11 research outputs found

    Hubungan aktualisasi diri dengan kebahagiaan: Studi Korelatif UKM PS-PSPB Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Perguruan Silat – Pusaka Saputra Paku Banten Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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    Skripsi ini dilatar belakangi oleh sesuatu yang unik dan menarik Dari pengalaman yang peneliti alami di pesantren tempat tinggalnya. Peneliti menemukan beberapa hal yang menarik dari para mahasiswa santri yang mengaktualisasikan dirinya dengan mengikuti unit kegiatan mahasiswa pencak silat pusaka saputra paku banten. Mereka dapat lebih mudah bersosialisasi, beradaptasi dengan kebuadayaan yang baru walaupun berasal dari daerah yang berbeda, terbuka terhadap orang lain, dan bahagia di bandingkan dengan mahasiswa santri lainnya. oleh karena itu, peneiliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai hubungan aktualisasi diri dengan kebahagiaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Gambaran aktualisasi diri anggota UKM PS-PSPB Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Perguruan Silat – Pusaka Saputra Paku Banten Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung). (2) Gambaran Kebahagiaan anggota UKM PS-PSPB Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Perguruan Silat – Pusaka Saputra Paku Banten Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung). (3) Hubungan Aktualisasi Diri Gambaran aktualisasi diri anggota UKM PS-PSPB Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Perguruan Silat – Pusaka Saputra Paku Banten Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung). Penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai penelitian kuanittaif dengan desain penelitian Korelasi, di mana instrumen penelitian ini berupa Kuesioner. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 20 responden. Uji validitas instrumen menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis sedangkan uji reliabilitasnya menggunakan Cronbach Alpha. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik korelasi product moment. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang didapat, Hasil uji statistik aktualisasi diri dengan kebahagiaan diperoleh nilai p-value = 0,000 (p ˂0,05) maka H0 ditolak, hal tersebut menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan antara aktualisasi diri dengan kebahagiaan. Sedangkan dari hasil koefisien korelasi didapatkan nilai koefisien korelasi atau nilai (r = 0,946). Hal itu berarti hubungan antara aktualisasi diri dengan kebahagiaan merupakan hubungan yang sangat kuat karena berada pada rentang koefisien korelasi antara 0,80 – 1,00. Sementara itu, koefisien korelasi dalam penelitian ini berniali positif (+), yang artinya bahwa hubungan antara variabel aktualisasi diri dengan kebahagiaan merupakan hubungan yang sebanding, di mana jika variabel aktualisasi diri mengalami kenaikan, maka variasi kebahagiaan juga akan mengalami kenaikan, dan begitu sebaliknya


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    Religion is the thing that most influences a person's or community's social decisions, this is based on their adherence to the religion they profess. In various parts of the world, every Muslim will use halal concepts in their daily lives. The decision to buy and use a product is one of the social decisions that are made and influenced by the religious aspects of consumers. This study wanted to examine the effect of halal logos on brand loyalty mediated by, satisfaction, and trust. This study is a survey research that can be classified into associative / relationship research. The sampling technique uses Non-Probability Sampling with a Purposive sampling technique.Keywords: Halal logos, Brand loyalty, Satisfaction, Trus


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    So far, regression analysis is used to model the mean of response variable as a function of some independent variables, using the least squares (LS) method. In general, the LS method is able to describe well the measure of central tendency, however it is not robust against outliers. Therefore, in certain cases, a regression analysis that minimizes the sum of absolute residuals (least absolute deviation - LAD) is required, which is more robust against outliers. So far, the value of the regression coefficient is not modeled and only depends entirely on the data processed. In some cases, the sign and the value of regression coefficients need to be controlled, in order to be in the meaningful range. The results of this study showed that the modification of the constraints on the LAD regression able to control the regression coefficients to be in the meaningful range. The results of bootstrap showed that distribution of controlled regression coefficients were different from distribution of uncontrolled regression coefficients

    Re-maturation of wild banana shrimp (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) broodstock in tank

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    The amount of post spawning of F. merguiensis broodstocks were subjected to further culture for three months period and fed various diets under recirculation system. The aim of the study was to evaluate their reproductive performances and seed production parameters. The broodstocks were fed a fresh diet consisting of chopped squid and Nereis sp, combined with a maturation diet (Skretting-Crude Protein: 59%). After the three-month culture period, a total of 17 pairs of broodstocks (53.53 ± 7.0 g for females and 28 ± 2.39 g for males) were selected, ablated, and reared for another ten days. Reproductive performance of these broodstocks and the post-larvae produced were observed. Broodstock’s performance in terms of egg and nauplii production was comparable to that naturally matured (wild) brooders. The average nauplii production was 250,000 individuals, with a latency period starting on the third day after ablation, and 77% of the broodstocks spawned within the given period. Furthermore, larval survival was high and reaching up to 40% until Pl-10. In conclusion, banana shrimp broodstocks can be maintained for certain period while maintaining their reproductive performance, if the diets and environmental parameters are kept within favorable conditions


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze how the collaboration of stakeholders in supporting the increase in the class of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in West Java Province through the MSME Champion program. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method, this is because the researcher will describe it systematically and factually by doing a holistic deepening of the UMKM Juara program which is reviewed using a collaborative governance perspective. Data from the research conducted using in-depth interview techniques and literature study, which were then analyzed using analytical techniques which included data reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research shows that there is still non-optimal collaboration between stakeholders caused by the difficulty of unifying perceptions in the principled engagement stage. The conclusions obtained are that all principles have not been unified and the distribution of capabilities between existing stakeholders has not been evenly distributed, thus hampering the implementation of collaborative actions. This is due to the absence of optimization of monitoring carried out so that performance is carried out.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana kolaborasi pemangku kepentingan dalam mendukung kenaikan kelas Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Provinsi Jawa Barat melalui program UMKM Juara. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif, hal ini dikarenakan peneliti akan menggambarkan secara sistematis dan faktual dengan melakukan pendalaman secara holistik terkait program UMKM Juara yang ditinjau menggunakan perspektif collaborative governance. Data dari penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam dan studi pustaka, yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa masih terdapat ketidakoptimalan kolaborasi antara pemangku kepentingan yang disebabkan oleh sulitnya penyatuan persepsi dalam tahap principled engagement.  Adapun kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah belum bersatunya seluruh prinsip-prinsip dan tidak meratanya pendistribusian kapabilitas antar para pemangku kepentingan yang ada sehingga menghambat pelaksanaan tindakan dalam kolaborasi. Hal ini disebabkan tidak adanya optimalisasi monitoring yang dilakukan sehingga kinerja yang dilakukan.

    Utilization of rotifers as natural feed in the rearing of saline nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) larvae

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    After the yolk sac of fish larvae is absorbed, they will utilize external food sources such as natural phytoplankton and zooplankton. Specifically, one of the zooplankton species used is the small-sized rotifer Brachionus sp., which matches the mouth opening of the larvae. The purpose of the experiment was to examine the effects of providing live rotifer in combination with artificial feed on the survival rate and growth of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) larvae in high salinity conditions. The Nile tilapia larvae used in the experiment were the offspring of Red Nifi strain breeders raised in freshwater and still containing yolk sacs. Feeding commenced after the yolk sacs were absorbed, and the salinity was gradually increased to 25-30 ppt. The larvae were fed with rotifers for seven days (P-1), 14 days (P-2), and then continued with another type of artificial feed. There was also a control group that only received artificial feed without rotifers. The stocking density of the fish larvae was 25 individuals per liter, and the total water volume used was 15 liters. The rotifer dose was maintained at 10-20 individuals per milliliter of water per day during the 4-week rearing period. The results showed that providing rotifers in water salinity between 10-15 ppt during the first seven days resulted in a survival rate of > 80%, whereas the control group achieved > 90% survival. However, the survival rate of the larvae started to decline from the second seven-day period with the increase in salinity between 15-25 ppt, and it continued to decrease to < 60% until the fourth week for all treatments

    Re-maturation of wild banana shrimp

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    The amount of post spawning of F. merguiensis broodstocks were subjected to further culture for three months period and fed various diets under recirculation system. The aim of the study was to evaluate their reproductive performances and seed production parameters. The broodstocks were fed a fresh diet consisting of chopped squid and Nereis sp, combined with a maturation diet (Skretting-Crude Protein: 59%). After the three-month culture period, a total of 17 pairs of broodstocks (53.53 ± 7.0 g for females and 28 ± 2.39 g for males) were selected, ablated, and reared for another ten days. Reproductive performance of these broodstocks and the post-larvae produced were observed. Broodstock’s performance in terms of egg and nauplii production was comparable to that naturally matured (wild) brooders. The average nauplii production was 250,000 individuals, with a latency period starting on the third day after ablation, and 77% of the broodstocks spawned within the given period. Furthermore, larval survival was high and reaching up to 40% until Pl-10. In conclusion, banana shrimp broodstocks can be maintained for certain period while maintaining their reproductive performance, if the diets and environmental parameters are kept within favorable conditions

    Inkubasi suhu selama tahap embrio-larva untuk menginduksi pembalikan jenis kelamin ikan nila strain Red NIFI

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    This research aims to achieve male sex reversal in Nile Tilapia (Orechromis niloticus) of the red NIFI strain through high-temperature incubation during the embryonic or pre-swimming larval phase. Larvae resulting from the natural mating of red NIFI strain broodstock were incubated under temperature treatments of 31oC, 33oC, 35oC, and a control group (&lt;30oC), each with three replicates. Temperature regulation was facilitated using a heater.  During the initial 3 hours of incubation, the heater was turned off for 6 hours, followed by another 3 hours of incubation with the heater on. This pattern was repeated daily until the larvae began to swim. The treated larvae were then reared for 90 days. Thirty specimens from each replicate were identified for gender using the squash acetocarmine method. The study results indicated that temperature differences significantly influenced (p&lt;0.05) the sex ratio of Nile tilapia in the red NIFI strain. The highest proportion of males was achieved at 33oC, at 73.33%, and 35oC, at 64.43%. There were no significant differences (p&gt;0.05) in fry survival rates at 7 days and after 90 days of rearing.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengalihan kelamin jantan ikan nila (Orechromis niloticus) dari galur Red NIFI melalui inkubasi pada suhu tinggi selama fase embrio atau fase larva belum berenang. Larva yang dihasilkan dari perkawinan alami induk galur Red NIFI diinkubasi dengan perlakuan suhu 31oC, 33oC, 35oC, dan kontrol (&lt;30oC), masing-masing dengan tiga ulangan. Inkubasi suhu dilakukan menggunakan alat water-heater. Selama 3 jam awal inkubasi, water-heater dimatikan selama 6 jam, diikuti oleh 3 jam inkubasi lagi dengan water-heater dinyalakan. Pola ini diulang setiap hari sampai larva mulai berenang. kemudian dipelihara selama 90 hari. Tiga puluh ekor sampel benih dari masing-masing ulangan diidentifikasi jenis kelaminnya menggunakan metode squash-acetocarmine. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan suhu secara signifikan memengaruhi (p&lt;0,05) rasio jenis kelamin ikan nila (O. niloticus) galur Red NIFI. Proporsi kelamin jantan tertinggi dihasilkan pada suhu 33oC, sebesar 73,33%, dan 35oC, sebesar 64,43%. Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan (p&gt;0,05) dalam tingkat kelangsungan hidup benih pada 7 hari dan setelah 90 hari pemeliharaan

    A Comparative Study of CatBoost and Double Random Forest for Multi-class Classification

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    Multi-class classification has its challenge compared to binary classification. The challenges mainly caused by the interactions between explanatory and responses variable are increasingly complex. Ensemble-based methods such as boosting and random forest (RF) have been proven to handle classification problems. We conducted this research to study multi-class classification using CatBoost, a method developed with gradient boosting and double random forest (DRF), RF’s development that is good to be used when the resulting RF model is underfitting. Analysis was carried out using simulation and empirical data. In the simulation study, we generate data based on the distance between classes: high, medium, and low. The empirical data used is the industrial classification code, namely KBLI. CatBoost and DRF can rightly solve the multi-class classification problem at a high distance, measured by a 100% balanced accuracy score. At a medium distance, CatBoost and DRF produce balanced accuracy scores of 99.25% and 97.54%, respectively, whereas 32.37% and 23.97% at the low distance. In empirical studies, CatBoost’s performance outperforms DRF by 4.27%. All the differences are statistically significant based on the t-test result. We also use LIME to explain individual predictions of CatBoost and learn words that contribute the most to an example class’s prediction. &nbsp;Multi-class classification has its challenge compared to binary classification. The challenges mainly caused by the interactions between explanatory and responses variable are increasingly complex. Ensemble-based methods such as boosting and random forest (RF) have been proven to handle classification problems. We conducted this research to study multi-class classification using CatBoost, a method developed with gradient boosting and double random forest (DRF), RF’s development that is good to be used when the resulting RF model is underfitting. Analysis was carried out using simulation and empirical data. In the simulation study, we generate data based on the distance between classes: high, medium, and low. The empirical data used is the industrial classification code, namely KBLI. CatBoost and DRF can rightly solve the multi-class classification problem at a high distance, measured by a 100% balanced accuracy score. At a medium distance, CatBoost and DRF produce balanced accuracy scores of 99.25% and 97.54%, respectively, whereas 32.37% and 23.97% at the low distance. In empirical studies, CatBoost’s performance outperforms DRF by 4.27%. All the differences are statistically significant based on the t-test result. We also use LIME to explain individual predictions of CatBoost and learn words that contribute the most to an example class’s prediction