25 research outputs found

    Intermediate care units in progressive patient care model: a systematic literature review

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    Background: Progressive patient care (PPC) has been defined as a systematic classification and segregation of patients based on their medical and nursing needs. Aim of the present research was to perform a systematic literature review about existing medical intermediate care unit organizational models and their performance strengths and weaknesses with a specific focus on Italian implementation, respect to US model. Methods: Databases PubMed, Cinahl, Google and Google Scholar were searched until September 2017. The search was limited to Italian and English studies. All study design are included in the review. Results: Ten studies were included in the review. The American studies showed, after the PPC reorganization, an increase in level of satisfaction and nursing care, a reduction in average length of stay, costs and tensions between nurses and an improvement in nurse-physician communication. An Italian study reported the results of a project carried out in three case studies (Forlì, Foligno and Pontedera hospital), redesigning hospital patient flow logistics around the concept of intensity of care: in all three cases, after the reorganization, an increase in bed occupancy rate (before: 71%,81%,65%; after: 78%,84%,82%, respectively) and in hospital case-mix complexity (average DRG weight - before: 0.99,1.07,1.12; after: 1.19,1.09,1.61, respectively) and a reduction in turn-over ratio (before: 2.5,1.4,2.8; after: 1.5,1.2,1.7, respectively) was recorded. Considering Italian healthcare professionals’ point of view, majority of internists supported a hospital remodeling according to PPC model. Conclusions: The PPC model, theorized in US, has found several applications in Italian regional realities. Improvements in quality of care, appropriateness and productivity in healthcare facilities, that adopted the PPC program, were observed

    The effectiveness of computerized clinical guidelines in the process of care: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Clinical practice guidelines have been developed aiming to improve the quality of care. The implementation of the computerized clinical guidelines (CCG) has been supported by the development of computerized clinical decision support systems.</p> <p>This systematic review assesses the impact of CCG on the process of care compared with non-computerized clinical guidelines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Specific features of CCG were studied through an extensive search of scientific literature, querying electronic databases: Pubmed/Medline, Embase and Cochrane Controlled Trials Register. A multivariable logistic regression was carried out to evaluate the association of CCG's features with positive effect on the process of care.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Forty-five articles were selected. The logistic model showed that Automatic provision of recommendation in electronic version as part of clinician workflow (Odds Ratio [OR]= 17.5; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.6-193.7) and Publication Year (OR = 6.7; 95%CI: 1.3-34.3) were statistically significant predictors.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From the research that has been carried out, we can conclude that after implementation of CCG significant improvements in process of care are shown. Our findings also suggest clinicians, managers and other health care decision makers which features of CCG might improve the structure of computerized system.</p

    Networks as a way to hospital and primary/community care integration: findings from a narrative review of the main international models

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    : Background Healthcare systems are complex systems. Achieving financial, social, and environmental sustainability of these systems requires a high degree of integration and coordination at all levels, especially between acute-care settings and primary/community care services. Some authors have, therefore, suggest redirecting integrated healthcare research towards the network theory and network concepts as a useful lens. Objective The current paper proposes to investigate the existence, the institutional level of formalization and the degree of development of hospital/primary-community care Networks currently present in the main types of healthcare systems worldwide by studying an appropriate selection of representative countries for each system typology. Materials and Methods A narrative review of the scientific and gray literature following the methodology by Green et al. was, therefore, conducted to describe hospital and primary/community care networks and their integration/coordination in the main international models. To select these models, one country with the current highest life expectancy at birth for each of the B öhm's five healthcare system categories was chosen. The grade of integration of the Networks retrieved for each State was therefore qualitatively appraised (high, medium or low degree), following Valentijn's framework. Results The networks retrieved show: in Norway, Australia and Japan both at the government/ national and at the regional/lower level/other a high degree of systemic, organizational, normative and functional integration; in Switzerland both at the government/national and at the regional/lower level/other a medium degree of systemic, organizational, normative and functional integration; in the USA at the governmental/institution level a low degree of systemic, organizational and normative integration, with a medium degree of functional integration and at the regional/lower level/other integration a low degree of systemic and normative integration with medium degree of organization integration and high degree of functional integration. Discussion The high levels and degree of hospital/primary - community care integration of Norway, Australia and Japan are in line with what could be expected from the universalistic healthcare system in place. The medium levels of integration of Switzerland are also in line with what the Social health insurance system and, especially, the cantonal system. The low levels of integration of the USA are in line with the privatistic healthcare systems. However, a medium degree was found for functional integration probably due to its unparalleled technological advancement. Conclusions The study shows how the levels of hospital/primary-community care integration are connected to the specific healthcare system in place in each country. COVID-19 showed how complex systems like healthcare systems had to reconfigure themselves to reach high levels of integration in small time to be able to save lives and contain the spread of the virus. These results will prove useful for policymakers, healthcare and public health professionals in the task of establishing effective Networks to achieve high levels of integration in their institutions

    Lo sviluppo della Day Surgery per il trattamento delle vene varicose in Italia: una analisi dell andamento nazionale e regionale

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    INTRODUZIONE: Le vene varicose (VV) rappresentano un importante impegno per il Sistema Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) a causa della elevata prevalenza di tale patologia: dal 2% al 76% (donne) e dal 2% al 56% (uomini) nelle diverse fasce di età. Lo sviluppo della chirurgia mini-invasiva consente, per casi selezionati, di effettuare il trattamento in regime di day surgery (DS), permettendo al SSN di risparmiare risorse ospedaliere. Il nostro studio analizza i ricoveri in DS per stripping delle VV a livello nazionale e nelle diverse regioni italiane nel periodo 1999-2005. MATERIALI E METODI: Sono stati selezionati i dati relativi al DRG 119 (legatura e stripping di vene) dal database del Ministero della Salute per il periodo dal 1999 al 2005. È stata calcolata la proporzione di interventi in DS in base all’anno, alla regione ed al tipo di struttura. RISULTATI: La proporzione di interventi in DS per legatura e stripping delle VV ù passata dal 19.4% (95% CI=19.2-19.6) del 1999 al 58.9% (95% CI=58.6-59.2) del 2005, con una percentuale di interventi maggiore del 50% a partire dal 2003. Le aziende ospedaliere (69.4% IC95% 69.0%, 69.8%) ed i policlinici universitari (57.7% IC95% 56.9% , 58.6%) ricoverano in DS in proporzione maggiore rispetto alle case di cura accreditate (46.7% IC95% 46.2% 47.2%) e non accreditate (27.3% IC95% 25.3 , 29.3%). La proporzione di interventi in DS presenta un gradiente che diminuisce da Nord a Sud con il valore maggiore in Toscana (94.47% IC95% 93.9% , 95.0%) ed il valore minore in Sardegna (30.25% IC95% 28.0% , 32.5%). DISCUSSIONE: Lo sviluppo della DS per l’intervento di legatura e stripping delle VV ù progredito in Italia con un certo ritardo rispetto al panorama internazionale, diventando il regime di scelta solo a partire dal 2003. È inoltre da sottolineare come sia presente una notevole diversità di comportamento a seconda del tipo di struttura sanitaria e di regione esaminata, probabilmente a causa di differenti decisioni a livello gestionale e politico

    Vaccines Administration in the Perspective of Patient Safety and Quality of Healthcare: Lesson from the Experience of an Italian Teaching Hospital for Pandemic Preparedness

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    The development and administration of vaccines against COVID-19 was a key element in the fight against the pandemic, as it protected health systems and helped restore global economies. National implementation plans and vaccination strategies for COVID-19 vaccines ensured the immunization of large segments of the population in the shortest time. However, even before the start of the vaccination campaign, it was clear to decision-makers that the usual methods of vaccination were not suitable. The aim of this report is to share the experience of an Italian teaching hospital in the organisation of spaces and activities of healthcare workers to realise a safe vaccination campaign. An in-depth analysis of how the vaccination campaign was organised could be useful to understand strengths and weaknesses learnt from this experience and plan an effective, efficient, and resilient response to future pandemics right away. The adoption of a systemic clinical risk management (SCRM) could guarantee healthcare organizations a more adequate and resilient response in an ethics of a job well done perspective, allowing them to maintain high patient safety standards regardless of the contingent situation for which safety first should be the motto of a disaster response plan

    A Label-Free Proteomic Approach for the Identification of Biomarkers in the Exosome of Endometrial Cancer Serum

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    Endometrial cancers (ECs) are mostly adenocarcinomas arising from the inner part of the uterus. The identification of serum biomarkers, either soluble or carried in the exosome, may be useful in making an early diagnosis. We used label-free quantification mass spectrometry (LFQ-MS)-based proteomics to investigate the proteome of exosomes in the albumin-depleted serum from 12 patients with EC, as compared to 12 healthy controls. After quantification and statistical analysis, we found significant changes in the abundance (p &lt; 0.05) of 33 proteins in EC vs. control samples, with a fold change of &ge;1.5 or &le;0.6. Validation using Western blotting analysis in 36 patients with EC as compared to 36 healthy individuals confirmed the upregulation of APOA1, HBB, CA1, HBD, LPA, SAA4, PF4V1, and APOE. A multivariate logistic regression model based on the abundance of these proteins was able to separate the controls from the EC patients with excellent sensitivity levels, particularly for stage 1 ECs. The results show that using LFQ-MS to explore the specific proteome of serum exosomes allows for the identification of biomarkers in EC. These observations suggest that PF4V1, CA1, HBD, and APOE represent biomarkers that are able to reach the clinical stage, after a validation phase