44 research outputs found

    Photoproduction of mesons off nuclei

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    Recent results for the photoproduction of mesons off nuclei are reviewed. These experiments have been performed for two major lines of research related to the properties of the strong interaction. The investigation of nucleon resonances requires light nuclei as targets for the extraction of the isospin composition of the electromagnetic excitations. This is done with quasi-free meson photoproduction off the bound neutron and supplemented with the measurement of coherent photoproduction reactions, serving as spin and/or isospin filters. Furthermore, photoproduction from light and heavy nuclei is a very efficient tool for the study of the interactions of mesons with nuclear matter and the in-medium properties of hadrons. Experiments are currently rapidly developing due to the combination of high quality tagged (and polarized) photon beams with state-of-the-art 4pi detectors and polarized targets

    Dependence of calculated binding energies and widths of η\eta-mesic nuclei on treatment of subthreshold η\eta-nucleon interaction

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    We demonstrate that the binding energies and widths of eta-mesic nuclei depend strongly on subthreshold eta-N interaction. This strong dependence is made evident from comparing three different eta-nucleus optical potentials: (1) a microscopic optical potential taking into account the full effects of off-shell eta-nucleon interactions; (2) a factorization approximation to the microscopic optical potential where a downward energy shift parameter is introduced to approximate the subthreshold eta-nucleon interaction; and (3) an optical potential using on-shell eta-nucleon scattering length as the interaction input. Our analysis indicates that the in-medium η\etaN interaction for bound-state formation is about 30 MeV below the free-space η\etaN threshold, which causes a substantial reduction of the attractive force between the η\eta and nucleon with respect to that implied by the scattering length. Consequently, the scattering-length approach overpredicts the binding energies and caution must be exercised when these latter predictions are used as guide in searching for η\eta-nucleus bound states. We also show that final-state-interaction analysis cannot provide an unequivocal determination of the existence of η\eta-nucleus bound state. More direct measurements are, therefore, necessary.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Creation of the precision magnetic spectrometer SCAN-3

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    The new JINR project [1] is aimed at studies of highly excited nuclear matter created in nuclei by a high-energy deuteron beam. The matter is studied through observation of its particular decay products - pairs of energetic particles with a wide opening angle, close to 180°. The new precision hybrid magnetic spectrometer SCAN-3 is to be built for detecting charged (π±, K±, p) and neutral (n) particles produced at the JINR Nuclotron internal target in dA collisions. One of the main and complex tasks is a study of low-energy ηA interaction and a search for η-bound states (η-mesic nuclei). Basic elements of the spectrometer and its characteristics are discussed in the article

    The epitaxy of gold

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    Large-scale sequencing identifies multiple genes and rare variants associated with Crohn's disease susceptibility

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified hundreds of loci associated with Crohn's disease (CD). However, as with all complex diseases, robust identification of the genes dysregulated by noncoding variants typically driving GWAS discoveries has been challenging. Here, to complement GWASs and better define actionable biological targets, we analyzed sequence data from more than 30,000 patients with CD and 80,000 population controls. We directly implicate ten genes in general onset CD for the first time to our knowledge via association to coding variation, four of which lie within established CD GWAS loci. In nine instances, a single coding variant is significantly associated, and in the tenth, ATG4C, we see additionally a significantly increased burden of very rare coding variants in CD cases. In addition to reiterating the central role of innate and adaptive immune cells as well as autophagy in CD pathogenesis, these newly associated genes highlight the emerging role of mesenchymal cells in the development and maintenance of intestinal inflammation.Large-scale sequence-based analyses identify novel risk variants and susceptibility genes for Crohn's disease, and implicate mesenchymal cell-mediated intestinal homeostasis in disease etiology.Cellular mechanisms in basic and clinical gastroenterology and hepatolog

    On the Application of the VES Production Functions to Simulate the Functioning of Economic Systems

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    Кутышкин Андрей Валентинович, д-р техн. наук, профессор, Югорский государственный университет, г. Ханты-Мансийск; [email protected]. Сокол Глеб Андреевич, инженер, Югорский государственный университет, г. Ханты-Мансийск; [email protected]. A.V. Kutyshkin, [email protected], G.A. Sokol, [email protected] Yugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian FederationПредставлены результаты моделирования функционирования экономических систем с использованием производственных функций с переменной эластичностью замещения труда капиталом (VES-функции). В настоящее время известные аналитические зависимости для VES-функций построены на основе предположений о существовании связей определенного вида между показателем фондовооруженности экономической системы и предельной нормой замещения фактора труда фактором капитала. Однако данные предположения, с одной стороны, в определенной степени ограничивают возможности построения производственных функций типа VES-функция, а с другой стороны, требуют предварительной проверки выполнения этих предположений на ретроспективных данных о функционировании рассматриваемой экономической системы. Предложенный в статье алгоритм построения производственной функции типа VES-функция не имеет указанных ограничений. Сравнительный анализ результатов моделирования функционирования экономических систем, полученных с использованием уже известных аналитических зависимостей для VES-функций и предложенного авторами алгоритма построения производственных функций этого вида, показал целесообразность использования данного алгоритма для решения задач подобного вида. При моделировании использовались статистические данные о функционировании экономических систем, опубликованные в открытой печати. The article presents the results of modeling the functioning of economic systems with the use of production functions with variable elasticity of substitution of capital for labor (VES-function). Currently known analytical dependences for the VES-functions are based on assumptions about the existence of links between certain types of assets-an indicator of the economic system and the marginal rate of substitution of labor factor capital. However, these assumptions on the one hand a certain extent, limit the possibility of building production functions such as VES-function, on the other hand require prior verification of these assumptions on historical data on the functioning of the economic system under consideration. The proposed article the algorithm for constructing the production function of type VES-function does not have these limitations. A comparative analysis of economic systems functioning of the simulation results obtained using the known analytical relationships for the VES-function and the authors proposed an algorithm for constructing this type of production functions showed the feasibility of using this algorithm for solving problems of this type. The simulation used the statistics on the functioning of economic systems, published in the open press

    On the Use of Production Function for Simulation Functioning of Regional Economy

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    Сокол Глеб Андреевич, аспирант, Югорский государственный университет, г. Ханты- Мансийск; [email protected]. Кутышкин Андрей Валентинович, д-р техн. наук, профессор, Югорский государственный университет, г. Ханты-Мансийск; [email protected]. Петров Алексей Аверьянович, канд. физ.-мат. наук, доцент, Югорский государственный университет, г. Ханты-Мансийск; [email protected]. G.A. Sokol, [email protected], A.V. Kutyshkin, [email protected], A.A. Petrov, [email protected] Yugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian FederationПредставлены результаты построения неоклассических производственных функций типа CES-функция и VES-функция, описывающих функционирование региональной экономической системы Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – ЮГРА. Производственные функции являются важным элементом достаточно большого количества моделей регионального развития и позволяют не только в явном функциональном виде описывать поведение экономики региона, но и проводить количественный анализ ее эффективности, используя сопутствующий расчетно-аналитический аппарат. Неоклассические производственные функции типа CES-функция чаще всего используются для описания функционирования различных экономических систем, в том числе и экономической системы региона. Применение же неоклассических производственных функций типа VES-функция для решения указанной задачи встречается крайне редко. Производственные функции обоих типов были представлены в классической двухфакторной форме, однако с учетом современных тенденций в данной области в качестве факторов затрат рассматриваемой экономической системы использовались экономические показатели, отличные от канонических. Для построения производственных функций использовались статистические данные, характеризующие социально-экономическое состояние Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – ЮГРА, опубликованные в открытой печати. The article presents the results of the construction of the neoclassical CES and the VES production function, describing the functions-conditioning system of regional economic Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra. Production functions are an important element of a sufficiently large number of regional development models and make it possible not only in the explicit functional form to describe the behavior of economic region, but also to carry out a quantitative analysis of its effectiveness, is-using collateral settlement and analytical apparatus. Neoclassical production functions such as CES-function is most often used to describe the functioning of various economic systems, including the regional economic system. The use of the neoclassical production functions such as VES - function to solve this problem meets is extremely rare. The production of both types of functions have been presented in the form of a classic two-factor, but given the current trends in this area as the cost factors considered economic system used by the economic indicators that are different from the canonical-ray. To construct production functions used statistical-parameter data describing the socio-economic condition of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, published in the public press-minute