33 research outputs found

    Persistence of artificial sweeteners in a 15-year-old septic system plume

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    pre-printGroundwater contamination from constituents such as NO3 -, often occurs where multiple sources are present making source identification difficult. This study examines a suite of major ions and trace organic constituents within a well defined septic system plume in southern Ontario, Canada (Long Point site) for their potential use as wastewater tracers. The septic system has been operating for 20 years servicing a large, seasonal-use campground and tritium/helium age dating indicates that the 200 m long monitored section of the plume is about 15 years old. Four parameters are elevated along the entire length of the plume as follows; the mean electrical conductivity value (EC) in the distal plume zone is 926 μS/cm which is 74% of the mean value below the tile bed, Na+ (14.7 33 mg/L) is 43%, an artificial sweetener, acesulfame (12.1 μg/L) is 23% and Cl- (71.5 mg/L) is 137%. EC and Cl- appear to be affected by dispersive dilution with overlying background groundwater that has lower EC but has locally higher Cl- as result of the use of a dust suppressant (CaCl2) in the campground. Na, in addition to advective dilution, could be depleted by weak adsorption. Acesulfame, in addition to the above processes could be influenced by increasing consumer use in recent years. Nonetheless, both Na+ and acesulfame remain elevated throughout the plume by factors of more than 100 and 40 1000 respectively compared to background levels, and are strong indicators of wastewater impact at this site. EC and Cl- are less useful because their contrast with background values is much less (EC) or because other sources are present (Cl-). Nutrients (NO3 -, NH4 +, PO4 3-, K+) and pathogens (E. coli) do not persist in the distal plume zone and are less useful as wastewater indicators here. The artificial sweetener, acesulfame, has persisted at high concentrations in the Long Point plume for at least 15 years (and this timing agrees with tritium/helium-3 dating) and this compound likely occurs at uniquely high concentrations in domestic wastewater. As such, it holds considerable promise as a powerful new tracer of wastewater impact in groundwater

    Groundwater transit time distribution and mean from streambed sampling in an agricultural coastal plain watershed, North Carolina, USA

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    We measured groundwater apparent age (s) and seepage rate (v) in a sandy streambed using point-scale sampling and seepage blankets (a novel seepage meter). We found very similar MTT estimates from streambed point sampling in a 58 m reach (29 years) and a 2.5 km reach (31 years). The TTD for groundwater discharging to the stream was best fit by a gamma distribution model and was very similar for streambed point sampling in both reaches. Between adjacent point-scale and seepage blanket samples, water from the seepage blankets was generally younger, largely because blanket samples contained a fraction of ‘‘young’’ stream water. Correcting blanket data for the stream water fraction brought s estimates for most blanket samples closer to those for adjacent point samples. The MTT estimates from corrected blanket data were in good agreement with those from sampling streambed points adjacent to the blankets. Collectively, agreement among age-dating tracers, general accord between tracer data and piston-flow model curves, and large groundwater age gradients in the streambed, suggested that the piston flow apparent ages were reasonable estimates of the groundwater transit times for most samples. Overall, our results from two field campaigns suggest that groundwater collected in the streambed can provide reasonable estimates of apparent age of groundwater discharge, and that MTT can be determined from different agedating tracers and by sampling with different groundwater collection devices. Coupled streambed point measurements of groundwater age and groundwater seepage rate represent a novel, reproducible, and effective approach to estimating aquifer TTD and MTT

    Quantifying the fate of agricultural nitrogen in an unconfined aquifer: Stream-based observations at three measurement scales

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    We compared three stream-based sampling methods to study the fate of nitrate in groundwater in a coastal plain watershed: point measurements beneath the streambed, seepage blankets (novel seepage-meter design), and reach mass-balance. The methods gave similar mean groundwater seepage rates into the stream (0.3–0.6 m/d) during two 3–4 day field campaigns despite an order of magnitude difference in stream discharge between the campaigns. At low flow, estimates of flowweighted mean nitrate concentrations in groundwater discharge ([NO-3 ]FWM) and nitrate flux from groundwater to the stream decreased with increasing degree of channel influence and measurement scale, i.e., [NO-3 ]FWM was 654, 561, and 451 mM for point, blanket, and reach mass-balance sampling, respectively. At high flow the trend was reversed, likely because reach mass-balance captured inputs from shallow transient high-nitrate flow paths while point and blanket measurements did not. Point sampling may be better suited to estimating aquifer discharge of nitrate, while reach mass-balance reflects full nitrate inputs into the channel (which at high flow may be more than aquifer discharge due to transient flow paths, and at low flow may be less than aquifer discharge due to channel-based nitrate removal). Modeling dissolved N2 from streambed samples suggested (1) about half of groundwater nitrate was denitrified prior to discharge from the aquifer, and (2) both extent of denitrification and initial nitrate concentration in groundwater (700–1300 mM) were related to land use, suggesting these forms of streambed sampling for groundwater can reveal watershed spatial relations relevant to nitrate contamination and fate in the aquifer

    An Automated Seepage Meter for Streams and Lakes

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    We describe a new automatic seepage meter for use in soft bottom streams and lakes. The meter utilizes a thin‐walled tube that is inserted into the streambed or lakebed. A hole in the side of the tube is fitted with an electric valve. Prior to the test, the valve is open and the water level inside the tube is the same as the water level outside the tube. The test starts with closure of the valve, and the water level inside the tube changes as it moves toward the equilibrium hydraulic head that exists at the bottom of the tube. The time rate of change of the water level immediately after the valve closes is a direct measure of the seepage rate (q). The meter utilizes a precision linear actuator and a conductance circuit to sense the water level to a precision of about ±0.1 mm. The meter can also provide an estimate of vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) if data are collected for a characteristic time. The detection limit for q depends on the vertical hydraulic head gradient. For Kv = 1 m/day, q of about 2 mm/day can be measured. Results from a laboratory sand tank show excellent agreement between measured and true q, and results from a field site are similar to values from calculations based on independent measurements of Kv and vertical head gradients. The meter can provide rapid (30 min) q measurements for both gaining and losing systems and complements other methods for quantifying surface water groundwater interactions

    Tritium content of clay minerals

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    The presence, percentage, origins, and rate of formation of clay minerals have been important components in studies involving the geochemical and structural composition of waste-rock piles. The objective of the present study was to investigate the use of tritium as an indicator of the origin of clay minerals within such piles. Tritium values in pore water, interlayer water, and structural hydroxyl sites of clay minerals were examined to evaluate the origins of clay minerals within waste-rock piles located near Questa, New Mexico. Five clay minerals were identified: kaolinite, chlorite, illite, smectite, and mixed-layer illite-smectite, along with the hydrous sulfate minerals gypsum and jarosite. Analysis of waters derived from clay minerals was achieved by thermal reaction of dry-sieved bulk material obtained from the Questa site. In all Questa samples, the low-temperature water derived from pore-water and interlayer sites, as well as the intermediate-temperature water derived from interlayer cation sites occupied by hydronium and structural hydroxyl ions, show tritium values at or near modern levels for precipitation. Pore water and interlayer water ranged from 5.31 to 12.19 tritium units (TU) and interlayer hydronium and structurally derived water ranged from 3.92 to 7.93 TU. Tritium levels for local precipitation ranged from ~4 to 8 TU. One tritium unit (TU) represents one molecule of H HO in 10 molecules of H HO. The elevated levels of tritium in structural sites can be accounted for by thermal incorporation of significant amounts of hydronium ions in interlayer cation sites for illite and mixed-layer clays, both common at the Questa site. In low-pH environments, such as those found within Questa waste-rock piles (typically pH ~3), the hydronium ion is an abundant species in the rock-pile pore-water system

    Quantifying the Interaction between Landscape and Climate on Water Resources

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    Growing populations and a changing climate result in increasing stress on water resources in the western United States. Planning for future population and climate conditions requires an evaluation of watershed response to changes in climate. While it is an oversimplification to assume a similar response throughout all watersheds, it is also impractical to study the complex hydrologic response of every watershed in depth. To address this challenge we quantify the connection between landscape characteristics and differential sensitivity of watersheds to climate change. We compare over 100 years of historical hydrologic data from seven seasonally snow-dominated watersheds near Salt Lake City, Utah. Mean annual precipitation (790 mm - 1290 mm) and temperature (3.3°C - 6.9°C) differ primarily as a function of watershed elevation. Mean annual streamflow, normalized by watershed area, (150 mm to 820 mm) differs primarily as a function of mean precipitation. Due to the close proximity of the watersheds, precipitation and temperature exhibit similar inter-annual variability. However, due to unique landscape characteristics of the watersheds, streamflow values exhibit large differences in inter-annual variability between the watersheds and the mean annual water yield ranges from 0.18 to 0.63. We investigate the processes controlling inter-annual streamflow in order to quantify the influence of climate and landscape on hydrologic partitioning. Inter-annual variability in precipitation explains between 47%-73% of the annual variability in streamflow. Surprisingly, the remaining variability is not correlated to annual or seasonal temperature. Instead, inter-annual variability in subsurface storage and the rate of snowmelt further reduce the uncertainty in annual streamflow. Together, precipitation, storage, and snowmelt rate explain nearly all (85%-96%) of the annual variability in streamflow. Storage accounts for a legacy effect of past climate on streamflow that varies between watersheds based on subsurface characteristics. A faster snowmelt reduces the ability of the water to infiltrate deep into the subsurface, resulting in increased streamflow. The rate of snowmelt is primarily controlled by solar radiation and varies between watersheds based on hillslope shading characteristics. These controls on hydrologic partitioning indicate that subsurface and topographic characteristics control the differential sensitivity of watersheds to changes in climate

    Quantifying the fate of agricultural nitrogen in an unconfined aquifer: Stream-based observations at three measurement scales

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    We compared three stream-based sampling methods to study the fate of nitrate in groundwater in a coastal plain watershed: point measurements beneath the streambed, seepage blankets (novel seepage-meter design), and reach mass-balance. The methods gave similar mean groundwater seepage rates into the stream (0.3–0.6 m/d) during two 3–4 day field campaigns despite an order of magnitude difference in stream discharge between the campaigns. At low flow, estimates of flowweighted mean nitrate concentrations in groundwater discharge ([NO-3 ]FWM) and nitrate flux from groundwater to the stream decreased with increasing degree of channel influence and measurement scale, i.e., [NO-3 ]FWM was 654, 561, and 451 mM for point, blanket, and reach mass-balance sampling, respectively. At high flow the trend was reversed, likely because reach mass-balance captured inputs from shallow transient high-nitrate flow paths while point and blanket measurements did not. Point sampling may be better suited to estimating aquifer discharge of nitrate, while reach mass-balance reflects full nitrate inputs into the channel (which at high flow may be more than aquifer discharge due to transient flow paths, and at low flow may be less than aquifer discharge due to channel-based nitrate removal). Modeling dissolved N2 from streambed samples suggested (1) about half of groundwater nitrate was denitrified prior to discharge from the aquifer, and (2) both extent of denitrification and initial nitrate concentration in groundwater (700–1300 mM) were related to land use, suggesting these forms of streambed sampling for groundwater can reveal watershed spatial relations relevant to nitrate contamination and fate in the aquifer

    An Automated Seepage Meter for Streams and Lakes

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    We describe a new automatic seepage meter for use in soft bottom streams and lakes. The meter utilizes a thin‐walled tube that is inserted into the streambed or lakebed. A hole in the side of the tube is fitted with an electric valve. Prior to the test, the valve is open and the water level inside the tube is the same as the water level outside the tube. The test starts with closure of the valve, and the water level inside the tube changes as it moves toward the equilibrium hydraulic head that exists at the bottom of the tube. The time rate of change of the water level immediately after the valve closes is a direct measure of the seepage rate (q). The meter utilizes a precision linear actuator and a conductance circuit to sense the water level to a precision of about ±0.1 mm. The meter can also provide an estimate of vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) if data are collected for a characteristic time. The detection limit for q depends on the vertical hydraulic head gradient. For Kv = 1 m/day, q of about 2 mm/day can be measured. Results from a laboratory sand tank show excellent agreement between measured and true q, and results from a field site are similar to values from calculations based on independent measurements of Kv and vertical head gradients. The meter can provide rapid (30 min) q measurements for both gaining and losing systems and complements other methods for quantifying surface water groundwater interactions

    Tritium Content of Clay Minerals

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