38 research outputs found

    Heavy Metal Residues of Copper (Cu) and Timbal (Pb) in the Oyster by Boiling and Frying Process

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    Waste come from residential, farming, mining and industry are deliberately thrown away into the river. Polluted watershed will stream down to the sea, so that will degrade the quality of water, and affect the quality of natural resources and health problems. Sea polluted by heavy metals such as aluminum, copper, cadmium, timbal, zinc, cobal will impair the ecosystems of sea. Analyze the content of heavy metals residues of timbal (Pb) and copper (Cu) found in the oyster by boiling and frying process. Type of experimental research that uses a completely randomized design. Samples of raw oysters, fried and boiled, each sample was repeated seven times. The content of heavy metals residues of timbal (Pb) in raw oyster, fried oyster, boiled oyster: 0,2686; 0,1687 ;0,1591 mg/kg and heavy metals residues of copper (Cu): 0,0513; 0,0265; 0,0167 mg/kg. There is significant difference in the content of heavy metals residues of timbal (Pb) in raw oyster, fried oyster, boiled oyster: p=0,000). While in the fried oyster and boiled oyster, p=0,009. There is significant difference in the content of heavy metals residues of copper (Cu) in raw oyster, fried oyster, boiled oyster: p=0,000). While in the fried oyster and boiled oyster, p=0,001. Raw oyster, fried and boiled oyster contain heavy metals residues of timbal (Pb) and copper (Cu)

    Pengaruh Supervisi Akademik Terhadap Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru di Daerah 3T (Terdepan, Terpencil, Tertinggal)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the implementation of academic supervision in the 3T area in Bengkayang Regency; (2) the influence of academic supervision in the 3T (frontier, outermost, and least developes) areas in particular in Bengkayang Regency on improving teacher competence and professionalism. This research is a mix method research with the Sequential Exploratory model which is a combination research method between qualitative methods first and then strengthened by quantitative methods. The research subjects in this study were school supervisors, school principals and teachers in the Bengkayang Regency area, which were included in the 3T category. The instruments used in this study were interview guides, questionnaires and also observations. The results showed that (1) the process of academic supervision carried out in the 3T area in Bengkayang Regency could not be implemented according to the provisions proposed by the government, because there was limited access to locations with long distances between schools. Another problem with the academic supervision process in the 3T area is the lack of evaluation or feedback given by supervisors to teachers, so that the shortcomings of teachers cannot be conveyed properly. (2) The academic supervision program that has been implemented in Bengkayang Regency has no significant effect on increasing teacher competence and professionalism. Many other factors influence the competence and professionalism of teachers in the Bengkayang Regency area.The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the implementation of academic supervision in the 3T area in Bengkayang Regency; (2) the influence of academic supervision in the 3T (frontier, outermost, and least developes) areas in particular in Bengkayang Regency on improving teacher competence and professionalism. This research is a mix method research with the Sequential Exploratory model which is a combination research method between qualitative methods first and then strengthened by quantitative methods. The research subjects in this study were school supervisors, school principals and teachers in the Bengkayang Regency area, which were included in the 3T category. The instruments used in this study were interview guides, questionnaires and also observations. The results showed that (1) the process of academic supervision carried out in the 3T area in Bengkayang Regency could not be implemented according to the provisions proposed by the government, because there was limited access to locations with long distances between schools. Another problem with the academic supervision process in the 3T area is the lack of evaluation or feedback given by supervisors to teachers, so that the shortcomings of teachers cannot be conveyed properly. (2) The academic supervision program that has been implemented in Bengkayang Regency has no significant effect on increasing teacher competence and professionalism. Many other factors influence the competence and professionalism of teachers in the Bengkayang Regency area

    Tanggapan Beberapa Varietas Terung Terhadap Penyakit Layu Bakteri Dan Pengendalian Hayatinya Dengan Pseudomonas Fluorescens Response of Some Varieties of Eggplant on Bacterial Wilt Disease and Its Biocontrol Asing Pseudomonas Fluorescens

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    Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan beberapa varietas terung terhada p enyakit layu bakteri yang disebabkan oleh Ralstonia Solanacearum dan pengadilan hayatinya dengan Pseudemanos fluorescens, dilakukan dilaboratorium dan rumah kaca pandak, bantul, Jogjakarta. Penelitian in vitro dirancang dalam bentuk rancangan acak lengkap, dengan perlakuan antagonis P. fluorescen dihadapkan dengan R. soalanacearum dalam medium agar, dan diulang 10 kali, pengujian secara in planta dirancang dalam bentuk rancangan Acak kelompok, dengan factor yang dicoba :1) variates terung, yaitu marunasu, chunasu, mitonasu, dan kopek (control), dan 2) konsentrasi P. fluorescens, yaitu control, 106, 107, dan 108 upk/ml. setiap kombinasi perlakuan diulang 3x. variable yang diamati adalah zona penghambatan, masa inkubasi, intensitas penyakit, jumlah koloni P. flourescens. Tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun bobot basah tanaman, dan bobot kering tanaman, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variates terung kopek (variates local)merupakan variates yang tahan dan diantara variates Jepang. Mitonasu adalah variates yang tahan. Konsentrasi P. fluorescens yang efektif terhadap empat terung adalah 108 upk/ml, dengan intensitas penyakit yaitu 5,90 persen

    Kuat Medan Listrik dan Medan Magnet pada Peralatan Rumah Tangga dan Kantor

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    Measurements of electric and magnetic fields strength of electronic household appliances and office equipments were conducted in Jakarta (Duren Sawit and Paseban sub-districts). Samples of home appliances include television, radio, electric bulb, refrigerator, microwave oven, iron, washing machine, heating jar, AC, and fan. The only samples of office equipment are computers. In addition to home appliances and office equipment, electric and magnetic fields strength were also measured in living rooms, and in office working rooms. The instrument used for the electric and magnetic fields strength measurement is Holaday portable field strength meters model HI 3604. Among all the household samples, television (310 V/m in 100 cm from the source), and iron (1680 V/m in 3 cm from the source) exposed the highest electric field. While the highest magnetic field exposure is from microwave oven (8,25 µT in 3 cm from the source; 4,45 µT in 30 cm from the source; 0,72 µT in 100 cm from the source). The highest electric field exposure of the living room was detected in Paseban district (44,6 V/m) and the higest magnetic field exposure was detected in the working rooms (0,073 µT).In this study the electric and magnetic fields exposures measured from various home appliances, office equipments, and office working rooms were still under the value of International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA)ZWorld Health Organization (WHO) recommendation in 1990

    Pemantauan Kualitas Udara di Daerah Rawasari dan Pulogadung, Jakarta

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    Total suspended particulate matter (TSP), sulphur dioxide (S02) and nitrogen dioxide (N02) have been monitored at Rawasari district and industrial area Pulogadung in Jakarta as part of the Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS/WHO)/Air Network since 1978. This study reports the yearly trend of TSP, S02, N02 during 1986-1995, and water soluble sulfate and nitrate content in particulate during 1986-1990, in both sites. There are similar patterns of the yearly change of TSP, SO2, NO2 in both sites during the monitoring period of 1986-1995, and sulphate and nitrate during the monitoring period of 1986-1990. The TSP levels in Rawasari and Pulogadung area are stable during 1986-1995 in the range of 150-300 pg/m3. The annual average concentrations of S02 and N02 up to 2.50 pg/m3 and 14.71 pg/m3 respectively, are observed. The sulphate levels in both sites tend to decrease, while the nitrate levels tend to increase. The sum of sulphate and nitrate content comprised at maximum of 8.20% of the total mass of TSP in Rawasari site, and 7.40% of mass of TSP in Pulogadung industrial site

    Jamban Keluarga di Kecamatan Denpasar Barat dan Sukawati, Kabupaten Badung dan Gianyar, Bali

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    A waterseal latrine survey was conducted in 1981 to evaluate the waterseal latrine program. The survey was done ini the province of Bali, in 2 sample areas: the subdistrict of Denpasar Barat the regency of Bandung, and the subdistrict of Sukawati the regency of Gianyar.These two regencies were similar in demographic characteristic and composition, but they were different in population density.In general, Denpasar Barat is more crowded than Sukawati. The result showed, that :The waterseal latrine program was fully implemented in 1981. However, 24,4% of the waterseal latrines were not in function. These could have been influenced by the attitude, interest and impres¬sion of the local people. The waterseal latrine that were not in function were highly significant associated with the status of the latrines (public or private).The distance between the waterseal latrines and ground water sources in Denpasar Barat was mostly < 10 m, and that of Sukawati was mostly > 10 m. The distance between the waterseal latrines and ground water sources was highly significant associated with the location of the districts (Denpasar Barat and Sukawati)

    Pengobatan Infeksi Cacing Usus yang Ditularkan dengan Perantaraan Tanah (Soil Transmitted Helminths), dengan Pyrantel Pamoate, di YOGYAKARTA

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    The use of pyrantel pamoate in controlling soil transmitted helminthic infection has been studied in a sample of population on low socio-economic level, consisting of workers of the Madukismo Suger Estate and their families. Pyrantel pamoate proved to be more effective to Ascaris lumbricoides and hookworm than to Trichuris trichiura infection. The cure rates found were 90.2%, 57.5% and 3.7% for A. lumbricoides, hookworm and T. trichiura respectively, while in the hookworm infection the drug was more effective to Ancylostomiasis duodenale than to Necator americanus. The result of the study showed, that 6 months after treatment was still found a reduction of the prevalence of A. lumbricoides infection to 27.2% (from 74.4% to 47.2%) and a reduction of the egg count from 6352 to 3348 per gram of stool. After one year the prevalence rate and the intensity of Ascaris infection reached almost the same level as that before treatment. As regards the hookworm infection, it seemed that the treatment was still effective after a period of one year. Prior to the treatment the prevalence rate was 36.3% and the egg count was J37 per gram of stool, while one year after treatment they were still reduced to 23.97c and 39 respectively

    Faktor Determinan yang Mempengaruhi Pilihan Penolong Persalinan: Analisis Lanjut Sdki 1994

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    Since the first five years development plan, the coverage as well as the quality of maternal health services have been improved considerably, however the maternal mortality ratio has not shown any sign to decline so far. The Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) has shown high coverage of ante natal care in 1991 as well as in 1994, but more than fifty percent of deliveries are still assisted by the Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA). This further analysis using secondary data of IDHS 1994, covering ever-married women aged 15-49 years who has children born in the last 5 years period prior to the survey. The purpose of this analysis is to identify determining factors which affected the choice of pregnant women to deliver assisted by TBA. The potential determinant factors were analyzed consisted of: demographic, socio-economic and biomedical characteristic. The analysis was using descriptive and inferential statistics (bivariat). The result showed that 20449 children were born in the last 5 years period prior the survey, and 8084 children were born to mothers with more than 3 times ante natal care, but 71 percent of their deliveries were assisted by TBA. Traditional Birth Attendant still played an important role to assist deliveries, in Java-Bali region 79 percent and in Outer Java-Bali 59 percent of deliveries were assisted by TBA. Deliveries in the rural area (77 percent) are more likely to be assisted by TBA than in urban areas (51 percent). The statistical analyses showed that children born to parents with lower educational levels, living in rural areas, and who are less exposed to information media, are more likely to be assisted by TBA. From this analysis it is recommended a) to intensify health education; pregnancy health care and save delivery through social activities and information media, b) to improve TBAs' knowledge to identify early signs of high risk pregnancy and delivery and c) to improve the utilization and coverage of village midwives to assist deliveries

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Bayi Lahir dengan Berat Badan Rendah (Analisis Lanjut Sdki, 1994)

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    Efforts to improve human quality should start early from intra uterine growth which depends on the mothers health status including safe reproduction. Low birth weight is one of the risk factors that influences infant mortality especially during perinatal periods. The objective of this analysis is to study the factors which influence low birth weight such as socio economic charactersitics (mother\u27s education, mother\u27s occupation, and economic status), biomedical factors (age, parity, pregnancy history) and antenatal care (frequency, assistance during antenatal care, gestational age at first antenatal) Source of data for the analysis were obtained from the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS), 1994. The data were analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics (logistic-regression) The results showed that only 47,5% children born in the last five years preceeding the survey have their birth weight taken. Among children with recorded birth weight 7,1 % have low birth weight. Twenty one percent of low birth weight infants were born premature. Four out of 9 variables which were suspected as risk factors were frequency of antenatal care less than 3 times (OR=1,40), mothers with only primary education (OR=l,29), mother aged less than 20 years (OR=l,28) and previous pregnancy history with abortion/ stillbirth (OR—1,38). Considering the above mentioned factors it is recommended: a) To promote health education especially to mothers from low socio economic status particularly, about fetal growth and recognition of early signs of high risk, b) to start antenatal care in the first trimester with minimal frequency of 4 times during gestation period, c) plan the parity during the safe reproduction age (20-34 years), and d) to improve social and family supports by upgrading woman\u27s education level as well as economic status so that they have better access to health services

    Inovasi Berbasis Pengguna: Survei Industri Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih Di Indonesia

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    . Innovation has a role in improving firm\u27s performance, as well as to build the firm\u27s competitiveness. Firms whose continuously innovate will be more adaptive and competitive in changing market. The firm\u27s need to innovate is in almost all industrial sectors, including clean water technology industry. The diversity of water treatment technology emerged to meet various need of user. This study aims to examine how the different characteristics of users influence the degree of innovations novelty produced by water treatment technology manufacturers. The method used is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodsthrough conducting surveys and in-depth interviews. The results showed that differences in the characteristics of users will influence the degree of novelty of innovation in water treatment technology industries. There are three characteristics that influence the degree of novelty of innovation, namely technology needs, innovation funding and user involvement in the development process of innovation. Efficiency based innovation, flexibility of innovation funding, and increasing user involvement in the development of innovation will increase the degree of novelty of innovation