5 research outputs found

    Vitamin B12 status in infancy and the effect of a vitamin B12 injection in infants with subclinical vitamin B12 deficiency: study protocol for a register-based randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction: Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is crucial for optimal child development and growth, yet deficiency is common worldwide. The aim of this study is twofold; (1) to describe vitamin B12 status and the status of other micronutrients in Norwegian infants, and (2) in a randomised controlled trial (RCT), investigate the effect of vitamin B12 supplementation on neurodevelopment in infants with subclinical vitamin B12 deficiency. Methods and analysis: Infant blood samples, collected at public healthcare clinics, are analysed for plasma cobalamin levels. Infants with plasma cobalamin 6.5 µmol/L, are given an intramuscular injection of hydroxocobalamin (400 µg). The primary outcomes are cognitive, language and motor development assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development at 12 months of age. Ethics and dissemination: The study has been approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (ref: 186505). Investigators who meet the Vancouver requirements will be eligible for authorship and be responsible for dissemination of study findings. Results will extend current knowledge on consequences of subclinical vitamin B12 deficiency during infancy and may inform future infant feeding recommendations.publishedVersio

    Training Nursing Skills: A Quantitative Study of Nursing Students’ Experiences before and after Clinical Practice

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    Introduction. Requirements for Patient Safety suggest that students encounter patients well prepared. In clinical laboratory practice (CLP), the students simulate patient situations as a preparation for internship. Various CLP models have been tried out to meet the students’ prerequisites and learning strategies. Objectives. The purpose of this study was to try out two different learning sessions related to the bed bath procedure. Design and Methods. The study has a descriptive, quantitative design with elements from clinically controlled trials. Sample. The population of 160 first-year students was randomly divided into two classes. Questionnaires. Two questionnaires were answered with six-month intervals: Form 1 immediately after the first training session and Form 2 a short time after clinical practice. Findings. A majority of the nursing students reported that the exercises in the clinical lab were a good way to prepare for the practice, although most of them did not perceive that the procedure conducted at the university resembled how it is conducted in clinical practice. Age or level of discomfort related to organization of the skills training did not have impact on the students’ confidence in mastering bed bath in clinical practice. Students without previous experience were less confident to master the procedure in clinical practice, but the results evened out during the internship. Conclusions. The results from this study could indicate that the students’ age to a larger extent should be considered in the universities’ facilitation of nursing students’ clinical preparations, to improve the transition to “real life” as smoothly and meaningfully as possible to nursing students

    Styrket veiledning i sykepleierutdanningens praksisperioder

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    This is the journal's pdf version originally published in Vård i Norden 33(1) http://www.artikel.nu/Public/Main.aspx. Reprinted with permission of Vård i Norden.Background: A more complex and knowledge-based society has resulted in increasing specialization and greater demands on employees in the fields of practice. At Gjøvik University College, a new supervision model was tested for nursing students in practice. The main elements were: daily supervisors were given increased responsibility for assessing the students, while at the same time participating in three group counseling meetings. A portfolio contained the student’s work requirements. A weekly reflection hour was formalized. Purpose: The purpose was to elucidate how the supervision model influenced the student’s learning situation. Method: The SVIP model was evaluated by the use of focus group interviews. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Findings: Three categories: structure, inclusion and self-confidence describe the students’ need for clear guidelines and objectives, as well as their need to be included and to be seen. Conclusion: Various aspects of clinical practice, including daily supervision are important for student learning. Counseling meetings where the supervisor role is recognized and developed through the tutor, and daily supervisor sharing of experiences and knowledge, should permeate the cooperation

    Utvikling av veiledningsmodell for praksisstudier i sykehjem

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    Bachelorstudiet i sykepleie ved Høgskolen i Gjøvik omfatter 21 uker veiledet praksis i kommunehelsetjenesten, fordelt på første og tredje studieenhet. I tillegg tar enkelte kommuner i mot studenter i psykiatrisk praksis i andre studieenhet. Det gode samarbeidet med praksisfeltet i Oppland har vakt oppmerksomhet i det nasjonale høgskolemiljøet, og har gitt Høgskolen i Gjøvik et godt omdømme blant potensielle søkere til sykepleierutdanningen. Dette prosjektet ønsker å opprettholde og videreutvikle samarbeidet. Studentene opplever en stadig veksling mellom fokus på teori inne i skolen, og den hektiske hverdagen i klinisk praksis i helsetjenesten. Praksisstudier i ulike former utgjør om lag halvparten av læringsaktivitene i et bachelorstudium i sykepleie. Evalueringer av studieprogrammet ved Høgskolen i Gjøvik viser at studentene kan ha problemer med å gjenkjenne og anvende forskningsbasert kunnskap (teori) i praksis (NOKUT- evaluering 2005). Kvalitetsreformen for høgere utdanning gir føringer for hvordan høgskoler og universiteter skal og bør sikre studentene et optimalt læringsmiljø (St.meld. nr. 27 2000-2001). Dette prosjektet var motivert ut fra at prosjektgruppen så en spesiell utfordring i å kvalitetssikre læringsmiljøene i de mangfoldige praksisarenaene som studentene møter

    Utvikling av veiledningsmodell for praksisstudier i sykehjem

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    Bachelorstudiet i sykepleie ved Høgskolen i Gjøvik omfatter 21 uker veiledet praksis i kommunehelsetjenesten, fordelt på første og tredje studieenhet. I tillegg tar enkelte kommuner i mot studenter i psykiatrisk praksis i andre studieenhet. Det gode samarbeidet med praksisfeltet i Oppland har vakt oppmerksomhet i det nasjonale høgskolemiljøet, og har gitt Høgskolen i Gjøvik et godt omdømme blant potensielle søkere til sykepleierutdanningen. Dette prosjektet ønsker å opprettholde og videreutvikle samarbeidet. Studentene opplever en stadig veksling mellom fokus på teori inne i skolen, og den hektiske hverdagen i klinisk praksis i helsetjenesten. Praksisstudier i ulike former utgjør om lag halvparten av læringsaktivitene i et bachelorstudium i sykepleie. Evalueringer av studieprogrammet ved Høgskolen i Gjøvik viser at studentene kan ha problemer med å gjenkjenne og anvende forskningsbasert kunnskap (teori) i praksis (NOKUT- evaluering 2005). Kvalitetsreformen for høgere utdanning gir føringer for hvordan høgskoler og universiteter skal og bør sikre studentene et optimalt læringsmiljø (St.meld. nr. 27 2000-2001). Dette prosjektet var motivert ut fra at prosjektgruppen så en spesiell utfordring i å kvalitetssikre læringsmiljøene i de mangfoldige praksisarenaene som studentene møter