15 research outputs found

    Active Teaching/Learning at Faculty of Agriculture ā€“ 10 Years of Experience

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    The course in active teaching/learning (ATL) together with the method of lecture assessment by sequential analysis was developed by a pioneering group of experts from the Institute of Psychology. It was developed further and improved by adding research skills, aspects on quality assessment and examination procedures, relevant drama skills and techniques for interactive e-learning. The modules which we developed and implemented at Faculty of Agriculture several times in last 10 years had an impact on the quality of teaching of teachers as well as positive consequences to the student success

    Značaj funkcionalne anatomije u istraživanjima transporta vode i asimilata u plodove u razvoju

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    The yield of crop plants and fruit growth depends, to a large extent, on the efficiency of the vascular tissue, in optimal conditions, as well as in stress conditions. Most of the material on which fruit growth depends is transported from the stem into the fruit through the fruit pedicel, by the xylem and phloem, so the anatomy of fruit pedicel is an important factor in understanding water transport from stem to fruit. This paper provides an overview of micro-morphological research of the tomato fruit pedicel using various methods in the Laboratory for Functional Anatomy of Crop Plants at the Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University. Such an approach is important for understanding transport mechanisms as important physiological processes occurring during fruit growth.Prinos gajenih biljaka i rast plodova u velikoj meri zavisi od efikasnosti provodnog sistema, kao u optimalnim uslovima, tako i u uslovima vodnog deficita. Većina materija od kojih zavisi rast plodova, transportuje se u plod kroz peteljku ploda ksilemom i floemom, pa je tako anatomija peteljke važan faktor za razumevanje transporta vode i asimilata. U ovom radu dat je pregled mikromorfoloÅ”kih istraživanja peteljki plodova paradajza primenom različitih metoda. Ovakav pristup je važan za razumevanje transportnih mehanizama kao važnih činilaca fizioloÅ”kih procesa značajnih za rast i sazrevanje ploda

    Dissecting a wheat QTL for yield present in a range of environments: from the QTL to candidate genes

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    Previous studies with 95 bread wheat doubled haploid lines (DHLs) from the cross Chinese Spring (CS)xSQ1 trialled over 24 yearxtreatmentxlocations identified major yield quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in homoeologous locations on 7AL and 7BL, expressed mainly under stressed and non-stressed conditions, respectively. SQ1 and CS contributed alleles increasing yield on 7AL and 7BL, respectively. The yield component most strongly associated with these QTLs was grains per ear. Additional results which focus on the 7AL yield QTL are presented here. Trials monitoring agronomic, morphological, physiological, and anatomical traits revealed that the 7AL yield QTL was not associated with differences in flowering time or plant height, but with significant differences in biomass at maturity and anthesis, biomass per tiller, and biomass during tillering. In some trials, flag leaf chlorophyll content and leaf width at tillering were also associated with the QTL. Thus, it is likely that the yield gene(s) on 7AL affects plant productivity. Near-isogenic lines (NILs) for the 7AL yield QTL with CS or SQ1 alleles in an SQ1 BACKGROUND: showed the SQ1 allele to be associated with > 20% higher yield per ear, significantly higher flag leaf chlorophyll content, and wider flag leaves. Epidermal cell width and distance between leaf vascular bundles did not differ significantly between NILs, so the yield-associated gene may influence the number of cell files across the leaf through effects on cell division. Interestingly, comparative mapping with rice identified AINTEGUMENTA and G-protein subunit genes affecting lateral cell division at locations homologous to the wheat 7AL yield QTL

    WP4 ā€ Modernization of teaching contents 4.1. Need analysis for knowledge refreshment

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    This brochure is a result of the TEMPUS project ā€œBuilding Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Societyā€ (CaSA) 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013-4604/001-001). Daniela Šćepanović and Steve Quarrie were responsible for questionnaire construction, assisted by Slavica Čolić. Analysis of questionnaires was coordinated by Daniela Šćepanović, as well as final preparation and presentation of the results. For final document preparation, all CaSA Steering Committee members gave valuable contribution. For brochure final preparation Daniela Šćepanović, Vesna Poleksić and Goran Topisirović were in charge.TEMPUS Project: Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Society (CaSA) 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013 ā€“ 4604 / 001 - 001) Coordinator: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agricultur

    Active Teaching/Learning at Faculty of Agriculture ā€“ 10 Years of Experience

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    The course in active teaching/learning (ATL) together with the method of lecture assessment by sequential analysis was developed by a pioneering group of experts from the Institute of Psychology. It was developed further and improved by adding research skills, aspects on quality assessment and examination procedures, relevant drama skills and techniques for interactive e-learning. The modules which we developed and implemented at Faculty of Agriculture several times in last 10 years had an impact on the quality of teaching of teachers as well as positive consequences to the student success

    HistoloŔka analiza peteljke ploda paradajza u toku ontogeneze kao doprinos razumevanju uticaja suŔe na razvoj i karakteristike ploda

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    Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial root drying (PRD) are irrigation techniques used to save water in agriculture. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of RDI and PRD on fruit biomass and the anatomy of the vasculature system in the fruit pedicel based upon measurements of xylem and phloem areas as parameters determining hydraulic conductivity and assimilate transport during the fruit development. Data obtained point out that RDI significantly reduced yield (size and fruit number), as a consequence of reduced xylem and phloem areas. In PRD treated plants, the xylem was reduced only in the early developmental stages what could result in hydraulic and chemical isolations of the fruit, which can be considered an adaptive response. A larger phloem area in PRD plants most likely influenced yield maintenance.Regulisani deficit navodnjavanja (regulated deficit irrigation - RDI) i delimično suÅ”enje korena (partial root drying - PRD) su tehnike navodnjavanja koje se primenjuju u cilju uÅ”tede vode u poljoprivredi. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj RDI i PRD na prinos plodova i anatomiju provodnog sistema u peteljci ploda na osnovu merenja povrÅ”ine ksilema i floema kao parametara od kojih zavisi hidraulična propustljivost i transport asimilata u toku rastenja i razvića ploda. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je RDI značajno snizio prinos (veličinu i broj plodova), Å”to je posledica redukovane povrÅ”ine ksilema i floema. Redukcija ksilema kod PRD biljaka postoji samo u ranim fazama razvoja plodova, Å”to može dovesti do hidraulične i hemijske izolacije plodova, Å”to se može smatrati adaptivnim odgovorom. Veća povrÅ”ina floema kod PRD biljaka je verovatno uticala na održanje prinosa

    The histological analysis of a tomato fruit pedicel during the ontogenesis as a contribution to understanding the effect of drought on the fruit development and properties

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    Regulisani deficit navodnjavanja (regulated deficit irrigation - RDI) i delimično suÅ”enje korena (partial root drying - PRD) su tehnike navodnjavanja koje se primenjuju u cilju uÅ”tede vode u poljoprivredi. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj RDI i PRD na prinos plodova i anatomiju provodnog sistema u peteljci ploda na osnovu merenja povrÅ”ine ksilema i floema kao parametara od kojih zavisi hidraulična propustljivost i transport asimilata u toku rastenja i razvića ploda. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je RDI značajno snizio prinos (veličinu i broj plodova), Å”to je posledica redukovane povrÅ”ine ksilema i floema. Redukcija ksilema kod PRD biljaka postoji samo u ranim fazama razvoja plodova, Å”to može dovesti do hidraulične i hemijske izolacije plodova, Å”to se može smatrati adaptivnim odgovorom. Veća povrÅ”ina floema kod PRD biljaka je verovatno uticala na održanje prinosa.Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial root drying (PRD) are irrigation techniques used to save water in agriculture. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of RDI and PRD on fruit biomass and the anatomy of the vasculature system in the fruit pedicel based upon measurements of xylem and phloem areas as parameters determining hydraulic conductivity and assimilate transport during the fruit development. Data obtained point out that RDI significantly reduced yield (size and fruit number), as a consequence of reduced xylem and phloem areas. In PRD treated plants, the xylem was reduced only in the early developmental stages what could result in hydraulic and chemical isolations of the fruit, which can be considered an adaptive response. A larger phloem area in PRD plants most likely influenced yield maintenance

    Regulisani deficit navodnjavanja (RDI) i delimično suŔenje korena (PRD) - efekat na rastenje i funkcionalnu anatomiju paradajza

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    The experiment was carried out to study the theoretical BACKGROUND: of the effects of new deficit irrigation methods (regulated deficit irrigation -RDI and partial rootzone drying - PRD) on tomato plant and fruit growth. The RDI treatment was 50% of water given to fully irrigated (FI) plants and the PRD treatment was 50% of water of FI plants applied to one half of the root system while the other half dried down, with irrigation shifted when soil water content of the dry side decreased to ca. 20%. Plant and fruit growth parameters were measured as well as functional anatomy parameters (xy-lem and phloem areas in fruit pedicels). RDI significantly reduced plant and fruit growth, though PRD reduced shoot growth while having no significant effect on fruit growth. Anatomy data showed that PRD treatment increased phloem area and reduced xylem area in earlier stages of fruit development, although RDI reduced xylem area at the abscission zone in all phases of fruit development. This could lead to hydraulic and chemical isolation of fruits. Greater hydraulic isolation of PRD fruits from the rest of plant could be theoretical explanation why PRD treatment did not significantly influenced tomato fruit growth and yield.Eksperiment je postavljen sa ciljem da ispita teorijsku osnovu efekata novih metoda deficita navodnjavanja (regulisanog deficita navodnjavanja - RDI i delimičnog suÅ”enja korenova - PRD) na rastenje biljaka i plodova paradajza. Biljke izložene RDI tretmanu zalivane su sa 50% vode u poređenju sa optimalno navodnjavanim biljkama (FI). Kod biljaka izloženih PRD tretmanu polovina korenovog sistema zalivana je sa 50% vode, druga polovina korena nije zalivana, pri čemu je vrÅ”ena inverzija strana kada se vlažnost supstrata u nezalivanoj strani spustila na oko 20%. Mereni su parametri rastenja biljaka i plodova kao i funkcionalna anatomija peteljke ploda (povrÅ”ine ksilema i floema). RDI tretman je značajno redukovao rastenje biljaka i plodova, dok je PRD tretman redukovao rastenje izdanka, ali nije imao značajan efekat na rastenje ploda. Anatomski rezultati pokazuju da je PRD tretman uticao na povećanje povrÅ”ine floema i redukciju povrÅ”ine ksilema u ranim fazama razvića ploda, dok je RDI tretman redukovao povrÅ”inu ksilema u zoni abscisije u svim fazama razvića ploda. To bi mogao biti uzrok hidraulične i hemijske izolovanosti plodova. Veća hidraulična izolovanost PRD plodova od ostatka biljke može biti teorijsko objaÅ”njenje zbog čega ovaj tretman nije značajno uticao na rastenje plodova paradajza a time i ostvareni prinos

    Morfo-fizioloŔka ispitivanja genotipova kukuruza gajenih u polju i selekcionisanih na osnovu sadržaja abscisinske kiseline

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    Selection program to produce closely related genotypes varying in the leaf content of plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) was done with maize to test morpho-physiological consequences of this genetic modification. The cross was done between two maize lines Polj-17 and F-2 that have previously been shown to differ by up to three-fold in leaf abscisic acid concentration in the field. The progeny was classified into high ABA (H) and low ABA (L) lines according to leaf ABA contents of individual plants in the F4 generation. The lines were studied in the field with the aim to characterize the differences amongst the lines in some morpho-physiological traits (leaf ABA and xylem ABA contents, stomatal conductance, water potential, plant height and leaf number) and yield. Data analysis done by ANOVA program has shown statistically significant differences between two classes of lines in leaf and xylem ABA contents, plant height and number of leaves. Obtained results also showed that high-ABA lines out yielded low-ABA lines. Differences between the ABA lines in both, leaf ABA content and xylem ABA content were unlikely to be due to differences in leaf water status. Therefore, other possible explanations for the genotypic differences and their consequences on yield are discussed.Selekcioni program u kome su obrazovani genotipovi koji se razlikuju u sadržaju biljnog hormona abscisinske kiseline (ABA) u listovima je urađen sa ciljem da se testiraju morfo-fizioloÅ”ke posledice te genetske manipulacije. UkrÅ”tanje je izvrÅ”eno između dve linije kukuruza Polj-17 i F-2 za koje su prethodna ispitivanja pokazala da se razlikuju vise od tri puta u koncentraciji ABA u poljskim uslovima. Na osnovu sadržaja ABA u listovima pojedinačnih biljaka, potomstvo je podeljeno u dve klase i to na linije koje su visoki (H) i niski (L) akumulatori abscisinske kiseline u listovima. Linije su ispitivane u poljskim uslovima sa ciljem da se karakteriÅ”u razlike između njih u nekim morfo-fizioloÅ”kim osobinama (sadržaj ABA u listovima i ksilemu, provodljivost stoma, potencijal vode, visina biljaka i broj listova) i prinos. Analiza podataka je urađena uz pomoć ANOVA programa i ona je pokazala statistički značajne razlike između dve klase linija i to u količini ABA u listovima i ksilemu, visini biljaka i broju listova. Dobijeni rezultati takođe, pokazali su da su linije visoki akumulatori ABA imale veći prinos od linija niskih akumulatora. Razlike između ABA linija u sadržaju ABA i u listovima i u ksilemu nisu bile rezultat razlika u vodnom režimu biljaka. Stoga su diskutovana draga moguća objaÅ”njenja ovih genotipskih razlika i njihovih posledica na prinos