81 research outputs found

    A New Species of the Swarming Social Wasp Chartergellus Bequaert, 1938 (Vespidae: Polistinae: Epiponini) from Acre, Brazil

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    A new species of Chartergellus­, collected in Acre, Northern Region of Brazil, is described and comparative remarks are given

    Occurrence of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in farming of organic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in south of Brazil

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    This work aims to recognize and record the occurrence of species of social wasps (Polistinae) in organic tobacco crops, as well as to point out possible species that may be used in future biological control programs. The research was conducted in Virginia-type tobacco farming with organic management in two regions in south of Brazil. The collections were carried out with Malaise trap, during the harvests 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. A total of 2.738 wasps, from which 23 species distributed in six genera was collected. Polistes was the most diverse genus (8 species), followed by Polybia, Mischocyttarus, Agelaia, Bachygastra and Protonectarina. Polybia scutellaris was the most abundant species, being considered eudominant. Agelaia multipicta and Polybia sericea with are also among the most abundant. This information is relevant for the insertion of social wasps with potential agents in the biological control of tobacco pests

    Evidência total das espécies de Polistes Latreille, 1802 do novo mundo (Vespidae: Polistinae): uma abordagem filogenética

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    Polistes probably originated in the middle of the Jurassic period and it is estimated that its divergence from the remaining Vespidae occured duraing the Gondwana separation, around 140 million years ago. This genus currently houses 222 valid species and is taxonomically divided in four subgenera, Aphanilopterus in the New World (Nearctic+Neotropic) and the remaining ones in the Old World, Gyrostoma (East Asia and Indo-australian region), Polistella (Australasian region) and Polistes sensu stricto (Eurasia and African continent). A cladistic analysis was carried out in order to reconstruct the relationship of the New World Polistes, as well as testing its monophyly, using 90 of its known species as well as three Vespula species and eleven Old World Polistes species as the outgroup. In this analysis 1 40 morphological characters were proposed, 88 from female external morphology, 10 exclusive from adult male morphology, 22 from male genitalia, 13 from larval morphology and seven from nest architecture. Six molecular regions were also used, COI, 12S, 16S, 28S, EF1 -α e H3. The analysis were carried out under two phylogenetical criteria: parsimony (morphology data only and morphology and molecular data combined) and Bayesian inference (morphology and molecular data combined) using the softwares TNT and MrBayes respectively. In the phylogenetic hipoteses found, the five subgenera proposed by Richards and posteriorly synonymized with Polistes (Aphanilopterus) by Carpenter, was recovered as monophyletic in every analysis, except that of the Bayesian inference of 104 species due to the lack of molecular data for many species. Therefore, we propose the revalidation of the five New World subgenera of Polistes: Polistes (Onerarius) with one species, Polistes (Palisotius) with three species, Polistes (Fuscopolistes) with 13 species, Polistes (Epicnemius) with 24 species and Polistes (Aphanilopterus) with 52 species. Diagnose for each subgenus and an identification key for the species of New World Polistes are also provided as well as their taxonomic history, distribution, and description and illustration for the genitalia of the males of 58 species.Polistes provavelmente surgiu em meados do Jurássico e estima-se que o grupo divergiu de outros Vespidae durante a separação da Gondwana, há cerca de 140 milhões de anos. Atualmente possui 222 espécies válidas e, taxonomicamente, é dividido em quatro subgêneros, P. (Aphanilopterus) com 93 espécies para o Novo Mundo e três para as espécies do Velho Mundo, sendo P. (Gyrostoma) (Leste Asiático e região Indo-australiana), P. (Polistella) (região Austral-asiática) e P. (Polistes) (Eurásia e continente Africano). Para reconstruir as relações entre as espécies de Polistes do Novo Mundo, bem como testar sua monofilia, uma análise cladística foi realizada para 90 espécies do Novo Mundo, além de três espécies de Vespula e onze de Polistes do Velho Mundo como grupos-externos. Foram propostos 140 caracteres morfológicos, sendo 88 relativos à morfologia externa de fêmeas, 32 exclusivos de machos adultos, incluindo os da genitália dos machos, 13 de larvas e sete da arquitetura dos ninhos, além de seis regiões moleculares COI, 12S, 16S, 28S, EF1 -α e H3. As análises foram realizadas sob dois critérios filogenéticos: parcimônia (apenas morfologia e combinado = morfologia + molecular) e inferência Bayesiana (combinado = morfologia + molecular) nos programas TNT e MrBayes, respectivamente. Foi verificado que os cinco subgêneros propostos por Richards e sinonimizados, posteriormente, a P. (Aphanilopterus) por Carpenter foram recuperados como monofiléticos em todas as análises, com exceção da inferência Bayesiana de 104 espécies, uma vez que a grande quantidade de dados moleculares faltando influenciou no resultado. Desta forma, foi sugerida a revalidação dos cinco subgêneros de Polistes do Novo Mundo, portanto Polistes (Onerarius) com uma espécie, Polistes (Palisotius) três espécies, Polistes (Fuscopolistes) com treze espécies, Polistes (Epicnemius) com 24 espécies e Polistes (Aphanilopterus) com 52 espécies. São apresentadas diagnoses para os subgêneros e chave dicotômica para as espécies. É fornecida uma atualização do catálogo das espécies de Polistes do Novo Mundo, com o histórico taxonômico e distribuição geográfica, bem como a descrição e ilustração da genitália dos machos de 58 espécies

    A checklist of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) from Tocantins state, Brazil

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    Tocantins state has high biodiversity and a high degree of endemism, nevertheless, there are no studies on the diversity of social wasps. This study introduces a survey of social wasps actively collected using entomological nets and Malaise trap in addition to different light traps in sixteen sites in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes in Tocantins state, Brazil. We sampled a total of 1,013 social wasps distributed in 57 species of 13 genera. Fifty of these species and nine genera represent new distribution records for the state. Some species are not commonly found in collections and lists of species, and Protopolybia picteti (de Saussure, 1854) is newly recorded for Brazil. Such an increase of 714% may indicate that Polistinae richness is probably higher in the studied regions and that the state of Tocantins may well contain several additional (yet unrecorded) social wasp species. More comprehensive studies should be conducted to enhance the knowledge of wasp species in this state, contributing to our understanding of the biodiversity in Northern Brazil

    Social wasps (Polistinae) from Pampa Biome: South Brazil, Northeastern Argentina and Uruguay

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    Abstract. This study aimed to determine social wasps’ species from Pampa Biome. Were examined samples of social wasps from south-central of Rio Grande do Sul state (Brazil), parts of Buenos Aires, Entre Rios, Corrientes, Cordoba, Santa Fé and La Pampa provinces (Argentina) and in Uruguay maintained in the Coleção Entomológica de Santa Cruz do Sul (Santa Cruz do Sul-Brazil), American Museum of Natural History (USA), Natural History Museum (London-United Kingdom) and Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris-France). Thirty species were recorded: Agelaia (01), Brachygastra (01), Mischocyttarus (04), Polistes (15), Polybia (08) and Protonectarina (01). Vespas sociais do Bioma Pampa: sul do Brasil, nordeste da Argentina e Uruguai. Resumo. Este estudo objetivou determinar as espécies de vespas sociais provenientes do Bioma Pampa. Foram examinadas vespas sociais provenientes de coletas da região centro-sul do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil), parte das províncias de Buenos Aires, Entre Rios, Corrientes, Cordoba, Santa Fé e La Pampa (Argentina) e Uruguai depositadas na Coleção Entomológica de Santa Cruz do Sul (Santa Cruz do Sul-Brasil), American Museum of Natural History (Nova Iorque-USA), Natural History Museum (Londres-Reino Unido) e Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris-França). Trinta espécies foram registradas: Agelaia (01), Brachygastra (01), Mischocyttarus (04), Polistes (15), Polybia (08) e Protonectarina (01)


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    The quantification of ions and compounds present in the soil solution is extremely difficult and requires standard extraction and quantification techniques. The present work describes in detail the equipment and procedures required to extract the soil solution by the centrifugation method of deformed soil samples and analyzes its application in soils with different granulometry. This description of centrifugation method and the Centrifuge 1.0 software are useful tools to author that desire a quickly and economically method to obtain the soil solution. We emphasize that there is no consensus on the best method of obtaining the soil solution, but is clear the need for the authors to explain how they obtained it

    Weather Variables Affecting the Behaviour of Insect Flower Visitors and Main Pollinators of Erythroxylum myrsinites Martius (Erythroxylaceae)

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    Basic research assessing environmental effects on entire pollinator communities are still uncommon, particularly for rare and commercially unattractive plant-pollinator partners. We investigated the community of flower visitors of Erythroxylum myrsinites to check for potential pollinators and to check the extent of weather influence of visitor behaviour, registered as the number of visitors attending flowers of E. myrsinites. We then calculated species’ dominance and constancy and assessed location of pollen attachment in each visitor’s body. We correlated weather variables with the composition and abundance of visits carried out by the entire community and by most constant and dominant species. The wasps Polybia sericea, P. ignobilis and P. fastidiosuscula showed the highest values of constancy, dominance and attached pollen. There was a community-level effect of atmospheric pressure, solar radiation and wind speed on the number of visits. Atmospheric pressure affected the number of visits of eudominant species P. fastidiosuscula and P. sericea, while solar radiation affected the number of visits of P. ignobilis. Our results demonstrate the influence of weather variables on flower visiting insects and suggest the importance of native wasps in pollen transport and pollination, a relationship that should be further studied under the worldwide bee pollination decline

    Updating the geographic records of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) in Roraima state

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    The Roraima state in Brazil is part of Northern Amazon, an area harboring high biodiversity and high degree of endemism. Nevertheless, there are few studies on diversity of social wasps occurring in this region. This study presents a list of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) collected actively and using Malaise, Suspended and Light trap in six localities in Roraima state. A total of 85 species of 14 genera were collected. Fourty-five of these species are new distribution records to Roraima state, some species are not common found in the collections and lists of species, and some are recorded for the second time to Brazil or the Amazon region. This increase may be an indication that the Polistinae richness is probably higher in the regions studied and that Roraima may well contain a number of additional (as yet unrecorded) social wasp species. More comprehensive studies are needed in order to increase the knowledge of wasp species in Roraima, contributing to increased knowledge of the diversity in Northern Brazil

    Contribuição aos estudos dos Vespidae ocorrentes no estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Insecta, Hymenoptera)

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    Vespidae is composed by seven subfamilies; three only happen in Brazil: Eumeninae, Masarinae and Polistinae. This work aimed to increase the knowledge on the fauna of Vespidae, presenting a checklist of the species and the distribution of these in the Rio Grande do Sul State. Data were obtained through a review of the species in entomological collections, museums and literature. 133 species were registered, representing 22% of the fauna of this family in Brazil. Eumeninae presented the highest species richness with 82, followed by Polistinae with 49 and Masarinae with only two species. Furthermore, 19 new occurrence registrations are presented of which 17 species belong to Eumeninae and two of Polistinae.Vespidae é composta por sete subfamílias; apenas três ocorrem no Brasil: Eumeninae, Masarinae e Polistinae. Este trabalho objetivou contribuir para o conhecimento sobre a fauna de Vespidae, apresentando um checklist das espécies, bem como a distribuição destas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Identificou-se 133 espécies, representando 22% da fauna desta família para o Brasil; Eumeninae apresentou a maior riqueza de espécies com 82, seguida de Polistinae com 49 e Masarinae com apenas duas espécies. Além disso, são apresentados 19 novos registros de ocorrência; destes 17 espécies de Eumeninae e duas de Polistinae

    Biodiversity of Insects in the Amazon: survey of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) in Amazon rainforest areas in Amazonas state, Brazil

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    The thematic network ‘Biodiversity of Insects in the Amazon’ is the first network among researchers of the Brazilian Amazon in terms of the increase of knowledge and provision of subsidies for the conservation of Amazonian biodiversity, focusing on insects, and disseminate this knowledge to different sectors of society. In this way, expeditions to six localities in the Amazonas State were carried out and we present here the results for social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae). We used two modified Malaise traps combined with two suspended traps from July 2016 to June 2017. A total of 140 species and 20 genera were collected: 92 species and 18 genera in ZF-2-Manaus area, where the greatest diversity was recorded, followed by Tefé (73 species, 16 genera), Careiro-Castanho (72 species, 17 genera), Novo Airão (71 species, 16 genera), Presidente Figueiredo (62 species, 16 genera), and Ipixuna (58 species, 17 genera). Metapolybia rufata Richards, 1978 and Polybia diguetana du Buysson, 1905 were new records for Brazil, and other six species were first records for Amazonas state. The results indicate that further investigations should significantly increase the species diversity of wasps in the Amazon region and add more information to the knowledge of Polistinae diversity