna array at the transmitter, while using limited number of radio frequency chains. The multiple input multiple output multiplies capacity by transmitting different signals over multiple antennas and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), which divides a radio channel into many closely spaced sub channels to provide more reliable communication at high speeds. The system calculate the bit error rate (BER) for multicast multiple input multiple output system with the spatial modulation (SM) and study the effect of signal to noise ratio on bit error rate. MATLAB software is use to simulate system. The simulation results show that bit error rate decreases as signal to noise ratio increases. System reaches zero bit error rate for the value of signal to noise ratio greater than 18dB. System has provided less bit error rate for large signal to noise ratio which improves system performance

    A New Approach for Stereo Matching Algorithm with Dynamic Programming

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    Stereo matching algorithms are one of heavily researched topic in binocular stereo vision. Massive 3D information can be obtained by finding correct correspondence of different points between images captured from different views. Development of stereo matching algorithm is done for obtaining disparity maps i.e. depth information. When disparities computed for scan lines then dense reconstruction becomes time consuming for vision navigation systems. So for pair of stereo images proposed method extracts features points those are at contours in images and then a dynamic program is used to find the corresponding points from each image and calculates disparities. Also to reduce the noise which may lead to incorrect results in stereo correspondence, a new stereo matching algorithm based on the dynamic programming is proposed. Generally dynamic programming finds the global minimum for independent scan lines in polynomial time. While efficient, its performance is far from desired one because vertical consistency between scan lines is not enforced. This method review the use of dynamic programming for stereo correspondence by applying it to a contour instead to individual scan lines. Proposed methodology will obtain the global minimum for contour array in linear time using Longest Common Subsequent (LCS) dynamic programming method with no disparity space image (DSI). DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15025

    Regulation of Pseudomonas putida genes involved in the metabolism of acidic amino acids

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    Pseudomonas putida KT2440 has the ability to utilize a wide range of amino acids as carbon and nitrogen sources. Rapid growth of this organism is supported by the acidic amino acids (Asp and Glu) and their amides (Asn and Gln) when supplied as sole source of carbon and nitrogen, or in combination with other carbon and nitrogen sources such as glucose and NH4+. A proteomics study based on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that during growth of P. putida KT2440 in Glu containing medium a set of at least 9 major proteins were up-regulated in a coordinate fashion, whereas 4 other proteins were specifically induced during growth in NH4+/Glucose. Most of the identified proteins have some role in the uptake and utilization of amino acids. Based on their assigned functions genetic organization, we propose that they form a regulon involved in the metabolism of amino acids. By transposon mutagenesis it was found that the expression of that regulon depends on a functional gltB gene which encodes the major subunit of glutamate synthase (GOGAT). Finally, a novel two-component system (aau) was identified which seems to be involved in the utilization of acidic amino acids. Disruption mutants defective in the response regulator (AauR) and the sensor kinase component (AauS), respectively, were constructed and the resulting phenotype analyzed. Growth of both mutants was severely impaired in glutamate and glutamine-containing media. By contrast, both strains grew at normal rates when succinate was supplied in addition to amino acids. This finding indicate that the aau system is related to, but not identical with the dct two-component system which is involved in the utilization of succinate by rhizobia

    Advantage of Natural Barrier in Locating Intake In River an Example Study

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv