54 research outputs found

    Paradigm shift in treatment of coarctation of the aorta?

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    Thoracic Surger

    Helium implanted FeCr alloys studied by positron annihilation lifetime technique

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    The influence of chromium on the radiation damage resistance of iron based alloys has been studied using conventional positron lifetime technique and a pulsed low energy positron beam. To simulate high neutron flux, the helium implantation has been used. Different levels of helium doses (6.24·10¹⁷–3.12·10¹⁸ cm⁻²) corresponding to a local damage of up to 90 dpa were accumulated in a thin 1 nm) and small vacancy clusters together with the initial dislocations and small point defects.Досліджувався вплив хрому на стійкість до радіаційного пошкодження сплавів на основі заліза за допомогою загальновизнаного методу вимірювання часу життя позитронів та імпульсного пучка позитронів низької енергії. Різні рівні доз гелію (6,24·10¹⁷– 3,12·101¹⁸см⁻²), що відповідають локальному пошкодженню до 90 зсувів/атом, накопичувались в області товщиною не менш 1 мкм. У даній роботі використовувались чотири бінарних сплави Fe-Cr (2,6; 4,6; 8,4; 11,6 ваг.% Cr). Отримані результати показують, що хром має значний вплив на розмір та розподіл створених дефектів. Характер цих дефектів визначався у вигляді великих пор (>1 нм) і малих вакансійних кластерів поряд з початковими дислокаціями і малими точковими дефектамиИсследовалось влияние хрома на стойкость к радиационному повреждению сплавов на основе железа с помощью общепринятого метода измерения времени жизни позитронов и импульсного пучка позитронов низкой энергии. Различные уровни доз гелия (6,24·10¹⁷– 3,12·101¹⁸см⁻²), соответствующие локальному повреждению до 90 смещ./атом, накапливались в области толщиной менее 1 мкм. В настоящей работе использовались четыре бинарных сплава Fe-Cr (2,6; 4,6; 8,4; 11,6 вес. % Cr ). Полученные результаты показывают, что хром оказывает значительное влияние на размер и распределение созданных дефектов. Характер этих дефектов определялся в виде больших пор (>1 нм) и малых вакансионных кластеров наряду с начальными дислокациями и малыми точечными дефектами

    Left heart growth and biventricular repair after hybrid palliation

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    OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the outcomes of biventricular repair after initial hybrid palliation performed in small infants with various forms of left ventricle hypoplasia.METHODS: Between September 2010 and January 2020, a total of 27 patients had biventricular repair after hybrid palliation at a median age of 11 days. Indications for the hybrid approach included growth promotion of the left ventricle outflow tract and/or the aortic valve in 14 patients and that of the left ventricle in 13 patients. Seven reinterventions and 7 reoperations were performed during the interstage period. Significant growth of left ventricle parameters was noted during the median interstage period of 62 days. Sixteen subjects had aortic arch repair, ventricular septal defect closure and relief of subaortic stenosis; 5 patients had the Ross-Konno procedure; 5 patients underwent the Yasui procedure; and 1 patient had unbalanced atrioventricular septal defect and aortic arch repair.RESULTS: Twenty-three patients (85.2%) are alive at a median follow-up of 3.3 years. Two and 3 patients died early and late after achieving biventricular circulation, respectively. There were 22 reinterventions and 15 reoperations after biventricular repair.CONCLUSIONS: Hybrid palliation can stimulate left heart growth in some patients with left ventricle hypoplasia. More patients may eventually achieve biventricular circulation than was initially thought. Additional interventions and operations are foreseeable. Despite ventricular rehabilitation, some patients with borderline left ventricles may develop restrictive physiology.Developmen

    Surgery for anomalous aortic origin of coronary arteries : a multicentre study from the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association

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    OBJECTIVES: We sought to describe early and late outcomes in a large surgical series of patients with anomalous aortic origin of coronary arteries. METHODS: We performed a retrospective multicentre study including surgical patients with anomalous aortic origin of coronary arteries since 1991. Patients with isolated high coronary takeoff and associated major congenital heart disease were excluded. RESULTS: We collected 156 surgical patients (median age 39.5 years, interquartile range 15-53) affected by anomalous right (67.9%), anomalous left (22.4%) and other anatomical abnormalities (9.6%). An interarterial course occurred in 86.5%, an intramural course in 62.8% and symptoms in 85.9%. The operations included coronary unroofing (56.4%), reimplantation (19.2%), coronary bypass graft (15.4%) and other (9.0%). Two patients with preoperative cardiac failure died postoperatively (1.3%). All survivors were discharged home in good clinical condition. At a median follow-up of 2 years (interquartile range 1-5, 88.5% complete), there were 3 deaths (2.2%), 9 reinterventions in 8 patients (5 interventional, 3 surgical); 91.2% are in New York Heart Association functional class <= II, but symptoms persisted in 14.2%; 48.1% of them returned to sport activity. On Kaplan-Meier analysis, event-free survival at follow-up was 74.6%. Morbidity was not significantly different among age classes, anatomical variants and types of surgical procedures. Furthermore, return to sport activity was significantly higher in younger patients who participated in sports preoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical repair of anomalous aortic origin of coronary arteries is effective and has few complications. Unroofing and coronary reimplantation are safe and are the most common procedures. The occurrence of late adverse events is not negligible, and long-term surveillance is mandatory. Most young athletes can return to an unrestrained lifestyle

    Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection: Forty-Six Years of Follow-Up

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    Dealing with kinked and swirled pulmonary vessels: surgical treatment of arterial tortuosity syndrome: a case report

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    We present the case of a child with arterial tortuosity syndrome, describing the operative findings and our surgical technique to address pulmonary arteries stenosis.Thoracic Surger

    Long-Term Outcome of Direct Relief of Subaortic Stenosis in Single Ventricle Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Single ventricle patients with unrestrictive pulmonary blood flow and (potential) subaortic stenosis are challenging to manage and optimal surgical strategy is unknown. Direct relief of subaortic stenosis by enlargement of the ventricular septal defect and/or subaortic chamber has generally been replaced by a Damus-Kaye-Stansel or Norwood procedure due to concerns of iatrogenic heart block, reobstruction, or ventricular dysfunction. Studies reporting long-term outcome after the direct approach are limited. The aim of our study was to describe and analyze our experience with direct relief of subaortic stenosis in single ventricle patients