186 research outputs found

    The effects of internationalisation on domestic labour demand by skills : Firm-level evidence for Belgium

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    We empirically investigate the effects of the internationalisation of Belgian firms on domestic demand for production and non-production workers, which are used as proxies for unskilled and skilled labour. Distinction is made between home-employment effects of firms’ internationalisation, through either international trade or outward foreign direct investment, in highincome countries and in low-income economies. The results of our econometric analysis, using data over 1997-2007, suggest that increasing import shares from low-income countries or investing in those countries significantly reduces demand for low-skilled labour, while it increases demand for skilled labour. An increase in exports generally raises the demand for production workers, while it reduces the demand for non-production workers. However, these effects are reversed in the case of exports to low-income countries. Considering the impact of FDI, our results tentatively suggest that the setting up of a new international investment project has a positive impact on demand for non-production workers one period before it is made. This positive effect is offset in the long run, particularly in the case of investment in low-income countries.labour demand, international trade, outward FDI, skilled and unskilled labour

    Imunoekspresi EphB4 Pada Karsinoma Endometrium

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    Karsinoma endometrium merupakan keganasan invasif pada traktus genitalia wanita yang paling sering terjadi. Ketidakseimbangan hormonal yang salah satu penyebabnya adalah paparan estrogen yang berlebihan, dapat menyebabkan hiperplasia endometrium yang berisiko untuk menjadi karsinoma. Reseptor EphB4 merupakan salah satu subtipe dari reseptor Eph yang termasuk dalam reseptor tirosin kinase. Aktivasi reseptor EphB4 oleh ligannya, ephrin-B2, memegang peranan penting dalam embriogenesis dan morfogenesis berbagai organ dewasa termasuk endometrium, serta pada karsinogenesis berbagai jaringan. Penelitian imunohistokimia dilakukan dengan menggunakan antibodi EphB4 terhadap 30 sampel karsinoma endometrium. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi dan intensitas imunoekspresi reseptor EphB4 pada karsinoma endometrium diferensiasi baik, sedang, dan buruk, serta hubungan imunoekspresi EphB4 dengan gradasi histopatologis karsinoma endometrium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa imunoekspresi EphB4 tampak pada permukaan lumen, membran, dan sitoplasma sel epitel kelenjar endometrium. Distribusi imunoekspresi reseptor EphB4 pada karsinoma endometrium diferensiasi baik, sedang, dan buruk berbeda tidak bermakna, sedangkan intensitas imunoekspresi EphB4 tampak paling kuat pada karsinoma endometrium diferensiasi baik dan paling lemah pada karsinoma endometrium diferensiasi buruk (p<0,01). Intensitas imunoekspresi EphB4 berhubungan terbalik yang bermakna (p<0,01) dengan gradasi histopatologis karsinoma endometrium, semakin lemah intensitasnya, semakin tinggi gradasinya. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah intensitas imunoekspresi EphB4 dapat digunakan sebagai indikator keganasan dan memungkinkan untuk diagnosis dini karsinoma endometrium

    The life and times of Won Hyo

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    Profitability and Correlation Between Koica Milk Shop and Dairy Farm in Selupu Rejang, Bengkulu, Indonesia

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    The objective of this research was to analyze profitability and correlation between KOICA milk shop and dairy farms in Selupu Rejang, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, Indonesia.  Data driven were  general condition, performance of Milk Shop, performance of dairy farms, and the correlation between KOICA milk shop and dairy farmer are evaluated.  The methodology started by census that chosen only KOICA milk shop owner and dairy farmers who pooled the milk to KOICA milk shop.  Data collected then tabulated and analyzed using Excel and Regression.  The result showed that both KOICA milk shop and dairy all were gained properly benefit from dairy business. For the average, it was about IDR 6,557,057.75 per month equivalent to USD 493 as a profit in KOICA milk shop. The profit was depending on the milk production from dairy farmer only, if they couldn’t milk from dairy cow, KOICA milk shop won’t be able to earn money. The dairy farmers were also got IDR 3,620,311.09 (USD 272) per month as the average profit from milk, compost and calve.  There was very high correlation between the milk produced by dairy farmers then processed by Koica Milk Shop and its profit was r : 0.99. The discovering of this research was very valuable information, and also important to whom it may concern in dairy business as well as dairy farmers and Government for applying or understanding to develop new strategies for reducing production costs and to increase the profit by using model of whom successful in dairy business

    Efek Pajanan Timbal Terhadap Infertilitas Pria

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    Industrial and technological advances have brought a great benefit in human life, but these also bring negative effects to human and environment. Several toxic agents often influence human health, one of them is lead which give toxic effect on male reproductive  system. Lead can cause male infertility through two main mechanisms. First, lead reduces the mannose receptors so that the sperms are unable to conduct the acrosome recation, or cause premature acrosome reaction. Secondly, lead competes with zinc in binding protamine, as the result, it will interfere the chromatin stability of the sperms which are closely related to  male fertility.  &nbsp

    Efek Infusa Daun Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Terhadap Larva Nyamuk Culex SP.

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    Insidence of filariasis in Indonesia is still increasing and this disease may cause many disabilities. In order to decrease the incidence rate, we can interfere with the life cycle of Culex, the filariasis vector, by using  larvicides.    Most  larvicides  sold  in  the  market  contain  chemical  substances,  such  as  temephos. Therefore, it is necessary to find out more friendly natural larvicides, which are effective but safe; one of them is Papaya Leaves Infusion (PLI). The aim of this research is to find out the effectiveness of PLI as a larvicide  of  Culex  sp.  and  compare  it  with  temephos  powder.  This  research  is  a  real  comparative experimental laboratory study using complete randomized design. 720 Culex’ larvae were divided into 6 treatment  groups,  each  group  was  given  Papaya’s  Leaves  Infusion  1%,  1.5%,  2%,  2.5%,  aquadest (negative  control),  and  temephos  1%  (positive  control).  The  observed  data  were  the  numbers  of  killed larvae within 24 hours. The data were analyzed using one way ANOVA which was continued by  Tukey HSD ( = 0,05). The result showed that PLI 1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 2.5% had very significantly different effects compared to the negative control (p=0.000), but there was no significantly different effect between PLI 2 % and temephos 1%. It is concluded that PLI  2% has a larvicide effect as strong as temephos does. &nbsp

    Analisa Pola Persediaan Bahan Baku dengan Memperhatikan Perencanaan Produksi pada PT. M di Surabaya

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    Tugas akhir ini membahas mengenai perancangan sistem informasi di supermarket yang dapat memadukan proses transaksi pembelian, penjualan, maupun pemeriksaan persediaan barang yang membutuhkan suatu perangkat transformasi informasi menjadi keputusan yang merupakan keberhasilan manajemen informasi. Dengan adanya pemrosesan komputer secara on-line maka semua proses pembelian, retur pembelian, penetapan harga barang, pemeriksaan dan pengendalian persediaan barang, rekapitulasi transaksi penjualan, dapat dilakukan secara bersama-sama, karena itu dibutuhkan perangkat penunjang yang bersifat multi user, sehingga kompleksitas dan keterpaduan pemrosesan data untuk mengambil keputusan pada seluruh kegiatan supermarket, serta menghasilkan laporan yang akurat dan tepat pada waktunya. Perancangan sistem dan program ini didukung olah btrieve yang dijadikan sebagai program database standar oleh Novell Company didalam melengkapi konfigurasi Net- work. dan turbo pascal untuk berkomunikasi dengan pemakai (user) serta netware untuk multi user yang mampu mengerjakan operasi untuk banyak pemakai pada suatu jaringan. Melalui sistem ini dapat dihasilkan suatu database yang mampu menjadi landasan semua analisa tentang pembelian, penjualan, evaluasi, dan berbagai analisa market serta finansial

    Efek Gelombang Elektromagnetik Telepon Seluler Terhadap Spermatozoa Mencit Galur BALB/C

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    Nowadays, cellular phones are widely used, but most people seem do not aware of the effect of radio frequency electromagnetic radiation (RFEMR) on human body, especially the male reproduction system.   The objective of this study is to  investigate the biological effects of RFEMR of cellular phone  on sperm  motility and sperm count. Sixteen mice of BALB/c strain were divided into four groups: mice in the control group were not exposed to RFEMR, mice in the the first group were exposed to 20 times/day intensity, the second group to 40 times/day, and the third group to 80 times/day.  Mice were exposed to 1900MHz at specific absorption rate of 96 mW/kg for 7 days. Sperm motility and sperm count  were analyzed by means of Oneway ANOVA using SPSS 13.0. There were highly significant differences of sperm  motility between the exposed mice groups and the control group (p<0.01), but no significant differences among the three exposed groups (p>0.05). There were also highly significant differences of sperm count between the exposed groups and the control group (p<0.01), and the differences among the three exposed group were significant too (p<0.05). It can be concluded that exposure to cellular phone electromagnetic radiation may reduces mice sperm motility and sperm count