10 research outputs found

    Studi Skenario Load Shedding Pada Penyulang Dalam Operasi Sistem Tenaga Listrik Menggunakan Under Frequency Relay

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    Pada operasi sistem tenaga listrik, pensuplaian tenaga listrik ke konsumen dikatakan baik apabila besarnya tegangan dan frekuensi yang diterima sesuai dengan yang ditentukan dan masih dalam batas toleransinya. Load shedding atau pelepasan beban pada penyulang dilakukan secara otomatis dengan menggunakan under frequency relay (UFR). Pada penelitian ini dibuat  simulasi program komputer untuk menganalisis tahapan  load shedding yang digunakan oleh PT. PLN (Persero) Sektor Barito sehingga dapat diketahui respon frekuensi akhir setelah dilakukan pelepasan beban dan selanjutnya mencoba memberikan usulan tahapan peleasan beban yang lain untuk mendapatkan respon frekuensi yang baik. Pada output dari simulasi program diperlihatkan untuk pembebanan maksimum 77,9 MW, frekuensi akhirnya adalah 50,61 Hz dan untuk pembebanan minimum 53 MW, frekuensi akhirnya sebesar 50,02 Hz dengan kondisi sistem kehilangan satu unit pembangkit (skenario pertama). Kemudian untuk kondisi sistem kehilangan dua unit pembangkit terbesarnya (skenario kedua), pada pembebanan maksimum 77,9 MW dan minimum 53 MW, frekuensi akhinya masing-masing sebesar 49,7 Hz dan 50,3 Hz


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    In some forms, energy is the basic input to life. Energy is equally important to improve the quality of life. Energy conservation can help reduce the demand for energy globally and indirectly improve the environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels. Pumps in drinking water companies are used for processing and distributing water to consumers. Variable frequency drives offer efficient control for the centrifugal pump, which can save the electrical energy required for its operation. Keywords: energy conservation, centrifugal pump, variable frequency drive

    Sistem Informasi Penjualan Produk Pertanian Pada Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) Sinar Bulan

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    Technological developments that are increasingly advanced and developing can be utilized to support human work, including in the government sector. One form of good government can be seen from the services provided to the public which have been carried out effectively and efficiently. In the business world, the role of information technology and reliable application programs is no longer in doubt in supporting the ability of business units to win business competition. BUMDes Sinar Bulan Village has several business units that have been developed, one of which is the sale of agricultural products, because almost all of the people of Sinar Bulan Village are farmers, so agricultural products can be used as an opportunity by the village government to increase BUMDes income. In terms of recording buying and selling transactions, it is still done manually and does not comply with the rules in the accounting application program, resulting in an ineffective and inefficient recording system. Therefore, this research aims to create a Sinar Bulan village-owned enterprise (BUMDES) application program for WEB-based sales of agricultural product

    Teknik Konservasi Energi Pada Pompa Submersible Dengan Menggunakan Variable Frequency Drive

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    Energy conservation is beneficial not only to reduce consumption and the cost of energy consumption, but also to give a better impact on the environment. In this study a simulation model is created which is a reflection of the relationship con-dition between variable frequency drive (VFD), induction motor and centrifugal pump. By creating a simulation model will be able to know the potential savings that will be provided if the variable frequency drive is used


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    This paper offers a solution for securing a simple residential installation of the dangers of electric shock. In the introduction, the background of the importance of using a protection system in electrical installations is explained and some definitions related to electric shock and RCBO. For the part of the research method, the specifications of the RCBO used are displayed and the flow of the research is also shown. In the discussion and the results it is known that RCBO will trif if there is an overload, short circuit, and electric shock caused by direct contact with the live part. For nominal current (In) from RCBO, RCBO with a value of 6 Ampere and its current sensitivity (I∆n = 30 mA) is chosen according to the RCBO on the market

    Analisis kepuasan wajib pajak Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor di Kota Mataram

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    Analisis Karakteristik Kandungan Pencemar Air Limbah dan Proses Pengolahan Air Minum Kabupaten Badung

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    Installation of water treatment is the required infrastructure in meeting the needs of clean water. During the process of water treatment it produces waste water as a byproduct that could potentially cause pollution if not properly treated. The research purposes of the study are to determine the effectiveness of compliance procedures for waste water treatment, the quality and quantity of waste water and its impact to the environment, as well as providing alternatives for waste water management strategies. Determination of samples were conducted by using purposive sampling method. Samples were taken at two sewer sedimentation and filtration points antl the other four points were taken in the water body and then compared with Governor of Bali Regulation No.8 year 2007. Samples were analywd both in situ and in the laboratory. To determine the effectiveness of the waste water treatment to the conformity assessment procedures, the field conditions were analyzed with a force-field analysis. The effectiveness of waste water management was categorized as moderate. The quality of waste water from the sedimentation basin shows the parameters of TSS (4957.50 mg/I) and Mn (81.68 mg/I), of the tub filtration TSS (665 mg/I) and Mn (12.60 mg/I). The quantity of waste sedimentation basin discharge (Q) o.68 mg/sec, TSS pollutant load (3371.01 mg/sec), Mn (55.51 mg/sec), filtration basin discharge (Q) o.68 mg/sec, load TSS pollutant (332.50 mg/sec), Mn (6.30 mg/sec). Based on the force-field analysis conducted, some alternative strategies were proposed such as building facilities for waste management, environmental m.inagement implementation based on the appropriate planning, implementation of waste water disposal permit including fulfill the technical conditions as required, technical capacity building of human resources, and land use