73 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Hulu Hilir, Pemodelan dan Kebijakan Pemerintah pada Agribisnis Kedelai

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    Soybean commodity plays an important role in economy since most of the commodities (95%) are used for agro-industry and 96% of them is raw materials for tofu and tempe agro-industry. Domestic production has not been able to fulfill internal need of it, where 55% is still fulfilled by import. This research is intended to identify the competitiveness of on farm agribusiness of soybean by institutional input and policy simulation; the relation between upstream and downstream system activities of soybean agribusiness; model and strategy to eliminating soybean farmers powerlessnessThe research area was determined purposively in East Jawa Jember considering that Paleran Village was a village that had Prime Farm program and Curah Lele village was the centre village of soybean marked with Prime Farm program. Samples were taken by applying by simple random sampling.Analysis method by using competitive and comparative advantages (competitiveness) applied Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM), policy scenario, modeling and strategy to eliminating soybean farmers powerlessness by Force Field Analysis (FFA); the research results showed:1. Private profitability and social profitability of on-farm agribusiness of soybean in research area had efficiency and comparative and competitive advantages, meaning that on-farm agribusiness of soybean had competitiveness.2. Government policy toward output tradable provided negative effect on on-farm agribusiness of soybean indicated by NPCO value lower than one. Government policy toward input tradable gave positive effect on on-farm agribusiness of soybean performed by NPCI value lower than one. Collectively, government policy on input output tradable and input non tradable affected negatively on on-farm agribusiness of soybean shown by negative NPT and SRP values and PC value lower than one.3. The change of government policy toward import tariff of soybean and exchange rate of rupiah still remained giving positive effects on efficiency and competitiveness of soybean on-farm agribusiness, while the change of government policy on output tradable affected negatively on on-farm agribusiness of soybean. The change of government policy on input tradable still provided positive effects on on-farm agribusiness of soybean. The change of government in input output tradable and input non tradable remained negative, while the effect of the change of government policy on input and output tradable gave positive effects together on on-farm agribusiness.4. On-farm agribusiness of soybean under Prime Farm Program had stronger competitiveness compared to non-prime farm program though held in central area..5. In order to overcome powerlessness of soybean farmers, some efforts on the basis of FFA analysis from upstream to downstream sub-systems are necessarily undertaken, they are:a. Sub-system of up-stream agribusiness; (1) to intensify extension on the field of knowledge and technology; (2) the best quality seeds development and (3) improvement on distribution channel of production tools.b. Sub-system of on-farm agribusiness; organic fertilizer development and intensive supervision by related departments (Agriculture Department), especially on pest and disease control. c. Sub-system of down-stream agribusiness; it is necessary to establish farmers association, soybean industry and to develop modern processing technology such as ketchup and soybean milk.d. Sub-system of marketing is needed to organize market that is related to major agribusiness market.e. Sub-system of supporting services; it is important to develop market at village level, to establish agribusiness and to optimize extension personnel that all become strong requirements.Kata kunci: soybean agribusiness, polic


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    Sales of dairy products tend to fluctuate during the covid-19 pandemic. This condition affects income. This study aims to (1) find out the dairy products, (2) find out the income of dairy products, (3) find out the added value of dairy products, (4) know the risk of income from dairy products. The research sample was selected using a purposive method. This research uses descriptive analysis, Hayami method added value analysis, and coefficient of variation. The results showed that (1) the products produced by the dairy house were pasteurized milk, fresh milk, and ice cream; (2) dairy products provide positive income; (3) the added value of dairy products provides positive added value to the dairy house because of the added value; (4) profitable dairy production activities. To increase the income of dairy houses during the pandemic, it is necessary to diversify other dairy products, such as making yogurt and milk crackers

    Analisis Kelayakan Finansial, Nilai Tambah Dan Strategi Pengembangan Komoditas Salak Di Kabupaten Jember

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    This research intended to know the suitable zalacca agriculture industrialism through financial method; to know the sensitivity of zalacca agriculture industrialism; to know the amount value of zalacca processing become “dodol salak; and to know the strategy commodity zallaca development. The location of the research is determined by purposive method. The sampling method in this research is taken by Simple Random Sampling and key person. The data that is used are primary data and secondary data. The analysis data is used are; (1) the suitable financial, the sensitivity analysis, the amount value analysis, and force field analysis. The result analysis show that: the zalacca agriculture industrialism through financial method is workable; the zalacca agriculture industrialism does not sensitive with any change; the tabulation zalacca become “dodol salak” can give the amount value; the development strategy should be formulated by assembled the farmer to take care the zalacca intensively and to inform that related with the benefit zalacca process and marketing product, it held contiguous for zalacca processing with diversification tabulation for supporting home industry when it is not zalacca season

    The performance of institutional of dairy cattle farmers and their effects on financial, technological, and physical resources

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    The Performance of Institutional give influences to the development of livestock business, and influenced by farmers' access to various resources. The purpose of this study is to examine the institutional performance of dairy farmers and analyze their effects on resources. The study was conducted in May to September 2019 in Pujon Subdistrict, Malang Regency, East Java Province. Respondents are all breeders of Tirtasari Kresna Gemilang KUB (Joint Business Group) of 174 people. The method of collecting data uses FGD (Focus Group Discussion), observation, and survey. The survey was conducted by interview and questionnaire. The variables of research consisted of institutional performance (X), financial resources (Y1), technological resources (Y2), and physical resources (Y3). Data were analyzed using the PLS (Partial Least Square) method. The results showed that institutional performance affected financial, technological, and physical resources, respectively 0.414, 0.367, and 0.289. The conclusion of the research is the institutional performance of dairy farmers with a positive and significant effect on financial resources, technological resources, and physical resources

    Evaluasi Performa Kelembagaan Peternak Sapi Perah Berdasarkan Aspek Risiko Bisnis dan Pengembangan Usaha

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    ABSTRAKPeranan kelembagaan peternakan bukan hanya untuk tindakan preventif bagi para peternak untuk meminimalkan risiko bisnis, tetapi juga bertujuan untuk pengembangan usaha ternak sebagai upaya dalam mendukung kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk: 1) mengevaluasi performa kelembagaan peternak sapi perah berdasarkan aspek risiko bisnis, 2) mengevaluasi performa kelembagaan peternak sapi perah berdasarkan pengembangan usaha, dan 3) menemukan model hubungan performa kelembagaan, pengembangan usaha, dan aspek risiko bisnis. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Pujon, Kabupaten Malang, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian post positivisme ialah: a) performa kelembagaan (X1), b) aspek risiko bisnis (Z1), dan c) pengembangan usaha ternak perah (Y1). Jumlah sampel penelitian yaitu 119 peternak sapi perah. Analisis data menggunakan SEM (Structural Equation Model) dengan SmartPLS 2.0. Hasil penelitian yaitu: 1) performa kelembagaan berpengaruh negatif terhadap risiko bisnis usaha ternak sapi perah sebesar -0,337; 2) performa kelembagaan berpengaruh positif terhadap pengembangan usaha ternak sapi perah sebesar 0,442; dan 3) aspek risiko bisnis dipengarui oleh performa kelembagaan sebesar 22,0%, sedangkan aspek risiko bisnis dipengaruhi oleh performa kelembagaan dan pengembangan usaha sebesar 19,6%. Pengembangan usaha berpengaruh negatif terhadap risiko bisnis usaha ternak sapi perah sebesar -0,210.Kata kunci: evaluasi, kelembagaan, pengembangan usaha, risiko bisnis, dan sapi perah.ABSTRACTThe role of livestock institutional is not only for preventive actions for farmers to minimize business risk, but also for the development of livestock business in an effort to support the welfare of the community. The research aims to: 1) evaluate the performance of dairy farmer based on business risk aspect, 2) evaluate the performance of dairy farmer based on business development, and 3) find the relation of business risk aspect to business development. The study was conducted in Pujon Subdistrict, Malang Regency, East Java Province. The variables observed in post positivism research are: a) institutional performance (X1), b) business risk aspect (Z1), and c) dairy business development (Y1). The number of research sample is 119 dairy farmers. Data analysis uses SEM (Structural Equation Model) with SmartPLS 2.0. The research results are: 1) the institutional performance was negative influenced by the business risk aspect by -0.337; 2) institutional performance was positive influenced bythedairy cattle business development by 0.442; and 3) aspects of business risk was influenced by the institutional performance is 22.0%, while aspects of business risk was influenced by the institutional performance and the business development is 19.6%. the dairy cattle business development was negative influenced by the business risk aspects by -0.210.Keyword: evaluation, institutional, development livestock business, risk of business, and dairy cattle


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    The research concerning Robusta coffee policy has been carried out in Sidomulyo Village, Silo District, Jember Regency. The resylt of the research shows that : (1). The people’s coffee farming has competitive and comparative excellence; (2). The government’s policy to the tradable input has positive impact whereas to the non tradable input has negative impact; (3). The increasing of import tariff in 10 % and 15 % can cause the in creasing of domestic price of coffee, while the decreasing of import tariff in 5 % causes the decreasibg of domestic price of coffee, so this condition has negative impact for the people’s coffee farming and positive impact for coffee industries; (4). The higer the value of rupiahs (in 10 % ang 15 %) becomes the lower the price of tradable social input and tradable coffee output has, as a result the comparative excellence of poople coffee farming tends to be lower; (5). The lowers the value of rupiahs (in 5 %) becomes the higher the price of tradable social input and tradable coffee output has, as a result the comparative excellence of people’s coffee farming tends to be higher; (6). The plantation revitalization especially Robusta coffee farming and agribusness can be done by looking for special market, inventing new business, changing the rules by using information technology, and revitalizing agribusiness institution especially cooperation. So that is way the government has to decide a flexible policy of import tariff of coffee.Key words : Policy; Competitive; Revitalization

    Dampak Perubahan Harga Pupuk terhadap Permintaan Penawaran Kopi Indonesia

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    The complexity of Indonesia and international coffee market is an interesting phenomenon to be checked. Especially in diversity of commodity coffee market. Therefore, this research take the problems of keragaan coffee market and see the existence of change when the component change in variable of former of commodity market coffee domesticly and also international happened. Result of this research is that diversity Indonesia coffee market in econometrics model determined by interaction of linkage and the influence from coffee demand factor that influenced by the amount of the coffee produce, the coffee stock, amount of the Indonesia coffee import and the tapered down with the amount of the Indonesia coffee export. Coffee's demand was influenced by the Indonesia coffee price, the amount of the world coffee import, earnings per capita of Indonesia and tea price. The applying of fertilize price policy have an effect on by simultan to keragaan the Indonesia coffee market especially at the variables of the coffee productivity, the coffee production, coffee supply, areal wide, the coffee price, the coffee demands, the export and import of Indonesia's coffee. The best of policy alternatif is increasing of fertilize price equal to 10%. The increasing of smaller fertilize price will assist on coffee farming if it seen from traditional coffee farmer's side. Keywords : Coffee commodity, Coffee demand, Coffee supply, Fertilizer price

    Analisa Pendapatan, Nilai Tambah, dan Strategi Pengembangan Usaha di Sentra Kerajinan Kulit Selosari Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian dilakukan pada sentra kerajinan kulit di kelurahan Selosari Magetan, Jawa Timur untuk mengetahui tiga hal, yaitu (1) Pendapatan dan efisiensi penggunaan biaya produksi industri alas kaki, (2) Nilai tambah produk, dan (3) strategi pengembangan industri. Data dikumpulkan dari 10 pelaku usaha dan 5 tenaga ahli yang mewakili instansi dan pihak terkait. Data terkumpul diolah menggunakan tiga kategori; analisa R/C ratio, analisis nilai tambah Hayami, dan AHP (Analytical Hierarcy Process). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) rata-rata R/C ratio 1,23; (2) produk alas kaki dari kulit memiliki nilai tambah sebagai berikut; sepatu wanita Rp 30.707,71; sepatu laki-laki Rp 30.129,60; sandal laki-laki Rp 25.281,98; dan sandal wanita Rp 23.475,61; dan (3) strategi yang relatif tepat adalah pada kriteria pengembangan produksi dengan bobot 0,490.Penelitian dilakukan pada sentra kerajinan kulit di kelurahan Selosari Magetan, Jawa Timur untuk mengetahui tiga hal, yaitu (1) Pendapatan dan efisiensi penggunaan biaya produksi industri alas kaki, (2) Nilai tambah produk, dan (3) strategi pengembangan industri. Data dikumpulkan dari 10 pelaku usaha dan 5 tenaga ahli yang mewakili instansi dan pihak terkait. Data terkumpul diolah menggunakan tiga kategori; analisa R/C ratio, analisis nilai tambah Hayami, dan AHP (Analytical Hierarcy Process). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) rata-rata R/C ratio 1,23; (2) produk alas kaki dari kulit memiliki nilai tambah sebagai berikut; sepatu wanita Rp 30.707,71; sepatu laki-laki Rp 30.129,60; sandal laki-laki Rp 25.281,98; dan sandal wanita Rp 23.475,61; dan (3) strategi yang relatif tepat adalah pada kriteria pengembangan produksi dengan bobot 0,490

    Pengaruh Harga dan Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Permintaan dan Penawaran Bawang Merah di Indonesia

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    The excess supply of shallots due to the increase in harvest area in Indonesia in 2019-2020 resulted in a gap between supply and demand, resulting in price fluctuations over time. The price fluctuations that occurred plus the covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 caused low purchasing power and reduced household consumption. The study aims to determine the effect of prices and the Covid-19 pandemic on the demand and supply of shallots in Indonesia. The data used is time series data. Data analysis using multiple linear. The results showed that the demand for shallots in Indonesia increases every year because this commodity is always needed every day, but the demand for shallots is not matched by stable and evenly distributed production in each region every month. Prices and the covid-19 pandemic affect the demand for shallots in Indonesia significantly and significantly, there are also other factors, namely chili prices which have a negative effect on demand, and per capita income which has a positive effect on demand. Prices and the covid-19 pandemic partially have no significant effect on shallot supply in Indonesia. The variable that has the strongest influence on shallot supply in Indonesia is the harvest area variable