81 research outputs found

    Finding available services in TOSCA-compliant clouds

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    The OASIS TOSCA specification aims at enhancing the por-ta-bility of cloud applications by defining a language to describe and manage them across heterogeneous clouds. A service template is defined as an orchestration of typed nodes, which can be instantiated by matching other service templates. In this paper, we define and implement the notions of {em exact} and {it plug-in matching} between TOSCA service templates and node types. We then define two other types of matching ({em flexible} and {em white-box}), each permitting to ignore larger sets of non-relevant syntactic differences when type-checking service templates with respect to node types. The paper also describes how a service template that plug-in, flexibly or white-box matches a node type can be suitably adapted so as to exactly match it

    Matching cloud services with TOSCA

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    The OASIS TOSCA specification aims at enhancing the portability of cloud-based applications by defining a language to describe and manage service orchestrations across heterogeneous clouds. A service template is defined as an orchestration of typed nodes, which can be instantiated by matching other service templates. In this thesis, after defining the notion of exact matching between TOSCA service templates and node types, we define three other types of matching (plug-in, flexible and white-box), each permitting to ignore larger sets of non-relevant syntactic differences when type-checking service templates with respect to node types. We also describe how service templates that plug-in, flexibly or white-box match node types can be suitably adapted so as to exactly match them

    Modelling the behaviour of management operations in cloud-based applications

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    How to flexibly manage complex applications over heterogeneous clouds is one of the emerging problems in the cloud era. The OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) aims at solving this problem by providing a language to describe and manage complex cloud applications in a portable, vendoragnostic way. TOSCA permits to define an application as an orchestration of nodes, whose types can specify states, requirements, capabilities and management operations — but not how they interact each another. In this paper we first propose how to extend TOSCA to specify the behaviour of management operations and their relations with states, requirements, and capabilities. We then illustrate how such behaviour can be naturally modelled, in a compositional way, by means of open Petri nets. The proposed modelling permits to automate different analyses, such as determining whether a deployment plan is valid, which are its effects, or which plans allow to reach certain system configurations

    An experimental analysis of abrasive water jet engraving of Italian marbles / Analisi sperimentale del processo di marcatura su marmi italiani tramite getto d’acqua ad alta pressione con abrasivo

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    English: This article concerns characterizing and optimizing the process of water-jet engraving on stone materials through experimental analysis. The purpose is to find possible relationships between work parameters for an abrasive water-jet and the geometrical parameters created by grooves. Samples of White Carrara and Perlato of Coreno marbles were used in testing. An optical profilometer was used to measure the transversal profile of the groove, objectively characterized by a number of measurements described in the article, including two parameters of visual quality. Statistical analysis made it possible to indicate optimal settings to enter on the basis of desired results; for example, increases in width, depth or the degree of groove contrast. Italian: Questo articolo affronta la caratterizzazione e ottimizzazione del processo di incisione di materiali lapidei mediante water jet attraverso un’analisi sperimentale. La finalità è trovare possibili relazioni tra parametri impostati per la lavorazione, tramite idrogetto con abrasivo, e parametri geometrici ricavati dai solchi. Per questo studio sono stati analizzati dei campioni di marmo Bianco di Carrara e di Perlato di Coreno. Per mezzo di un profilometro ottico è stato possibile misurare il profilo trasversale del solco, caratterizzato in maniera oggettiva tramite alcune misure descritte nell’articolo, inclusi due parametri di qualità visiva. Attraverso un’analisi statistica è stato possibile indicare le impostazioni ottimali da settare in base al risultato desiderato: es. aumento della larghezza, profondità o livello di contrasto del solco

    SeaClouds: An Open Reference Architecture for Multi-Cloud Governance

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    A. Brogi, J. Carrasco, J. Cubo, F. D'Andria, E. Di Nitto, M. Guerriero, D. Pérez, E. Pimentel, J. Soldani. "SeaClouds: An Open Reference Architecture for Multi-Cloud Governance". In B. Tekinerdogan et al. (Eds.): ECSA 2016, LNCS 9839, pp. 334–338, 2016.We present the open reference architecture of the SeaClouds solution. It aims at enabling a seamless adaptive multi-cloud management of complex applications by supporting the distribution, monitoring and reconfiguration of app modules over heterogeneous cloud providers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysing Multiple QoS Attributes in Parallel Design Patterns-Based Applications

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    Parallel design patterns can be fruitfully combined to develop parallel software applications. Different combinations of patterns can feature different QoS while being functionally equivalent. To support application developers in selecting the best combinations of patterns to develop their applications, we hereby propose a probabilistic approach that permits analysing, at design time, multiple QoS attributes of parallel design patterns-based application. We also present a proof-of-concept implementation of our approach, together with some experimental results

    Component-aware Orchestration of Cloud-based Enterprise Applications, from TOSCA to Docker and Kubernetes

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    Enterprise IT is currently facing the challenge of coordinating the management of complex, multi-component applications across heterogeneous cloud platforms. Containers and container orchestrators provide a valuable solution to deploy multi-component applications over cloud platforms, by coupling the lifecycle of each application component to that of its hosting container. We hereby propose a solution for going beyond such a coupling, based on the OASIS standard TOSCA and on Docker. We indeed propose a novel approach for deploying multi-component applications on top of existing container orchestrators, which allows to manage each component independently from the container used to run it. We also present prototype tools implementing our approach, and we show how we effectively exploited them to carry out a concrete case study
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