1,209 research outputs found


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    Altai collision system of Hercynides was formed in Late Paleozoic as a result of oblique collision of Siberian continent and Kazakhstan composed terrane [Vladimirov et al., 2003; 2008; Xiao et al., 2010]. At the late stages of its evolution (time interval from 310–300 to 280–270 Ma) the huge different mafic and felsic magmatism occurred at the territory (Fig. 1) [Vladimirov et al., 2008; Khromykh et al., 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016; Kotler et al., 2015; Sokolova et al., 2016]. It is evident about increased thermal gradient in lithosphere and about significant role of mantle and active manifestation of mantle-crust interactions. Some magmatic complexes may be considered as indicators of mantle-crust interaction processes.Altai collision system of Hercynides was formed in Late Paleozoic as a result of oblique collision of Siberian continent and Kazakhstan composed terrane [Vladimirov et al., 2003; 2008; Xiao et al., 2010]. At the late stages of its evolution (time interval from 310–300 to 280–270 Ma) the huge different mafic and felsic magmatism occurred at the territory (Fig. 1) [Vladimirov et al., 2008; Khromykh et al., 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016; Kotler et al., 2015; Sokolova et al., 2016]. It is evident about increased thermal gradient in lithosphere and about significant role of mantle and active manifestation of mantle-crust interactions. Some magmatic complexes may be considered as indicators of mantle-crust interaction processes

    Prospects of Russian-China technology exchange partnership and digitalization: current trends and future developments

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    The authors aim to answer the question of whether the partnership between the Russian Federation and China will be long-term by studying the main indicators of scientific development of the two countries.The main objective of the article is to assess the overall impact of technology exchange on the economy of both countries, so that the proof of bilateral benefits is based on fact

    Konus-Wind and Helicon-Coronas-F Observations of Solar Flares

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    Results of solar flare observations obtained in the Konus-Wind experiment from November, 1994 to December, 2013 and in the Helicon Coronas-F experiment during its operation from 2001 to 2005, are presented. For the periods indicated Konus-Wind detected in the trigger mode 834 solar flares, and Helicon-Coronas-F detected more than 300 solar flares. A description of the instruments and data processing techniques are given. As an example, the analysis of the spectral evolution of the flares SOL2012-11-08T02:19 (M 1.7) and SOL2002-03-10T01:34 (C5.1) is made with the Konus-Wind data and the flare SOL2003-10-26T06:11 (X1.2) is analyzed in the 2.223 MeV deuterium line with the Helicon-Coronas-F data.Comment: Published version. A list of the Konus-Wind solar flare triggers and figures of their time profiles are available at http://www.ioffe.ru/LEA/Solar

    Images of memory in the coronation strategies of the russian autocracy of the 18th - first third of the 19 th centuries: political and legal aspect

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    The article examines the main tendencies of the memorial policy of the Russian autocracy, aimed at legitimizing the special status of the bearers of the supreme state power in the political system of the Russian Empire. On the basis of sources of law of a legislative nature and other official legal texts, the political and legal potential of coronation strategies of the period of formation and development of the imperial state legal system is revealed. According to the author, one of the key directions of the legal policy of the time under study was the legitimization of the super-class image of the autocratic monarch as the only guarantor of national state unity. In the conditions of a long absence of legislative support for the legal status of ruling persons, the appeal to visual-mnemonic means of influencing the mass legal consciousness was distinguished by the continuity of ideas and images, received legal support and, in general, was considered by the ruling elite as a means of strengthening the authoritarian model of relations of citizenship.В статье рассматриваются основные тенденции мемориальной политики российского самодержавия, нацеленные на легитимацию особого статуса носителей верховной государственной власти в политической системе Российской империи. На основе источников права законодательного характера и иных официальных юридических текстов выявляется политико-юридический потенциал коронационных стратегий периода становления и развития имперской государственно-правовой системы. По мнению автора, одним из ключевых направлений юридической политики исследуемого времени стала легитимация надсословного имиджа самодержавного монарха как единственного гаранта общенационального государственного единства. В условиях длительного отсутствия законодательного обеспечения правового статуса правящих лиц обращение к визуально-мнемоническим средствам воздействия на массовое правосознание отличалось преемственностью идей и образов, получало юридическое сопровождение и, в целом, рассматривалось правящей элитой как средство укрепления авторитарной модели отношений подданства

    The politics of memory in the supra-verbal ideologies of the Russian coronation ceremony

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    The article is devoted to the identification of supranational political and legal strategies that were used by the Russian ruling elite during the institutionalization of the monarch's autocratic power and ensuring its dominant position in the political system of the Russian Empire. With political and legal point of view, class legisla-tion was seen as the main tool of the media exposure of the autocracy in all social strata with the purpose of concentration of socio-political resources to achieve na-tional interests. The ineffectiveness of legal means, which make it possible to main-tain the image of the Supreme power in a paternalistic way, predetermined the special attention of official circles to the visual-mnemonic means and representative possibilities of memory policy.Статья посвящена выявлению надсословных политико-юридических стратегий, которые применялись российской правящей элитой в ходе институционализации самодержавной власти монарха и обеспечения его доминирующего положения в политической системе Российской империи. С политико-юридической точки зрения сословное законодательство рассматривалось как основной инструмент воздействия носителей самодержавия на все социальные слои общества с целью концентрации социально-политических ресурсов для достижения общегосударственных интересов. Неэффективность правовых средств, дающих возможность поддержать имидж верховной власти в патерналистском ключе, предопределила особое внимание официальных кругов к визуально-мнемоническим средствам и репрезентативным возможностям политики памяти

    Anthropological approach in the historical and legal studies of the super-wordy strategies of the Russian state during the period of the new age: problems and prospects

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    The article discusses the correlation of explanatory and interpretative models of scientific knowledge in historical and legal science, traditionally aimed at identi-fying the historical continuity of legal structures and legal systems in accordance with the formal-logical approach to the assessment of sources of law. Using the example of a supra-class problem related to the clarification of the political and legal context of the institutionalization of the class institutions of the Russian autocracy, it is concluded that the anthropological approach is consistent with the sociocultural nature of the history of the state and law.В статье рассматривается соотношение объяснительной и интерпретационной моделей научного знания в историко-правовой науке, традиционно нацеленной на выявление исторической преемственности юридических конструкций и правовых систем в соответствии с формально-логическим подходом к оценке источников права. На примере надсословной проблематики, связанной с уяснением политико-юридического контекста институционализации сословных институтов российского самодержавия сделан вывод о соответствии антропологического подхода социокультурной природе истории государства и права


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    El artículo está dedicado al análisis de la implementación potencial de las áreas de libre comercio (TLC) sobre una base doble y múltiple y los principales problemas de desarrollo de las relaciones económicas entre la Unión Económica Euroasiática (EAEU) y el República Socialista de Vietnam (la SRV). El análisis del comercio exterior entre países de la EAEU y Vietnam se realiza sobre la base del modelo de gravedad del autor que puede usarse para analizar el desarrollo de las conexiones de comercio exterior entre la EAEU y otros países. Según el modelo de gravedad del autor, se demuestra que el Tratado de Libre Comercio es un instrumento bastante efectivo para las relaciones comerciales de desarrollo entre paísesO artigo é dedicado à análise da potencial implementação de áreas de livre comércio (TLC) em dois lados e em vários lados e os principais problemas de desenvolvimento das relações econômicas entre a União Econômica da Eurásia (EAEU) e a República Socialista do Vietnã (SRV). A análise do comércio exterior entre os países da EAEU e o Vietnã é realizada com base no modelo de gravidade do autor, que pode ser usado para analisar o desenvolvimento de conexões de comércio exterior entre a EAEU e outros países. De acordo com o modelo de gravidade do autor, está provado que o Acordo de Livre Comércio é um instrumento bastante eficaz para o desenvolvimento das relações comerciais entre os países.The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential implementation of free trade areas (the FTA) on a two-sided and many-sided basis and main problems of development the economic relations between the Eurasian Economic Union (the EAEU) and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (the SRV). The analysis of the foreign trade between countries of the EAEU and Vietnam is fulfilled on the base of author’s gravity model which can be used fo

    Topological energy barrier for skyrmion lattice formation in MnSi

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    We report the direct measurement of the topological skyrmion energy barrier through a hysteresis of the skyrmion lattice in the chiral magnet MnSi. Measurements were made using small-angle neutron scattering with a custom-built resistive coil to allow for high-precision minor hysteresis loops. The experimental data was analyzed using an adapted Preisach model to quantify the energy barrier for skyrmion formation and corroborated by the minimum-energy path analysis based on atomistic spin simulations. We reveal that the skyrmion lattice in MnSi forms from the conical phase progressively in small domains, each of which consisting of hundreds of skyrmions, and with an activation barrier of several eV.Comment: Final accepted versio

    Microbial risk assessment of drinking water based on hydrodynamic modelling of pathogen concentrations in source water

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    Norovirus contamination of drinking water sources is an important cause of waterborne disease outbreaks. Knowledge on pathogen concentrations in source water is needed to assess the ability of a drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) to provide safe drinking water. However, pathogen enumeration in source water samples is often not sufficient to describe the source water quality. In this study, the norovirus concentrations were characterised at the contamination source, i.e. in sewage discharges. Then, the transport of norovirus within the water source (the river Gota alv in Sweden) under different loading conditions was simulated using a hydrodynamic model. Based on the estimated concentrations in source water, the required reduction of norovirus at the DWTP was calculated using quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA). The required reduction was compared with the estimated treatment performance at the DWTP. The average estimated concentration in source water varied between 4.8 x 10(2) and 7.5 x 10(3) genome equivalents L-1; and the average required reduction by treatment was between 7.6 and 8.8 Log(10). The treatment performance at the DWTP was estimated to be adequate to deal with all tested loading conditions, but was heavily dependent on chlorine disinfection, with the risk of poor reduction by conventional treatment and slow sand filtration. To our knowledge, this is the first article to employ discharge-based QMRA, combined with hydrodynamic modelling, in the context of drinking water. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved