13,594 research outputs found

    Childhood feeding practices in African Americans

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the feeding practices of minority children specifically looking at African Americans from birth to 11 years old to see if there are any red flags so that professionals can be alerted for a concern with obesity. Previous research conducted on feeding styles and patterns of adults have shown some clues as how a parent plays a key role in the etiology of childhood obesity (Chaidez & Kaiser, 2011). One strategy that is used when looking at obesity is to look at physical activity as well as parenting styles which includes authoritative, authoritarian, and positive reinforcement (Kitzman-Ulrich, Wilson, St. George, Lawman, Segal & Fairchild, 2010). Today 35.2 percent of non- Hispanic Black youths between the ages of 2-19 are overweight and or obese (Ogden et al., 2012). This has increased over the last decade; the percentage of African American children has jumped from 10.7 percent to 19.8 percent (Ashcraft, 2012). This study specifically looking to find if there was a correlation between ethnicity and parenting styles. To look at this theory, surveys were given out to graduate students at Rowan University, specifically parents for them to fill out about their feeding practices of their children. The surveys were given out over a week length to random graduate courses on campus. The results of the data collected showed that there was no connection between ethnicity and parenting styles, but that there was a significance in parenting styles and feeding practices

    Report on a collecting trip of the British Myriapod Group to Hungary in 1994

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    During a collecting trip participated jointly by the members of the British Myriapod Group and by Hungarian experts in 1994, 34 species of millipedes, 14 of centipedes, 8 of woodlice and 73 of spiders were recorded from Hungary. Two records of the millipede species Boreoiulus tenuis (Bigler, 1913) and Styrioiulus styricus (Verhoeff, 1896) were new to the fauna of Hungary

    Glimpses of the Third Millennium BC in the Carpathian Basin

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    The relative and absolute chronology of the cultural groups of the 3rd millennium BC is a particularly exciting field of prehistoric research because this period spans the assumed boundary of two major periods — the final phase of the Copper Age and the initial phase of the Early Bronze Age. The transition from one major archaeological period to the next no doubt involved major structural changes. The transition period roughly spanning the middle third of the 3rd millennium BC, i.e. the period between the close of the Late Copper Age and the Early Bronze Age 2a in Hungary, corresponds to what is known as the Late Eneolithic in Central Europe and is generally divided into three main phases: 1. the late Baden, 2. the post-Baden/Vučedol, and 3. the post-Vučedol period. The transition in the Carpathian Basin had a mosaic patterning: the rhythm of change varied from region to region and the transformation in each major region followed a different cultural trajectory (Fig. 1, Table 1). This period is here examined in the light of two recently discovered finds from Hungary (Fig. 2, Fig. 4). The finds described here offered a glimpse into the transitional period between the Copper Age and the Bronze Age, with a focus on southern Transdanubia. The more or less identical artefacts and decorative styles appearing roughly synchronously in several regions reflect the period’s cultural contacts spanning extensive territories. The mapping of these communications networks and the clarification of the period’s finer chronological details based on the growing corpus of data will no doubt remain one of the priorities of future research. | A Kr. e. 3. Ă©vezred relatĂ­v Ă©s abszolĂșt kronolĂłgiai viszonyainak kutatĂĄsa kĂŒlönösen izgalmas terĂŒlete az Ƒskor vizsgĂĄlatĂĄnak, hiszen kĂ©t nagy korszak feltĂ©telezett hatĂĄrĂĄn, a rĂ©zkor kĂ©sei Ă©s a bronzkor kezdeti fĂĄzisainak megismerĂ©sĂ©t foglalja magĂĄban. A nagy rĂ©gĂ©szeti korszak definĂ­ciĂłk azt sejtetik, hogy fontos strukturĂĄlis vĂĄltozĂĄsok ĂĄllnak mögöttĂŒk. A Kr. e. 3. Ă©vezred közĂ©psƑ harmadĂĄra tehetƑ ĂĄtmeneti idƑszakot, vagyis a magyarorszĂĄgi kĂ©sƑ rĂ©zkor vĂ©ge Ă©s kora bronzkor 2a közötti korszakot, közĂ©p-eurĂłpai szemszögbƑl tekintve a kĂ©sƑ eneolitikum idƑszakĂĄt hĂĄrom fƑbb szakaszra tagoltan vizsgĂĄlhatjuk: 1. kĂ©sƑ Baden, 2. post-Baden/ Vučedol korszak, 3. post-Vučedol korszak. A KĂĄrpĂĄt-medence tĂ©rsĂ©gĂ©ben egy mozaikos jellegƱ, fokozatos, terĂŒletenkĂ©nt vĂĄltozĂłan eltĂ©rƑ ĂŒtemƱ Ă©s tendenciĂĄjĂș ĂĄtalakulĂĄsnak lehetĂŒnk tanĂși (Fig. 1, Table 1). EzĂșttal kĂ©t magyarorszĂĄgi lelet alapjĂĄn vizsgĂĄljuk a korszakot (Fig. 2, Fig. 4). A bemutatott leletek segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel a rĂ©zkor Ă©s bronzkor ĂĄtmeneti idƑszakĂĄnak nĂ©hĂĄny kĂ©rdĂ©sĂ©t tekintjĂŒk ĂĄt, kĂŒlönösen a DĂ©l-DunĂĄntĂșl terĂŒletĂ©re fĂłkuszĂĄlva. A kor nagy tĂĄvolsĂĄgokat ĂĄtfogĂł kapcsolatrendszerĂ©nek maradandĂł lenyomatĂĄt Ƒrzik azok a tĂĄrgyak/stĂ­luslemek, melyek több rĂ©giĂłban közel egyidƑben Ă©s hasonlĂł jellegben talĂĄlhatĂłk meg. Ezek alapjĂĄn fontos feladat lesz ennek/ezeknek a kommunikĂĄciĂłs hĂĄlĂłzat(ok)nak a tovĂĄbbi feltĂ©rkĂ©pezĂ©se Ă©s a folyamatosan gyarapodĂł adatok alapjĂĄn kronolĂłgiai összefĂŒggĂ©seik tisztĂĄzĂĄsa

    Sub Specie Aeternitatis. An Actualisation of Wittgenstein on Ethics and Aesthetics

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    This article will present an interpretation of Wittgenstein’s understanding of the relationship between ethics and aesthetics. In extension, it will inform recent discussions regarding a special kind of nonsensicality, which forms a central part of ethical and aesthetical expressions. Instead of identity between ethics and aesthetics, we should understand the relationship in terms of interdependence. Both attitudes provide a view sub specie aeternitatis and thus permit a view of the world as a whole. Employing the vocabulary of Charles Taylor and Harry Frankfurt, it must be remembered that rather than a neutral view from nowhere, such wholeness arises out of strong evaluations that are made against the backdrop of a constitutive framework of intelligibility. At this point, the epistemic gain of actualizing Wittgenstein will reveal itself: it will put us in a position where it is possible to differentiate between ethical and aesthetical forms of identification that Taylor and Frankfurt neglect. However, in order to actualize Wittgenstein’s ideas, it is necessary to argue that Tractatus should not be understood in a Kantian fashion as suggested by Tilghman for instance

    An Impact Analysis of Labor Market Programs in Hungary

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    This paper presents estimates of the impact of retraining and public service employment (PSE) on reemployment and earnings in the Republic of Hungary during the early phase of post-Socialist economic restructuring. Since assignment to programs resulted in groups with vastly dissimilar characteristics, impact estimates were computed using a variety of methods. Controlling for observable characteristics, retraining may have slightly improved the chances for reemployment in a non-subsidized job, but the gain in reemployment was probably not sufficient to justify the cost of retraining. However, since the durability of jobs appears to be better for those who were retrained, the long term earnings impacts may be significant. Net societal benefits from retraining could be improved by targeting services to more males, older persons, those with fewer years of formal education, and those with no non-manual specialization. PSE was a successful strategy to keep people out of unemployment, but it did not appear to be a cost effective means of getting people reemployed in non-subsidized jobs. PSE is probably best viewed as an income transfer program that has the side effect of preventing deterioration of basic work habits. In terms of reemployment, the net societal impact of PSE could be improved if it involved more older persons and females.labor, market, programs, Hungary, O'Leary

    A török hódoltsåg nyomai Törökkoppåny földrajzi neveiben

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    Traces of the former Turkish occupation in the geographical names of TörökkoppĂĄny This paper presents the Turkish-related geographical names of TörökkoppĂĄny. TörökkoppĂĄny is a village in the Northeastern part of Somogy county, which used to be a centre of a sanjak under the Turkish rule. With its border fortress strengthened by the Turks the village played an important strategic role. Many still existing geographical names of the settlement (cf. TörökkoppĂĄny data in the volume “Somogy megye földrajzi nevei” [Geographical Names of Somogy County]) were born in this era. Some of these names evoke a tradition or a legend in connection with the Turkish rule. The number of place names of Osmanli origin, compared to the quantity of Turkish-related geographical names in other territories once occupied, is relatively large, which also proves the contemporary importance of TörökkoppĂĄny

    Clusters and Innovation in Ecotourism Development

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    Competitiveness, innovation and the national innovation system (NIS) which connects them, have been transformed and are continually changing in our postindustrial society. This essay investigates the origin and the changes of such systems as well as their main models. The modern state does not only subsidize the competitiveness of its own national economy, as its competitiveness firstly depends on the underlying innovative environment, the so-called ‘innovation milieu’ and the national innovation system, which binds the system together. At a national level it is indispensable for the development of innovation, that the economic policymakers build up a coherent system for promoting tourism. Other tools exist for the development of ecotourism in our region beyond fi nancial sponsoring and these state measures can also be realized. A study of economic co-operation systems and clusters together with innovation progress shows the Italian economic model as one of the most successful in modern Europe. The research on ecotourism clusters and a perceptional research in ‘BelsĂ”-Somogy’ Ecologic Network are the basis for developing an ecotourism cluster model which is applicable in the Hungarian National Parks and Nature Reserve Areas.innovation,national innovation system,development,tourism,ecotourism clusters

    Firms and Products in International Trade: Data and Patterns for Hungary

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    This paper provides a detailed description of Hungarian trade data and key patters drawn at the firm and product level. The IEHAS-CEFiG Hungary dataset is an almost universal panel of balance sheet information (1992-2006) merged with firmproductcountry level customs data (1992-2003) taken until the 2004 EU accession. In the Bernard et al. (2007) tradition, statistics describe the prevalence of trading activity, typology of firms by internationalisation, concentration of trade volume within and across sectors as well as geographical features of activities. The aim of this paper is both to offer background statistics to existing studies and to stimulate future research on firms and trade by offering a great deal of descriptive statistics. After describing datasets, the prevalence of trading activity across sectors, concentration of trading volume across and within sectors, spatial distribution on trade and principal trading partners are described. Stylised facts show that trading activity is heavily concentrated, both exporters and importers show better performance than non-traders, and multi-product and multi-county firms are responsible for the bulk of trade volume.international trade, exporting, firm-product level data
