45 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of a comparative study on heat extraction from Soultz-sous-For\^ets geothermal field using supercritical carbon dioxide and water as a working fluid

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    Geothermal energy is an infinite energy source for the present human society. Energy extraction from the deep subsurface requires engineering using a working fluid that circulates between well doublet. Due to its thermal properties, CO2 is an ideal option as a heat transfer fluid. By using CO2, working fluid loss is an advantage compared to other working fluids. This study developed a field-scale hydro-thermal model to examine the heat extraction potential from Soultz-sous-For\^ets with CO2 as the working fluid. Results are compared for the same scenario with water as the working fluid. A better understanding of the heat extraction mechanism is established by considering the reservoir response and the wellbore heat exchange. Sensitivity analyses are performed for different injection temperatures and flow rates for 50 years. Results show that the wellbore effect is multiple times higher than the reservoir response to the production temperature. Furthermore, lowering the injection temperature eventuates to a smaller temperature reduction at the subsurface, enhancing the overall heat extraction potential with a minor impact on thermal breakthrough. The cold region developed around the injection wellbore may affect the production fluid temperature due to its proximity to the production wellbore. To reach higher heat extraction efficiency, it is essential to use sufficient wellbore spacing. CO2 can be used as working fluid for over 50 years as it does not show significant thermal breakthrough and temperature plume evolution in the reservoir under studied conditions. CO2 shows lower temperature reduction for all injection rates and temperatures for 50 years of operation.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Impact of Tunnel Temperature Variations on Surrounding Rocks in Cold Regions

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    Temperature is an important factor in designing and maintaining tunnels, especially in cold regions. We present three-dimensional numerical simulations of tunnel temperature fields at different temperature conditions. We study the tunnel temperature field in two different conditions with relatively low and high ambient temperatures representing winter and summer of northeast China. We specifically study how these temperature conditions affect tunnel temperature and its migration to surrounding rocks. We show how placing an insulation layer could affect the temperature distribution within and around tunnels. Our results show that the temperature field without using an insulation layer is closer to the air temperature in the tunnel, and that the insulation layer has shielding effects and could plays an important role in preventing temperature migration to surrounding rocks. We further analyzed how thermal conductivity and thickness of insulation layer control the temperature distribution. The thermal conductivity and thickness of insulation layer only affect the temperature of the surrounding rocks which are located at distances below ~20 m from the lining

    Reactive solute transport in physically and chemically heterogeneous porous media with multimodal reactive mineral facies: The Lagrangian approach

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    Physical and chemical heterogeneities have a large impact on reactive transport in porous media. Examples of heterogeneous attributes affecting reactive mass transport are the hydraulic conductivity (K), and the equilibrium sorption distribution coefficient (Kd). This paper uses the Deng et al. (2013) conceptual model for multimodal reactive mineral facies and a Lagrangian-based stochastic theory in order to analyze the reactive solute dispersion in three-dimensional anisotropic heterogeneous porous media with hierarchical organization of reactive minerals. An example based on real field data is used to illustrate the time evolution trends of reactive solute dispersion. The results show that the correlation between the hydraulic conductivity and the equilibrium sorption distribution coefficient does have a significant effect on reactive solute dispersion. The anisotropy ratio does not have a significant effect on reactive solute dispersion. Furthermore, through a sensitivity analysis we investigate the impact of changing the mean, variance, and integral scale of K and Kd on reactive solute dispersion

    A note on upscaling retardation factor in hierarchical porous media with multimodal reactive mineral facies

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    We present a model for upscaling the time-dependent effective retardation factor in hierarchical porous media with multimodal reactive mineral facies. The model extends the approach by Deng et al. (2013) in which they expanded a Lagrangian-based stochastic theory presented by Rajaram (1997) in order to describe the scaling effect of retardation factor. They used a first-order linear approximation in deriving their model to make the derivation tractable. Importantly, the linear approximation is known to be valid only to variances of 0.2. In this article we show that the model can be derived with a higher-order approximation, which allows for representing variances from 0.2 to 1.0. We present the derivation, and use the resulting model to recalculate the time-dependent effective retardation for the scenario examined by Deng et al. (2013)

    Numerical Investigation of Stress Distributions in Stope Backfills

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    Stope backfill is important in avoiding mine collapse during and after extraction phases, ground subsidence in abandoned mines, and environmental damages. The stress distribution is one of the key factors in designing stope backfills. In this paper, we perform a numerical modeling study to investigate the stress distribution within and around the stope backfill. Importantly, our simulation results are in agreement with Marston’s (1930) plain-strain arching theory. The results show that the stress arch is critical in stope backfills. The potential effects of internal friction angle, aspect ratio, and Poisson’s ratio on stress distributions are also analyzed. The stress decreases when the aspect ratio, internal friction angle, and Poisson’s ratio increase. Our results suggest that decreasing the aspect ratio and choosing materials with a high internal friction angle and Poisson’s ratio are important for designing the stope backfill. The cohesive force index and elastic modulus also have significant effects on the stress distribution. Our findings have practical implications in designing stope backfills

    Modeling Influence of Sediment Heterogeneity on Nutrient Cycling in Streambeds

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    Rivers and their hyporheic zones play an important role in nutrient cycling. The fate of dissolved inorganic nitrogen is governed by reactions that occur in the water column and streambed sediments. Sediments are heterogeneous both in term of physical (e.g., hydraulic conductivity) and chemical (e.g., organic carbon content) properties, which influence water residence times and biogeochemical reactions. Yet few modeling studies have explored the effects of both physical and chemical heterogeneity on nutrient transport in the hyporheic zone. In this study, we simulated hyporheic exchange in physically and chemically heterogeneous sediments with binary distributions of sand and silt in a low-gradient meandering river. We analyzed the impact of different silt/sand patterns on dissolved organic carbon, oxygen, nitrate, and ammonium. Our results show that streambeds with a higher volume proportion of silt exhibit lower hyporheic exchange rates but more efficient nitrate removal along flow paths compared to predominantly sandy streambeds. The implication is that hyporheic zones with a mixture of inorganic sands and organic silts have a high capacity to remove nitrate, despite their moderate permeabilities

    Influence of lunar semidiurnal tides on groundwater dynamics in estuarine aquifers

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    The influence of lunar semidiurnal tides on coastal groundwater aquifers has been conceptualized for decades. However, a thorough understanding of the impact of tides on groundwater dynamics due to the widely distributed waterways and heterogeneous sediments in estuarine aquifers, is still needed. This study shows the tidal impact on groundwater dynamics in the Pearl River estuary in southeast China through wavelet and time series analysis. The groundwater level and electrical conductivity (EC), as well as tidal levels, were monitored in several observation wells and tidal stations to determine how the estuarine groundwater levels respond to tidal forcing. The results show that the groundwater fluctuations have short periodicities of 0.51 and 1 day corresponding to major tidal constituents of M2 (semidiurnal) and K1 and O1 (diurnal) signals, respectively. The significant impacts decrease with increasing distance inland of the locations of the wells. Additionally, the coherence analysis displays a higher correlation between tides and groundwater levels for the spring tide than for the neap tide. The tidal influences on groundwater EC are weak compared to those on groundwater levels. In addition, when the tidal level increases, the EC decreases in wells located in the estuarine entrance. This is related to the high salinity of retained paleo-seawater in the strata lenses. A conceptual model is proposed to illustrate the complex groundwater flow dynamics. The model may provide useful insights into the understanding of similar systems located in geographically different coastal regions.© 2020 Springer. This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Hydrogeology Journal. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02136-8fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Application of upscaling methods for fluid flow and mass transport in multi-scale heterogeneous media : A critical review

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    Physical and biogeochemical heterogeneity dramatically impacts fluid flow and reactive solute transport behaviors in geological formations across scales. From micro pores to regional reservoirs, upscaling has been proven to be a valid approach to estimate large-scale parameters by using data measured at small scales. Upscaling has considerable practical importance in oil and gas production, energy storage, carbon geologic sequestration, contamination remediation, and nuclear waste disposal. This review covers, in a comprehensive manner, the upscaling approaches available in the literature and their applications on various processes, such as advection, dispersion, matrix diffusion, sorption, and chemical reactions. We enclose newly developed approaches and distinguish two main categories of upscaling methodologies, deterministic and stochastic. Volume averaging, one of the deterministic methods, has the advantage of upscaling different kinds of parameters and wide applications by requiring only a few assumptions with improved formulations. Stochastic analytical methods have been extensively developed but have limited impacts in practice due to their requirement for global statistical assumptions. With rapid improvements in computing power, numerical solutions have become more popular for upscaling. In order to tackle complex fluid flow and transport problems, the working principles and limitations of these methods are emphasized. Still, a large gap exists between the approach algorithms and real-world applications. To bridge the gap, an integrated upscaling framework is needed to incorporate in the current upscaling algorithms, uncertainty quantification techniques, data sciences, and artificial intelligence to acquire laboratory and field-scale measurements and validate the upscaled models and parameters with multi-scale observations in future geo-energy research.© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)This work was jointly supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2018YFC1800900 ), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No: 41972249 , 41772253 , 51774136 ), the Program for Jilin University (JLU) Science and Technology Innovative Research Team (No. 2019TD-35 ), Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University (No: 101832020CX240 ), Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province of China ( D2017508099 ), and the Program of Education Department of Hebei Province ( QN219320 ). Additional funding was provided by the Engineering Research Center of Geothermal Resources Development Technology and Equipment , Ministry of Education, China.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed