183 research outputs found


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    Contradictory events in 1918 as a whole and its separate aspects, in particular, are devoted to a lot of literature with different approaches, conclusions and assessments. Among the newest publications,the author of the article proposes to familiarize with the book “Ukraine between self-determination and occupation: 1917-1922”. The presented research evaluates the policy, which led to drastic changes in Europe at that time. The article deals with extremely complicated processes that filled international life in 1918, the place and role of Ukraine in them. A thorough analysis was based on archival and other sources of scientific centers in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Great Britain, France, Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia and other countries. The appearance of the book has become an unusual phenomenon in historical science. Responding to its content, conclusions and assessments, historians of Ukraine can combine them with their own achievements, take into account the positive ones, reject what, from the point of view of serious scientific expertise, will be inappropriate, further consider the argumentation of doubtful moments and focus on urgent and perspective issues.Суперечливим подіям 1918 р. загалом та окремим його аспектам, зокрема, присвячено надзвичайно багато літератури з різноманітними підходами, висновками й оцінками. Серед новітніх публікацій автор статті пропонує ознайомитися з книгою «Україна між самовизначенням та окупацією: 1917-1922 роки». Представлене дослідження оцінює політику, що призвела до кардинальних зрушень у тогочасній Європі. У статті йдеться про надзвичайно складні процеси, що наповнювали міжнародне життя у 1918 р., місце і роль України в них. Ґрунтовний аналіз проведено на основі архівних та інших джерел наукових центрів Австрії, Німеччини, Угорщини, Великої Британії, Франції, Польщі, Чехії, Росії та інших країн. Поява книги стало непересічним явищем в історичній науці. Реагуючи на її зміст, висновки та оцінки, історики України можуть поєднати їх з власними набутками, врахувати позитиви, відхилити те, що з погляду серйозної наукової експертизи виявиться неприйнятним, додатково продумати аргументацію щодо сумнівних моментів та зосередитися на нагальних й перспективних питаннях

    High-perveance charged particles source for implementation of e-beam technology

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    Presented a number of electron-beam technologies, it is possible to implement by high-perveanced plasma source of charged particles. A discharge structure of high-perveance source that can form electron and ion beams, with parameters satisfying presented technologies

    High-perveance charged particles source for implementation of e-beam technology

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    Presented a number of electron-beam technologies, it is possible to implement by high-perveanced plasma source of charged particles. A discharge structure of high-perveance source that can form electron and ion beams, with parameters satisfying presented technologies

    Plasma Source of Charged Particles Based on a Discharge in Crossed E*H Fields with an Increased Perveance

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    This paper presents a design layout of the plasma source of charged particles in crossed E*H fields with high perveance. Its electrode structure is given, describes a source operation mechanism, the prospects for further development of a high-perveance source for industrial applications based on it are shown


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    The results of three-year study of density of cucumber seed-plants when using drop irrigation in condition and planting system 50+90 сm are shown. The optimal plant density for seed production purposes is 70 thousand plants on 1 hectare.Приведены результаты изучения различной густоты стояний растений при выращивании огурца на семенные цели на фоне капельного орошения при схеме размещения 50+90 см, которые свидетельствуют, что оптимальной густотой стояния является 70 тыс. растений на 1 га

    Orientation, substructure, and optical properties of rutile films

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    The orientation, optical properties, and substructure of rutile films prepared by thermal and pulsed photon assisted oxidation of single crystal Ti films were investigated by transmission electron micros copy, optical spectroscopy, and high energy electron diffractionyesBelgorod State Universit


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    On January 25-26, 2018 in Samarkand (Republic of Uzbekistan) on the basis of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute the 19th meeting was held Intergovernmental Coordination Council on seed production of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The participants of the international meeting considered the creation and introduction of new selection varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops, discussed topics related to the introduction of resource-saving technologies in selection, variety testing, and seed production. 25-26 января 2018 года в Самарканде (Республика Узбекистан) на базе Самаркандского сельскохозяйственного института состоялось 19-е заседание Межправительственного координационного совета по вопросам семеноводства Содружества Независимых Государств. Участники международного совещания рассмотрели вопросы создания и внедрения в производство новых селекционных сортов и гибридов сельскохозяйственных культур, обсудили темы, касающиеся внедрения ресурсосберегающих технологий в селекции, сортоиспытании, семеноводстве.

    Fraud in the banking system of Ukraine: ways to combat taking into account foreign experience

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    The article aims to identify effective ways to combat bank fraud in Ukraine. Using the method of systematic analysis of theoretical experience, practical measures and international legislation in the field of combating banking fraud, the main factors influencing the bank fraud level are identified: financial instability of the banking institution, lack of information about the client's credit history, poor internal control, low level of corporate governance, lack of a standard procedure for customers verification, lack of a unified register of bank employees, imperfect legal regulators and a banking control system. The study allowed to identify the characteristics of an effective banking fraud combating system: a clear definition of the legal framework, regulation subjects and objects, strict and guaranteed liability for violations of laws, cooperation of structural units and regulatory authorities at the domestic and international level, state control of financial monitoring. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the successful experience of developed countries, comprehensive implementation of measures to combat bank fraud (at the legislative, bank management and technological level) will not only reduce the level of bank fraud, but also corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing rate

    Multibit structure for the formation of combined or alternating electron-ion beams

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    Currently, sources of ion and electron beams make it possible to implement a wide range of effective technologies for processing materials and surface modifications. In some cases, a significant increase in the effectiveness of such technologies is achieved with simultaneous exposure to electron and ion beams through the use of two types of separate (electron and ion) sources. At the same time, experience in the development and use of plasma sources of charged particles shows the possibility of creating a combined electron-ion flow in one direction and in a single discharge system. In this work, we propose an experimental electrode structure of a plasma electron-ion source for the formation of a combined electron-ion or separate electron and ion beams. A number of its characteristics and the prospects for further development of an electron-ion source for industrial use on its basis are shown