174 research outputs found
Quasistatic Adhesive Contact of Piezoelectric Cylinders
We consider two mathematical models which describe the antiplane shear deformation of a piezoelectric cylinder in adhesive contact with a rigid foundation. The material is assumed to be electro-viscoelastic in the first model and electro-elastic in the second one. In both models the process is quasistatic, the foundation is electrically conductive and the adhesion is described with a surface variable, the bonding field. We derive a variational formulation of the models which is given by a system coupling two variational equations for the displacement and the electric potential fields, respectively, and a differential equation for the bonding field. Then we prove the existence of a unique weak solution to each model. We also investigate the behavior of the solution of the electro-viscoelastic problem as the viscosity converges to zero and prove that it converges to the solution of the corresponding electro-elastic problem
Analysis of an Antiplane Contact Problem with Adhesion for Electro-Viscoelastic Materials
We consider a mathematical model which describes the antiplane shear deformation of a cylinder in frictionless contact with a rigid foundation. The adhesion of the contact surfaces, caused by the glue, is taken into account. The material is assumed to be electro-viscoelastic and the foundation is assumed to be electrically conductive. We derive a variational formulation of the model which is given by a system coupling an evolutionary variational equality for the displacement field, a time-dependent variational equation for the electric potential field and a differential equation for the bonding field. Then we prove the existence of a unique weak solution to the model. The proof is based on arguments of evolution equations with monotone operators and fixed point
Dual formulation of a quasistatic viscoelastic contact problem with tresca's friction law
International audienceWe consider quasistatic evolution of a viscoelastic body which is in bilateral frictional contact with a rigid foundation, We derive two variational formulations for the problem: the primal formulation in terms of the displacements and the dual formulation in terms of the stress field. We prove the existence of a unique solution to each one and establish the equivalence between the two variational formulations. We also prove the continuous dependence of the solution on the friction yield limit
A piezoelectric contact problem with slip dependent coefficient of friction
We consider a mathematical model which describes the static frictional contact between a piezoelectric body and an obstacle. The constitutive relation of the material is assumed to be electroelastic and involves a nonlinear elasticity operator. The contact is modelled with a version of Coulomb's law of dry friction in which the coefficient of friction depends on the slip. We derive a variational formulation for the model which is in form of a coupled system involving as unknowns the displacement field and the electric potential. Then we provide the existence of a weak solution to the model and, under a smallness assumption, we provide its uniqueness. The proof is based on a result obtained in [14] in the study of elliptic quasi‐variational inequalities.
Pjezoelektriko sąlyčio su priklausomu nuo slydimo trinties koeficiento uždavinys
Mes nagrinėjame matematinį modelį, kuris aprašo sąlytį˛ tarp pjezoelektriko ir kliūties. Laikoma, kad medžiaga yra elektroelastinė ir nusakoma netiesiniu elastingumo operatoriumi. Sąlytis modeliuojamas remiamtis sausos trinties Coulomb’o dėsniu, kuriame trinties koeficientas priklauso nuo slydimo. Mes gavome variacinį modelio formulavimą lygčių sistemos formoje, kurios nežinomaisiais yra perkeltasis laukas ir elektrinis potencialas. Įrodomas sprendinio silpnąja prasme egzistavimas ir su nedidelėmis prielaidomis vienatis. Įrodymas paremtas rezultatais gautais [14] darbe, kuriame tiriamos elipsinės kvazivariacinės nelygybės.
First Published Online: 14 Oct 201
Finite difference lattice Boltzmann model with flux limiters for liquid-vapor systems
In this paper we apply a finite difference lattice Boltzmann model to study
the phase separation in a two-dimensional liquid-vapor system. Spurious
numerical effects in macroscopic equations are discussed and an appropriate
numerical scheme involving flux limiter techniques is proposed to minimize them
and guarantee a better numerical stability at very low viscosity. The phase
separation kinetics is investigated and we find evidence of two different
growth regimes depending on the value of the fluid viscosity as well as on the
liquid-vapor ratio.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.
Collective dynamics of colloids at fluid interfaces
The evolution of an initially prepared distribution of micron sized colloidal
particles, trapped at a fluid interface and under the action of their mutual
capillary attraction, is analyzed by using Brownian dynamics simulations. At a
separation \lambda\ given by the capillary length of typically 1 mm, the
distance dependence of this attraction exhibits a crossover from a logarithmic
decay, formally analogous to two-dimensional gravity, to an exponential decay.
We discuss in detail the adaption of a particle-mesh algorithm, as used in
cosmological simulations to study structure formation due to gravitational
collapse, to the present colloidal problem. These simulations confirm the
predictions, as far as available, of a mean-field theory developed previously
for this problem. The evolution is monitored by quantitative characteristics
which are particularly sensitive to the formation of highly inhomogeneous
structures. Upon increasing \lambda\ the dynamics show a smooth transition from
the spinodal decomposition expected for a simple fluid with short-ranged
attraction to the self-gravitational collapse scenario.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, revised, matches version accepted for
publication in the European Physical Journal
Lattice Boltzmann simulations in microfluidics: probing the no-slip boundary condition in hydrophobic, rough, and surface nanobubble laden microchannels
In this contribution we review recent efforts on investigations of the effect
of (apparent) boundary slip by utilizing lattice Boltzmann simulations. We
demonstrate the applicability of the method to treat fundamental questions in
microfluidics by investigating fluid flow in hydrophobic and rough
microchannels as well as over surfaces covered by nano- or microscale gas
bubbles.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
Simulating liquid-vapor phase separation under shear with lattice Boltzmann method
We study liquid-vapor phase separation under shear via the Shan-Chen lattice
Boltzmann model. Besides the rheological characteristics, we analyze the
Kelvin-Helmholtz(K-H) instability resulting from the tangential velocity
difference of the fluids on two sides of the interface. We discuss also the
growth behavior of droplets. The domains being close to the walls are
lamellar-ordered, where the hydrodynamic effects dominate. The patterns in the
bulk of the system are nearly isotropic, where the domain growth results mainly
from the diffusion mechanism. Both the interfacial tension and the K-H
instability make the liquid-bands near the walls tend to rupture. When the
shear rate increases, the inequivalence of evaporation in the upstream and
coagulation in the downstream of the flow as well as the role of surface
tension makes the droplets elongate obliquely. Stronger convection makes easier
the transferring of material particles so that droplets become larger.Comment: Science in China (Series G) (in press
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