236 research outputs found

    Introduction to MS Office

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    Microsoft Office is a productivity suite which integrates office tools for personal and professional use. It includes a wide range of basic and advanced features that can help you to perform any task in a fast, efficient and productive way. The Microsoft Office suite is an essential collection of desktop applications that includes Word for documents, Excel for spreadsheets, and PowerPoint for presentations Apart from this it integrates some other utilities such as Outlook, Access, Publisher and OneNote. With Microsoft Office, you can create impressive projects, from multi-media presentations to multi-page biographies

    Statistical methods

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    Statistics plays a central role in research, planning and decision-making in almost all natural and social sciences. It is the Science of collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting and presenting data. It deals with all aspects of this, including not only the collection, analysis and interpretation of such data, but also the planning the collection of data, in terms of the design of surveys and experiments

    Estimation of length weight relationship in fishes

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    Organisms generally increase in size (length, weight) during development. The key factors that influence the growth of fish are the quantity of food available, the number of fish utilizing same food source, temperature, oxygen and other water quality factors besides the size, age and sexual maturity of the fish. Every animal in its life exhibit growth both in length and in weight and the relationship between these two has both applied and basic importance. The length-weight relationship is one of the standard methods that yield authentic biological information and is of great importance in fishery assessments. It establishes the mathematical relationship between the two variables, length and weight, and helps in assessing the variations from the expected weight for the known length groups

    An Appraisal of the Marine Fisheries of Orissa, India

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    This paper presents the trend of marine fish landings of Orissa during the period 1975- 2006. The marine fish landings of Orissa indicated a general increasing trend from 16,804 t in 1975 to 1, 01,500 t during 2005 contributing to an average of 2.6% of the all India marine fish landings. Demersal fishery resources including crustaceans and molluscs dominated the landings ranging between 6575 t during 1977 to 56,556 t during 2005. The pelagic fishes contributed to 8497 t during 1977 to 44472 t during 2005. A total of six types of mechanized and motorized gear each and seven types of non-motorized gears were operated off Orissa during 2005 & 2006.The total effort both in units and Actual Fishing Hours (AFH) was greater during 2005 (5.91 Lakh units & 35 Lakh AFH ) than during 2006 (5.49 Lakh units & 31 Lakh AFH). While motorized gears expended more effort in terms of units, mechanized gears had put in more AFH during both the years. Gear wise, all the resources were landed more by mechanized gears followed by motorized gears and non-motorized gears. Resource wise, pelagic fishes were contributed mainly by carangids (21%), ribbon fishes (19.5%) and other clupeids (13.5%). The major contributors of demersal resources were croakers (35%), pomfrets (17%), catfishes (16%), and silver bellies (5.4%). Crustacean resources were dominated by penaeid prawns (78%) followed by non-penaeid prawns (11.6%) and crabs (9.25%). Seasonally, all major resources were landed more during October to December and January to March perio

    Marine fish landings in Karnataka during 2016 - An overview

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    Karnataka, with a 300 km coastline supports livelihood of 1.7 lakh fisherfolk population residing in 144 marine fishing villages. The marine fish production in the state reached a record 5.29 lakh tonnes (t) in 2016. The increase is attributed to the hike in the landings of Priacanthus spp., lesser sardines and oil sardine in 2016 as compared to 2015. Among the three coastal districts of Karnataka, Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts contributed 38% each, followed by the Uttara Kannada (24%). The Mangalore and Malpe Fisheries Harbours are the main contributors in the Dakshnina Kannada and Udupi districts respectively

    Statistical package for social scientists - A preparatory exposition. In: Winter School on Impact of Climate Change on Indian Marine Fisheries held at CMFRI, Cochin 18.1.2008 to 7.2.2008

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    SPSS is a package developed originally for social scientists using large mainframe computers. Since then it has been refined and redeveloped for different types of architecture including Windows. It is an extensive package with facilities for data entry, data manipulation and statistical analysis in a graphical environment. It has modules for survey analysis, graphical display and time series. The package has been considerably improved to include logistic regression and repeated measures analysis and much more which probably can be explored while experiencing the functionalities of the package
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