27 research outputs found


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    A importância do problema apresentado no artigo é determinada pelo fato de que a manifestação de agressão entre crianças e adolescentes em instituições de ensino da sociedade contemporânea representa um novo desafio para a escola russa, o sistema de aplicação da lei e o sistema de apoio social no país. Federação Russa. O artigo contém os resultados da análise do comportamento agressivo entre menores como fator na formação de comportamentos desviantes de crianças e adolescentes. O autor fundamentou a necessidade de incluir os seguintes componentes no sistema de prevenção do impacto negativo da atividade da Internet na socialização de crianças em idade escolar: o desenvolvimento de uma cultura da informação, o desenvolvimento de qualidades pessoais que contribuam para o enfrentamento de riscos.The importance of the problem presented in the paper is determined by the fact that the manifestation of aggression among children and teenagers in educational institutions in contemporary society represents a new challenge for the Russian school, the law enforcement system and the system of social support in the Russian Federation. The paper contains the results of the analysis of aggressive behavior among minors as a factor in the formation of deviant behavior of children and teenagers. The author has substantiated the necessity to include the following components in the system of prevention of the negative impact of Internet activity on socialization of schoolchildren: the development of an information culture, the development of personal qualities that contribute to confronting risks.La importancia del problema presentado en el documento está determinada por el hecho de que la manifestación de agresión entre niños y adolescentes en las instituciones educativas de la sociedad contemporánea representa un nuevo desafío para la escuela rusa, el sistema de aplicación de la ley y el sistema de apoyo social en el país. Federación Rusa. El documento contiene los resultados del análisis del comportamiento agresivo entre menores como un factor en la formación del comportamiento desviado de niños y adolescentes. El autor ha corroborado la necesidad de incluir los siguientes componentes en el sistema de prevención del impacto negativo de la actividad de Internet en la socialización de los escolares: el desarrollo de una cultura de la información, el desarrollo de cualidades personales que contribuyen a enfrentar los riesgos

    Lipid peroxidation during chronic inflammation

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    To keep needed level of peroxide lipid oxidation is necessary for the normal functioning of physiological systems. It is supported by the balance of anti-and prooxidant systems. The positive influence of lipid peroxidation processes in the organism is manifested by the restoration of the composition and maintenance of the properties of biological membranes, participation in energy processes, cell division, synthesis of biologically active substances. It has been established that the inflammatory process is accompanied by changes in lipid metabolism and the intensity of peroxide oxidation

    The state of lipid exchange and thrombotic link of hemostasis in patients with chronic non-specific inflammatory diseases of genitals

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    It has been stated that changes of lipid exchange and increasing of lipid peroxidation are accompanied by the inflammatory process, which show the increase of proatherogenic blood characteristics. In patients with chronic non-specific inflammatory diseases of genitals disorders of phagocytosis mechanisms, increasing of autointoxication and reaction of hypersensitivity of immediate type are revealed after full blood count index. On the basis of analyses results one can conclude that the increase of atherogenic properties of blood plasma in patients with chronic non-specific inflammatory diseases of genitals took place in accordance with vascular endothelium damage. The article is the first to show the effectiveness of complex treatment of different atherosclerotic pathogenesis links by means of correction of proatherogenic lipid fractions and antioxidative complexes

    Investigation of aspects of the interaction of the indicators of lipid exchange, trombocitarian block of hemostasis, total body reactivity and their influence on the psychosomatic harmonization of the man in chronic inflammatory processes

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    For the first time on the basis of clinical and laboratory researches were revealed the correlation of indicators of lipid metabolism, platelet level of hemostasis and general reactivity in patients with chronic inflammatory processes of the genital system. The new pathogenetic aspects of the course of inflammatory diseases have been established. It has been shown that chronic inflammatory process is accompanied by disorders of lipid metabolism. The degree of severity of these changes depends on the severity of the inflammatory process, the reduction of phagocytic activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and the activation of macrophage and specific cellular mechanisms, accompanied by auto-intoxication. It is established that the frequency of atherogenic dyslipoproteinemias, as well as the intensity of lipid peroxidation increases in accordance with the increase age of the examined patients. Most atherogenic dyslipoproteinemias are found in patients with viral and chlamydial infections. The summarized data of the correlation analysis allow us to establish that the growth of atherogenic properties of blood plasma of patients with chronic inflammatory processes of the reproductive system occurs in accordance with the increase of adhesive-aggregation properties of platelets and damage of the vascular endothelium. These shifts occur in parallel with the predominance of the monocyte-macrophage linkage of phagocytosis against the background of reduced activity of neutrophils and cellular mechanisms of development of immunopathological reactions

    Influence of exogenous, physiological and factors of chronic inflammatory process on indicators of disturbances of adaptive processes of the person

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    Changes in laboratory parameters can be caused by physical, chemical, biological and other external factors, depending on physiological conditions, in most cases they have an adaptive nature, and it is not always possible to distinguish them from physiological fluctuations. At the same time, obvious shifts in laboratory parameters may indicate a violation of adaptation processes and damage of tissues and organs, despite the absence of clinical manifestations of a disease

    Riskometric assessment of factors affecting population health in situational analysis features of cytochemical indicators of activity circulating and tissue leukocytes and oxidative stress as a factor of chronic inflammation

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    The study of the mechanism of oxidative stress and regulation of oxygen-dependent processes is important, as the establishment of a complex interaction between oxidative stress, oxidative protein damage and the body's antioxidant system makes it possible to clarify metabolic pathways of disease pathogenesis. In our study, we concluded that in patients with chronic non-specificinflammatory diseases of the genitals of men and women, the phagocytic activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes is reduced mainly by the oxygen-dependent mechanism, and tissue - by the oxygen-independent. As an exception in patients with chlamydial infection, the phagocytic activity of tissue polymorphonuclear leukocytes was also reduced by an oxygen-dependent mechanism

    Features of Indicators of Blood General Clinical Analysis and the Summary Analysis of an Organism’s General Reactivity at Chronic Inflammatory Process

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    Inflammatory diseases cause health disorders which result in a reduction of the population. That is why this medical problem is considered to be a very important one. The human immune system is responsible for protecting the body from infections of various origins, while inducing chronic inflammation (characterized by a long, often invisible course) which can result in proneness to recurrence, complications and resistance to therapy. The authors of the article analyzed and proved that there are immune status shifts in patients with chronic nonspecific inflammatory processes depending on the pathogen, phase and level of damage

    Assessment of the State of Platelet Haemostasis and Adhesive - Aggregation Properties of Platelets as a Factor of Increasing the Tendency to Thrombosis in Chronic Inflammation

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    In recent decades, considerable progress has been made in understanding the functional mechanisms of platelets and the correction of platelet haemostasis. Platelets are considered the most important participants in both the normal and pathological thrombotic processes characteristic of a variety of diseases and conditions. Alterations in various limbs of haemostasis are found in many somatic diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke), surgical procedures, oncological and immunological diseases. Inflammation underlies most diseases and remains an urgent problem in medicine. In the leukocyte infiltration of the inflammatory focus, the mechanism of its self-preservation is of great importance. The activation of haematopoiesis during inflammation is triggered by factors released by stimulated leukocytes of the focus and peripheral blood. Therefore, the problem of the state of the haemostasis system should be the focus of constant attention of clinicians, and with the help of laboratory monitoring of the state of the haemostasis system, it is possible to carry out drug correction of the haemocoagulation potential

    Assessment of the Nature of Dyslipoproteinemias and Correlations of Indicators of General Reactivity and Lipid Metabolism in Patients with Chronic Nonspecific Inflammation of the Reproductive System

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    Metabolic disorders can occur at all levels of biological organization - from molecular and cellular to the level of the organism as a whole. These changes may result from disruptions in hormonal mechanisms, actions of pathogenic factors, or infections. Primary metabolic disorders are the basis of many diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, and atherosclerosis, while secondary disorders accompany most pathological processes. Disruption of lipid metabolism leads to changes in their functions and the development of pathological processes, such as dyslipoproteinemia, and also contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Various intracellular infectious agents play a significant role in the development of dyslipoproteinemias and atherosclerosis, for example, chlamydia can alter the lipid metabolism in macrophages under the influence of low-density lipoproteins, leading to the formation of 'foam-like' cells. This, in turn, contributes to the development of atheromatous plaques-a favorable environment for chlamydia, where it can survive for an extended period and trigger immunopathological mechanisms

    Peculiarities of the State of the Body's Immunoprotective Functions, Bacterioscopic and Cytological Studies in the Presence of a Chronic Inflammatory Process of the Reproductive System

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    At the current stage, the state of health of the Ukrainian nation of reproductive age is characterized by a low birth rate. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system significantly affect the health of millions of people of childbearing age. Chronic inflammation is characterized by a protracted, often erased course, a tendency to relapse, the presence of complications and resistance to therapy. The development and formation of inflammatory diseases are based on interconnected processes that begin with acute inflammation and end with destructive changes, therefore the assessment of the body's adaptive capabilities is increasingly considered one of the most important health criteria. There is a whole series of integral hematological indicators that allow you to assess the state of various parts of the immune system without resorting to special research methods