9 research outputs found

    Analysis of Online Teaching At the Time of The Pandemic at Mi Miftahul Ulum Tongas

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    Abstract This study aims to analyze how the learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic is carried out on the network (Daring), and also review the factors in the learning process at MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) Miftahul Ulum Tongas. This research was held in October 2020. The Researcher used qualitative research with phenomenological design. Questionnaires and interviews were used in collecting the data. The subjects used in the study were several teachers at MI Miftahul  Ulum  Tongas. The results of this study showed that learning at MI Miftahul Ulum using WhatsApp group application and google form. Offline learning is also applied while adhering to health protocols. The supporting factors of online learning at MI Miftahul Ulum Togas are gadgets, laptops, internet quotas, and books. While the inhibiting factors of online learning were: teachers can not explain maximally, motivation of learners, and economic factors.   &nbsp

    Speaking Assessment Based On The 2013 Curriculum From English Teachers And Their Perception

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    This study was focused on the speaking assessment used by six English teachers at three Junior High School in Probolinggo. The objectives of this study are to explain; 1) the Implementation of Speaking Assessment based on 2013 Curriculum, 2) the types of speaking assessment from English teachers, and 3) teachers’ perception on speaking assessment based on 2013 curriculum. Type of this research was qualitative. The data were collected from interview, questionnaires, observation, and document analysis. The samples of this study were six English teachers who taught eight grade from three Junior High schools in Probolinggo. The data were classified and analyzed in qualitative way. The result showed that; 1) the English teachers of three Junior High Schools in probolinggo have applied the assessment in speaking, but not all standard was completed, 2) role play performance was used in assessing the students’ speaking skill, 3) teachers’ perception on speaking assessment was very good, and thought that the assessment could be the solution for  their problems in assessing student’s speaking skill.Keywords: assessment, speaking, curriculum 2013, perception


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    This article discusses Code switching of English and Arabic happens in the  Islamic boarding school: Pondok Pesantren Terpadu Miftahul Ulum Al-Yasini Pasuruan East Java. The researchers fascinated in analyzing a code-switching which usually happened at that place. The aim of this study is to find (1) the reasons in using code-switching in PPT Miftahul Ulum Al-Yasini Pasuruan, and (2) the types of code-switching used in that place by all members of the room. This is a descriptive qualitative research. In this case, interview and observation is used to get the data. This research was conducted for two weeks in the end of January 2020. The participants were  15 students from 3 rooms from Germany area which consisted for about 70 students. The results showed that the students used code-switching because of six reasons, such as: talking about specific topic, quoting somebody else, quoting someone else, interjection, recurrence for clarification, clarification the speech content for the interlocutor, to strengthen or soften some requests and command, and because of lexical need. The implication is that code-switching is inevitable due to various situation. It occurs in the context of EFL particularly when two foreign languages are simultaneously learned.  Keywords: bilingualism, code switching, Pesantren, sociolinguistics

    Analyzing Eighth-grade Students' Numerical Literacy Skills in Problem Solving with Number Concepts

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    Abstract. The aim of this study was to assess the numerical literacy abilities of eighth-grade students at MTs Miftahul Ulum in applying problem-solving skills to number concepts on a question-by-question basis. The research followed a qualitative methodology, and the participants consisted of 15 students from the VIIIA class at MTs Miftahul Ulum. The data were analyzed based on Polya's stages of problem-solving and numeracy literacy indicators. Data collection methods included numeracy literacy tests, interviews, and documentation. The results indicated that a significant proportion of students demonstrated a moderate level of numeracy literacy, while some students showed low or high levels of proficiency. Generally, the understanding stage had higher percentages of students who demonstrated comprehension. However, the planning and implementation stages varied across different questions. By focusing on the specific stages where students struggled or excelled, teachers can adapt their instructional approaches to better address students' needs.  Keywords: Numerical Literacy, Polya, Numbers

    Teacher's belief about error correction on teaching speaking and their practices

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    Peran Guru dalam Mempertahankan Nilai-nilai Religiusitas Siswa Kelas V di MI Nurul Huda Tanjungrejo Kecamatan Tongas Kabupaten Probolinggo

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    Islamic school (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) is educational institutions that is identical with lessons that breathe with religious values ​​(specifically Islamic Values). Teachers of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah have a very important role for students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in social life, especially caring and maintaining the religious values ​​of their students. This study aims to determine the role of a fifth-grade teacher at MI Nurul Huda Tanjugrejo Village in caring and maintaining religious values ​​for madrasah students in the midst of an increasingly modern era. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The role of madrasah Ibtidaiyah teacher in Tanjungrejo village, Tongas Probolinggo is very important because the teacher is the second parent after biological parents. The strategies used by fifth grade teachers in maintaining the religious values ​​of students through good habits in their daily lives, especially in madrasah, exemplifying the application of attitudes and behavior in accordance with Islamic law, collaborating with madrasa residents, collaborating with parents or guardians of students to achieve expectations

    Review Analysis of Psychological Dynamics and Education of Children as the Victims of Divorce Circumstance

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    This study examined the factors of divorce and children’s psychological condition of and religious education of children as the victim of divorce circumstance and the impact of parental divorce on the children. This research used the qualitative method. The researcher used observation, interviews, and documentation in collecting the data. The technique of checking the validity of the data used was the triangulation technique. In this study, the triangulation technique used was source triangulation. The data analysis used is descriptive qualitative. The research results on the causes of divorce in Wonomerto Subdistrict exactly at Wonorejo village were due to lack of economic problems. The husband had an affair with other women. Divorce would change the status and roles between husband and wife. A husband would be a widower, while a wife would be a widow. Divorce also impacts children's psychological and religious education in terms of children's psychology, such as changes in children's attitudes and behavior. The child was often angry, embarrassed, insecure, and many others. In terms of religious education, children were also found many difficulties, and it happened because no one encourages, supports, and gives advice anymore to them


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    The changing system in the current learning process at all levels of education due to the coronavirus pandemic. This study aimed to conduct literature review on project-based online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact on policies toward home learning activities. A project-based online learning system offers many ways to access learning materials for teachers and students. Many online learning platforms and media can be accessed for free. Some of the free platforms that have proven effective for managing online learning include Google Classroom and Edmodo. At least 12 free online learning resource applications can be used during the Covid-19 pandemic, including Rumah Belajar, ICANDO, Meja Kita, Indonesia X, Kelas Pintar, Google for Education, Microsoft Office 365, Quipper, Ruang Guru, Zenius, Sekolahmu, and Cisco Webex. Some obstacles in implementing online learning include limitations of the Internet and unfamiliar knowledge of teachers and students about the application of online learning media. Therefore, more effort is needed to address these issues, starting with individuals, families, educational institutions, providers, and government services

    Speaking Skills Improvement Through the Role-Play Method in MTs Negeri 3 Probolinggo

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    Speaking is one of the skills in learning English languages ​​besides the other 3 skills in language: listening, reading, and writing. The four skills are connected, and the connection influences each other. Speaking skill talk about the art of speaking in conveying messages, ideas, and thoughts, for various purposes such as reporting, entertaining, persuading, or inviting others people. By speaking, people interact and create social relations between two or more people. This type of research is classroom action research to find out the improvement of students' English proficiency by using the role-play method. The sample of this research is students at eight grade from MTSN 2 Probolinggo in the academic year 2021/2022. To analyze the data, it used the Mean formula in calculating the average score of students with Criteria, if the average minimum score of 75% and improved in each cycle, then that role-playing method works. The results show that students' average score on speaking tests in the first cycle is 77.0, an increase of about 11.32 points from a pre-action class, and improved by 4.9 points to 81.9 in the second cycle. The minimum number of students who pass the criteria in the first cycle is 12 students and 16 students in the second cycle. It means the role-playing method can improve students' English-speaking skills, and the percentage of improvements has reached 88,9% of all students, then the action class research was stopped in the second cycle