2,488 research outputs found

    Japanese encephalitis immunization in South Korea: past, present, and future.

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    Japanese encephalitis (JE), once a major public health problem in South Korea, has declined since the 1980s, as a result of improved living conditions, a mosquito eradication program, and a national JE vaccination program, which includes annual booster vaccine for all children less than or equal to 15 years of age. Increased immunity has greatly reduced illness and death; however, vaccine adverse effects are increasing, and a National Compensation Program for Vaccine Injury was begun in 1995. This article reviews past successes, current problems, and future direction of the JE vaccination program in South Korea

    Multivariable polynomial injections on rational numbers

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    For each number field k, the Bombieri-Lang conjecture for k-rational points on surfaces of general type implies the existence of a polynomial f(x,y) in k[x,y] inducing an injection k x k --> k.Comment: 4 page

    Peter Eisenman en los años noventa

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    Reseña de 'Re:Working Eisenman' (Academy Editions, Londres y Ernst & Sohn, Berlín, 1993) y 'Cities of Artificial Excavation: The Work of Peter Eisenman, 1978-1988' (CCA, Montreal y Rizzoli International, Nueva York, 1994)

    Learning Discourse-level Diversity for Neural Dialog Models using Conditional Variational Autoencoders

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    While recent neural encoder-decoder models have shown great promise in modeling open-domain conversations, they often generate dull and generic responses. Unlike past work that has focused on diversifying the output of the decoder at word-level to alleviate this problem, we present a novel framework based on conditional variational autoencoders that captures the discourse-level diversity in the encoder. Our model uses latent variables to learn a distribution over potential conversational intents and generates diverse responses using only greedy decoders. We have further developed a novel variant that is integrated with linguistic prior knowledge for better performance. Finally, the training procedure is improved by introducing a bag-of-word loss. Our proposed models have been validated to generate significantly more diverse responses than baseline approaches and exhibit competence in discourse-level decision-making.Comment: Appeared in ACL2017 proceedings as a long paper. Correct a calculation mistake in Table 1 E-bow & A-bow and results into higher score

    Sensing motion using spectral and spatial analysis of WLAN RSSI

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    In this paper we present how motion sensing can be obtained just by observing the WLAN radio signal strength and its fluctuations. The temporal, spectral and spatial characteristics of WLAN signal are analyzed. Our analysis confirms our claim that ’signal strength from access points appear to jump around more vigorously when the device is moving compared to when it is still and the number of detectable access points vary considerably while the user is on the move’. Using this observation, we present a novel motion detection algorithm, Spectrally Spread Motion Detection (SpecSMD) based on the spectral analysis of WLAN signal’s RSSI. To benchmark the proposed algorithm, we used Spatially Spread Motion Detection (SpatSMD), which is inspired by the recent work of Sohn et al. Both algorithms were evaluated by carrying out extensive measurements in a diverse set of conditions (indoors in different buildings and outdoors - city center, parking lot, university campus etc.,) and tested against the same data sets. The 94% average classification accuracy of the proposed SpecSMD is outperforming the accuracy of SpatSMD (accuracy 87%). The motion detection algorithms presented in this paper provide ubiquitous methods for deriving the state of the user. The algorithms can be implemented and run on a commodity device with WLAN capability without the need of any additional hardware support

    Sources of International Law

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    To summarize, States can agree on international law begin made in any way they wish. Once they agree on a method, the matter is over. As I have pointed out, every few y ears we invent a new method; there is no end to ingenuity of human beings. by the year 2000, there might be one or two more methods. We are still applying the 19th century rule that international law is made by the community of states, but in every generation the community has been able to invent new methods for crystallizing international law. We finally have accepted the principle that it is important to be able to establish new international law quickly in certain circumstances. We cannot wait any longer for the ratification by all states because it takes too long. We read recently that the Security Council adopted a resolution establishing the International Tribunal for War Crimes in Bosnia. The states agreed: we want it done, it cannot be done quickly otherwise, we don\u27t need a treaty, a decision of the Security Council is sufficient. The tribunal\u27s statute was drafted by the Secretary-General, the Security Council approved it, the tribunal was established. Thus, it was done, promptly and efficiently. An important international institution was established by another new method

    Die Gottespest

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    Digitalisat der Ausgabe von 1923, erschienen 201

    Síntesis social y abstracción idealista. Tentativas materialistas sobre la filosofía del idealismo

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    Este trabajo se inserta dentro del proyecto de investigación: «Justicia, Ciudadanía y Vulnerabilidad. Narrativas de la precariedad y enfoques interseccionales». Referencia: FFI2015-63895-C2-1-REste artículo presenta una lectura de los momentos de afinidad y diferencia que existen entre las propuestas de interpretación materialista de la filosofía kantiana en A. Sohn-Rethel y Th. W. Adorno. Con sus propios matices, ambos autores utilizan las nociones de fetichismo de la mercancía y síntesis social para mostrar que el concepto de sujeto trascendental no sólo representa el índice de la máxima abstracción que se persigue en la teoría idealista de conocimiento, sino también la forma de la sociedad como sistema funcional de dominio.This paper presents a comparative account of the developments of A. Sohn-Rethel’s and Th. W. Adorno’s interpretation of Kantian Philosophy from a materialistic position. They utilize the notions of commodity fetishism or social synthesis in order to articulate their theories of social domination. Their analyzes show that the concept of the transcendental subject represents not only something abstract, but the society unaware of itself

    Factores de influencia sobre la frecuencia de accidentes en la red de carreteras del estado, mediante árboles de regresión y clasificación.

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    En este trabajo se ha explorado la aplicación de modelos de árboles de regresión y clasificación para el comportamiento de la variable dependiente accidentes, con la intensidad de tráfico, el porcentaje de vehículos pesados, una medida de la velocidad y el tipo funcional de carretera en tramos de la red de carreteras del Estado. Este tipo de modelos de minería de datos permiten extraer patrones de comportamiento e interacciones no fácilmente detectables mediante otro tipo de análisis. Estos modelos de gran potencial, permitieron extraer información relevante, en lo concerniente a: • La relevancia de las variables disponibles para la explicación del fenómeno de los accidentes. • Las interacciones complejas existentes. • Patrones de comportamiento. Mediante los modelos de árboles de regresión para la variable respuesta número total de accidentes se ha evaluado el grado de importancia de las variables explicativas disponibles, así como las interacciones existentes entre las distintas variables. La variable de mayor influencia para la explicación de la frecuencia de accidentes en las carreteras es el tráfico medio anual, medida indirecta de la exposición en un tramo concreto. A medida que aumenta el tráfico total, mayor es el número medio de accidentes. El segundo factor que explica el número de accidentes es el porcentaje de vehículos pesados y también aumenta con el mismo. El tipo de vía, también es un factor de influencia sobre la frecuencia: en la muestra seleccionada hay mayor número de accidentes en autopistas y vías convencionales. Los modelos de árboles de clasificación, para la variable respuesta tipo de accidente en función de factores concurrentes con el accidente, como son: tipo de vía, lugar de ocurrencia del accidente: recta, curva suave, etc., anchura de la calzada, anchura del carril, características del arcén y factores atmosféricos, permiten identificar algunos patrones de comportamiento específicos según los tipos más frecuentes de accidentes en los tramos de la muestra y los distintos factores de influencia sobre ellos. Las características de la vía (curvatura, ancho de calzada, ancho de arcén, ancho de carril) y meteorológicas condicionan el tipo de accident