12,654 research outputs found

    A stochastic large deformation model for computational anatomy

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    In the study of shapes of human organs using computational anatomy, variations are found to arise from inter-subject anatomical differences, disease-specific effects, and measurement noise. This paper introduces a stochastic model for incorporating random variations into the Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM) framework. By accounting for randomness in a particular setup which is crafted to fit the geometrical properties of LDDMM, we formulate the template estimation problem for landmarks with noise and give two methods for efficiently estimating the parameters of the noise fields from a prescribed data set. One method directly approximates the time evolution of the variance of each landmark by a finite set of differential equations, and the other is based on an Expectation-Maximisation algorithm. In the second method, the evaluation of the data likelihood is achieved without registering the landmarks, by applying bridge sampling using a stochastically perturbed version of the large deformation gradient flow algorithm. The method and the estimation algorithms are experimentally validated on synthetic examples and shape data of human corpora callosa

    An investigation of some effects of mach number and air temperature on the hypersonic flow over a blunt body

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    Mach number and air temperature effect on hypersonic flow over blunt bodie

    Investigation of scaling properties of hysteresis in Finemet thin films

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    We study the behavior of hysteresis loops in Finemet Fe73.5_{73.5}Cu1_1Nb3_3Si18.5_{18.5}B4_4 thin films by using a fluxometric setup based on a couple of well compensated pickup coils. The presence of scaling laws of the hysteresis area is investigated as a function of the amplitude and frequency of the applied field, considering sample thickness from about 20 nm to 5 ÎĽ\mum. We do not observe any scaling predicted by theoretical models, while dynamic loops show a logarithmic dependence on the frequency.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamic hysteresis in Finemet thin films

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    We performed a series of dynamic hysteresis measurements on three series of Finemet films with composition Fe73.5_{73.5}Cu1_1Nb3_3Si13.5_13.5B9_9, using both the longitudinal magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) and the inductive fluxometric method. The MOKE dynamic hysteresis loops show a more marked variability with the frequency than the inductive ones, while both measurements show a similar dependence on the square root of frequency. We analyze these results in the frame of a simple domain wall depinning model, which accounts for the general behavior of the data.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Towards a new determination of the QCD Lambda parameter from running couplings in the three-flavour theory

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    We review our new strategy and current status towards a high precision computation of the Lambda parameter from three-flavour simulations in QCD. To reach this goal we combine specific advantages of the Schr\"odinger functional and gradient flow couplings.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory; 23-28 June, 2014, Columbia University, New Yor

    Beautiful Baryons from Lattice QCD

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    We perform a lattice study of heavy baryons, containing one (Λb\Lambda_b) or two bb-quarks (Ξb\Xi_b). Using the quenched approximation we obtain for the mass of Λb\Lambda_b MΛb=5.728±0.144±0.018GeV. M_{\Lambda_b}= 5.728 \pm 0.144 \pm 0.018 {\rm GeV}. The mass splitting between the Λb\Lambda_b and the B-meson is found to increase by about 20\% if the light quark mass is varied from the chiral limit to the strange quark mass.Comment: 11 pages, Figures obtained upon request from [email protected]

    The Λ\Lambda-parameter in 3-flavour QCD and αs(mZ)\alpha_s(m_Z) by the ALPHA collaboration

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    We present results by the ALPHA collaboration for the Λ\Lambda-parameter in 3-flavour QCD and the strong coupling constant at the electroweak scale, αs(mZ)\alpha_s(m_Z), in terms of hadronic quantities computed on the CLS gauge configurations. The first part of this proceedings contribution contains a review of published material \cite{Brida:2016flw,DallaBrida:2016kgh} and yields the Λ\Lambda-parameter in units of a low energy scale, 1/Lhad1/L_{\rm had}. We then discuss how to determine this scale in physical units from experimental data for the pion and kaon decay constants. We obtain ΛMS‾(3)=332(14)\Lambda_{\overline{\rm MS}}^{(3)} = 332(14) MeV which translates to αs(MZ)=0.1179(10)(2)\alpha_s(M_Z)=0.1179(10)(2) using perturbation theory to match between 3-, 4- and 5-flavour QCD.Comment: 21 pages. Collects contributions of A. Ramos, S. Sint and R. Sommer to the 34th annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory; LaTeX input encoding problem fixe

    Evolution of the Mass-Metallicity relations in passive and star-forming galaxies from SPH-cosmological simulations

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    We present results from SPH-cosmological simulations, including self-consistent modelling of SN feedback and chemical evolution, of galaxies belonging to two clusters and twelve groups. We reproduce the mass-metallicity (ZM) relation of galaxies classified in two samples according to their star-forming activity, as parametrized by their sSFR, across a redshift range up to z=2. Its slope shows irrelevant evolution in the passive sample, being steeper in groups than in clusters. However, the sub-sample of high-mass passive galaxies only is characterized by a steep increase of the slope with redshift, from which it can be inferred that the bulk of the slope evolution of the ZM relation is driven by the more massive passive objects. (...ABRIDGED...) The ZM relation for the star-forming sample reveals an increasing scatter with redshift, indicating that it is still being built at early epochs. The star-forming galaxies make up a tight sequence in the SFR-M_* plane at high redshift, whose scatter increases with time alongside with the consolidation of the passive sequence. We also confirm the anti-correlation between sSFR and stellar mass, pointing at a key role of the former in determining the galaxy downsizing, as the most significant means of diagnostics of the star formation efficiency. Likewise, an anti-correlation between sSFR and metallicity can be established for the star-forming galaxies, while on the contrary more active galaxies in terms of simple SFR are also metal-richer. We discuss these results in terms of the mechanisms driving the evolution within the high- and low-mass regimes at different epochs: mergers, feedback-driven outflows and the intrinsic variation of the star formation efficiency.Comment: Emended list of author
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