2,221 research outputs found

    Els programes de mediació i reparació en l'ambit de la justícia juvenil

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    Law and morals

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    At first sight it would seem that law and morals have structurally got so little in common that a complete separation of the two is desirable. On the one hand, morality depends for its very existence on the free choice of the individual: on the other hand, law involves the imposition ab extra of the norm of a society, even where this goes against the wishes of an individual. Morality is essentially concerned with the subject's free personal choice: whereas law is something external to the subject's wishes, so much so that it requires enforcement.peer-reviewe

    Bloqueo de la articulación metacarpofalángica por osteofito de la cabeza del metacarpiano

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    Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 79 años de edad que acudió al Servicio de Urgencias de nuestro centro con un bloqueo de la articulación metacarpofalángica (MF) del dedo medio ocasionado por un osteofito en la cara cubital de la cabeza del tercer metacarpiano. El estudio radiológico permitió observar la presencia del osteofito y su extirpación permitió recuperar la normal excursión del ligamento colateral cubital de la art. MF y la extensión completa de la articulación.A 79 years old woman that presented her middle finger metacarpophalangeal joint blocked in flexion because and osteophite on the dorsal-ulnar aspect of the head of the metacarpal is presented. Diagnostic was stablished after radiological study. Resection of the osteophite allowed the ulnar collateral ligament come back to its normal excursion and complete extension of the joint was regained

    A role for nuclear lamins in nuclear envelope assembly

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    The molecular interactions responsible for nuclear envelope assembly after mitosis are not well understood. In this study, we demonstrate that a peptide consisting of the COOH-terminal domain of Xenopus lamin B3 (LB3T) prevents nuclear envelope assembly in Xenopus interphase extracts. Specifically, LB3T inhibits chromatin decondensation and blocks the formation of both the nuclear lamina–pore complex and nuclear membranes. Under these conditions, some vesicles bind to the peripheral regions of the chromatin. These “nonfusogenic” vesicles lack lamin B3 (LB3) and do not bind LB3T; however, “fusogenic” vesicles containing LB3 can bind LB3T, which blocks their association with chromatin and, subsequently, nuclear membrane assembly. LB3T also binds to chromatin in the absence of interphase extract, but only in the presence of purified LB3. Additionally, we show that LB3T inhibits normal lamin polymerization in vitro. These findings suggest that lamin polymerization is required for both chromatin decondensation and the binding of nuclear membrane precursors during the early stages of normal nuclear envelope assembly

    First law of holographic complexity

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    We investigate the variation of holographic complexity for two nearby target states. Based on Nielsen's geometric approach, we find the variation only depends on the end point of the optimal trajectory, a result which we designate the first law of complexity. As an example, we examine the complexity=action conjecture when the AdS vacuum is perturbed by a scalar field excitation, which corresponds to a coherent state. Remarkably, the gravitational contributions completely cancel and the final variation reduces to a boundary term coming entirely from the scalar field action. Hence the null boundary of Wheeler-DeWitt patch appears to act like the "end of the quantum circuit".Comment: 7 pages + supplemental material, 2 figures; v2: clarifications and reference added, published versio

    Educació física emocional a secundària. El paper de la sociomotricitat

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    L’educació física pot exercir un paper destacat en l’educació de competències emocionals, les quals repercuteixen directament en el rendiment acadèmic de l’alumnat i en la millora del seu benestar subjectiu. En aquest treball es va examinar la vivència emocional d’adolescents en diferents classes de jocs esportius, amb presència i absència de competició. Va correspondre a un disseny quasi-ex-perimental de mesures repetides. Hi van participar 220 estudiants d’ESO i batxillerat de 5 centres educatius de Catalunya i València. Es van fer 4 sessions basades en diferents famílies de jocs esportius. A través de l’escala validada Games and emotions Scale (GES) els alumnes van identificar la vivència emocional originada en cada joc. L’anàlisi de les dades es va fer mitjançant equacions d’estimació generalitzades (GEE). El model va considerar els factors intraparticipants: 1) domini d’acció motriu; 2) competició i 3) tipus d’emoció i els factors entre-participants, que van ser: 1) gènere, i 2) historial esportiu. Dels resultats s’obtenen tres descobertes principals: a) el paper destacat dels jocs sociomotors per promoure emocions positives intenses; b) la presència d’adversaris (en jocs d’oposició i de cooperació-oposició) augmenta la intensitat de les emocions negatives; c) la introducció de la competició incrementa la intensitat de les emocions positives en els jocs psicomotors i els valors de les emocions negatives en els jocs sociomotors. Aquest estudi aporta arguments científics i recomanacions pràctiques per promoure una educació física emocional orientada cap al benestar subjectiu i a l’adquisició d’estils de vida saludables en adolescents

    Aspects of The First Law of Complexity

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    We investigate the first law of complexity proposed in arXiv:1903.04511, i.e., the variation of complexity when the target state is perturbed, in more detail. Based on Nielsen's geometric approach to quantum circuit complexity, we find the variation only depends on the end of the optimal circuit. We apply the first law to gain new insights into the quantum circuits and complexity models underlying holographic complexity. In particular, we examine the variation of the holographic complexity for both the complexity=action and complexity=volume conjectures in perturbing the AdS vacuum with coherent state excitations of a free scalar field. We also examine the variations of circuit complexity produced by the same excitations for the free scalar field theory in a fixed AdS background. In this case, our work extends the existing treatment of Gaussian coherent states to properly include the time dependence of the complexity variation. We comment on the similarities and differences of the holographic and QFT results.Comment: 108 pages, 15 figures; v2: references adde