71 research outputs found

    7.-luokkalaisten arkiravitsemus ja valintoja ohjaavat tekijät : Kysely lappeenrantalaisessa yläkoulussa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaisia ovat yläkoulun 7.-luokkalaisten ravitsemustottumukset arkena. Tavoitteena oli myös saada tietoa siitä, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat heidän tekemiin ruokavalintoihinsa. Opinnäytetyössä hyödynnetään sekä kvantitatiivista että kvalitatiivista tutkimusotetta. Otos muodostui erään lappeenrantalaisen yläkoulun seitsemäsluokkalaisista (n=41). Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin ravitsemuskyselyllä syksyllä 2010. Kyselylomake sisälsi strukturoituja sekä puolistrukturoituja kysymyksiä, jotka analysoitiin IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0 – ohjelmistolla. Lomakkeen avoin kysymys analysoitiin kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä käyttäen aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tulosten mukaan hieman yli puolet nuorista söi aamupalan jokaisena arkipäivänä. Vastanneista vain noin viidesosan aamupala oli ravitsemuksellisesti riittävä. Kouluruokailuun osallistuivat päivittäin lähes kaikki vastanneet, mutta vain 12,5 % tytöistä ja 32 % pojista söi kouluaterian lautasmallin mukaisesti. Useimmiten pois jätettiin maito tai piimä, leipä sekä salaatti. Koulussa välipaloja syötiin vain harvoin. Suosituimmat välipalat olivat leipä, hedelmät tai vihannekset sekä mehu. Lähes kaikki (90, 2 %) vastasivat syövänsä lämpimän aterian kotona. Tuloksista käy ilmi eroja poikien ja tyttöjen tottumuksissa; tytöt käyttävät poikia vähemmän maitotaloustuotteita, mutta syövät selvästi enemmän hedelmiä, marjoja tai vihanneksia. Nuorten valintoihin vaikuttavat voimakkaimmin tunteet ja tarpeet sekä ruokaan liittyvät seikat kuten terveellisyys, maku ja ulkonäkö. Muina valintoihin vaikuttavina tekijöinä pidettiin ympäristöä, aikaa ja rahaa. Tulosten perusteella terveydenhoitajan ja koulun terveyskasvatuksen suurimpina haasteina näyttäisi olevan saada nuoret ymmärtämään aamupalan ja kouluaterian kaikkien osien merkitys. Lisäksi maidon ja kasvisten vähäinen kulutus nuorten keskuudessa on edelleen ongelma. Jatkotutkimuksena voisi toteuttaa esimerkiksi maidon ja kasvisten vähäistä kulutusta selittävän, laadullisen opinnäytteen. Opinnäytetyön tulokset kertovat vain yhden koulun tilanteesta, eikä niitä voi yleistää muiden lappeenrantalaisten koulujen tilanteeseen. Se antaa kuitenkin kuvaa kyseisen koulun seitsemäsluokkalaisten tottumuksista. Opinnäytetyötä voidaan hyödyntää nuorten terveyden edistämisessä esimerkiksi terveystiedon tunneilla ja kouluterveydenhuollossa.The aim of this thesis was to examine how seventh graders eat during week-days. The purpose was also to find out what factors affect their nutritional choices. This thesis is methodologically quantitative and qualitative. The questionnaire was completed by 41 seventh graders from one secondary school in Lappee-nranta. The data were collected by a nutritional survey in the autumn of 2010. The questionnaire contained mostly structured and semi-structured questions, which were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0 - software. The open-ended question was analyzed using qualitative methods. The results showed that slightly more than half of the students ate breakfast every weekday. About a fifth of the respondents’ breakfast was substantively sufficient. Almost all of the respondents attended school lunches daily, but only 12.5 % of girls and 32 % of boys ate the school lunch with all its components. The milk or sour milk, the bread and the salad were left out in most cases. Snacks were eaten only rarely at school. The most popular snacks among the adolescents were bread, fruits or vegetables, and juice. Nearly all (90, 2%) of the youth answered that they eat dinner at home. The results show differences between boys' and girls' habits. Girls use significantly less dairy products than boys. On the other hand girls eat more fruits, berries or vegetables. The adolescents’ choice is mostly affected by feelings and needs. Also, food related issues such as healthiness, taste and appearance were important. Other factors that affected the choices were environment, time and money. According to the results major challenge for the school nurse and general health education seems to be related to healthy nutrition: highlighting the importance of all the meals’ components is critical. Moreover, increasing the popularity of milk and vegetables among young people remains a problem, and for those working in the field should be developed more procedures to achieve these goals. The results of this thesis are describing only one school’s situation and cannot be extrapolated to other schools in Lappeenranta. This thesis might, however, be utilized in promoting adolescents’ health i.e. in classes and school health services

    Vectors and transmission dynamics for Setaria tundra (Filarioidea;

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    Background: Recent studies have revealed expansion by an array of Filarioid nematodes' into the northern boreal region of Finland. The vector-borne nematode, Setaria tundra, caused a serious disease outbreak in the Finnish reindeer population in 2003–05. The main aim of this study was to understand the outbreak dynamics and the rapid expansion of S. tundra in the sub arctic. We describe the vectors of S. tundra, and its development in vectors, for the first time. Finally we discuss the results in the context of the host-parasite ecology of S. tundra in Finland Results: Development of S. tundra to the infective stage occurs in mosquitoes, (genera Aedes and Anopheles). We consider Aedes spp. the most important vectors. The prevalence of S. tundra naturally infected mosquitoes from Finland varied from 0.5 to 2.5%. The rate of development in mosquitoes was temperature-dependent. Infective larvae were present approximately 14 days after a blood meal in mosquitoes maintained at room temperature (mean 21 C), but did not develop in mosquitoes maintained outside for 22 days at a mean temperature of 14.1 C. The third-stage (infective) larvae were elongated (mean length 1411 m (SD 207), and width 28 m (SD 2)). The anterior end was blunt, and bore two liplike structures, the posterior end slight tapering with a prominent terminal papilla. Infective larvae were distributed anteriorly in the insect's body, the highest abundance being 70 larvae in one mosquito. A questionnaire survey revealed that the peak activity of Culicidae in the reindeer herding areas of Finland was from the middle of June to the end of July and that warm summer weather was associated with reindeer flocking behaviour on mosquito-rich wetlands. Conclusion: In the present work, S. tundra vectors and larval development were identified and described for the first time. Aedes spp. mosquitoes likely serve as the most important and competent vectors for S. tundra in Finland. Warm summers apparently promote transmission and genesis of disease outbreaks by favouring the development of S. tundra in its mosquito vectors, by improving the development and longevity of mosquitoes, and finally by forcing the reindeer to flock on mosquito rich wetlands. Thus we predict that global climate change has the potential to promote the further emergence of Filarioid nematodes and the disease caused by them in subarctic regions

    Vectors and transmission dynamics for Setaria tundra (Filarioidea; Onchocercidae), a parasite of reindeer in Finland

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    Background: Recent studies have revealed expansion by an array of Filarioid nematodes' into the northern boreal region of Finland. The vector-borne nematode, Setaria tundra, caused a serious disease outbreak in the Finnish reindeer population in 2003–05. The main aim of this study was to understand the outbreak dynamics and the rapid expansion of S. tundra in the sub arctic. We describe the vectors of S. tundra, and its development in vectors, for the first time. Finally we discuss the results in the context of the host-parasite ecology of S. tundra in Finland Results: Development of S. tundra to the infective stage occurs in mosquitoes, (genera Aedes and Anopheles). We consider Aedes spp. the most important vectors. The prevalence of S. tundra naturally infected mosquitoes from Finland varied from 0.5 to 2.5%. The rate of development in mosquitoes was temperature-dependent. Infective larvae were present approximately 14 days after a blood meal in mosquitoes maintained at room temperature (mean 21 C), but did not develop in mosquitoes maintained outside for 22 days at a mean temperature of 14.1 C. The third-stage (infective) larvae were elongated (mean length 1411 m (SD 207), and width 28 m (SD 2)). The anterior end was blunt, and bore two liplike structures, the posterior end slight tapering with a prominent terminal papilla. Infective larvae were distributed anteriorly in the insect's body, the highest abundance being 70 larvae in one mosquito. A questionnaire survey revealed that the peak activity of Culicidae in the reindeer herding areas of Finland was from the middle of June to the end of July and that warm summer weather was associated with reindeer flocking behaviour on mosquito-rich wetlands. Conclusion: In the present work, S. tundra vectors and larval development were identified and described for the first time. Aedes spp. mosquitoes likely serve as the most important and competent vectors for S. tundra in Finland. Warm summers apparently promote transmission and genesis of disease outbreaks by favouring the development of S. tundra in its mosquito vectors, by improving the development and longevity of mosquitoes, and finally by forcing the reindeer to flock on mosquito rich wetlands. Thus we predict that global climate change has the potential to promote the further emergence of Filarioid nematodes and the disease caused by them in subarctic regions

    Adjektiivisanaston kuntoutus afasiaryhmässä

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    Tässä tutkimuksessa oli tarkoitus selvittää ryhmämuotoisen kuntoutuksen vaikutuksia tunneadjektiivien sananlöytämisen kuntouttamiseen. Omien tunteiden ilmaisun on todettu olevan vaikeaa henkilöillä, joilla on afasia. Tutkimukset afasian sanatasoisesta kuntoutuksesta on tyypillisesti keskittynyt konkreettiseen sanastoon, kuten substantiiveihin. Tutkimuskysymyksiksi asetettiin 1) koheneeko tutkittavien tunneadjektiivien sananlöytäminen harjoitteluissa kuvissa? 2) yleistyvätkö mahdolliset kuntoutusvaikutukset ei-harjoiteltuihin kuviin? Ryhmäkuntoutukseen osallistui neljä aikuista tutkittavaa, joilla on aivoverenkierron häiriöstä aiheutunut krooninen afasia. Neljästä tutkittavasta kolme oli naisia ja yksi mies, iältään he olivat 72–87 vuotta. Tutkittavat osallistuivat kymmenen viikkoa kestäneelle kuntoutusjaksolle. Kuntoutusjaksoon sisältyi kuuden viikon ajan kerran viikossa toteutuneet ryhmätapaamiset sekä yksilölliset alku-, väli- ja loppumittaukset. Yhteensä jokaista tutkittavaa tavattiin yksilönä tai ryhmässä 13 x 60–90 minuuttia. Lisäksi tutkittavia ohjeistettiin tekemään päivittäin lyhyitä itsenäisiä kotiharjoitteita. Ryhmäkuntoutuksessa ja kotiharjoitteissa käytettiin semanttis- fonologisia harjoitteita, kuten käsitteiden lajittelua, ääneen lukemista ja toistamista. Tutkimuksemme tilastolliseksi menetelmäksi valittiin Weighted Statistics (WEST)- analyysimenetelmä, jolla oli mahdollista arvioida kuntoutumisen suuntaa tilastollisesti usean mittauspisteen avulla. Kuntoutustuloksia mitattiin kahdella sanasujuvuustehtävällä, joista toisella mitattiin tutkittavien tunneadjektiivien sananlöytämistä harjoitelluissa kuvissa ja toisella tehtävällä yleistymistä ei-harjoiteltuihin kuviin. Tutkittavista kaksi neljästä edistyi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi tunnesanojen sananlöytämisessä harjoitelluissa kuvissa. Ei-harjoitelluissa kuvissa ei esiintynyt tilastollisesti merkitsevää edistymistä. Tilastollisesti merkitsevät kuntoutustulokset rajautuivat harjoiteltuihin ärsykkeisiin ja yleistymisvaikutukset jäivät vähäisiksi. Tulokset antavat viitteitä siitä, että tämän kaltaisessa kuntoutuksessa kuntoutusvaikutukset ovat kontekstisidonnaisia, joka on huomioitava kuntoutuksen suunnittelussa. Kaksi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi sananlöytämisessä edistynyttä tutkittavaa, olivat aktiivisimpia kotiharjoitteiden tekijöitä. Tämä havainto tukee aiempaa tutkimustietoa säännöllisen ja intensiivisen harjoittelun merkityksestä sananlöytämisen kuntoutumiselle. Tutkielmamme perusteella afasiaryhmäkuntoutuksella on mahdollista edistää tunneadjektiivien sananlöytämistä

    Filarioid nematodes in cattle, sheep and horses in Finland

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    Background: In autumn 2006, Finnish meat inspection data revealed lesions in tendons, muscles and ligaments of bovine hind legs leading to partial condemnation of carcasses. In gross pathological examination at Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, Oulu (now Fish and Wildlife Health) Research Unit, Onchocerca sp. (Filarioidea; Onchocercidae) nematodes were detected in lesions. Due to this, a pilot study was made in order to find out what filarioid nematodes do occur in cattle, horses and sheep in Finland. Methods: Ventral skin biopsies from 209 dairy cattle and 42 horses, as well as blood samples from 209 cattle, 146 horses and 193 sheep, were collected from different parts of Finland and examined for microfilariae. Visceral organs and other tissues from 33 cattle with parasitic lesions were studied histopathologically. Results: Onchocerca sp. microfilariae (mf), 240 μm long, range 225–260 μm, 5.4 μm thick, were found in 37% of the skin biopsies of cattle. All blood samples from cattle, horses and sheep and skin biopsies from horses were negative for mf. Ventral skin microfilaria prevalence in cattle was higher in southern Finland than in the North (p = 0.001). Animal age and sampling time was not associated with mf prevalence. The infection was evenly distributed among young and older animals. Macroscopic lesions on tissues included greenish-grey discolouration and often oedema. In most of the lesions, small pale nodules were seen on the fasciae. Histopathologic examination of the samples revealed mild to intense infiltration with eosinophilic granulocytes and multifocal nodular lymphoplasmacytic aggregations were seen. In some samples, there were granulomatotic lesions with central necrotic tissue and cell detritus, surrounded by eosinophilic granulocytes, lympho-, plasma- and histiocytes and some multinucleated giant cells. Around living nematodes no or only weak inflammatory changes were observed. Conclusion: Onchocerca sp. infection in cattle was found to be common in Finland, but the amount of pathological changes leading to condemnation of infected parts is low compared to the mf prevalence. Pronounced pathological changes are distinct but rare and mild changes are difficult to distinguish. No other filarioid nematodes were observed from the animals and it appears that horses and sheep may be free from filarioid nematodes in Finland

    Filarioid nematodes in cattle, sheep and horses in Finland

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    Background: In autumn 2006, Finnish meat inspection data revealed lesions in tendons, muscles and ligaments of bovine hind legs leading to partial condemnation of carcasses. In gross pathological examination at Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, Oulu (now Fish and Wildlife Health) Research Unit, Onchocerca sp. (Filarioidea; Onchocercidae) nematodes were detected in lesions. Due to this, a pilot study was made in order to find out what filarioid nematodes do occur in cattle, horses and sheep in Finland. Methods: Ventral skin biopsies from 209 dairy cattle and 42 horses, as well as blood samples from 209 cattle, 146 horses and 193 sheep, were collected from different parts of Finland and examined for microfilariae. Visceral organs and other tissues from 33 cattle with parasitic lesions were studied histopathologically. Results: Onchocerca sp. microfilariae (mf), 240 μm long, range 225–260 μm, 5.4 μm thick, were found in 37% of the skin biopsies of cattle. All blood samples from cattle, horses and sheep and skin biopsies from horses were negative for mf. Ventral skin microfilaria prevalence in cattle was higher in southern Finland than in the North (p = 0.001). Animal age and sampling time was not associated with mf prevalence. The infection was evenly distributed among young and older animals. Macroscopic lesions on tissues included greenish-grey discolouration and often oedema. In most of the lesions, small pale nodules were seen on the fasciae. Histopathologic examination of the samples revealed mild to intense infiltration with eosinophilic granulocytes and multifocal nodular lymphoplasmacytic aggregations were seen. In some samples, there were granulomatotic lesions with central necrotic tissue and cell detritus, surrounded by eosinophilic granulocytes, lympho-, plasma- and histiocytes and some multinucleated giant cells. Around living nematodes no or only weak inflammatory changes were observed. Conclusion: Onchocerca sp. infection in cattle was found to be common in Finland, but the amount of pathological changes leading to condemnation of infected parts is low compared to the mf prevalence. Pronounced pathological changes are distinct but rare and mild changes are difficult to distinguish. No other filarioid nematodes were observed from the animals and it appears that horses and sheep may be free from filarioid nematodes in Finland

    Muokatun vermikuliitin käyttö puhdistusmenetelmänä metallipitoisessa kaivosvalumavedessä

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    GeoTrap on hitaasti kuumennettu vermikuliitti, joka soveltuu ammoniumin absorbointiin jätevesistä. Vermikuliitin välikerroksessa on yleensä magnesiumioneja, jotka voidaan korvata esimerkiksi ammoniumioneilla.Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään GeoTrapin ominaisuuksia metallipitoisten kaivosvalumavesien hoitamisessa. Tutkimuskohteena ovat Kaavin kunnassa sijaitsevasta Luikonlahden rikastushiekka-altaasta suotavat lievästi happamat ja metallipitoiset vedet. Projektin aikana tutkittiin sekä vesi-, että kiinteitä näytteitä. Vesinäytteitä otettiin rikastushiekka-altaan suotovedestä ja suotokohteen alapuolisesta pintavedestä.Lopputuloksena selvisi, että GeoTrap-käsittely poisti tehokkaasti metalleja vedestä vertailunäytteisiin verrattuna. GeoTrapkäsittelyn aikana veden pH, alkaliteetti ja epäorgaanisen hiilen määrä kasvoivat. Nämä ovat metalleja saostaneet ja  suodatuksen kautta poistaneet mekanismit. Toisaalta myös metallien sitoutumisesta GeoTrapiin saatiin näyttöä

    Co-medication with disulfiram markedly increased serum clozapine levels : Two case reports

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    Background: Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a significant co-morbidity in patients with schizophrenia. Clozapine offers some benefits in treating patients with refractory schizophrenia and AUD, but co-medicating with disulfiram is also common. Procedures: We report two cases where co-medicating with disulfiram led to a significant increase in clozapine serum levels. Findings: Clozapine serum levels decreased to one-third in Patient 1 when disulfiram was discontinued and started to increase again when disulfiram was reintroduced. Patient 2 developed toxic serum levels of clozapine during disulfiram treatment combined with heavy coffee drinking and symptoms reminiscent of neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Conclusions: Clozapine and disulfiram are both metabolized by cytochrome P450 CYP1A2 and clinically relevant interaction through this shared pathway is possible.publishedVersionNon peer reviewe