1,843 research outputs found

    Dissolved methane pluming mapping using Membrane Inlet Mass-Spectrometry (MIMS) at a blowout site in the North Sea

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    A blow out site in the North Sea (well 22/4-b, UK EEZ) in a water depth of 83 m, served as a test area to demonstrate MIMS as a powerful tool for the continuous measurement of dissolved methane simultaneously to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen as well as other gases. A pump-CTD arrangement was used to generate a continuous water stream through a 2.5 cm thick tube to the ship laboratory and was analyzed using a membrane inlet quadrupole mass spectrometer (GAM 200, InProcessInstruments). The pump-CTD was further equipped with calibrated HydroC CH4/CO2 sensors. The MIMS measurements were conducted under fully controlled temperature conditions and were calibrated for CH4, N2, O2, and pCO2. The pump-CTD arrangement was towed along transects across the blow out and dissolved gas concentrations as well as physical water column data were synchronized and geo-referenced. The transects were repeated in three different depth layers, including a bottom layer of � 2 m above the sea floor, 60 m above the sea floor just below the thermocline and a third plane in 10 m water depth. During the tows water samples were taken for later onboard methane analysis and cross-calibration with the MIMS and HydroC data. After data selection under consideration of the tidal regime lateral and vertical plume dimensions of dissolved methane were constructed. Dissolved methane concentrations ranged between background and up to about 18�M. Below the thermocline, which represents an effective barrier for the vertical distribution of dissolved methane, methane distinctively spreads laterally. Only at locations were the gas bubble stream and concurrently advected water from below the thermocline reaches the sea surface enhanced methane emission into the atmosphere took place

    Chiral symmetry and O(a) improvement in lattice QCD

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    The dominant cutoff effects in lattice QCD with Wilson quarks are proportional to the lattice spacing a. In particular, the isovector axial current satisfies the PCAC relation only up to such effects. Following a suggestion of Symanzik, they can be cancelled by adding local O(a) correction terms to the action and the axial current. We here address a number of theoretical issues in connection with the O(a) improvement of lattice QCD and then show that chiral symmetry can be used to fix the coefficients multiplying the correction terms.Comment: 43 pages, uuencoded gzipped postscript fil

    Forensic science standards in fast-changing environments

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    Regulatory trends in forensic science point strongly to the need for exhaustive testing of all findings and tools. At the same time a number of jurisdictions suggest a judicial test for the admissibility of novel scientific evidence. But in fields such as computers and cellphones, the rate of change is faster than the normal times required for peer-reviewed publication. One route to admitting less-than-perfect findings from forensic science is via a re-evaluation of the role of expert evidence and in particular pre-trial meetings between experts

    Intergalactic Transmission and its Impact on the Ly{\alpha} Line

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    We study the intergalactic transmission of radiation in the vicinity of the Ly{\alpha} wavelength. Simulating sightlines through the intergalactic medium (IGM) in detailed cosmological hydrosimulations, the impact of the IGM on the shape of the line profile from Ly{\alpha} emitting galaxies at redshifts 2.5 to 6.5 is investigated. In particular we show that taking into account the correlation of the density and velocity fields of the IGM with the galaxies, the blue part of the spectrum may be appreciably reduced, even at relatively low redshifts. This may in some cases provide an alternative to the often-invoked outflow scenario, although it is concluded that this model is still a plausible explanation of the many asymmetric Ly{\alpha} profiles observed. Applying the calculated wavelength dependent transmission to simulated spectra from Ly{\alpha} emitting galaxies, we derive the fraction of photons that are lost in the IGM, in addition to what is absorbed internally in the galaxies due to dust. Moreover, by comparing the calculated transmission of radiation blueward of the Ly{\alpha} line, the total optical depth to Thomson scattering of cosmic microwave background, with corresponding observations, we are able to constrain the epoch when the Universe was reionized to z <~ 8.5.Comment: Substantially extended, ~30 references added, 1.5 page extra (article style) in particular on the impact of the IGM at z~5.8 and z~6.5, 2 extra figures, unnecessary fluff cut out, accepted for publication in Ap

    Lyman alpha Resonant Scattering in Young Galaxies - Predictions from Cosmological Simulations

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    We present results obtained with a 3D, Ly alpha radiative transfer code, applied to a fully cosmological galaxy formation simulation. The developed Monte Carlo code is capable of treating an arbitrary distribution of source Ly alpha emission, neutral hydrogen density, temperature, and peculiar velocity of the interstellar medium. We investigate the influence of resonant scattering on the appearance and properties of young galaxies by applying the code to a simulated "Lyman Break Galaxy" at redshift z = 3.6, and of star formation rate 22 M_sun/yr and total Ly alpha luminosity 2.0 X 10^43 erg/s. It is found that resonant scattering of Ly alpha radiation can explain that young galaxies frequently are observed to be more extended on the sky in Ly alpha than in the optical. Moreover, it is shown that, for the system investigated, due to the anisotropic escape of the photons, the appearent maximum surface brightness can differ by a factor of ~15, and the total derived luminosity by a factor of ~4, depending on the orientation of the system relative to the observer.Comment: Letter updated to match version published in Ap

    Soil health and ecosystem services: Lessons from sub-Sahara Africa (SSA)

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    Management practices to improve soil health influence several ecosystem services including regulation of water flows, changes in soil biodiversity and greenhouse gases that are important at local, regional and global levels. Unfortunately, the primary focus in soil health management over the years has been increasing crop productivity and to some extent the associated economics and use efficiencies of inputs. There are now efforts to study the inter-relationship of associated ecosystem effects of soil health management considering that sustainable intensification cannot occur without conscious recognition of these associated non-provisioning ecosystem services. This review documents the current knowledge of ecosystem services for key management practices based on experiences from agricultural lands in sub-Sahara Africa (SSA). Here, practicing conservation agriculture (CA) and Integrated Soil fertility management (ISFM) have overall positive benefits on increasing infiltration (> 44), reducing runoff (> 30%) and soil erosion (> 33%) and increases soil biodiversity. While ISFM and Agroforestry increase provisioning of fuelwood, fodder and food, the effect of CA on the provisioning of food is unclear. Also, considering long-term perspectives, none of the studied soil health promoting practices are increasing soil organic carbon (SOC). Annual contributions to greenhouse gases are generally low (< 3 kg N2O ha−1) with few exceptions. Nitrogen leaching vary widely, from 0.2 to over 200 kg N ha−1 and are sometimes inconsistent with N inputs. This summary of key considerations for evaluating practices from multiple perspectives including provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural ecosystem services is important to inform future soil health policy and research initiatives in SSA

    Public accounting in 1929

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    Shortly before the beginning of the Great Depression, certified public accountants were struggling for both an acceptable definition of their role as well as professional recognition. This paper describes the environment in which CPAs worked as well as their concerns. Areas reviewed include training and entry into the field, ethical and legal standards, conduct of practice, financial rewards, professional concerns, and perceptions of the future. The purpose of the paper is to increase our appreciation of the challenges and opportunities facing CPAs in 1929

    Adaptive optimal operation of a parallel robotic liquid handling station

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    Results are presented from the optimal operation of a fully automated robotic liquid handling station where parallel experiments are performed for calibrating a kinetic fermentation model. To increase the robustness against uncertainties and/or wrong assumptions about the parameter values, an iterative calibration and experiment design approach is adopted. Its implementation yields a stepwise reduction of parameter uncertainties together with an adaptive redesign of reactor feeding strategies whenever new measurement information is available. The case study considers the adaptive optimal design of 4 parallel fed-batch strategies implemented in 8 mini-bioreactors. Details are given on the size and complexity of the problem and the challenges related to calibration of over-parameterized models and scarce and non-informative measurement data. It is shown how methods for parameter identifiability analysis and numerical regularization can be used for monitoring the progress of the experimental campaigns in terms of generated information regarding parameters and selection of the best fitting parameter subset.BMBF, 02PJ1150, Verbundprojekt: Plattformtechnologien für automatisierte Bioprozessentwicklung (AutoBio); Teilprojekt: Automatisierte Bioprozessentwicklung am Beispiel von neuen Nukleosidphosphorylase

    Venous Thromboembolism Within Professional American Sport Leagues.

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    Background: Numerous reports have described players in professional American sports leagues who have been sidelined with a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or a pulmonary embolism (PE), but little is known about the clinical implications of these events in professional athletes. Purpose: To conduct a retrospective review of injury reports from the National Hockey League (NHL), Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the National Football League (NFL) to take a closer look at the incidence of DVT/PE, current treatment approaches, and estimated time to return to play in professional athletes. Study Design: Descriptive epidemiology study. Methods: An online search of all team injury and media reports of DVT/PE in NHL, MLB, NBA, and NFL players available for public record was conducted by use of Google, PubMed, and SPORTDiscus. Searches were conducted using the professional team name combined with blood clot, pulmonary embolism, and deep vein thrombosis. Results: A total of 55 venous thromboembolism (VTE) events were identified from 1999 through 2016 (NHL, n = 22; MLB, n = 16; NFL, n = 12; NBA, n = 5). Nineteen athletes were reported to have an upper extremity DVT, 15 had a lower extremity DVT, 15 had a PE, and 6 had DVT with PE. Six athletes sustained more than 1 VTE. The mean age at time of VTE was 29.3 years (range, 19-42 years). Mean (±SD) time lost from play was 6.7 ± 4.9 months (range, 3 days to career end). Seven athletes did not return to play. Players with upper extremity DVT had a faster return to play (mean ± SD, 4.3 ± 2.7 months) than those with lower extremity DVT (5.9 ± 3.8 months), PE (10.8 ± 6.8 months), or DVT with PE (8.2 ± 2.6 months) (F = 5.69, P = .002). No significant difference was found regarding time of return to play between sports. Conclusion: VTE in professional athletes led to an average of 6.7 months lost from play. The majority of athletes were able to return to play after a period of anticoagulation or surgery. Those with an upper extremity DVT returned to play faster than those with other types of VTE. Further study is needed to look into modifiable risk factors for these events and to establish treatment and return-to-play guidelines to ensure the safety of these athletes
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