24 research outputs found

    The Effect of Water Sorption and Glass Transition Temperature on Non-Enzymatic Browning Reaction of Food Models

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    This research was aimer/ to study the extend of non enzymatic browning reaction in food models containing the mixture of tapioca starch, casein, sucrose and oh at different moisture contents (2.55%, 5.26%, 7.54%, 15.20%. 15.93% and 23.99%) and storage temperatures (30, 55 and 700C). The non-enzymatic browning reaction was detected from brown color intensity measured by spechtrophotometer and colorimetric methods. The non-enzymatic browning reaction or food model follow pseudo-zero order reaction, suggesting that browning reaction occurred at moisture content above monolayer zone. T-Tg (T storage - Tg prediction) and reaction rate constant (k) plots showed that browning reaction occurred at temperature around glass transition and increased significantly at 150 above Tg of casein. Tapioca starch in the food model was under glassy condition. The mobility of substrate increased and diffused at amorphous matrix. Keywords : glass transition, non-enzymatic browning, glassy, amorphou

    The Effect of Water Sorption and Glass Transition Temperature on Non-Enzymatic Browning Reaction of Food Models

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    This research was aimer/ to study the extend of non enzymatic browning reaction in food models containing the mixture of tapioca starch, casein, sucrose and oh at different moisture contents (2.55%, 5.26%, 7.54%, 15.20%. 15.93% and 23.99%) and storage temperatures (30, 55 and 700C). The non-enzymatic browning reaction was detected from brown color intensity measured by spechtrophotometer and colorimetric methods. The non-enzymatic browning reaction or food model follow pseudo-zero order reaction, suggesting that browning reaction occurred at moisture content above monolayer zone. T-Tg (T storage - Tg prediction) and reaction rate constant (k) plots showed that browning reaction occurred at temperature around glass transition and increased significantly at 150 above Tg of casein. Tapioca starch in the food model was under glassy condition. The mobility of substrate increased and diffused at amorphous matrix. Keywords : glass transition, non-enzymatic browning, glassy, amorphou

    Pengaruh Iklan Televisi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Terhadap Konsumen Rokok Sampoerna A-Mild Pada Mahasiswa S-1 STIBA Program Studi Sastra Inggris Tahun Angkatan 2004-2006)

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    Salah satu bentuk bauran komunikasi pemasaran adalah periklanan. Periklanan dipandang sebagai media yang lazim digunakan oleh suatu perusahaan (khususnya produk konsumsi), karena sifatnya yang dapat menjangkau dari kalangan manapun (barbagai tingkatan pendapatan, beragam budaya, dan lain-lain) membuat periklanan menjadi alat komunikasi yang paling diminati oleh produsen. Dari berbagai media periklanan yang ada, media televisi merupakan media yang dipandang efektif dalam penyampaian pesan. Didalam media televisi juga Nampak begitu hidup dan nyata. Terdapat didalamnya isi pesan, struktur pesan, format pesan, dan sumber pesan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah variabel dalam iklan televisi, mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian, serta untuk mengetahui variabel manakah dalam variabel iklan televisi yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survey yang bersifat explanatory. Penelitian dilakukan pada konsumen rokok Sampoerna A-Mild di STIBA Malang, dengan jumlah sampel 112 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan sampling jenuh atau padat. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, korelasi berganda, regresi berganda dan regresi parsial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang positif serta signifikan antara isi pesan, struktur pesan, format pesan dan sumber pesan dengan keputusan pembelian. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi berganda atau multiple R sebesar 0,572 dengan F hitung 13,021 lebih besar dari F tabel (2,625), sehingga H 0 ditolak dan angka probabilitas 0,000 (p<0,05) yang berarti tingkat keeratan hubungannya sedang.Variabel isi pesan (X1), struktur pesan (X2), format pesan (X3), dan sumber pesan (X4) memberikan kontribusi atau sumbangan terhadap variabel keputusan pembelian yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai R square sebesar 0,327, bisa juga dilihat dari Adjusted R square sebesar 0,302 (yang nilainya selalu lebih kecil dari pada R square ). Variabel sumber pesan merupakan variabel yang dominan dalam keputusan pembelian rokok Sampoerna A-Mild , hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai t hitung sebesar 2,066 dan koefisien beta sebesar 1,183 dengan probabilitas 0,041. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kesimpulannya adalah periklanan dengan keputusan pembelian memiliki hubungan yang sedang, dan variabel yang dominan terhadap keputusan pembelian adalah sumber pesan. Saran yang diajukan adalah perusahaan perlu mengkaji dan mengembangkan sumber pesan dan juga isi pesan, struktur pesan, format pesan sehingga dapat membuat iklan yang efektif lagi, selalu mengikuti selera konsumen dan pangsa pasar. Strategi yang harus dijalankan Sampoerna adalah upaya modifikasi dan perbaikan produk yang berkelanjutan, serta memfokuskan iklan pada dorongan permintaan selektif


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    ABSTRACT The concept of exergy is defined as the maximum theoretical work that would be delivered by a system as it comes into equilibrium with the environment. This method is used to analyze the freezing process. Objective of the research is study of effect medium temperature toward exergy efficiency and freezing rate.The research indicated that lower medium temperature of freezer resulted in a higher freezing rate but with lower exergy officiency. In case of sliced beef meat, freezing rate of 3 cm/h can be obtained with temperature stage of Tma = -3 oC, Tmf = -15 and Tmb = -21 oC, with exergy efficiency 58 %.Diterima: 12 Januari 2007, Disetujui: 20 Mei 200

    Antimicrobial Activity of the Sumbawa Mare Milk

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    The research objectives where to verify the antimicrobial activity of mare milk from Sumbawa island and to further study the characteristics of the antimicrobial compound. The experiments were conducted involving 115 milk samples of Sumbawa mare and three different groups of control milk i.e. from 20 milk samples of working/ cart mares from Java, 2 samples of racing mares from Tangerang horse farm and 15 samples of dairy cows from Bogor. The results concluded that all milk samples of Sumbawa mares contained strong antimicrobial activity as tested to 9 species of bacteria. All control samples did not show antimicrobial activity, except milk samples from racing mares which showed low antibacterial activity. The racing mares were then indentified as crossbred between male Thoroughbred and female Sumbawa horse. This finding supports and suggests that the native Sumbawa horses have genetic potential to the antimicrobial activity in their milk produced. Polarity tests using 5 organic solvents of different polarity indicated that the antimicrobial activity compound was very polar but had lower polarity than water. The bioactive coumpound did not dissolve in non polar hexane but strongly dissolved in the polar methanol solvent. Key words : Mare milk, Sumbawa horses, antimicrobial activity, milk protein

    Antimicrobial Activity of the Sumbawa Mare Milk

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    The research objectives where to verify the antimicrobial activity of mare milk from Sumbawa island and to further study the characteristics of the antimicrobial compound. The experiments were conducted involving 115 milk samples of Sumbawa mare and three different groups of control milk i.e. from 20 milk samples of working/ cart mares from Java, 2 samples of racing mares from Tangerang horse farm and 15 samples of dairy cows from Bogor. The results concluded that all milk samples of Sumbawa mares contained strong antimicrobial activity as tested to 9 species of bacteria. All control samples did not show antimicrobial activity, except milk samples from racing mares which showed low antibacterial activity. The racing mares were then indentified as crossbred between male Thoroughbred and female Sumbawa horse. This finding supports and suggests that the native Sumbawa horses have genetic potential to the antimicrobial activity in their milk produced. Polarity tests using 5 organic solvents of different polarity indicated that the antimicrobial activity compound was very polar but had lower polarity than water. The bioactive coumpound did not dissolve in non polar hexane but strongly dissolved in the polar methanol solvent. Key words : Mare milk, Sumbawa horses, antimicrobial activity, milk protein

    Pengaruh Suhu Media Pembeku terhadap Efisiensi Eksergi dan Laju Pembekuan

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    The concept of exergy is defined as the maximum theoretical work that would be delivered by a system as it comes into equilibrium with the environment. This method is used to analyze the freezing process. Objective of the research is study of effect medium temperature toward exergy efficiency and freezing rate.The research indicated that lower medium temperature of freezer resulted in a higher freezing rate but with lower exergy officiency. In case of sliced beef meat, freezing rate of 3 cm/h can be obtained with temperature stage of Tma = -3 oC, Tmf = -15 and Tmb = -21 oC, with exergy efficiency 58 %.Diterima: 12 Januari 2007, Disetujui: 20 Mei 200

    Antibacterial Activity of Water lily Seed Extract Toward Diarrhea-causing Pathogenic Bacteria

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    The objectives of this study was to observe antibacterial activities of water lily seed, against diarrhea-causing pathogenic bacteria as well as lactic acid bacteria; phytochemistry components in water lily seed and to evaluate each component’s activities against pathogen bacteria. Extraction of antibacterial components in the seed was done by fractional extraction methods using solvent based on its polar level, i.e. hexane, ethyl acetate and ethanol. The activities of each extract was tested by using diarrhea-causing bacteria, Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli K.1.1 (EPEC K1.1) and S. typhimurium with agar well diffusion method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) values were calculated with plate counting. Qualitative phytochemical tests were performed on all extracts. Fractionation was performed on extract with the largest antimicrobial activity by using thin-layer chromatography. The activities of each fraction were tested qualitatively by bio-autography method on thin layer chromatographic plates. The water lily seed had an antibacterial activity against EPEC K.1.1 and Salmonella typhimurium, especially in ethyl acetate extract. Ethanol extract had the same, yet lower activity. Ethyl acetate and ethanol extract of the seed did not show inhibition against the growth of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus sp) and Bifidobacterium bifidum. The MIC and MBC values of the ethyl acetate extract on EPEC K1.1 were 0.89 (mg/mL) and 1.33 (mg/mL), respectively, while similar values of that on S. Typhimurium were 1.11 (mg/mL) and 1.33 (mg/mL¬), respectively. Phytochemistry components within ethyl acetate extract were alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, saponins, and triterpenoids. All fractions in the ethyl acetate extract had antimicrobial activities against EPEC K.1.1 and S. Typhimurium. These fractions were thought to inhibit the growth of the test-microbes by synergic action of each component.Key words: water lily seed, antibacterial, ethyl acetate extrac

    Kajian Energi Kemoreaksi Kapur Api untuk Pengeringan Benih Cabe Merah

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    This research was aimed to study the energy potential of quicklime stone chemoreaction for the application to drying process of red chilli seeds. The experiment demonstrated that chemoreaction energy released from wafer reaction with CaO containing lime stone could be used for drying process of chilli seeds at ambient temperature to a very low moisture, varying of 2.5 - 3.7 % wb. The chemoreaction energy released from reaction between lime stone and plane water was 1.06 kJ/g lime stone. At excessive water condition partcle sizes of lime stone did not affect chemoresctton energy. but smstter size psttictes enhanced tile energy release from the reaction. Using three particle sizes of lime stone the energy efficiency for drying of red chilli seeds ranged 54.0 - 64.0 % and for plane water evaporation ranged 57.4 – 71.6 %. The energy effectiveness for chilli seeds drying was 4.7 kJ/g water and for plane water evaporation was 4.1 kJ/g, implying the presence of bound water in the chilli seeds. Diterima: 1 Juni 2006; Disetujui: 21 Maret 200