15 research outputs found

    Incontinence urinaire de la femme en milieu urbain au Burkina Faso: Enquête épidemiologique auprès de 759 femmes à Bobo Dioulasso

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    Objectifs : Déterminer la prévalence de l'incontinence urinaire, identifier les facteurs de risque et apprécier les retentissements de cette affection sur la vie des femmes. Patientes et méthodes : Etude prospective et transversale sur l'incontinence urinaire (UI) de la femme en milieu urbain au Burkina Faso. Il s'agit d'une enquête épidémiologique qui s'est déroulée de janvier 2003 à avril 2003 auprès de 759 femmes se rendant dans quelques formations sanitaires de la ville de Bobo-Dioulasso. Résultats : L'age moyen des femmes était de 29,8 ans, la gestité et la parité moyenne respectivement de 3 et 2,6. La majorité d'entre elles (63,6%) étaient des femmes au foyer dont 65,5% de mariées. La prévalence globale de l'IU était de 21,3% et l'incontinence urinaire d'effort (IUE) était le type dominant (54,6%). Concernant les facteurs de risque, seules la dystocie, les in-fections urinaires à répétition, la constipation chronique, l'épisiotomie et l'obésité restaient associés significativement à la survenue de l'IU, après une analyse multivariée utilisant le mode de régression logistique. Le retentissement de l'IU a été apprécié en terme de coût physique et surtout psychosocial ; le coût économique étant impossible à évaluer dans notre contexte. Conclusion : L'incontinence urinaire est fréquente dans notre région malgré le peu de cas vus dans les services de gynécologie et d'urologie. Une enquête de ce type réalisée en population générale et à l'échelle nationale permettrait de mieux apprécier l'amp-leur du problème et identifier les éléments nécessaires à une stratégie de prise en charge adéquate de cette pathologie. Female Urinary Incontinence in an Urban Area in Burkina Faso: Epidemiological Study of 759 Women in the City of Bobo-Dioulasso Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of urinary incontinence, identify its risk factors and describe its effects on the life of women affected by it in an urban area in Burkina Faso. Patients and Methods: This prospective study was carried out between January and April 2003 and was based on interviews with 759 female patients presenting to the Department of Urology, Sanou Souro Teaching Hospital, and five other medical centers in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso. By means of a questionnaire we collected information on socio-demographic patient characteristics, history of previous surgical or gynecological interventions, type of urine loss and the effects of urinary incontinence on the patients\' physical, psychological and economical condition. Results: The mean age of the patients was 29,8 years. The majority (63.6%) were housewives, 65.5% of them married. The overall prevalence of urinary incontinence was 21,3% with a predominance (54,6%) of stress urinary incontinence. Multivariate analysis of the risk factors (using the logistic regression model) showed that the following risk factors were significantly associated with urinary incontinence: dystocia, repeated urinary tract infections, chronic constipation, episiotomy and obesity. The physical and psycho-social effect of urinary incontinence on the patients is described. Conclusion: Urinary incontinence is frequently encountered in our environment although only few cases are seen in our gynecology and urology departments. A population-based investigation on a national scale will allow for a better judgment of the actual extent of the problem and will help to establish a strategy on how to better control it. African Journal of Urology Vol.11(1) 2005: 45-5

    Tumeur d’Abrikossoff ou tumeur à cellules granuleuses à localisation buccale : à propos d’un cas au CHU Sourô SANOU de Bobo-Dioulasso

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    Les tumeurs à cellules granuleuses (TCG) sont des tumeurs rares de siège ubiquitaire avec une prédilection pour la région cervico-faciale. Dans la cavité buccale, elles siègent le plus souvent au niveau de la langue. Elles surviennent à tous les âges et sont le plus souvent bénignes. Elles sont caractérisées par la prolifération de grandes cellules à cytoplasme abondant, granuleux et éosinophile. L’immunohistochimie aide souvent au diagnostic. Les auteurs rapportent l’observation d’un enfant de 3 ans amené en consultation pour un nodule jugal droit évoluant depuis environ 2 ans. L’exérèse chirurgicale a été réalisée et l’examen histologique a montré des amas anastomosés de cellules de grandes tailles, arrondies ou ovalaire, à cytoplasme granuleux ou xanthélamisé, séparés par des cloisons de fibres collagènes et la présence de cellules géantes multinuclées. Le diagnostic de tumeur à cellules granuleuses a été retenu. Les suites opératoires étaient simples. Le contrôle à un an n’a pas objectivé de récidive. Mots clés : tumeur d’Abrikossoff, cavité orale, Bobo-Dioulasso.Granular cell tumors (GCT) are rare ubiquitous site tumors with a predilection for the head and neck localization. In the oral cavity tongue is the preferential localization. They occur at all ages and are most often benign. They are characterized by the proliferation of large cells with abundant, granular and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Immunohistochemistry often helps in diagnosis. The authors report the observation of a 3-year-old child consulting for a right jugal node evolving for about 2 years. Surgical excision was carried out and the histological examination showed anastomosed clusters of large cells, rounded or oval, with granular or xanthelamized cytoplasm, separated by fibro-collagenous partitions and the presence of giant multinucleated cells. The diagnosis of granular cell tumors was retained. The operating suites were simple. The one-year check did not show any recurrence. Key words: Abrikossoff’s tumor ; oral cavity ; Bobo-Dioulasso


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    The study assessed infant and young child feeding practices and associated factors among 6–23-month-old children in order to inform ongoing and future programs and projects in Bobo-Dioulasso area, in Burkina Faso. Information on child feeding practices and determinants in urban areas is limited in Burkina Faso. Data of 301children, collected in 2013, were considered in this secondary analysis. Questionnaires were used to collect data on respondents’ socio-demographic and economic situation. In addition to the information on child care practices, food consumption data were also collected using a 24h dietary recall questionnaire. Indicators of minimum dietary diversity (MDD), minimum meal frequency (MMF), and minimum acceptable diet (MAD) were constructed and proportion of children meeting these indicators calculated. Binary logistic regression was used to see the association between the outcome variables and explanatory variables, and multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify factors associated with minimum dietary diversity, meal frequency and minimum acceptable diet. Data cleaning and analysis were done using SPSS version 25. Odds ratios (ORs) with 95 % confidence interval (CI) were computed to measure the strength of association. Almost 3 out of 4 mothers (72.5%) were housewives and 62.4% of them were illiterate. Among the 301 children, 40.2% were aged 18-23 months. About half of the children (45.2%) were born to mothers from high income households. The proportion of children 6–23 months who met the MDD and MMF for breastfed and non-breastfed children was 18.3% and 28.9%, respectively. Less than one fifth of breastfed children (16.1%) received MAD. Girls were more likely to meet the MDD (p=0.02) and MAD (p=0.04) than boys. The proportion of children 6- 23 months meeting the three complementary feeding practice indicators in Bobo- Dioulasso in Burkina Faso were far below the WHO-recommended standard of 90% coverage. The MDD and MAD were positively associated to the female gender. This finding could be used to better target the children in order to improve the effects of the ongoing or future interventions in increasing appropriate complementary feeding practices


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    The study assessed infant and young child feeding practices and associated factors among 6–23-month-old children in order to inform ongoing and future programs and projects in Bobo-Dioulasso area, in Burkina Faso. Information on child feeding practices and determinants in urban areas is limited in Burkina Faso. Data of 301children, collected in 2013, were considered in this secondary analysis. Questionnaires were used to collect data on respondents’ socio-demographic and economic situation. In addition to the information on child care practices, food consumption data were also collected using a 24h dietary recall questionnaire. Indicators of minimum dietary diversity (MDD), minimum meal frequency (MMF), and minimum acceptable diet (MAD) were constructed and proportion of children meeting these indicators calculated. Binary logistic regression was used to see the association between the outcome variables and explanatory variables, and multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify factors associated with minimum dietary diversity, meal frequency and minimum acceptable diet. Data cleaning and analysis were done using SPSS version 25. Odds ratios (ORs) with 95 % confidence interval (CI) were computed to measure the strength of association. Almost 3 out of 4 mothers (72.5%) were housewives and 62.4% of them were illiterate. Among the 301 children, 40.2% were aged 18-23 months. About half of the children (45.2%) were born to mothers from high income households. The proportion of children 6–23 months who met the MDD and MMF for breastfed and non-breastfed children was 18.3% and 28.9%, respectively. Less than one fifth of breastfed children (16.1%) received MAD. Girls were more likely to meet the MDD (p=0.02) and MAD (p=0.04) than boys. The proportion of children 6- 23 months meeting the three complementary feeding practice indicators in Bobo- Dioulasso in Burkina Faso were far below the WHO-recommended standard of 90% coverage. The MDD and MAD were positively associated to the female gender. This finding could be used to better target the children in order to improve the effects of the ongoing or future interventions in increasing appropriate complementary feeding practices

    Secret intake of antiretroviral treatment and HIV-1 viremia in a public routine clinic in Burkina Faso : a surprising relationship

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    In sub-Saharan Africa, where people living with HIV are frequently stigmatized, the intake of antiretroviral treatment (ART) remains a critical issue for many patients. Although the secret intake of ART may hinder the adherence to treatment, data on its specific impact on therapeutic effectiveness are lacking. We therefore assessed the association between secret intake of ART (i.e., hidden from family) and HIV-1 viremia among patients treated in a public routine clinic in Burkina Faso. We performed a cross-sectional study from December 2012 to September 2013 among patients on ART at the Day Care Unit in Bobo Dioulasso. Patients were eligible for the study if they were 15 years old or over, infected with HIV-1 or HIV-1+2, and on ART for at least six months. HIV-1 viral load was measured using Biocentric or Abbott Real Time assay. Study-specific data were collected by social workers using face-to-face interviews, and medical data using the routine electronic database. The association between secret intake of ART and viral load >300 copies/mL was assessed using a multivariate logistic regression. Of 771 patients (women 81.4%; median age 41 years; median time on ART 51 months), 408 reported secret intake of ART and 363 declared open intake. Compared to the latter, patients who hid their intake were younger, more likely to be women and to be involved in a polygamist or in a non-cohabiting union. Viremia was observed in 4.4% of patients hiding ART intake and 9.4% of those taking it openly. By multivariate analysis, secret intake of ART was significantly associated with a lower risk of viremia (adjusted odds ratio 0.41, 95% confidence interval 0.22-0.76). The unexpected relation between secret intake of ART and viremia found in this study requires further investigations. Quantitative and qualitative studies need to be performed

    Réduction de la fertilité chez les femmes infectées par le VIH-1 : implications pour la sérosurveillance sentinelle

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    Position du problème : En raison de l'influence de l'infection à VIH sur la fertilité, sa prévalence estimée dans les dispensaires prénatals par la surveillance sentinelle peut ne pas refléter la réalité de l'infection dans la population générale. L'objectif de notre travail était d'évaluer l'impact de l'infection à VIH sur la fertilité chez des femmes enceintes à Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) afin de discuter des implications possibles sur la surveillance sentinelle. Méthodes : Dans le cadre d'un essai thérapeutique de réduction de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH par la zidovudine (essai ANRS 049), nous avons proposé le test VIH à 1 349 femmes âgées de 18 ans et plus, enceintes d'au moins 7 mois et résidant dans les limites territoriales de Bobo-Dioulasso. A l'occasion de la séance individuelle de conseil pré-test, un questionnaire standardisé leur a été administré pour receuillir des informations détaillées sur leur histoire obstétricale et leurs caractéristiques démographiques. Des échantillons de sang ont été collectés et testés pour le VIH après obtention d'un consentement écrit. Résultats : L'âge moyen (+ ou - ecart-type) au moment des premiers rapports sexuels était similaire chez les femmes infectées par le VIH-1 (VIH+) (16,7 ans + ou - 2, n = 83) et chez celles non-infectées (VIH-) (16,9 ans + ou - 2, n = 1 136) que celles VIH- (5,0 + ou - 2,3, n = 35) que celles VIH- (3,7 + ou - 2, n = 555), p = 0.02. Les 2 groupes de femmes étaient comparables pour les autres caractéristiques de leur histoire obstétricale, à savoir l'âge à la grossesse actuelle, la proportion de primigestes, le nombre moyen de mort-nés et celui d'avortement spontanés. Conclusions : Nos données suggèrent que le niveau de fertilité des femmes VIH+ âgées de 25 ans et plus est inférieur à celui des femmes VIH-... (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Impact of Improving Community-Based Access to Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment on Household Costs

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    Background. Community health workers (CHWs) were trained in Burkina Faso, Nigeria, and Uganda to diagnose febrile children using malaria rapid diagnostic tests, and treat positive malaria cases with artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) and those who could not take oral medicines with rectal artesunate. We quantified the impact of this intervention on private household costs for childhood febrile illness. Methods. Households with recent febrile illness in a young child in previous 2 weeks were selected randomly before and during the intervention and data obtained on household costs for the illness episode. Household costs included consultation fees, registration costs, user fees, diagnosis, bed, drugs, food, and transport costs. Private household costs per episode before and during the intervention were compared. The intervention's impact on household costs per episode was calculated and projected to districtwide impacts on household costs. Results. Use of CHWs increased from 35% of illness episodes before the intervention to 50% during the intervention (P < .0001), and total household costs per episode decreased significantly in each country: from US Dollars (USD) 4.36toUSD4.36 to USD 1.54 in Burkina Faso, from USD 3.90toUSD3.90 to USD 2.04 in Nigeria, and from USD 4.46toUSD4.46 to USD 1.42 in Uganda (all P < .0001). There was no difference in the time used by the child's caregiver to care for a sick child (59% before intervention vs 51% during intervention spent ≤2 days). Using the most recent population figures for each study district, we estimate that the intervention could save households a total of USD 29965,USD29 965, USD 254 268, and USD $303 467, respectively, in the study districts in Burkina Faso, Nigeria, and Uganda. Conclusions. Improving access to malaria diagnostics and treatments in malaria-endemic areas substantially reduces private household costs. The key challenge is to develop and strengthen community human resources to deliver the intervention, and ensure adequate supplies of commodities and supervision. We demonstrate feasibility and benefit to populations living in difficult circumstances. Clinical Trials Registration. ISRCTN13858170

    Réduction de la fertilité chez les femmes infectées par le VIH-1 : implications pour la sérosurveillance sentinelle

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    Position du problème : En raison de l'influence de l'infection à VIH sur la fertilité, sa prévalence estimée dans les dispensaires prénatals par la surveillance sentinelle peut ne pas refléter la réalité de l'infection dans la population générale. L'objectif de notre travail était d'évaluer l'impact de l'infection à VIH sur la fertilité chez des femmes enceintes à Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) afin de discuter des implications possibles sur la surveillance sentinelle. Méthodes : Dans le cadre d'un essai thérapeutique de réduction de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH par la zidovudine (essai ANRS 049), nous avons proposé le test VIH à 1 349 femmes âgées de 18 ans et plus, enceintes d'au moins 7 mois et résidant dans les limites territoriales de Bobo-Dioulasso. A l'occasion de la séance individuelle de conseil pré-test, un questionnaire standardisé leur a été administré pour receuillir des informations détaillées sur leur histoire obstétricale et leurs caractéristiques démographiques. Des échantillons de sang ont été collectés et testés pour le VIH après obtention d'un consentement écrit. Résultats : L'âge moyen (+ ou - ecart-type) au moment des premiers rapports sexuels était similaire chez les femmes infectées par le VIH-1 (VIH+) (16,7 ans + ou - 2, n = 83) et chez celles non-infectées (VIH-) (16,9 ans + ou - 2, n = 1 136) que celles VIH- (5,0 + ou - 2,3, n = 35) que celles VIH- (3,7 + ou - 2, n = 555), p = 0.02. Les 2 groupes de femmes étaient comparables pour les autres caractéristiques de leur histoire obstétricale, à savoir l'âge à la grossesse actuelle, la proportion de primigestes, le nombre moyen de mort-nés et celui d'avortement spontanés. Conclusions : Nos données suggèrent que le niveau de fertilité des femmes VIH+ âgées de 25 ans et plus est inférieur à celui des femmes VIH-... (D'après résumé d'auteur