6,767 research outputs found

    Quantifying Information Leaks Using Reliability Analysis

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    acmid: 2632367 keywords: Model Counting, Quantitative Information Flow, Reliability Analysis, Symbolic Execution location: San Jose, CA, USA numpages: 4acmid: 2632367 keywords: Model Counting, Quantitative Information Flow, Reliability Analysis, Symbolic Execution location: San Jose, CA, USA numpages: 4acmid: 2632367 keywords: Model Counting, Quantitative Information Flow, Reliability Analysis, Symbolic Execution location: San Jose, CA, USA numpages: 4We report on our work-in-progress into the use of reliability analysis to quantify information leaks. In recent work we have proposed a software reliability analysis technique that uses symbolic execution and model counting to quantify the probability of reaching designated program states, e.g. assert violations, under uncertainty conditions in the environment. The technique has many applications beyond reliability analysis, ranging from program understanding and debugging to analysis of cyber-physical systems. In this paper we report on a novel application of the technique, namely Quantitative Information Flow analysis (QIF). The goal of QIF is to measure information leakage of a program by using information-theoretic metrics such as Shannon entropy or Renyi entropy. We exploit the model counting engine of the reliability analyzer over symbolic program paths, to compute an upper bound of the maximum leakage over all possible distributions of the confidential data. We have implemented our approach into a prototype tool, called QILURA, and explore its effectiveness on a number of case studie

    Data Science Training for the Future: Building a Carpentries Consortium

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    This presentation discussed the development of the New England Software Carpentry Library Consortium (NESCLiC), a member organization of the Carpentries. The Carpentries is a non-profit organization and international community of volunteers that develops lessons, trains instructors, and organizes workshops in data management and software development best practices for and by researchers and librarians across disciplines. Presented at the National Network of Libraries of Medicine New England Region e-Science Forum, Marlborough, MA, USA, on March 29, 2019

    Copyright Consultations Submission

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    The entertainment software industry is one of the fastest growing market segment in the global economy, with Canada rapidly establishing itself as a world leader in the multi-billion dollar global video game industry. The employment opportunities in this industry, as well as its investments in research and technology are also significant. These investments are not without risk – in the highly competitive industry of video game production the chance of a video game being a commercial failure outweighs the chances of its success. Internet piracy of video game software has also undergone explosive growth and represents a significant problem for the entertainment software industry. Video game piracy drastically reduces the industry\u27s capacity to sustain the enormously high creative costs associated with video game production, potentially leading to lost revenue, lost jobs, or worse. In an effort to protect their products from piracy, the video game industry has implemented various measures, including technological protection measures and other copy protection techniques, yet such measures are not fail-safe and are subject to circumvention. Compounding this problem, copyright law in Canada does not provide sufficient protection. Consequently, the Entertainment Software Association of Canada herein presents ways in which Canadian legislators can use copyright law to reduce piracy. Modernizing copyright law will, in turn, allow for a fair and vibrant marketplace and, in so doing, enhance both Canada‘s competitiveness and the public interest


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    L'obiettivo principale del progetto è quello di diffondere presso le aziende coinvolte la coscienza di cosa il FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) può rappresentare per il loro business, di fornire le conoscenze necessarie per fruire appieno delle opportunità ad esse offerte per poter mettere in atto nuovi modelli di business a partire dal software non proprietario. Il progetto cluster ha visto la partecipazione di 17 imprese del settore ICT (Tecnologie dell'Informazione e delle Comunicazioni).Finanziamenti::Piano del Lavoro - RA

    A Vehicle Management End-to-End Testing and Analysis Platform for Validation of Mission and Fault Management Algorithms to Reduce Risk for NASA's Space Launch System

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    The engineering development of the new Space Launch System (SLS) launch vehicle requires cross discipline teams with extensive knowledge of launch vehicle subsystems, information theory, and autonomous algorithms dealing with all operations from pre-launch through on orbit operations. The characteristics of these spacecraft systems must be matched with the autonomous algorithm monitoring and mitigation capabilities for accurate control and response to abnormal conditions throughout all vehicle mission flight phases, including precipitating safing actions and crew aborts. This presents a large and complex system engineering challenge, which is being addressed in part by focusing on the specific subsystems involved in the handling of off-nominal mission and fault tolerance with response management. Using traditional model based system and software engineering design principles from the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Systems Modeling Language (SysML), the Mission and Fault Management (M&FM) algorithms for the vehicle are crafted and vetted in specialized Integrated Development Teams (IDTs) composed of multiple development disciplines such as Systems Engineering (SE), Flight Software (FSW), Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) and the major subsystems and vehicle elements such as Main Propulsion Systems (MPS), boosters, avionics, Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC), Thrust Vector Control (TVC), and liquid engines. These model based algorithms and their development lifecycle from inception through Flight Software certification are an important focus of this development effort to further insure reliable detection and response to off-nominal vehicle states during all phases of vehicle operation from pre-launch through end of flight. NASA formed a dedicated M&FM team for addressing fault management early in the development lifecycle for the SLS initiative. As part of the development of the M&FM capabilities, this team has developed a dedicated testbed that integrates specific M&FM algorithms, specialized nominal and off-nominal test cases, and vendor-supplied physics-based launch vehicle subsystem models. Additionally, the team has developed processes for implementing and validating these algorithms for concept validation and risk reduction for the SLS program. The flexibility of the Vehicle Management End-to-end Testbed (VMET) enables thorough testing of the M&FM algorithms by providing configurable suites of both nominal and off-nominal test cases to validate the developed algorithms utilizing actual subsystem models such as MPS. The intent of VMET is to validate the M&FM algorithms and substantiate them with performance baselines for each of the target vehicle subsystems in an independent platform exterior to the flight software development infrastructure and its related testing entities. In any software development process there is inherent risk in the interpretation and implementation of concepts into software through requirements and test cases into flight software compounded with potential human errors throughout the development lifecycle. Risk reduction is addressed by the M&FM analysis group working with other organizations such as S&MA, Structures and Environments, GNC, Orion, the Crew Office, Flight Operations, and Ground Operations by assessing performance of the M&FM algorithms in terms of their ability to reduce Loss of Mission and Loss of Crew probabilities. In addition, through state machine and diagnostic modeling, analysis efforts investigate a broader suite of failure effects and associated detection and responses that can be tested in VMET to ensure that failures can be detected, and confirm that responses do not create additional risks or cause undesired states through interactive dynamic effects with other algorithms and systems. VMET further contributes to risk reduction by prototyping and exercising the M&FM algorithms early in their implementation and without any inherent hindrances such as meeting FSW processor scheduling constraints due to their target platform - ARINC 653 partitioned OS, resource limitations, and other factors related to integration with other subsystems not directly involved with M&FM such as telemetry packing and processing. The baseline plan for use of VMET encompasses testing the original M&FM algorithms coded in the same C++ language and state machine architectural concepts as that used by Flight Software. This enables the development of performance standards and test cases to characterize the M&FM algorithms and sets a benchmark from which to measure the effectiveness of M&FM algorithms performance in the FSW development and test processes

    Cogent: uniqueness types and certifying compilation

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    This paper presents a framework aimed at significantly reducing the cost of proving functional correctness for low-level operating systems components. The framework is designed around a new functional programming language, Cogent. A central aspect of the language is its uniqueness type system, which eliminates the need for a trusted runtime or garbage collector while still guaranteeing memory safety, a crucial property for safety and security. Moreover, it allows us to assign two semantics to the language: The first semantics is imperative, suitable for efficient C code generation, and the second is purely functional, providing a user-friendly interface for equational reasoning and verification of higher-level correctness properties. The refinement theorem connecting the two semantics allows the compiler to produce a proof via translation validation certifying the correctness of the generated C code with respect to the semantics of the Cogent source program. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our framework for implementation and for verification through two file system implementations

    A GPU-based survey for millisecond radio transients using ARTEMIS

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    Astrophysical radio transients are excellent probes of extreme physical processes originating from compact sources within our Galaxy and beyond. Radio frequency signals emitted from these objects provide a means to study the intervening medium through which they travel. Next generation radio telescopes are designed to explore the vast unexplored parameter space of high time resolution astronomy, but require High Performance Computing (HPC) solutions to process the enormous volumes of data that are produced by these telescopes. We have developed a combined software /hardware solution (code named ARTEMIS) for real-time searches for millisecond radio transients, which uses GPU technology to remove interstellar dispersion and detect millisecond radio bursts from astronomical sources in real-time. Here we present an introduction to ARTEMIS. We give a brief overview of the software pipeline, then focus specifically on the intricacies of performing incoherent de-dispersion. We present results from two brute-force algorithms. The first is a GPU based algorithm, designed to exploit the L1 cache of the NVIDIA Fermi GPU. Our second algorithm is CPU based and exploits the new AVX units in Intel Sandy Bridge CPUs.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures. To appear in the proceedings of ADASS XXI, ed. P.Ballester and D.Egret, ASP Conf. Se

    Validation of Ultrahigh Dependability for Software-Based Systems

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    Modern society depends on computers for a number of critical tasks in which failure can have very high costs. As a consequence, high levels of dependability (reliability, safety, etc.) are required from such computers, including their software. Whenever a quantitative approach to risk is adopted, these requirements must be stated in quantitative terms, and a rigorous demonstration of their being attained is necessary. For software used in the most critical roles, such demonstrations are not usually supplied. The fact is that the dependability requirements often lie near the limit of the current state of the art, or beyond, in terms not only of the ability to satisfy them, but also, and more often, of the ability to demonstrate that they are satisfied in the individual operational products (validation). We discuss reasons why such demonstrations cannot usually be provided with the means available: reliability growth models, testing with stable reliability, structural dependability modelling, as well as more informal arguments based on good engineering practice. We state some rigorous arguments about the limits of what can be validated with each of such means. Combining evidence from these different sources would seem to raise the levels that can be validated; yet this improvement is not such as to solve the problem. It appears that engineering practice must take into account the fact that no solution exists, at present, for the validation of ultra-high dependability in systems relying on complex software
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