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    ABSTRAKDiare merupakan gangguan buang air besar dengan frekuensi lebih dari 3 kali sehari, konsistensi cair, bisa disertai darah dan atau lender. Tujuan Kegiatan: Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orang tua dalam penanganan diare pada anak dengan benar dan salah satu terapi komplementernya adalah menggunakan madu. Metode Kegiatan: Penyuluhan kesehatan dengan sasaran 15 anak dan orang tua yang dilakukan secara online dengan Google Meet. Hasil Kegiatan: terdapat 14 (93,3%) orang tua (ayah/ibu) yang memahami mengenai penanganan diare pada anak dan 1 (6,6%) orang tua (ayah/ibu) yang aktif bertanya dalam kegiatan. Kata kunci: diare; anak; penyuluhan kesehatan ABSTRACTDiarrhea is a bowel disorder with a frequency of more than 3 times a day, liquid consistency, can be accompanied by blood and / or mucus. Activity Objective: To increase parents' knowledge in handling diarrhea in children properly and one of the complementary therapies is using honey. Activity Method: Health education targeting 15 children and parents conducted online with Google Meet. Activity Results: there were 14 (93.3%) parents (father / mother) who understood the handling of diarrhea in children and 1 (6.6%) parents (father / mother) who actively asked questions in activities. Key words: diarrhea; children; health educatio

    Literature Review: Therapy Playing Lego as A method of Anxiety Reduction

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    Introduction: Hospitalized still be an unpleseasant experience and cause traumatic for children. So that children express with a feeling of angst, angry, fear, sad therefore need exerts his therapy playing for minimize anxiety on a child. Objective: The purpose of this literature study to find out therapy playing lego as the lower anxiety at the age of a preschool due to the hospitalized. Method: Research using data such as a base Google Scholar, PubMed, Elseveir, Science Direct and Pro-Ques with the key word in period 2015-2020. Results: Once in the 20 journal in accordance with the title and the results of a matrix by the synthesis in the group into three part of of the input, the process and output. Discussion: After done analysis of 20 journal provision therapy playing on the give positive influence of thw anxiety children are heavy became lighter was. Conclusion: Therapy playing lego effective used us a method of anxiety at the age of a preschool, besides being able to improve the remember and feeling and emotions, lego can also reduce anxiety in children due to the hospitalization