12 research outputs found

    Highly regio-and stereoselective addition of ethyl 3-aminobut-2-enoates to 2-substituted 3-nitro-2H-chromenes

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    Ethyl 3-aminobut-2-enoates MeC(NHR)=CHCO2Et (R = H, Me, Bn) whose reaction site is C(2) atom add to 2-R-3-nitro-2H-chromenes at their C(4) atom to give the corresponding trans,trans-2,3,4-trisubstituted chromanes. Analogous substrates MeC(NR2)=CHCO2Et (NR2 is piperidin-1-yl or morpholin-4-yl) react by their C(4) methyl group to afford cis,trans-2,3,4-trisubstituted chromanes. The stereochemistry of the products was established by X-ray diffraction analysis. © 2013 Mendeleev Communications. All rights reserved

    Significance of digital and numeric (prolegomena to D. V. Pivovarov's symphonica)

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    Foundations of a new methodology for tolerant dispute proposed by Professor D. V. Pivovarov (1943-2016) are studied in the article. The purpose of the study is to clarify the essence of the concept of "symphonica"proposed by D. V. Pivovarov as a medium in the dialogue of secular and religion scholars. A distinction between "digital"and "numerical"mathematics is made based on Pythagoras, A. Comte, I. Kant and E. Husserl's teachings. It is proved that the positivist understanding of mathematics does not imply the meaning of numbers, whereas "numerical"mathematics only provides access to the "supratemporal realm of meanings"studied by phenomenology. In the present paper D. V. Pivovarov's "symphonica"is understood as a form of "inter-phenomenology"that ensures equal access to the ultimate phenomenological grounds of religions, philosophical systems and scientific theories. © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

    Organization and effectiveness of marketing management of agricultural commodity producers under non-cooperative marketing: the experience of Ukraine

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    Under reducing domestic demand for food in Ukraine and increasing dependence on the world food market, a significant part of quasi-price rent from its sale is assigned by intermediary exporters, thus reducing the welfare of domestic commodity producers and consumers. To mitigate this negative effect, it is necessary to have a carefully designed marketing business strategy. The purpose of this article is to summarize the practice of using the main elements of the marketing complex, analyze the effective management of marketing activities of agricultural producers in Ukraine and determine the main directions for increasing its effectiveness by establishing marketing relations for the product supply. Given the large area of Ukraine and the complexity to obtain monographic data that are not subject to monitoring by the State Statistics Service, the study was conducted using agricultural enterprises of the typical agricultural district, namely Khrystynivka district of Cherkasy region (Ukraine) as an example. It is revealed that the use of marketing tools by agricultural enterprises is limited due to the specifics of commodity products and the managers’ focus on short-term business goals. The analysis of forming and realizing the marketing complex of the district enterprises using the monographic method has shown that enterprises systematically use only elements such as commodity policy and distribution policy, while relying exclusively on retrospective marketing data. Significant increase in the return on marketing costs in the short term can only be achieved if formal or informal associations of commodity producers are formed on a functional-territorial basis. This will create a scale effect and allow each member to reduce transaction costs and get an additional premium. It is proved that while conducting administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine, it is most appropriate to form such associations within the boundaries of the united territorial communities

    Regional Agro-Industrial Complex in Conditions of Crisis: Intrinsic Determination of Development

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    Economic crises influence negatively all branches of an economy, including agriculture. However, organizations of the latter can react differently to unfavourable environments. Presumably, their financial state worsens if the organizations suffered difficulties in the pre-crisis period. The objective of the present paper is to analyze financial results of the regional agro-industrial complex in the long run as a factor determining their reaction to the conditions of economic turbulence. The iIntrinsic factor is considered, i.e., the factor relevant to the analyzed object itself. This study employs conceptual analysis and multidisciplinary approach. An analysis of the statistical data on the income/loss of agriculture in three federal districts of Russia during 2010-2014 is attempted. It is established that the start of the economic turbulence in 2014 influenced differently crop production and livestock in the regions of the Central, Southern, and Volga federal districts. Most often losses occurred in the regions of Russia where losses also occurred in the pre-crisis period. Consequently, the premise for the worsened financial results amid economic turbulence was formed earlier, and it was linked to permanent or periodic losses. The exceptions from this rule are explained by the influence of the other factors. The possibility of intrinsic causes of the worsened financial results of the regional agro-industrial complex amid economic turbulence is theoretically substantiated. The analysis of the statistical data on the three federal districts of Russia proves a big role of this factor, the impact of which is sometimes limited by other factors. It becomes evident that there is a need to mitigate the worsened financial results of agriculture since the beginning of crisis by taking targeted measures in the pre-crisis period within the framework of state-sponsored programs. The attention is also paid to the possibilities of an improvement in the financial results because of innovation processes being implemented in the agrarian sector of the regional economy.Экономические кризисы оказывают негативное действие на все отрасли экономики, включая сельское хозяйство. Однако организации последнего могут по-разному реагировать на неблагоприятные условия. Предположительно, финансовое положение ухудшается для тех из них, кто и в докризисный период испытывали трудности. Целью настоящей статьи является анализ финансовых результатов регионального агропромышленного комплекса в долговременной перспективе в качестве фактора, определяющего реакцию этих организаций на условия экономической турбулентности. Речь идет о внутреннем факторе, т. е. присущем самому объекту анализа. Проводится анализ статистических данных о прибыли/убытке сельского хозяйства регионов трех федеральных округов России за 2010–2015 гг. Установлено, что инициация экономической турбулентности в 2014 г. оказала различное воздействие на растениеводство и животноводство в регионах Центрального, Южного и Приволжского федерального округов. Чаще всего убытки фиксируются в тех субъектах Федерации, где они имели место и в докризисный период. Следовательно, предпосылка для ухудшения финансовых результатов в условиях экономической турбулентности закладывалась ранее и была связана с постоянными или периодическими убытками. Исключения из этого правила объясняются действием прочих факторов. Теоретически обосновывается возможность внутренней детерминации ухудшения финансовых результатов регионального агропромышленного комплекса в условиях экономической турбулентности. Анализ статистических данных по трем федеральным округам России подтверждает большую роль этого фактора, действие которого подчас ограничивается другими факторами. Очевидна необходимость профилактики ухудшения финансовых результатов сельского хозяйства с началом кризиса путем реализации в докризисный период специально разработанных мероприятий в рамках государственных программ. Внимание уделено также возможностям роста финансовых результатов за счет внедрения инновационных процессов в аграрный сектор региональной экономики

    Investment determinants of perceived image of hotel industry of the Russian South regions

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    Perceived image of hotel industry is determined by a number of client values of service quality. It is established that in the Russian South the bigger investment flows justified to the number of accommodation facilities and number of accommodated people really improves the perceived image of the hotel industry of a region

    Expansion of Juniperus sibirica Burgsd. as a response to climate change and associated effect on mountain tundra vegetation in the Northern Urals

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    Shrub expansion into arctic and alpine tundra is one of the prominent vegetation changes currently underway. We studied the expansion of shrub vegetation into high elevation tundra in the Kvarkush Range of the Northern Ural mountains, Russia. Age structure analysis of the dominant shrub Juniperus sibirica Burgsd. seems to support ongoing upslope advance of shrubs, a process particularly active in the second half of the 20th century. We found a close connection between the expansion of shrub vegetation and the general change in climatic conditions of the cold season (months with mean air temperature below 0°C from November to March). In general, the greatest influence on the distribution of J. sibirica is exerted by the climate conditions of the beginning (November–January) and the end (March) of the cold season. With increasing elevation, the correlation coefficients between the establishment of J. sibirica shrubs and the precipitation of the beginning of the cold season increased, and reached maximum values at the top elevation level of the study area. However, the upwards shift of J. sibirica into typical mountain tundra does not lead to changes in the ecological structure of vegetation at this stage, but simply a decrease in the area of mountain tundra. © 2020, Science Press, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Reaction of 2-(trifluoromethyl)chromones with pyridoxal: Formation of 1-benzopyranooxepino- and 1-benzopyranopyranopyridines

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    Pyridoxal undergoes oxa-Michael initiated ring closure with 2-(trifluoromethyl)chromones giving 11a,13-dihydro-6H-1-benzopyrano[3′, 2′:6,7]oxepino[3,4-c]pyridin-6-ones and 6H,11aH-1-benzopyrano[3′, 2′:5,6]pyrano[2,3-c]pyridin-6-ones. Participation of alcoholic hydroxy group of pyridoxal in the initial oxa-Michael addition leads to the former product and that of the phenyl hydroxy group to the later one. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The Advance of Woody and Shrub Vegetation to the Mountains and Changes in the Composition of Tundra Communities (Poperechnaya Mountain, the Zigalga Mountain Range in the Southern Urals)

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    Выявление особенностей динамики растительных сообществ горных и зональных тундр крайне актуально в современных условиях климатических изменений. Нами проведена оценка продвижения древесно-кустарниковой растительности выше в горы на Южном Урале на хр. Зигальга с помощью комплекса методов: сравнения разновременных аэрофото- и спутниковых изображений, повторных ландшафтных фотоснимков и изучения возрастной структуры можжевельника сибирского (Juniperus sibirica Burgsd.) на различных высотах над ур. м. Продвижению древесно-кустарниковой растительности на Южном Урале благоприятствовало повышение температуры и количества осадков в зимнее время. Показаны вертикальные и горизонтальные сдвиги верхней сплошной границы редколесий за период с 1958 по 2012 г. Вертикальный сдвиг сплошной границы редколесий составил 0,74 м/год, горизонтальное продвижение сплошной границы редколесий – 0,20 м/год. На основе изучения возрастной структуры J. sibirica установлен факт его продвижения выше в горы в течение последних двух столетий. Изучен флористический состав горно-тундровых сообществ с разной долей участия J. sibirica. Коэффициенты сходства видового состава сосудистых растений горных тундр (0,53-0,88) свидетельствуют об их типологическом сходстве. Вселение J. sibirica приводит к структурным перестройкам. Наблюдаемые тенденции для сообществ сосудистых растений не связаны с высотной приуроченностью. Состав лихеносинузий не зависит от доли участия J. sibirica в составе горно-тундровых сообществ, при этом демонстрирует зависимость от высоты над ур. м. В сообществах нижней высотной группы видовое богатство лишайников и их обилие снижаетсяEstimation of the dynamics of zonal and mountain tundra plant communities is extremely relevant in modern conditions of climate change. This article demonstrates the results of the estimation of woody and shrub vegetation progression to higher mountains at the Zigalga mountain range (the Southern Urals) using various methods: the comparison of aerial and satellite images, the repeated landscape photographs made at different times and also the examination of Juniperus sibirica Burgsd. age structure at different altitudes. The upward shift of woody and shrub vegetation is caused by the air temperature rise and increased precipitation during the winter periods in the Southern Urals. Vertical and horizontal upper limit shifts of open woodland from 1958 to 2012 are demonstrated. The vertical shift was determined to be 0.74 m/year and the horizontal one is 0.20 m/year. Based on the study of J. sibirica age structure, the fact of its advancement to the mountains during the last two centuries has been established. The research has been focused on the floristic composition of the mountain tundra communities with different J. sibirica cover. The floristic composition of the mountain tundra communities demonstrates their typological similarity. Introduction of J. sibirica leads to structural reorganization. The observed trends for vascular plants do not have any correlation with the height above sea level. Species composition of lichen synusia does not depend on J. sibirica cover, but it correlates with the altitude. Species richness and abundance of terrestrial lichens decrease in plant communities located lower on the mountain slop