8 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research and development is to produce a dribbling football learning model for middle school age in the city of Mataram. In addition, this research and development was carried out to obtain in-depth information about the development and application of a soccer dribbling model for middle school age and to know the effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness of children towards the models made. This study uses research & development (R & D) research methods from Borg and Gall. The subjects in this research and development were junior high school students consisting of 60 children. The instruments used in this research and development were questionnaires, questionnaires, and the Dribbling football dribbling test instrument used to collect middle school age children, as for the stages in this research and development, at stages: (1) needs analysis, (2) expert evaluation (initial product evaluation); (3) limited testing (small group trials); and (4) main testing (field testing). Test the effectiveness of the model using ball rolling skills to determine the level of soccer dribbling skills for middle school age before giving the treatment in the form of a dribbling model that was developed and to determine the level of dribbling skills after the treatment or treatment of the dribbling model developed. students amounted to 750, then after being given a treatment in the form of a dribbling model obtained the students' dribbling skill level of 940. Then the model of drawing the ball was effective in improving futsal dribbling learning for junior high school age. Based on the results of the development it can be concluded that: (1) With the dribbling learning model in football for middle school age in the city of Mataram can be developed and applied in physical education learning in schools (2) With the junior high school dribbling learning model that has been developed, there is evidence that this increase is shown in the results of testing the results of pretest and posttest data with significant differences between before and after the treatment model


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu produk berupa Model Latihan Keterampilan Smash Bulutangkis yang dilakukan secara individu dan kelompok demi meningkatkan kemampuan keterampilan smash yang optimal yang memiliki kelebihan dari model sebelumnya, dimana model yang dihasilkan memiliki lebih banyak variasi Smash untuk meningkatkan kemampuan smash bulutangkis. Target yang akan dicapai dalam penelitian pengembangan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu produk program latihan smash yang efisien dan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan keterampilan smash, memperbanyak teknik variasi Smash bulutangkis, dan menghasilkan produk berupa model latihan smash Bulutangkis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan Research & Development (R & D) dari Borg dan Gall. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet bulutangkis di kota Mataram yang tergabung dalam UKM Bulutangkis IKIP Mataram. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian pengembangan ini adalah angket, kuesioner, serta Instrument Tes Ketepatan Smash (Saleh Anasir). bulutangkis yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data kemampuan Smash atlet di kota mataram dijadikan sebagai subjek penelitian. Adapun tahapan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah: (1) Research and information collecting (2) Planning (3) Develop preliminary form of product (4) Preliminary field testing (5) Main product revision (6) Main field testing, (7) Operational product revision (8) Operational field testing (9) Final product revision (10) Dissemination and implementation. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan uji t dengan taraf signifikansi 0.05. Analisis data nilai rata-rata sebelum perlakuan diberikan adalah 21000 dan setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan Model Latihan Keterampilan Smash Bulutangkis 25200, artinya bahwa terdapat peningkatan pada nilai rata-rata dimana standar deviasi pre test 1.929 dan post test 2.565. Dalam uji signifikansi perbedaan dengan SPSS 21 didapatkan hasil t-hitung = -9.957, df = 29 dan p-value = 0.00 < 0.05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada model latihan keterampilan smash sebelum dan sesudah diberi model latihan smash. Temuan pada Model Latihan Keterampilan smash Bulutangkis dapat diterapkan agar nantinya atlet dapat lebih termotivasi dan bervariasi dalam melakukan smash secara efektif dan efisien dengan menggunakan model smash yang berjumlah 30 model latihan smash bulutangkis yang lebih valid. Berdasarkan kebaharuan bahawa model yang saat ini buat adalah spesifikasi kepada model latihan keterampilan smash bulutangkis baik secara individu dan kelompok, sesuai dengan pola gerak motorik atlit tersebut, fakor yang terpenting adalah pada saat gerak motorik, gerakan tangan, siku, badan, kaki dan pada perkenaan shutelcocok pada saat pukulan smash yang terpenting adalah footworksehingga modifikasi adalah target atau sasaran pada saat melakukan pukulan smash bulutangkis sesuai dengan Standard Operational Procedure. sebelumnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat dikatakan bahwa penggunaan model latihan yang dikembangkan secara efektif sehingga meningkatkan model latihan keterampilan smash pada atlet bulutangkis. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to result a product in the form of a exercise model on smash skill in badminton carried out that is performed individually and in groups to improve the optimal Smash skills ability which has advantages of the previous model, where the resulting model has more variation of smash to improve the ability of badminton smash skills. The target to be achieved in this development research is to produce a Smash training program that is efficient and effective to improve skill smash ability, multiply variation technique of badminton smash, and produce a badminton Smash. exercise model. This research uses Research & Development (R & D) methods from Borg dan Gall . The subjects in this study are the badminton athletes in Mataram incorporated in UKM Badminton of IKIP Mataram. The instruments used in this development research are questionnaire, as well as badminton smash acuracy test instrument (Saleh Anasir). Exercise Badminton Modern. are used in data collection of Smash ability on athletes in mataram which serve as the subject of research. The following stages in the research and development are: (1) Research and information collecting (2) Planning (3) Develop preliminary form of product (4) Preliminary field testing Main product revision Main field testing, (7) Operational product revision (8) Operational field testing (9) Final product revision (10) Dissemination and implementation. The analysis of research data used t test with significance level of 0.05. The mean value of data analysis before treatment was given was 21000 and after being treated with the model of smash skills, badminton exercise was 25200. It means that there is an increase in the mean value whereas the standard deviation of pre test is 1.929 and post test is 2.565. In the significance test difference by SPSS 21, it is obtained that the result of t-value= -9.957, df = 29 and p-value = 0.00 <0.05 which means that there are significant differences in the exercise model smash skills before and after the exercise model smash was given. Findings on Badminton smash skills training model can be applied so that later athletes can be more motivated and varied in performing smash effectively and efficiently by using smash model that amounted to 30 models of badminton smash exercise which are more valid. Based novelty The is that the model currently made is the specification to the skill exercise model of badminton smash both in individuals and groups is based on the motor motion patterns of the athletes. The most important factor lies at the motion motor moment, the movement of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, body posture, feet and the racket. At the moment of shuttlecock contact during the smash, the most important part is the footwork, so that the modification is a target or goal at the moment of badminton smash according to the previous Standard Operational Procedure. Based on the results of research, it can be stated that the use of exercises model developed effectively so as improve the model of smash exercise on badminton athletes


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    The researcher found a problem experienced by male students of Sambelia 1 STATE High School in volleyball games, namely to the inability of students to smash in this case the ball is not directed, the target is not precise when doing a smash, and a smash has not crossed the net. The expected goal of this study is to find out whether or not there is a dumbbell curl effect on Smash results in volleyball games in male students of SMA Negeri 1 Sambelia Lombok Timur in the school year 2016/2017. This study used the Experimental method with the design of The Static Group Pretest-posttest Design. The population in this study were all volleyball players of SMAN 1 Sambelia which numbered 12 people. Sampling technique uses population studies. while the data analysis method uses statistical analysis with the t-test formula. Based on the results of this study. In accordance with the reality of data analysis, differences in the effect on players given treatment of smash ability use the dumbbell training method. This situation is supported by the t-test analysis that produces t-counts greater than t-table (6.596> 2.201). There is an influence. Is there any effect of dumbbell curl training on the ability of smash results on volleyball games for male students of Sambelia lombok east high school 1 2016/2017 academic year "

    Efektifitas Model Latihan E-Movement terhadap Peningkatan Kecepatan dan Kelincahan pada Pemain Sepakbola UNDIKMA FC

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu produ k model program latihan e-movement yang efisien dan efektif untuk meningkatkan kondisi fisik seperti kecepatan dan kelincahan latihan e-movement. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan atau desain dengan model eksperimen adalah menggunakan One group pretest–posttest design dengan karakteristik subjek keseluruhan pemain tergabung dalam UKM olahraga yang karakteristik yang populasinya berjumlah 30 pemain yang berumur 20-22 Tahun pemain UNDIKMA FC Mataram yang menjadi sampel adalah berjumlah 18 orang serta teknik sampel menggunakan purposive sampling metode pengumpulan data menggunakan tes perbuatan, obeservasi lapangan dan dukumentasi. Instrument tes yang digunakan adalah tes kecepatan 30 meter dan kelincahan (shuttle run) dari Nurhasan tahun 2000. analisis data menggunakan rumus uji t-test. (Hulfian, 2014:54). Kesimpulan Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai thitung antara e-movement dengan X1 (kecepatan) sebesar 14.803 nilai thitung antara X2 (kelincahan) sebesar 9.703 dan nilai thitung secara simultan antara Y dan X1, X2, ditarik kesimpulan analisis tabel pada taraf signifikan 5% dengan jumlah sampel ( n – 1 ) yaitu 17 sebesar 1.740, maka dalam penelitian ini diterima. Oleh karena itu, hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa ada Efektifitas model latihan e-movement terhadap peningkatan kecepatan dan kelincahan pada pemain sepakbola UNDIKMA FC. kebaharuan Dari hasil penerapan latihan E-Movement tersebut dalam bentuk buku pedoman latihan bagi atlet Kota Mataram Khususnya NTB yang dimodifikasi adalah Standar Operasional Prosedure lebih dimengerti dan sederhan, dan suatu produk program latihan e-movement yang efisien dan efektif. &nbsp

    Improvement of serum cortisol levels in obese female college students after moderate-intensity acute exercise

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    Obesity is a condition that can cause metabolic stress by activating the HPA axis, which impacts increasing stress levels characterized by increased cortisol secretion. The present research aims to investigate the impact of moderate-intensity acute exercise on decreasing cortisol levels among obese female students. A true-experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design was utilized to conduct the study. A total of 20 female students between the ages of 20 and 23, with a BMI ranging from 25-28 kg/m2, voluntarily participated in the research. The participants were divided into two groups: control (n=10) and exercise (n=10) - the latter group being exposed to moderate-intensity acute exercise once as an intervention, with 40-minute sessions and an intensity level of 60-70% HRmax using the Treadmill Life Fitness equipment. The serum cortisol levels were measured through the ELISA 30 minutes pre-exercise and 6 hours post-exercise. The collected data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test with a 5% significance level. The study's findings will help compare the mean serum cortisol levels between the control and exercise groups.  Based on the results of the study, it was found it can be concluded that moderate-intensity acute exercise carried out for 40 minutes/exercise session was effective in reducing serum cortisol levels in obese female students. We recommend exercise to overcome stress-related metabolic health problems in individuals with obesity

    Gerakan masyarakat hidup sehat melalui kegiatan olah raga di masa adaptasi kebiasaan baru

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    Basically, in life, sport is a basic need for every human being at this time. Doing sports can prevent various diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cancer, injuries, and osteoporosis. In addition, exercise is also known to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality and concentration levels, and increase self-confidence. During the current Covid-19 pandemic, exercise can be an alternative in maintaining immune conditions. Therefore, this service activity aims to build public awareness about the healthy living movement through sports activities. Partners in this activity are residents of the Lingkar Permai community, RT 06, totaling 20 people. The activity method is through the transfer of knowledge and practice, while the steps are 1) counseling, 2) practice, 3) mentoring, and 4) evaluation. The results of the activities include 1) the understanding of partners has increased after counseling, the increase has reached 58.06%, and 2) partners can do simple movements taught by the team. Assistance activities still need to be carried out continuously so that people are genuinely aware of healthy livingPada dasarnya di dalam kehidupan olahraga menjadi kebutuhan dasar untuk setiap manusia pada saat ini. Hal ini dikarenakan dengan melakukan olahraga dapat mencegah berbagai macam penyakit, diantarinya: obesitas diabetes, kanker, cedera, dan osteoporosis. Selain itu olahraga juga diketahui dapat mengurangi stres dan kecemasan, meningkatkan kualitas tidur dan tingkat konsentrasi, serta dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Pada masa pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang merebak saat ini, olahraga mampu menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam menjaga kondisi imun. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari Kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk membangun kesadaran masyarakat mengenai Gerakan hidup sehat melalui Kegiatan olahraga. Mitra dalam Kegiatan ini adalah warga masyarakat perumahan Lingkar Permai, RT 06 yang berjumlah 20 orang. Metode kegiatan melalui transfer pengetahuan dan praktik, adapun langkah-langkah 1) penyuluhan, 2) praktik, 3) pendampingan dan 4) evaluasi. Adapun  hasil kegiatan antara lain 1) pemahaman mitra mengalami peningkatan setelah dilakukan penyuluhan peningkatan mencapai 58.06%, dan 2) mitra dapat melakukan gerak-gerak sederhana yang diajarkan oleh tim. Kegiatan-kegiatan pendampingan  masih perlu dilakukan secara kontinu agar masyarakat benar-benar sadar akan hidup sehat

    Pelatihan Atlet Bulu Tangkis Koni Kota Mataram

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    Tujuan Kegitan Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah utuk melatih kondisi fisik atlit bulu tangkis Koni kota Mataram. PKM dilaksanakan di Koni Kota Mataram dengan Mitra Atlet Bulu tangkis yang berjumlah berjumlah 12 atlet yang sudah di verivikasi oleh KONI Kota Mataram. Metode yangg digunakan adalah pendekatan terpadu melalui implemetasi pendamping pelatihan yang sesuai dengan siklus kegiatan pelatihan yang terstandar, yang meliputi analisis kebutuhan pelatihan, perencanaan pelatihan, penyusunan bahan pelatihan, pelaksanaan pelatihan, dan evaluasi pelatihan. Adapun pelaksaan kegitan dengan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut; 1) Sosialisasi atau pemaparan materi 2) peyusunan materi Pendamping Pelatihan peyusunan tes kondisi fisik, 3) pendampingan dalam mengimplementasikan Pelatihan, 4) Evaluasi dan analisis Pelatihan peyusunan instrumen tes serta pengukuran kegiatan. Hasil Pendampingan pelatihan antara lain; 1)  kondisi fisik atlet bulu tangkis KONI Kota Mataram, sebagai bahan rujukan dalam sehingga dapat merumuskan program latihan untuk meningkatkan prestasi atlet, dan 2) peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan tentang melaksanakan latihan fisik, Teknik, taktik, psikologisnya. Rekomendasi Diharapkan dari hasil pelatihan yang telah didapatkan oleh atlet dapat di mengaplikasikan pada proses latihan untuk merumuskan program latihan. Sehingga atlet juga harus meningkatkan keterampilan  secara terus menerus, sebagai wujud dari profesionalismenya seorang atlet. Dengan adanya Pendampingan pelatihan kondisi fisik atlet bulu tangkis Koni Kota Mataram dapat teratasi oleh kegiatan pendampingan pelatihan sehingga memberikan dampak positif untuk meningkatkan prestasi atlet KONI Kota Mataram secara terprogram dan sistematis. Mataram City Koni Badminton Athlete Training The purpose of this Community Partnership Activity (PKM) is to train the physical condition of the Koni badminton athletes in the city of Mataram. PKM was held at Koni Mataram City with Badminton Athlete Partners totaling 12 athletes who had been verified by KONI Mataram City. The method used is an integrated approach through the implementation of training assistants in accordance with a standardized training activity cycle, which includes training needs analysis, training planning, preparation of training materials, training implementation, and training evaluation. The implementation of activities with the following stages; 1) Dissemination or presentation of materials 2) Compilation of materials for Training Facilitators in the preparation of physical condition tests, 3) Assistance in implementing training, 4) Evaluation and analysis of training in the preparation of test instruments and measurement of activities. The results of the training assistance include; 1) the physical condition of the KONI badminton athletes in Mataram City, as reference material so that they can formulate training programs to improve athlete performance, and 2) increase understanding and skills in carrying out physical, technical, tactical, psychological exercises. Recommendations It is hoped that the results of the training that have been obtained by athletes can be applied to the training process to formulate an exercise program. So athletes also have to improve skills continuously, as a manifestation of the professionalism of an athlete. With training assistance, the physical condition of the Mataram City KONI badminton athletes can be overcome by training mentoring activities so that it has a positive impact on improving the achievements of Mataram City KONI athletes in a programmatic and systematic manne