9 research outputs found

    Borehole image techniques applied to identification of chert and dolomite layers in lacustrine sediments

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    Geophysical logging tools, particularly ultrasonic acoustic borehole image techniques, are applied on two different wells (CP1 and CP2) to identify and characterize the lacustrine interval (40m) of the Camp dels Ninots maardiatreme infill (Pliocene, Catalan Coastal Ranges). The CP1 well was cored and also geophysical logs and oriented borehole images were acquired. CP2 hole was partially cored but logging (geophysics and borehole images) was fully undertaken. Continuous core recovery in CP1 is compared with oriented images and is further used to identify and characterize highly reflective signals in a section of CP2 borehole that was not cored. These signals are related to silicified zones and belong to discontinuous centimetric chert nodules, while indurated massive carbonates are characterized as intervals of continuous reflectance. Despite opal nodules (chert) can be relatively small, they have a distinctive response in the ultrasonic borehole images.Peer Reviewe

    Co-Mn Mineralisations in the Ni Laterite Deposits of Loma Caribe (Dominican Republic) and Loma de Hierro (Venezuela)

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    Cobalt demand is increasing due to its key role in the transition to clean energies. Although the main Co ores are the sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Co is also a by-product of Ni-Co laterite deposits, where Co extraction efficiency depends, among other factors, on the correct identification of Co-bearing minerals. In this paper, we reported a detailed study of the Co mineralisation in the Ni-Co laterite profiles of Loma Caribe (Dominican Republic) and Loma de Hierro (Venezuela). Cobalt is mainly associated with Mn-oxyhydroxide minerals, with a composition between Ni asbolane and lithiophorite, although a Co association with phyllosilicates has also been recorded in a Loma de Hierro deposit. In Loma Caribe, Co-bearing Mn-oxyhydroxide minerals mainly developed colloform aggregates, and globular to spherulitic grains, while in Loma de Hierro, they displayed banded colloform, fibrous or tabular textures. Most of the compositional analyses of Mn-oxyhydroxides yielded 20 and 40 wt.% Mn, with Ni and Co up to 16 and 10 wt.%, respectively. In both profiles, Mn-bearing minerals were mainly found in the transition from the oxide horizon to the saprolite, as observed in other laterite profiles in the world, where the precipitation of Mn-bearing minerals is enhanced because of the pore solution saturation and pH increas

    Tractament de manteniment amb metadona: manual de pràctica clínica

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    Tractament de manteniment amb metadona; Pràctica clínica; DrogodependènciesTratamiento de mantenimiento con metadona; Práctica clínica; DrogodependenciasMethadone maintenance treatment; Clinical practice; Drug addictionsEl Manual pretén ser una eina útil per disminuir la variabilitat de la pràctica clínica i garantir un nivell òptim de qualitat i millora de l'atenció sanitària en el tractament de manteniment amb metadona (TMM). Aplica les normes bàsiques utilitzades per a la preparació de guies de pràctica clínica; en primer lloc, incloent-hi la millor evidència possible sobre la base de revisions sistemàtiques de la literatura, en segon lloc, amb recomanacions clares i curtes, i en tercer lloc, en absència d’una evidència fiable en la literatura, incorporant-hi la opinió d’experts per mitjà de tècniques de consens com el mètode Delphi

    Mineralogical proxies of a Pliocene maar lake recording changes in precipitation at the Camp dels Ninots (Pliocene, NE Iberia)

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    The sedimentary record of the maar lake succession at Camp dels Ninots (Pliocene, NE Spain) reflects mineralogical shifts that correlate with orbitally forced climate changes. X-ray powder diffraction was obtained from a 47 m-long core collected from a borehole drilled in the centre of the paleolake. The results show compositional variations in terms of allogenic/authigenic mineral assemblages which, in turn, correlate with climate proxies such as pollen. Intervals that are dominantly composed of allogenic minerals (quartz, feldspar, smectite) correlate with wet periods. These periods are characterised by an increase in the percentage of Abies pollen. Conversely, intervals enriched in carbonates correlate with dry periods, with decreased amounts of Abies pollen. This cyclicity is attributed to rainfall variations leading to hydrologically open lake conditions during periods of relative high precipitation (when clastic input is enhanced) and hydrologically closed lake conditions during drier periods (when precipitation of authigenic carbonates is enhanced). It is concluded that the mineralogy of maar paleolakes may be highly sensitive to record climate changes.We would like to thank the land owners for their permission to work in the area, and the Town Council of Caldes de Malavella and the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya for the economic funding of the excavation under the project CLT009/18/00052. This study was partially funded by project of the Spanish Government and the SGR2017-859 and SGR-2017-1666 of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The research of B.G.S. and G.C. is funded by the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. The Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA) has received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the ‘María de Maeztu’ program for Units of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M). XRD technical assistance was provided by Soledad Álvarez and José J. Elvira at the XRD Laboratory of GEO3BCN-CSIC (former ICTJA-CSIC), and by Laura Burrel.Peer reviewe

    Early lake sedimentation in the Pliocene Camp dels Ninots maar (Catalan Coastal Ranges, Spain).

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    The Pliocene Camp dels Ninots maar-diatreme volcano is found in the Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE Spain, see figure 1 by Miró et al, this volume). The associated lake deposits contain a reference paleontological and stratigraphic record (Gómez de Soler at al., 2012, Jiménez-Moreno et al. 2013). Three relatively deep research cores have been drilled in order to understand the diatreme infill (Fig. 1): Can Cateura (75 m, drilled in 2009, Jiménez-Moreno et al., 2013), Can Pla 1 and Can Pla 2 (112.8 and 145 m, respectively, drilled in 2015, Miró et al., 2018 this volume).Projects 2014-100575 (GENCAT), SGR2017-859 (AGAUR) CGL2016-80000-P (MINECO)

    Co-Mn mineralisations in the ni laterite deposits of Loma Caribe (Dominican Republic) and Loma de Hierro (Venezuela)

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    Cobalt demand is increasing due to its key role in the transition to clean energies. Although the main Co ores are the sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Co is also a by-product of Ni–Co laterite deposits, where Co extraction efficiency depends, among other factors, on the correct identification of Co-bearing minerals. In this paper, we reported a detailed study of the Co mineralisation in the Ni–Co laterite profiles of Loma Caribe (Dominican Republic) and Loma de Hierro (Venezuela). Cobalt is mainly associated with Mn-oxyhydroxide minerals, with a composition between Ni asbolane and lithiophorite, although a Co association with phyllosilicates has also been recorded in a Loma de Hierro deposit. In Loma Caribe, Co-bearing Mn-oxyhydroxide minerals mainly developed colloform aggregates, and globular to spherulitic grains, while in Loma de Hierro, they displayed banded colloform, fibrous or tabular textures. Most of the compositional analyses of Mn-oxyhydroxides yielded 20 and 40 wt.% Mn, with Ni and Co up to 16 and 10 wt.%, respectively. In both profiles, Mn-bearing minerals were mainly found in the transition from the oxide horizon to the saprolite, as observed in other laterite profiles in the world, where the precipitation of Mn-bearing minerals is enhanced because of the pore solution saturation and pH increase

    Research history and main discoveries of the fossil-Lagersttäte Camp dels Ninots maar (Caldes de Malavella, Girona, Spain).

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    The Camp dels Ninots is located in the western part of the town of Caldes de Malavella (Girona), at 20 km to the south of the city of Girona, with a 275.000 m2 surface. Its UTM (ETRS89) coordinates are 483202E and 46311454N, and with a height of 93 m according to sea level (Fig. 1). The name Camp dels Ninots (field of puppets) is related to the presence of abundant diagenetic silica nodules with rounded shapes (menilites), which are mostly made of opal (SiO2·nH2O), that have been classically collected by locals. The Camp dels Ninots site is a phreatomagmatic explosion volcano of Pliocene age (3.1 Ma) which subsequently formed a lake. The specific geological conditions, corresponding to lake sedimentation, make it ideal for the preservation of fossils. The appearance of complete skeletons mostly in anatomical connection makes the site to be considered, according to the German term, a Fossil-Lagerstätte. Currently, the lands that make up the Camp dels Ninots are agricultural fields, mostly cereals, although, they are also remarkable for the many wells that, until a few years ago, were employed to extract water for industrial use.The Camp dels Ninots project is sponsored by projects 2014-100575 (Generalitat de Catalunya), SGR2017-859 (AGAUR) and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, under project CGL2016-80000-P (MINECO).Peer Reviewe

    Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management

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